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Historical Earth Gods and Generals: A War RPG

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Imperial_Hammer , Jan 17, 2016.

  1. Imperial_Hammer

    Imperial_Hammer Manager Emeritus: RPFs star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 25, 2004


    Gods and Generals: A Civil War RPG


    It is the year 1860 in a very different United States of America. The founding fathers, in drafting the constitution, outlawed slavery. While the Southern states needed time to adjust, they eventually reconfigured their economies away from their reliance on the cotton trade. A more unified nation embraced manifest destiny with gusto, moving westward with great enthusiasm. States grew quickly, and were peppered throughout North America, both big and small. In 1849, gold was discovered in Northern California, and a massive Gold Rush ensued. The western states, however new, quickly grew in wealth and power, as mother lode after mother lode was found throughout the Sierra Nevadas. Naturally, the Federal Government in Potomac took notice and insisted the Western states transfer a percentage of their mined gold back East.

    At first, the amount was small and went towards projects connecting the nation. But this percentage increased yearly, and was increasingly used to fund more and more projects benefiting only citizens in the East. Westerners grew disillusioned as wealth continued to be removed from their lands. What projects that were started did little to improve the lives of the Pacific citizens, and were of poor quality.

    In 1859, pro-secessionists came into power in most western states. One year later, a powder keg is ready to be lit. A long harsh winter has buried the rails connecting east and west under feet of snow. The banks of the West are flush with gold, and the troops of the east supervising their transfer are stuck in the Atlantic states. A window of opportunity has opened. Western states have called their militias towards San Francisco. The East, anticipating this move, has called their leaders and armies to Washington DC to plan their response.

    Civil War is upon the American Republic



    * All armies start in their capitols. These are Coastal California for the West and Potomac for the East
    * At the start of the third week of the game, the snows thaw and armies can begin leaving their capitols
    * Each army can only move into an adjacent territory, and can only move once per week
    * Territories are claimed when an army is located in them on a weekly update, which will take place on Saturdays, US Central Time. This is needed to secure control of the region.
    * Three generals can be in one non-capitol territory at once during peacetime

    * Battles begin when two armies from opposite teams are on the same territory at update
    * Only three armies per side can start a battle
    * Armies in adjacent territories can join a battle in progress in the second round.
    * There is no maximum for how many generals can be in a territory once a battle begins
    * Battles will be decided by three six-sided dice throws per general per side made in the OOC thread.
    * GM will roll the dice if not rolled by the general correctly at update
    * All die values will then be summed and compared
    * Die values will form a ratio that will dictate damage taken during the first half of the battle. These will always be in the form of 1:X or X:1.
    * This ratio will refer to a base damage, which is always 10% of the smallest (combined) army.
    * This process will occur twice. Once at the midway point of the battle (first Saturday) and once to conclude the battle (second Saturday). Dice are not rolled at the beginning to give players the chance to build support.

    Example 1: One general with an army of 10k rolls three sixes (18 total) and the enemy general with an army of 5k rolls three ones (3 total). The base damage is 500 (10% of 5k) and the damage ratio will be 6:1. The 10k army will lose the base damage and be at 9500, the 5k army will lose 6x base (3000) and end at 2k.

    Example 2: One general with an army of 10k rolls three ones (3 total) and the enemy general with an army of 5k rolls three sixes (18 total). Base damage is 500 and the damage ratio is 1:6. The 10k army loses (500x6) 3000 soldiers and be at 7000k. The 5k army will lose 500 and be at 4.5k.

    Example 3: One general with an army of 10k rolls three fives (15 total) and the enemy general with an army of 5k rolls three fours (12 total). Base damage is 500 and damage ratio is 5:4, or 1.25:1 . 10k army loses 500 and is at 9.5k. The 5k army loses 625 (500*1.25) and is at 4.375k

    Example 4: One general with army of 17k rolls 13 total, the enemy general with an army of 12k rolls a 7 total. Base damage is 1.2k (10% of 12k) and damage ratio is 13:7 or 1.86:1. 17k army loses base and becomes 15.8k. 12k army loses base*1.86 (2.23k) and becomes 9.77k.

    Example 5: Two generals with armies of 10k and 8k respectively roll 20 (General one rolls a twelve, general two rolls an eight). The singular enemy general of 12k roles a five. Base damage is 1.2k (10% of 12k) and damage ratio is 20 to 5, or 4:1. Each general loses the base (10k-1.2k=8.8k and 8k-1.2k= 6.8k), whereas the enemy general loses x4 base and is at (12-4.8= 7.2k).

    * Each battle has two rounds. At the end of round two, the side with the largest amount of troops wins.

    * Every day, from when the battle is formally declared to when it ends, generals have the option of writing one detailed quality post about the battle. Naturally, nothing should can be included suggesting the nature of the battle before the mid-battle update. For each post, 1000 extra “support troops” will be gained. These support troops are the citizens, sympathizers, and mercenaries from the state, defending their home along with your army. These support troops are temporary, and need to be re-earned every battle. The maximum support that can be earned in each battle is 7k per week (one support post per day).

    Example: 5k army goes up against a 10k army. 5k army general writes seven support posts before the first update, while the 10k army general writes none. The mid-battle update becomes 5k regular + 7k support = 12k army vs. 10k regular + 0k support = 10k army. 12k vs. 10k. After battle, support soldiers return to their homes and jobs and the traditional armies move on.

    Quality posts will be loosely interpreted to include anything that is at least a paragraph in length, uses some adjectives or adverbs, and roughly follows the rules of the English language.

    * A retreat can be called anytime during the second week of a battle. The retreating side can move to any adjacent friendly territory. The non-retreating side will need to stay in the territory to win the battle and capture the land.

    Post - Battle
    * The losing side in a battle automatically retreats to an adjacent territory (or the nearest in moves adjacent territory in a crowded field).
    * In addition to the automatic move, a losing general can move a second time in the week following a battle to get some distance between their army and their opponent.
    * Generals that lose their entire army must return to the capitol and wait a week before departing for the field.
    * All armies that remain in a territory (as in, does not move for their turn) will heal 1000 troops per week.
    * You cannot heal above your army size. If you choose to heal at only 800 soldiers under your maximum, you will gain only those 800, not 1000.


    This game takes place in this alternate reality United States:


    This game takes place in the lower states. Hawaii, Alaska, and all overseas territories are inaccessible.

    This map will be updated weekly. For the purpose of this game, each state has one city, which also serves as its capital. These will usually be the largest city in the region, and will be provided by the GM as the game progresses.



    The first two weeks will be spent making introductions, preparations and so forth at your respective capitols. The war begins on week three. Battles take two weeks, with a mid-battle report in the weekend between them. Battles are resolved at the end of the second week.


    Other Notes

    - Technology is the same this game as it would be during the 1860s. No planes, no automobiles. Troops move on foot and by horse. Rail is available, but only in special circumstances dictated by the GM.
    - Tags to other players can be done in person if the generals are in the same territory, through messenger if the generals are adjacent, and through post if the tagged player is more than one territory away from the player.
    - In-Game Knowledge: Troop positions are common knowledge. These are big enough movements to be known by both sides. Intra-faction communications, however, are not common knowledge and exploitation of in-faction communication will be considered god-moding.


    1.) GM is God!
    2.) Respect the TOS
    3.) No Godmoding ever
    4.) No Spamming, Trolling, Baiting
    5.) Keep it clean (language and ICs)
    6.) Players may play one general and as many supporting characters as desired
    7.) Time progression will be according to the calander
    8.) Death is always real in my RPGs
    9.) OOCs will be in the OOC thread
    10.) GM reserves the right to add his 21.8k troops to the underpowered team if the statistics derp up the power distribution by more than double.
    11.) GM reserves the right to periodically round numbers at his discretion. This will be done only at non-critical moments. Soldiers lost can be attributed to disease, soldiers gained can be attributed to recruitment. This will never exceed 10 soldiers in either direction.
    12.) Any other questions can be PMed to me
    13.) Dice rolls can take in the OOC thread without GM approval


    Character Sheets

    - Characters in this RPG are meant to be partial representations of yourself (see stats). You are encouraged to craft characters with some resemblance. To this end, I'll be allowing female characters, even though they are not accurate for the time. Armies will also be integrated, though lean predominantly male.

    Character Sheet:
    Faction: (Do this first!) - Role one six sided dice in the War Room once. If it’s even, you’re fighting for the east. If it’s odd, you’re fighting for the west. This can only be done once per player and its result is final. Be sure to match your bio with this result.

    Skin Color:
    Hair Color:
    Eye Color:
    Facial Features / Other Points:

    Base Traits (See Guide Below)
    Personal Fame:
    Famous Family:
    Base Army Size:

    Determining your Traits

    Your power in this game will be determined by the number of men and women that follow your character. A feature of this game is that this will vary based on the player. What follows is the guide to determine your base army size. Based on your decisions throughout the game, this will change.

    Base Traits

    Start with one point. Every point you have below is equivalent to 1000 soldiers

    - Start: 1 point
    - Experience: One point for every year you’ve been on the boards before 2015 (Ex: If you registered in 2010, you have five points for this trait). This can be updated on your birthday.
    - Training: One point for every thousand posts you’ve written. This is calculated only at game start and does not accrue. Remainders do not get rounded up (Ex: If you have 7500 posts, you have seven points for this trait.)
    -Personal Fame: If you are currently a VIP, add 1 point here. If you are currently a moderator, add 2 points here. If you are currently an admin, add 3 points here. This can be updated upon promotion.
    -Famous Family: If you’re emeritus (past mod or admin), add 1 point here
    -Hero: Add 0.1 points for every 100 likes. This is calculated only at game start and does not accrue. Remainders do not get rounded up. (Ex: If you have 450 likes, add .45 points).

    ***Post your point total (x1000) as your army size***

    Supplemental Buffs

    Personal Buffs
    - Organization: If your army has a name, add 1000 soldiers. Declared during the first two weeks.
    - Rally: If your army has a flag, add 1000 soldiers. Declared during the first two weeks.
    - Epic Tale: For every quality “journal post”, 10 soldiers will be added to both your immediate army size and its overall cap. Journal posts must be clearly marked and only one per day will be counted. They will be added at the end of each weekly period. Quality posts will be loosely interpreted to include anything that's at least a paragraph in length, uses some adjectives or adverbs, and roughly follows the rules of the English language.

    Team Buffs
    * Voting for these can be done at any time. If you are not in the capitol, your vote can be mailed. All of these (including territory) will be applied after week two.

    -Independence: If the majority of your team members agree to a name, add 1000 soldiers
    -Nationalism: If the majority of your team members agree to a flag, add 1000 soldiers
    -Constitution: If the majority of your team members agree to an original foundational document, add 1000 soldiers. For the West, this is a constitution. For the East, this is a statement of principles justifying war and defending unification.
    - Territory: Each claimed state adds 100 soldiers per army.

    -Leadership: If the majority of your team members agree to elect a willing president, add 1000 soldiers. Presidents must announce their candidacy ahead of the vote. Once elected, the President can never leave the capitol, nor can they enter into battle. They have the power, however, to issue commands to their armies. Commands issued will expect to be obeyed the following week. If commands are disobeyed, the insubordinate army automatically loses 50% of their soldiers until the command is fulfilled. Presidents may also periodically be issued special missions to add additional buffs to their team.

    -Rank: Each team can decide a command hierarchy. Each comes with a particular buff. These are:

    * General of the Army (5 Star) – 1 Player: Add 4000 soldiers
    * Senior General (4 Star) – 1 Player: Add 3000 soldiers
    * Lieutenant General (3 Star) – 1 Player: Add 2000 soldiers
    * Major General (2 Stars) – 1 Players: Add 1000 soldiers
    Everyone else has the rank of Brigadier General (1 Star).

    Each position above brigadier general requires majority vote. All promoted generals can issue commands to their subordinates. Commands must be clearly noted. If commands are disobeyed, the insubordinate army automatically loses 10% of their soldiers until the command is fulfilled. These compound if an army is insubordinate to multiple superior officers.

    *Think carefully about commands. Soldiers win battles after all! Insubordination penalties are wasted potential!

    Post Format

    Because there are a lot of numbers in this game, please write posts in the following format:

    Command Mode
    - Short notes to the GM here, including direction of movement, orders to retreat, commands (if applicable), etc.
    Post Mode

    Type: Epic Tale/Support/President Mode/Normal
    BookExogorth and Point Given like this.
  2. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    @Imperial_Hammer Approved

    Name: Simon Chamberlain

    Gender: Male

    Age: 40

    Skin Color: Caucasian

    Hair Color: Dark Blonde

    Eye Color: Brown

    Height: 6’0

    Weight: 175 lbs

    Facial Features / Other Points: Average facial features with hard looking eyes. A well-groomed goatee on his chin and his dark blonde hair is kept short but, rather unkempt.

    Biography: Born to a wealthy family near Los Angeles his father’s family owned land where gold was found and made their fortune by leasing the land to the miners taking a cut for the profits. With this money they were able to send Simon and his two brothers to good schools and hire tutors. He enlisted in the military to carve his own path separate from his family’s money. His extensive schooling and keen mind gave him a better understanding of tactics and strategy. He was given his commission before the start of the Mexican-American War. Afterwards he rose quickly, if it was due to his metal acumen or, his family’s influence he couldn’t be sure. When the west seceded from the Union his family took a stand with the rebels. Simon was conflicted he’d given an oath to defend the country, but he wouldn’t take up arms against his family or his home. When war was on the horizon Simon made a fateful choice, he chose to fight against the US, taking a position as a Brigadier General in the Western Armies.

    Base Traits
    Start: 1
    Experience: 6
    Training: 0
    Personal Fame:0
    Famous Family: 0
    Hero: 1.27
    Base Army Size: 8,270 troops
  3. Imperial_Hammer

    Imperial_Hammer Manager Emeritus: RPFs star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 25, 2004
    GM's OOC: Because everyone around here is so well liked, I've asked Ramza to up the hero buff to 1 point per 1000 likes instead of 100. This will make it less overpowered, and more in line with the rest of the statistics on the sheet.

    Thank you!

  4. Ramza

    Ramza Administrator Emeritus star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 13, 2008
    Sorry to say it's all my fault, folks; apologies fellow lots of likes havers. :p

    GM Approved!

    Name: Henry “Hank” Williamson
    Gender: Male
    Age: 50
    Skin Color: Caucasian
    Hair Color: Grey, with numerous errant brown hairs
    Eye Color: Brown
    Height: 6’ 0”
    Weight: 235 lbs.
    Facial Features / Other Points: Williamson’s hairline is receding, so he frequently favors a short length cut - which stands in marked contrast to his whiskers, which are often in lengthy disarray.
    Biography: “The Unlikely.” They had called him that. It was the name they gave to portly West Point candidate Henry Williamson when he first showed up. He was large, seemingly slow-witted, prone to personal disorderliness. He’d be gone in a matter of months.

    “The Unlikely.” They stopped calling him that, because his girth betrayed none of his energy, because his apparently slow wits were merely the result of constant tactical evaluation, because his unkemptness was due to his prioritizing others above himself. He was the quintessential graduate, very near the top of his class.

    “Sir.” They call him that because the action he saw in the conflict with Mexico never caused him to flinch, because he became a national hero for his exemplary performance at Veracruz, because he loved his adopted California so that he became a public opponent of the injustices of the East.

    Hank Williamson never had any reservations about seceding from those unjust bureaucrats in Washington, so when he called for troops to guarantee Western freedom, they answered in kind.

    Base Traits
    Start: 1
    Experience: 7
    Training: 24
    Personal Fame: 3
    Famous Family: 0
    Hero: 14.09
    Base Army Size: 49.09*1000 = 49 090
    galactic-vagabond422 likes this.
  5. s_heffley

    s_heffley Chosen One star 7

    Jun 7, 2015
    GM Approved

    Name: Paul Wight
    Gender: Male
    Age: 43
    Skin Color: Caucasian
    Hair Color: Brown
    Eye Color: Blue
    Height: 7'0
    Weight: 442 lbs
    Facial Features / Other Points: Bald. Has a beard. An absolute giant of a man.

    Biography: Born in the east, he was inspired by some of the greatest generals. He began to work at the youngest age he could in order to save a lot of money. With this money, he payed to go to a great school and study battle tactics. When the Mexican American War rolled around, instead of making him a general for the genius he was becoming, the army turned him down because of his size. Depressed, he quit school. He got by in the east for a few years, until the gold rush when he went west to try and recover the wealth he had lost paying for school. He was successful, but instead of going back to school for battle tactics, he went to become an artist. By 1856, he was out of school. Selling paintings, he became even more wealthy. When 1860 rolled around, he was rich and had a family. When the civil war began, he wasn't going to sit by and be rejected again. He bought a small army of mercenaries, leaving the rest of his wealth with his family, he joined the rebels, vowing to get revenge on the army that had rejected him 20 years before.

    Start: 1
    Experience: 0
    Training: 0
    Personal Fame: 0
    Famous Family: 0
    Hero: .16
    Base Army Size: 1160
    galactic-vagabond422 likes this.
  6. Point Given

    Point Given Manager star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Dec 12, 2006
    GM Approved!

    Name: Charles Anthony Frazier
    Gender: Male
    Age: 38 (Birthdate: January 13, 1822)
    Skin Color: Light Brown
    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Brown
    Height: 5 feet 10 inches
    Weight: 167 lbs
    Facial Features / Other Points: Has a lightly large nose. Has a scar running down his left cheek, a souvenir of the Battle of Chapultepec in the Mexican-American War. Also has a close cropped beard and mustache
    Biography: The second son of the famous financer, Harold Frazier, Charles grew up in privilege and wealth in the heart of the city-state New York. Due to disagreements with his father and older brother Johnathan over his place in the Frazier dynasty, Charles joined the American Army soon after graduating Columbia University. By the time the Mexican-American War broke out, he was a First Lieutenant. He served with distinction throughout the war, participating at the battles of Buena Vista, Palo Alto, Veracruz, Chapultepec, and Mexico City, earning the rank of Lieutenant Colonel at the end of the war. He stayed in the army in the interwar periods, much to the displeasure of his family, becoming a Colonel in 1856. At the outbreak of this "Civil" War, he was now promoted to Brigadier General.

    Base Traits
    Start: 1 point
    Experience: 9 points
    Training: 8 points
    Personal Fame: 2 points
    Famous Family: 0 points
    Hero: 7.6 points
    Base Army Size: 27,600 troops
    s_heffley likes this.
  7. BLemelisk

    BLemelisk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 19, 2003
    GM Approved! Let's get some more allegiance rolls in that OOC thread!

    Name: Alexander Augustus Ward, writes “A. A. Ward”
    Gender: Male
    Age: 32
    Skin Color: White, of English descent
    Hair Color: Dark drown, with grays beginning to appear
    Eye Color: Brown
    Height: Approximately 6 feet
    Weight: Naturally 200 lbs., his weight fluctuates while deployed due to lack of fine Massachusetts estate fare
    Facial Features / Other Points: Keeps a manageable Van Dyke, with mustache and lower lip grown in
    Biography: Alexander Augustus Ward was born into the prestigious Francis and Lydia Ward family of Massachusetts in 1828. Being a strong child, his father’s dream for him was to continue the political dynasty started by his great grandfather, who won a high place in the burgeoning Republic after having served with distinction in the Continental army. “A Ward wards the Republic,” Alex had heard his father say countless times, either over brandy and cigars with Boston political elite, or when sending his son off to West Point.

    Acclimating quickly, Alexander was a fine student, however neglecting his politics and philosophy in favor of raw military science. He fancied himself a commander, and when he was called up to serve in the war with Mexico that had been brewing throughout his academy years, he jumped at the chance. Few accounts exist of his actions while on deployment, however all agree he acted honorably, if a little brash and hot headed. He was even one of the first in his unit over the ramparts of Chapultapec castle in the final days of the war.

    Choosing a career in the army befitting his social status and aiming for future political office, he served honorably in the intervening decade. Present in Indian fighting detachments in the West, and then chosen as a U.S. observer to the Crimean War, Alex witnessed firsthand the awful effects of poor logistics and strategic management of the European armies and their misuse of emerging military technologies. He crafted a lengthy report to Congress, and then began to sketch out his own ideas of strategic warfare while he served a stint with the Department of War.

    He was as surprised as any other at the mass secession of the western States during the hard winter of 1860. Eager at the chance to bring the rebellion to heel, he accepted commission as a Brigadier General from his home State in the newly-proposed Grand Army of the Republic.

    Base Traits:

    Start: 1
    Experience: 12
    Training: 1
    Personal Fame: 0
    Famous Family: 0
    Hero: 0
    Base Army Size: 14,000 troops
  8. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    Hammer'd to approval :D

    Faction:East is a beast ;)

    Name: Borus Jabrinsky
    Gender: Male
    Age: 45
    Skin Color: White
    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Green
    Height: 6'8"
    Weight: 320
    Facial Features / Other Points: Scar across left cheek, skin is sun burnt and weather worn, kept shaved clean with mutton chops on the sides.
    Biography: From the back woods of Vermont he is a mountain boy at heart. Still as a lad he had known his duty to serve his great nation, protect it as his father and grandfather's before him had. It was the duty of every man to safe guard this, the nesting ground of the Republic in the New World from the hungry European interests as well as those within that did not appreciate the liberties this great nation afforded them. So he had been taught as a lad and so he had done.

    First as a militia boy in his teens, and then once old enough and with what his father deemed enough 'education' to befit a son of the enlightened east, he was able to enlist in the army. A calling he has never regretted. . .not in any of the border skirmishes, battles with Mexico, nor even in the dull aches of peace. Not until this latest insanity of de-unification in the winter of 1860. How any could be so brazen to cause a civil war over money was a thing that saddened and hardened his heart.

    Base Traits (See Guide Below)
    Start: 1 point
    Experience: 10
    Training: 10
    Personal Fame: 0
    Famous Family: 0
    Hero: 3.37
    Base Army Size: 24,370
  9. DarthIntegral

    DarthIntegral JCC Baseball/SWC Jedi Commish/SOS Cultural expert star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA VIP - Game Host

    Jul 13, 2005
    Inty Created, Hammer Approved

    Name: Gaylord Fitzgerald (Born: Gaylord Smucker)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 38
    Skin Color: Caucasian
    Hair Color: Light Brown
    Eye Color: Blue
    Height: 6’1
    Weight: 185 lbs
    Facial Features / Other Points: Thin beard covering jawbone extends up equally into side burns, about one inch wide in total, and wrapping around to a mustache as well. He’s meticulous about not allowing it to grow to touch his neck, taking time to groom and trim when he can. It’s one of his points of obsession – he has no trouble with a dirty body, dirty clothing, blood, and sweat pouring into his hair, but he cannot allow his beard to be unkempt. He’s missing the lower third of his left ear due to a naval accident early in his life.

    Biography: Growing up in West Connecticut, the fourth, and youngest, child of a poor railroad worker, Gaylord dreamed of a life at sea. His father and uncle idolized The Hero of Lake Erie – Oliver Hazard Perry – and imbued into Gaylord the same hero worship. This put three loves into his heart – family, country, and the open waters of the Great Lakes.

    At the age of 12, his older brother died, leaving him the only living male in the family line, and ending their dream of serving in the navy together. At the age of 16, he took a job on a freighter out of a small port on the Ohio/West Connecticut Border. On his first voyage to sea, he was overwhelmed with emotion, lost his footing and caught his ear on a nail, ripping away a third of it. Shamed, he left that post and fled West Connecticut, joining the army in southern Washington, after stowing away on a rail car.

    He enlisted using his real first name, but changed his last and claimed to be a nephew of Oliver Hazard Perry. This lie gained him opportunities within the army, chances that he did not waste. He developed marksman skill with both a pistol and a rifle, as well as absorbing all information from his commanding officers, and demonstrating natural leadership skills

    He quickly rose to the rank of general, in part due to his skills and obvious leadership, and in part due to his claimed family background.

    As news of the western secession grew, Gaylord grew angry. He had three loves in his life – his family, which he lost in pain, death and shame; the Great Lakes, which he walked away from in agony; and his country, which he now saw being torn apart by what he viewed as greedy landowners out west. He was a bitter man, with the physical and emotional scars to prove it. And he was ready for war.

    Base Traits:

    Start: 1
    Experience: 10
    Training: 29
    Fame: 0
    Family: 1
    Hero: 3.8

    Total: 44.8

    Starting Army Size: 44,800
  10. s65horsey

    s65horsey Otter-loving Former EUC Mod star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 24, 2006
    Hammer approved!

    Character Sheet:
    Faction: Mount of Brigadier General Charles Anthony Frazier

    Name: Nightfire (Nif for short)
    Gender: Female
    Age: 8
    Skin Color: Dark Bay
    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Brown
    Height: 16.3 hands
    Weight: 1,200 lbs
    Facial Features / Other Points: A crescent shaped white spot between her eyes
    Biography: Nif is a warmblood (part thoroughbred/part Fresian originally bred for potential to be trained for the Olympics. She didn't make the cut, however her bloodlines are excellent and since she was so strikingly beautiful she caught the eye of Charles Anthony Frazier who purchased her a year ago and sent her off for training. Nif quickly excelled at the trainers. She wasn't scared of the guns or the screams or the explosions and fires. Mares tend to bond with a specific rider and will go to the end of the Earth for them.

    She is new to war, but believes to be completely prepared.
  11. Imperial_Hammer

    Imperial_Hammer Manager Emeritus: RPFs star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 25, 2004
    Myself approved:

    Name: Ambrose Van Amstel
    Gender: Male
    Age: 45
    Skin Color: White
    Hair Color: Brown
    Eye Color: Green
    Height: 6'4"
    Weight: 210 lbs
    Facial Features / Other Points: Mustache and big brown beard
    Biography: Son of Dutch farmers, Ambrose Van Amstel immigrated to the United States from his home country in the Netherlands as a young boy. Heading west with his extended family, he made his way to Los Angeles, where his father and brothers took up dairy farming.

    When the Mexican American war broke out, he and his family actively resisted the Spanish and Mexicans, driving them out of Los Angeles along with the Union Army from San Francisco. Twenty, he quickly made a distinction for himself as a talented leader of men and was offered a place as an officer within the Army. He took to training like a fish to water, and afterwards, he spent the next ten years with the local battalion putting down bandits and raiders south of San Diego and in the Arizona wilderness. For his efforts, he become informally known as the "El Presidio" among his foes, and the "Shield of San Diego" among his men.

    As the great winter of 1960 approached, rumors turned towards secession and a call for enlistment came out. Saddling his horse, he arrives in San Francisco to answer a call to protect his friends, his family, and his hard work.

    Base Traits (See Guide Below)
    Start: 1
    Experience: 11
    Training: 8
    Personal Fame: 0
    Famous Family: 1
    Hero: 0
    Base Army Size: 21
  12. Imperial_Hammer

    Imperial_Hammer Manager Emeritus: RPFs star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 25, 2004
    GM's OOC: Here we go. This post will open the game for IC posts, but movement out of the capitols will not be allowed for another two weeks in real time. If you all want your team buffs, you have some work to do. Also, as a reminder, this game always accepts sheets. If you want to start with the rest of the players, get them in before the end of week 3. Otherwise, you'll start behind your factions' lines.

    Game Start - Time: Week 1

    East Start

    The snow fell gently on the streets of Washington, Potomac. The United States was locked in a particularly cold winter, and it seemed there were only a few places far in the south where the snow was not falling. The heart of this frozen American Republic, the city was dark and brooding. Even in the day, the thick grey clouds blunted the sunshine.

    Next to the White House lies the Headquarters for the Departments of War and the Navy. The acting Secretary of War, John Holt, has assembled the Generals of the Army of the Republic to a very important meeting about the possibility of Civil War in the West. New and worrying telegraphs had been coming in from states throughout the West. The winter storm seemed to be the least of the Republic's worries.

    A sumptuous wood paneled board room was prepared. It was warm there and a fire roared in its fireplace. On the mantle, a picture George Washington, the founder of the Country, was displayed. Pitchers of water and glasses to drink were on the large polished oak table, as were tarts and pastries. The soldiers at the gates of the building and staff inside had instructions to let his guests in.

    It was dusk, and Secretary Holt stood looking out of a western-facing window at the head of the room. Every time the sun set on that gloomy western horizon, he worried it would be the last this United States would see.

    Tags: Point-Given, BLemelisk , Mitth_Fisto , DarthIntegral , s65horsey

    West Start

    On the other side of North America, the winter was much wilder. Peter Hardeman Burnett, governor of California, paced nervously in his library at the Governor's Manor in San Francisco, Coastal California. It was midday and this storm was making travel difficult. He stopped and peered outside of a northern-facing window. His manor was on Telegraph Hill, and he could see the waves crashing on the shores of San Francisco Bay. Ships rocked perilously against their moorings and piers. They would not sink, the bay would see to that. Their cargo on the other hand....

    His mind snapped back to his guests. His spies had identified a number of loyalist military officers. These were not hard to find, most people were not fans of the Eastern government in the Californias. People here usually came to get as far away as possible from Potomac. But these officers were different. They had a very special opportunity to lead. They couldn't be just anyone, and they definitely couldn't have divided loyalties. He hoped he had chosen wisely.

    A soft whistle was heard from the kitchen downstairs. The hot water for coffee was ready. He would be expecting a carafe to arrive just in time for his guests. The governor paced to the fire and prodded its glowing embers. Perhaps he needed another log. A server in the room saw his action and, anticipating his request, left the room to no doubt get more wood.

    Burnett took out his pocket watch. He hoped the storm hadn't slowed his guests down. The local meteorologists believed this would be the last storm of the winter. Soon the weather would warm and there was much work that needed doing.

    Tags: galactic-vagabond422, Ramza , s_heffley
  13. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    Hammer Approved!

    Character Sheet:
    Faction: For the West!
    Name: Clarence P. Owens
    Gender: Male
    Age: 41 [Birthdate: February 6th, 1819]
    Skin Color: Caucasian
    Hair Color: Brown
    Eye Color: Dark Blue
    Height: 6'1"
    Weight: 202 lbs.
    Facial Features / Other Points: [See Attached Photo]
    Biography: Born and raised in San Francisco, Clarence P. Owens was always proud of his birth city. As soon as he was able however, he earned an appointment to West Point and graduated with high marks, which garnered some attention immediately. As with most others, he served in the Mexican-American War and participated in many battles, even earning a scar in his right shoulder where a shot went clean through and a long, thin scar angling from his left shoulder all the way to curving right above his right hip where he had been nearly cleaved in half by an enemy soldier at the Battle of Mexico City. He was a full Colonel by the end of the conflict and had served well.

    He is married to his wife of twelve years, Mary A. Owens and has four children. Three daughters and a son, in that exact order. Anna, Laura, Fleur, & Robert S. Owens. The family moved immediately after the war to a quiet town in the region just north of the Bay Area, in what will come to be called the wine country. With the outbreak of the Civil War, he is ready to heed the Call of the Golden West and protect his home and birth-city, in his mind the fitting capital for a potentially new country. Colonel Owens was also humbled by the promotion to Brigadier-General and will fight to the death to protect what he believes has been a Gift from God.

    Base Traits (See Guide Below)
    Start: 1
    Experience: 13
    Training: 16
    Personal Fame: 0
    Famous Family: 0
    Hero: 0
    Base Army Size: 30,000

  14. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC: Simon Chamberlain
    Location: San Francisco, Costal California
    Type: Epic Tale

    Dearest Annabelle,

    I write this letter in part to tell you that I have arrived safe in San Francisco, despite the troubles encountered on the path up from Los Angeles. It is snowing here the last vestiges of the brutal winter we've endured this year. When this ends it will open up the path towards the east, and I believe this war shall start in earnest.

    I still hold many misgivings about the oncoming conflict, none of which I can say to anyone else but you. If I were to show any weakness or lack of resolve, the morale of my men would suffer, not to mention the aspersions that may be cast upon me by my fellow generals. I keep thinking that if grandfather hadn't thrown his support behind the western independence movement, I would be wearing union blues as I did in the Mexican War.

    While I may not support this movement with my whole heart, I made a decision to fight for them. I could not bring myself to lift up arms against my brothers. They believe in western independence with a fervor I haven't seen in them before. Not that anyone in my family would dare go against my grandfather. It seems when the patriarch speaks we listen.

    My father was practically beaming with paternal pride when I left the homestead. He was proud that I was going off to fight against the union I once swore to persevere, protect and defend. I am sickened to know that it took me breaking an oath to the county I was born in for him to finally respect me.

    I believe I have written enough on this matter, give my love to Jacob, tell him daddy will be home soon. Say a prayer of me as I say them for you both.

    Eternally yours

    TAG: Imperial_Hammer
  15. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Borus Jabrinsky
    Crossing the White House Lawn to Headquarters For War Building

    The ride in had not been an unpleasant one, despite the harsh winter. To be honest when the fear of a avalanche was behind you and there were no more rivers to cross, praying the ice did not break under your weight as you walked your horse across, and the bleak beautiful stretches of open land were far behind, there was nothing to dread. And so in this the last stretch of his responding to a summons he found himself at the nations capital, having to resist the urge to stop in the White House for a spot of something to warm him up before he found out whether the rumors he had heard whispered on his journey here had any substance besides fireside tales gone wild.

    Stepping up to the men standing guard he stood erect and answered their question of "Halt. State your purpose." simply by passing over his summons, from Secretary Holt, and then when they glanced up again he opened his long fur coat to reveal his uniform. Returning their crisp salutes, he took back his summons without bothering with his coat, giving a passing word to the men to "Stay warm, boys."

    Inside he would take a moment to remove his fur hat and scarf before paying his respects to the Secretary. "Good evening sir. I see coffee is in short supply." he rumbled his greeting with a smile. In truth there did appear to be more truth to his statement then he would of liked. Although as his stomach rumbled from his long journey he was still glad to quickly hang his coat and hat nab a pastry off the table. He was a general and not a politician, and an army moves on its stomach. A general no less than his men.

    TAG: Imperial_Hammer, and others arriving to the meeting of the East.
  16. s65horsey

    s65horsey Otter-loving Former EUC Mod star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 24, 2006
    IC: Nightfire

    The mare sidestepped a little as her breath came out in a white puff floating before her. She tiptoed lightly over the snow covered ground as her master guided her across town to a giant building. She didn't know what had prompted him to traverse the city on this day but it was different from their usual routine. Her ears flicked back and forth listening for sounds as she walked through the city. For the most part the city was quiet. Up a few yards there was a child looking at the big mare with wide eyes. The stark brown against the white snow probably looking imposing to the small child. Nif tossed her head and pranced a little, like a horse who knew she was putting on a show for the child.

    Her hooves continued to squish through the slushy snow on the streets underneath them until they arrived at the giant building they seemed to be heading towards. The man on her back exchanged some words with the people there and then dismounted, handing her off to awaiting hands of a stable boy. The boy gently patted her neck and muttered some sweet words in her ear as he led her towards the stables. There, Nif was untacked and rubbed down. She always enjoyed the feeling of a brush on her back after the saddle was removed. She shook herself after the boy was done and then proceeded to munch on some hay he brought her.

    She waited for her master to return.

    Tag: Imperial_Hammer, Point Given anyone in the East
  17. DarthIntegral

    DarthIntegral JCC Baseball/SWC Jedi Commish/SOS Cultural expert star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA VIP - Game Host

    Jul 13, 2005
    IC: Gaylord Fitzgerald
    Location: Potomac

    Gaylord took in a deep breath.

    The cold hurt his lungs. But in a good way. It reminded him of home. It was a pain he enjoyed, for it brought back memories he enjoyed. Memories of winters spent on Lake Erie. Memories of the life he left behind.

    He looked down, in his hand was still the latest telegraph from Secretary Holt, requesting his presence in the Capital. The news he'd heard - a mixture of official telegraphs on an update on the western front as well as rumors - had only increased his appetite for war. This nation that he loved was being pulled apart because of the greed of the western people. He could not allow that to happen.

    He did not want to attend this meeting. He was much happier surrounded by his men. Good men there - David, from Westmoreland; James from Ohio among the most impressive who would no doubt leave his ranks to lead their own one day - who followed his every command. He was himself there; a leader, yes, but a friend as well. Yet, he wanted to attend this meeting. A unified front and a true plan of attack would be the only way to grab the upper hand against the treacherous west.

    He pushed the telegraph paper into his coat pocket and entered the building. He found his way to a board room. Another General, as well as Secretary Holt, waited there. Gaylord looked up and marveled at the picture of General - President - Washington, and thought about the country he was about to defend.

    He approached the other General and extended his hand.

    "General Gaylord Fitzgerald, West Connecticut", he introduced himself and waited for the man to do the same.

    Tag: @Mitth_Fisto; Imperial_Hammer; The Rest of the East
  18. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Borus Jabrinsky
    Potomac, Secretary of War's Meeting Room

    The warmth of the fire was inviting, and he found himself watching the flames dance upon the logs. How far had this nation come? He hoped desperately that they were not falling into the trap like the French and Europe with their wars. They were made of better stuff. Still as the door opened he found himself taking note. Turning he noted the new General entering the meeting, the man's damaged or largely MIA ear and well kept trace of a beard and mustache took his first assessment of the man. The beard was well kept, personally he felt it better to just do without one due to the hassle they afforded. Not to mention the itch.

    The man looked at the nations founding President/General Washington, and then the greeting. The extended hand toward himself earned a wide grin as took the slightly smaller mans hand in his own and squeezed to apply good pressure as he pumped the hand twice, "General Borus Jabrinsky, Vermont. Hopefully we shall find this to just be a dull meeting." He simply stated, although the lie in that hope kept any true hope from reaching his voice nor his eyes.

    TAG: DarthIntegral, Imperial_Hammer
  19. Imperial_Hammer

    Imperial_Hammer Manager Emeritus: RPFs star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 25, 2004
    Up Time: Week Two
    Time until Storm Lifts: One week


    IC: Secretary John Holt
    Location: Headquarters of the Departments War and Navy

    John Holt heard the door open and turned around to see Borus Jabrinsky enter the room.

    "Good evening sir. I see coffee is in short supply."

    Holt smiled thinly. "That's not the only thing." he said. He walked from the window and towards a cabinet, pulling two large rolls of parchment out from one of the cabinets. Another general, Gaylord Fitzgerald, entered and walked across the room. He had his hand outstretched.

    "General Gaylord Fitzgerald, West Connecticut"

    Holt shifted his maps from one arm to the other and extended his hand to meet the general's grip. Two hardy pumps were enough to ensure the greeting.

    "Pleasure to meet you General Fitzgerald, your reputation precedes you. Thank you for coming at such short notice."

    Jabrinsky and Fitzgerald made their own acquaintances while Holt laid a large map of the United States down on the table.

    "General Borus Jabrinsky, Vermont. Hopefully we shall find this to just be a dull meeting."

    Holt replied. "Yes perhaps. It'll be a short one at the very least." He walked over and poured himself a glass of water. "We'll start. I'm sure the others have been delayed by the weather. We'll send out correspondences."

    He walked two paces, and took a drink of water.

    "Gentlemen, the boys in Georgetown believe this is going to be the last storm of the season. And boy its been a whopper. There's at least a foot of show out there from here to the Mississippi. We believe that the Californians are going to be making their move in the next few days."

    Holt walked over to a side table, picked up two folders, and handed them to the Generals.

    "Letters. Twelve in all. Each saying the same thing, sent to noted separatist sympathizers throughout the country. 'When the last snow falls, rip up and out any and all rails around you.' We have no idea how many more were sent out."

    Holt took a pace towards the maps on the table

    "They're looking to build the distance between us and them. We believe they think this will give them a head start to consolidate their holdings. It'll be hard enough to find these rails, much less get the materials and men out to repair them, especially in the center of the country. We have these characters under surveillance, but without knowing how deep this plot goes, we cannot be sure how minimal the damage will be.

    He bent over the table and pointed at the map.

    "There are two priorities. We need to shore up support in New England and in the South, demonstrate a presence that will both keep the states loyal and help root out the sympathizers."

    "Then", he said, sweeping his fingers west, "We need to begin our march to meet the traitors. The sooner we can project a presence west, the easier this fight is going to be."

    He stopped and looked at the men.

    "Any questions?"

    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto , @DarthIntegral


    IC: Circumstance
    Location: Government Stables

    Although the snow continued to fall outside, it was warm within the stables. A number of horses from various officials were penned there. Nightfire munched on hay to pass the time. A heavy man passed her pen and looked her.

    "Nice horse." he said to himself. "John! Boy!" he then shouted.

    "Hoy!" a voice a few pens down yelled back.

    "Whose horse is in 15?" he called.

    "Dunno!" was the reply. "Some general I think!"

    "Huh." the man said quietly. He walked away and into the adjoining room. His stew was waiting.

    TAG: @s65horsey


    IC: Peter Hardeman Burnett and Gen. Van Amstel
    Location: Governor's Manor, San Francisco

    After long, two generals had arrived at the Governor's Manor. Generals Chamberlain and Van Amstel, both from Los Angeles.

    "I'm very glad you both could make it," Governor Burnett remarked as he welcomed the native sons into his library. "Such a nice ride from Los Angeles to here. Did you take the Coastal road, such a scenic trail that is."

    He gestured to two stuffed leather chairs and to the now ready pot of coffee sitting on the side table.

    "Please, make yourself at home." he said gesturing around the room. "Its been so nasty out, the least you deserve is a bit of comfort."

    He went to the coffee pot, as did Van Amstel. Both men poured themselves mugs and sat down, a chair for Chamberlain in between them.

    "Well gentlemen," he said. "I'm sure you suspect why you have been called. The time is nearly upon us. God himself has sent us golden opportunity for we oppressed to remove the Eastern a parasite from our lands."

    He smiled and took a sip of his coffee.

    "On the other side of the Rockies, even on the other side of the Mississippi, there are hundreds loyal to our cause. They have special orders to cut Goliath down at his feet."

    General Van Amstel raised his brow. "Oh? I was not aware there was a covert operation associated with our missions."

    The governor laughed. "Oh I should not have even told you that. The boys down in Intelligence would have my head! But I cannot help it. What I wouldn't give to see Taylor's face when he gets the news."

    Van Amstel pursed his lips but did not pursue the topic.

    "Which is where you two come in, and any more that arrive once they finish stomping through the snow. Our fine generals..." Burnett took another sip of coffee "... will be the ones to press our advantage. We must take as much territory as we can, as swiftly as we can."

    Burnett nodded to a map of the Pacific Coast on the far wall of the room.

    "I think you'll know which territories are aligned with our cause. They are not few, and will not need much to join us. A show of force, a shipment of flags, and the purge of Union elements will suffice. As we spread Eastward, we will meet the enemy with a tidal wave of momentum that will crash down upon their heads."

    Burnett paused and looked upon the men in his library, trying to read their faces and judge their reactions. While they were thoroughly vetted, you could never be certain.

    TAG: @galactic-vagabond422
    Mitth_Fisto likes this.
  20. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC: Simon Chamberlain
    Location: Governor's Manor, San Francisco, Costal California
    Type: Epic Tale

    "I'm very glad you both could make it," Governor Burnett said greeting the two men that had entered the manor. Simon nodded his head, "Such a nice ride from Los Angeles to here. Did you take the Coastal road, such a scenic trail that is."

    "The snow as we traveled further north only made it more ascetically pleasing." Simon replied though a tight controlled smile. He had all his well taught manners on display, he stood shoulders square, eyes never moving from the speaker, except when it was acceptable to do so.

    "Please, make yourself at home." The Governor gestured about the well-appointed room, "Its been so nasty out, the least you deserve is a bit of comfort."

    Van Amstel and Governor Burnett moved towards the awaiting coffee pot. Simon elected to join them in acquiring the bitter drink.

    "Well gentlemen," Burnett began as Simon sat in the leather chair. It was comfortable but, the general still composed himself with an air of nobility. He did not mean to do this, it had just been instilled in him at a young age. His family saw themselves as part of an American aristocracy, a 'Nuevo Riche' he believed the term was back in England and elsewhere going through a technological revolution of sorts. And with that came all the trappings, customs, formalities and protocols. "I'm sure you suspect why you have been called. The time is nearly upon us. God himself has sent us golden opportunity for we oppressed to remove the Eastern a parasite from our lands." Simon hid his arched eyebrow behind taking another sip of coffee. Was god on their side or was it merely a collection of coincidences that came together to grant them this opportunity. "On the other side of the Rockies, even on the other side of the Mississippi, there are hundreds loyal to our cause. They have special orders to cut Goliath down at his feet." The general gave another tight smile, it seems California gold is spread wide across the country. Or are there more people that believe the US government should be torn down? Either way it will secure his side time to shore up their positions.

    "Oh?," the other man that had been quiet so far spoke, "I was not aware there was a covert operation associated with our missions." Simon had to admit that it was surprising but, not unexpected.

    "Oh I should not have even told you that. The boys down in Intelligence would have my head! But I cannot help it. What I wouldn't give to see Taylor's face when he gets the news." Van Amstel pursed his lips letting the manner drop. Simon agreed taking another sip of his coffee, operational security was not on the Governor's mind at the moment it seemed. Now was not the time to confront him on it. "Which is where you two come in, and any more that arrive once they finish stomping through the snow. Our fine generals..."

    As Burnett took another sip of coffee Simon acknowledged the complement with a nod and a polite, "You are too kind sir,"

    "... will be the ones to press our advantage. We must take as much territory as we can, as swiftly as we can." Another nod, the more territory the west could acquire the harder it would be for the Union to stamp out this uprising. "I think you'll know which territories are aligned with our cause. They are not few, and will not need much to join us. A show of force, a shipment of flags, and the purge of Union elements will suffice. As we spread Eastward, we will meet the enemy with a tidal wave of momentum that will crash down upon their heads." Simon gave a glance to his fellow general then turned back to Burnett. If they could gain this support rapidly enough, it could cut the East's numerical advantage.

    Though other matters could help more, after waiting for his colleague to speak Simon decided to take the initiative, "What of foreign allies? Gold and profit are the lingua franca of most nations. While Europe herself is out of reach, her colonies are not. Support could be sent though British India, or Australia. We will however need to move swiftly to secure our ports to make sure such aid can reach us." He took another sip, this war wasn't going to be over quickly, having more allies than the opponent would make allow the west to outlast the east. Though he hoped it would be a quick war, a few engagements, let the west show its strength and willingness to fight, force the Union to recognize the West's independence, and all the soldiers can go home. Simon had seen too much bloodshed during the war with Mexico, he hated to stain his country with the blood of her own sons but, it appeared it was unavoidable able now. His only hope was to keep it to a minimum.

    TAG: Imperial_Hammer
  21. Point Given

    Point Given Manager star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Dec 12, 2006
    Charles Anthony Frazier
    Potomac, War Department Headquarters

    Charles strode quickly into the imposing building. The War Department certainly liked to make its presence known with their monstrosity of a headquarters; it was certainly an effective one.

    "General Charles Frazier of New York" he said to the guards at the Secretary's office door.

    "You're expected," answered the taller of the two. "The meeting's only just started."

    "Thank heavens, I was delayed by this abominable weather."

    Frazier quickly wiped his snow covered boots on the mat and walked into the office. Secretary Holt was bent over a map strewn table, while two other generals stood next to him, clutching folders in their arms. With a smile, he recognized the larger of the two. Indeed, it was hard for the average officer to mistake Borus Jabrinsky but Charles had also known him from the war in Mexico; he was a good and passionate officer. He also noted a bowl of apples on a side table, he would grab one for Nightfire after the meeting.

    "There are two priorities. We need to shore up support in New England and in the South, demonstrate a presence that will both keep the states loyal and help root out the sympathizers. Then we need to begin our march to meet the traitors. The sooner we can project a presence west, the easier this fight is going to be. Any questions?"
    "General Charles Frazier, New York. My apologies, Secretary Holt. I was delayed by the weather. May I have a folder?"
    Tag: Imperial_Hammer DarthIntegral Mitth_Fisto
  22. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    Clarence P. Owens IC:
    ~Governor's Manor, San Francisco, Coastal California~

    Dismounting from his horse and promptly handing the reigns to a stable boy outside the Manor, Clarence couldn't help but take a look about himself despite the weather. Just another one of many he had taken since he had arrived in the great city of San Francisco. It was his city of birth and the one that had raised him from boy to man, his love for it would never waver. And even in this wild climate, both literal and political, he would only love it more. Such were the burning passions of loyalty.

    Keeping a hand clamped down on his hat, he swiveled his gaze toward the manor properly and took in its features. Atypical of a governor's place. Idly, the thought of whether or not it would become the President's Manor crossed his mind. But he shook his head of such imaginings, it was far too early for that.

    Drenched in rain, coat flapping behind him, he made his way to the front door and was swiftly allowed inside. He smiled and thanked the woman servant who let him in as he set his hat and coat on the hook by the door. "Much obliged, ma'am. I'm General Clarence Owens, here to see the Governor's summons."

    She smiled in return, inclined her head, then showed him the way to the library where the First Meeting of the West was already commenced he was told. Two other generals had arrived before him. He frowned slightly, not liking having been late to such an occasion but the storm made it rather impossible, even from somewhere as relatively close by as he had been as well as his daughter Laura's intense fever which had delayed him. Thankfully, by the grace of God, she had recovered after only a moderate scare.

    A small knock on the door and then the lady announced him in, "Governor Burnett, sir. General Owens has arrived." She then moved out of the way, so he could enter.

    Entering with a wet squelch sounds from his boots that made him cringe especially here, he bowed. "Governor, it's an honor. I apologize for my late arrival, but between this wild storm and a child of mine taking ill for a time, I came as soon as I could."

    As he waited for acknowledgment before simply moving as he willed, he took notice of where they sat in the room, mugs of coffee already in hand. Ah, that would be a sweet taste for the throat after such a trip! Clarence also recognized one of the two generals sitting there. Van Amstel, also known as El Presidio or Shield of San Diego, depending on whom you spoke with. He had fought alongside him for a few battles during the Mexican-American War and with that knowledge he also inclined his head to him after the Governor replied.

    "El Presidio, it's been some time," he said with a casual and playful smile. A touch of lightness to the seriousness of the occasion.

    The other man, he did not recognize but was sure he would soon learn well enough and would hopefully get along with.

    Tag: Governor Burnett, General Van Amstel, & General Chamberlain
  23. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC: Simon Chamberlain
    Location: Governor's Manor, San Francisco, Costal California
    Type: Epic Tale

    Before reply could be made to his statement a servant entered "Governor Burnett, sir. General Owens has arrived." She said, immediately Simon but, his mug of coffee down and rose.

    "Governor, it's an honor." General Owens started entering the room, "I apologize for my late arrival, but between this wild storm and a child of mine taking ill for a time, I came as soon as I could." Simon nodded his head. The man that had entered was a little taller, a little brawnier than himself but, the strength of a general came not from physical prowess, it came from mental acumen. Simon had to remind himself that Owens was a colleague in this endeavor, not an opponent. "El Presidio, it's been some time," Owens continued smiling at Van Amstel, Simon was never one for titles or styles, preferring to simply be called General Chamberlain.

    "Good day General Owens," Simon started extending his hand, "I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting." He allowed himself to smile, it was good to know that there were others joining this cause, even if he didn't whole heartedly support it. "I am Brigadier General Simon Chamberlain of Los Angeles," He said the city's name as the former Mexicans did, it sounded better that way than with the normal English inflection. "I do hope your child's fever was nothing too serious, and I understand it delaying you. As a father myself I completely agree with you putting your family ahead of your other duties."

    TAG: Darth_Elu Imperial_Hammer
  24. DarthIntegral

    DarthIntegral JCC Baseball/SWC Jedi Commish/SOS Cultural expert star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA VIP - Game Host

    Jul 13, 2005
    IC: Gaylord Fitzgerald
    location: Potomac, War and Navy Headquarters

    Gaylord listened intently, even while thumbing through the folder Secretary Holt handed him. The treachery of the greedy westerners was already bad enough, but now a plot to sabotage the rail system? It was as if the traitors had a personal vendetta against him, seeking to destroy all that filled his heart with fond memories.

    This confirmed the rumors Gaylord had heard, though he'd hoped they'd been incorrect. A destruction of the rail system would be devestating to the true patriots of the United States. It would damage infrastructure, it would divert resources away from the war front, and it would have a serious negative impact on morale.

    Secretary Holt laid out the initiatives, including a need to shore up support in New England and the South. It took all he had to not rage and crumple the papers in his folder. His own people - Americans - needing shored up? Why? Was patriotism no longer good enough? The greater good? This was, after all, the chosen land of God, and therefore by proxy, Americans the people of God. Fools, all of them, and sinners, too.

    Another general - this time Charles Frazier, of New York - entered the room, just as Secretary Holt finished.

    Gaylord raised his left hand to his chin, and pensively stroked his beard three times, before finally speaking up.

    "Secretary Holt. I do have one question," he began, then cleared his throat with a slight cough. He took a sip of water before beginning again. "And, General Frazier and General Jabrinsky, I hope you both pardon my boldness here. But you say we have two initiatives.To shore up support and then to take the battle to the western frontier. I propose, though, that we can combine these into a common goal. If we begin the fight - and, yes, God shall be with us - and deliver blows to our enemies, the traitors. Won't that in fact shore up support?" Won't that root up traitors among us and rally those who waver back to the light?"

    He hoped his message was received at face value. There was more to it, yes, He had a personal thirst for war. To see the blood of traitors spread on the battlefield. hopefully, the Secretary and the other generals wouldn't pick up on that, and wouldn't dismiss it. He hoped they saw the reasoning. The aggressor could gain an early hand, and he saw every need to do just that.

    Tag: @Mitth_Fisto Point Given Imperial_Hammer
  25. s_heffley

    s_heffley Chosen One star 7

    Jun 7, 2015
    IC: Paul Wight
    Location: Governors Manor, San Francisco, Coastal California

    Paul arrived at the governors manor. He stepped down from the carriage he was riding in, and gave the coachman the money he owed for the ride. Because of his massive size, a single horse could not support him. He had a custom carriage before the meeting had been called, but it took him a while to find someone willing to take him in this weather. Eventually, the coachman he found was still wary about it. Seeing the horses outside to manor, Paul saw he was arriving late because of this wariness.

    He walked to the front door. A female servant came to let him in. Once again, his size gave him trouble. He had to duck and turn sideways to get in.

    This is exactly why I couldn't become a general all those years back He thought.

    Out loud, he said, "I am General Paul Wight, here to meet with the Governor."

    The servant motioned for him to follow, and he fell into step behind her. They eventually reached a library were the meeting was being held. The servant introduced him, but he was not paying attention to her. He was studying the three generals already there. He did not recognize any of them, but that was no surprise. If he had been allowed to fight in Mexico, then he would probably know these people. But there was one thing they did share, the hatred of the east.

    "Welcome, General Paul Wight. Please, sit, have some coffee, we are just getting started," said Governor Burnett.

    Paul made his way to the table and exchanged names and handshakes with the other generals. He sat, ready to get the meeting underway.

    Tag: @galactic-vagabond422 Darth_Elu Imperial_Hammer