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Hello from your new RSA!

Discussion in 'Archive: Idaho Falls, ID' started by JediRacer, Sep 23, 2004.

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  1. JediRacer

    JediRacer Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 5, 2000
    Hey Idaho Falls!
    I'm your new RSA since Mara_Jade_Fan retired from her duties. Please PM me information about your meetings and any moderating you need for your forum!
    I'm glad to be of service!

    May the Force be with you.

  2. Marvincade

    Marvincade Jedi Youngling

    Apr 29, 2003

    Welcome Matt,
    And thanks for taking over the job. We are an eclectic group of Star Wars fans with various interests on this side of Idaho. As an engineer you might or not be interested in one of my SW related projects. I have recently completed converting an old flight yoke from a coin operated ROTJ game into a PC ready four button flight yoke with throttle. If you want more info send a line otherwise, thanks again.

  3. nordicgal

    nordicgal Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 12, 2002
    Hi, Matt. Welcome!

    FYI - We meet the 2nd Friday of every month. We also get together informally to do other things, such as see movies or go out to eat. Of course, we also participate in charity events, such as Bowling-for-Kids'-Sake and a Christmas toy drive.

    We are currently in the beginning stages of "restructuring" our group. We are discussing a name/logo change, possibly re-electing new officers and/or eliminating some positions, and future group activities, etc.

    2005 should be an exciting year for us.

    (P.S. - Currently, I am the group treasurer.)
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