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MOD JCF AI Policy For Original Content

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by HanSolo29 , May 16, 2023.

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  1. HanSolo29

    HanSolo29 RPF/SWC/Fan Art Manager & Bill Pullman Connoisseur star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 13, 2001
    Dear Members of the JCF,

    In our changing times, the use of AI (artificial intelligence) has become increasingly prevalent. Even in fields where a human hand was once thought absolutely necessary, like the arts, it's growing more and more common to replace an organic touch with an inorganic one.

    Here at the JCF, we want to make the statement that we find the use of such short-cuts to create any fan content (art, fiction, role playing, etc.) and then passing that content off as your own work unacceptable. Content created by an AI, by its very definition, is no longer your own, but rather, the work of the AI. Claiming otherwise is unethical, and, from this moment forward, will no longer be permitted by the standards of these forums.

    The moment you put creation in the hands of a computer, the human interface is gone. As human beings, we have an intrinsic urge to create; it's a hallmark of our species and a cornerstone of our sentience. Artists have been inspired to various forms of expression since the dawn of time, and we are equally drawn to interact with the art they produce in our turn. There's something unique about the process of creation itself; it's a special privilege to strive for and grapple with and ultimately persevere in order to bring your vision to fruition. Opting to take the easy way out by handing the creative process to an AI is to take a step down a potentially dangerous path, one that we do not wish to encourage or endorse. Instead, we want to celebrate our artists and the hard work they put into their art!

    What Does This Mean For Me?

    From here on out, the use of AI to create fan content (art, fiction, role playing, and so on and so forth) and passing it off as your own work is no longer allowed. We will treat infractions of this rule the same as we do plagiarism, and act accordingly as mods.

    What If I Disclaim I'm Using AI From the Beginning?

    We are still going to say no to any use of AI in any fan content forums (FanFiction, Roleplaying, and Fan Art) on the boards at this time.

    What About Threads Already Devoted to AI?

    The AI Creates Art thread will remain open (located in the JCC), but that is the sole exception to this rule.

    There is power in art - the power to not only touch the hearts and minds of those whom we share it with, but to move ourselves as creators. John Lubbock put it best when he said, “Art is unquestionably one of the purest and highest elements in human happiness. It trains the mind through the eye, and the eye through the mind. As the sun colors flowers, so does art color life.” Here at the JCF, we want to allow art to color life, and welcome you to join us in that endeavor!

    ~ Your Mods

    *Please note: this only pertains to the 'creative' forums at this time. This includes FanFiction, Fan Art, and Roleplaying. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to send a PM to the forum mod.​
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