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Hope Has A Place- 2021 Holiday Gift Exchange

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Nehru_Amidala, Jan 1, 2022.

  1. Nehru_Amidala

    Nehru_Amidala Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 3, 2016
    Hey there, @Jedi_Lover - I am your Secret Santa!

    You wanted the following:

    1. I would like a story about Luke from the OT: Specifically write an inner monologue describing what exactly he was thinking when Leia kissed him on Hoth. Preferably funny and cringy.

    2. I would like a Luke/Mara legends story taking place after Wayland but before their engagement. Just don't involve Callista.

    3) Han gives Luke some advice about women when Luke feels rejected by Mara Jade after Wayland.

    I had a few songs picked out to accompany the story I chose (Norwegian Wood, One is the Lonliest Number, Hope Has A Place), so I chose number 3. Enjoy!

    Cast list:
    Luke Skywalker: Mark Hamill
    Han Solo- Harrison Ford
    Mara Jade- Karen Gillam

    The golden sun was setting over the expansive skyline of Imperial Center, the twinkling lights of the buildings matching the return of the evening skies on a velvety black sky. Luke Skywalker let out a deep sigh, it had been a week since Mara Jade had left to rejoin Talon Karrde and his smuggling crew. Something about her red-gold hair and her sarcastic sense of humor made his heart flutter, and he was unsure of how he felt. Was a Jedi supposed to feel like this? "Wait for me, I'll be right there," she had told him. He thought, nay hoped, she would have stayed to at least figure out how to Force train the twins. He sighed again, ignoring his hot cocoa.

    One look at love and you may see
    It weaves a web over mystery,
    All ravelled threads can rend apart
    For hope has a place in the lover's heart.
    Hope has a place in a lover's heart.

    Luke was so caught up in his thoughts, he hardly noticed his brother-in-law and best friend walk in. Han saw look gaze off in the distance. Hoo boy, this was worse than he thought. Luke had started to feel something for Mara (didn't blame the kid), and now she had left. "Hey Luke, thought I might find you in here," Han called cheerfully. Luke gave a half-aware smiled and turned away. "She left, Han. Mara left. Did I do something wrong," Luke asked dejectedly.

    Whispering world, a sigh of sighs,
    The ebb and the flow of the ocean tides.
    One breath, one word may end or may start
    A hope in a place of the lover's heart.
    Hope has a place in a lover's heart.

    Han patted Luke on the back, "Ah geez, Luke! You did nothing wrong. You really like Mara, don't you?" Luke nodded, "She's so strong in the Force, I wanted her to stay." Luke was blushing, obviously embarrassed. Han laughed, "Your really gonna listen to a bunch of old geezers who were so blind to what was in front of them? I mean, at least Old Ben had a torch for Duchess Satine, but kid! Come on!"

    Look to love you may dream,
    And if it should leave then give it wings.
    But if such a love is meant to be;
    Hope is home, and the heart is free

    Luke was taken aback by Han's caviler attitude towards the Jedi elders who had died at the hand of his father, the late, great Anakin Skywalker, aka Darth Vader. Clearing his throat, Han gave Luke a side hug. "Take it from me, junior. Love is the best thing out there, love for you and Leia brought me back to get Vader away from you. Being a Jedi shouldn't be so narrow, take it from me. I forgot how to love a long time ago, not romantic love, platonic and familial also. I had to take some time and let go of what I thought I knew about love, it hurt but slowly, I found Chewie, and that led to you and Leia. Love, in all forms, takes time and letting go. I know I sound nuts, but believe me, you and Leia were worth the wait."

    Under the heavens we journey far,
    On roads of life we're the wanderers,
    So let love rise, so let love depart,
    Let hope have a place in the lover's heart.
    Hope has a place in a lover's heart.

    Luke smiled, "So, you think Mara will come back? If not as a friend, maybe something else?" Han nodded, and Luke knew. It would take time, but he and Mara would cross paths again, he was certain of it. Letting go, he felt happier about the future. Han let out a sigh of relief, his buddy was back!

    Look to love and you may dream,
    And if it should leave then give it wings.
    But if such a love is meant to be;
    Hope is home, and the heart is free.
    Hope is home, and the heart is free.
    Kahara and Mira_Jade like this.
  2. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    A gorgeous song and bit of wisdom from a true friend. [face_love]
    Kahara and Nehru_Amidala like this.
  3. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    Thank you! What a nice way to start of 2022!
    Kahara and Nehru_Amidala like this.
  4. Nehru_Amidala

    Nehru_Amidala Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 3, 2016
    I am so glad you loved it! When I first got the requests, I was thinking about using "Norwegian Wood" or "One is the Lonliest Number", but when I sat down to type the story, neither fit, so I went with Enya and that fit the story better.
    Kahara likes this.
  5. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    This was such a sweet moment between friends!

    Poor Luke's in deep - not that you can blame him! I love that Han saw what was what right away, and knew just what to say.

    This was probably my favorite part of the story. What a beautiful sentiment for Han to express! [face_love]

    Aw! And I loved the joy in your conclusion. [face_love]

    Thank you for participating in the fic-gift exchange! This was a lovely answer to your prompt. =D=
  6. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Love to see how Han and Luke are discussing Mara. It will take time but she will return
  7. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    Missed commenting on this one before, but I enjoyed it very much and am glad to have found it back again! :) I like the "missing moment" feel of this time after TTT ends and how it shows the support of friends can help with staying steady on the road to where we end up.

    :luke: Aww, Luke! Really enjoyed seeing that he's so drawn to Mara but isn't sure what to make of that feeling. That seems really in keeping with how earnestly he takes his responsibility to do the right thing about his feelings -- and thankfully, Han is there to help him balance his perspective.

    :han: And I like that Han is perceptive of what Luke is going through; he knows him well and also has some years of life experience to draw on too, having dealt with matters of the heart for longer.

    @};- This is just lovely; I really like that Han realizes that learning to love all of them in the various different ways he does was so important to the OTP that he and Leia have become, and that love has its own timetable.

    :) This is such a small moment, but an important one for Luke on his journey to where he ends up -- which Mara does indeed become a part of, and his hope and willingness to let the cards fall are so paramount for that. Really like how the song that you chose reflects that need for patience, personal growth, and faith in love. [face_love]