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Discussion in 'Archive: Tulsa, OK' started by GENERAL_FEL, Jan 8, 2004.

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    GENERAL_FEL Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 10, 2001
    When I registered, I set the boards style to Tulsa FanForce and it went screwy. I cannot read the text, the background is all black and nothing is legible.

    What do I do? I tried to edit my profile for the other style, but I cannot make out what I am looking at to make the choice.

    Where's Artoo when you need him.

  2. MaStErOfThEfOrCe2002

    MaStErOfThEfOrCe2002 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Nov 2, 2002
    Jake, at the top, you can still see the little icons you use to change your profile, just choose that and go down to where it says the background you picked. All you have to do is change it back. Hope this helps :D. I did the same thing, I thouht it was something cool, but noooooo, it just messed with my head for a while.

    GENERAL_FEL Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 10, 2001
    Cancel that.

    "Jake, at the top, you can still see the little icons you use to change your profile, just choose that and go down to where it says the background you picked. All you have to do is change it back."

    I tried that Shelbi, but the text was so small that I could not read it. Anyway, I found a solution that work. I did a quick copy and paste to MS Word where I could read the contents and figure out where the button where (I swear on the boards the text was something like -26).

    Anyway, When you register I would recommend that you stick with subsilver, NOT Tulsa FanForce. Or, it could just be my machine.
  4. MysticTrunks01

    MysticTrunks01 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 25, 2002
    Billy is also still tweeking lots of things as well, that could also be the problem
  5. FaceLoran

    FaceLoran Jedi Youngling star 3

    Oct 10, 1999
    Listen to Mike2, you should. use subSilver, as that is the standard, and I am still messing with the other theme :D
  6. IMAXPoe

    IMAXPoe Jedi Youngling star 2

    Feb 3, 2003
    Yeah I found that out the hard way like veryone else before I checked this board. LOve the new emoticons though!
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