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RPG Living Force Campaign Modules?

Discussion in 'Archive: Games' started by Rhazjdan Kiel, Dec 30, 2015.

  1. Rhazjdan Kiel

    Rhazjdan Kiel Jedi Youngling

    Dec 30, 2015
    Hello all!

    The recent star wars hype has renewed mine and my friends interest in Star Wars RPG, specifically the d20 version. We dug through our old drawers and libraries and blew the dust off our manuals. We are trying to run the Living Force Campagin, adapted for our needs, but its been years and the material is scarce.

    We've been able to find bits and pieces, namely the first module, a Cularin Presence, but we're already stumped locating the 2nd module, The Resistance Within. LF102 . im guessing it wont be the only module that's hard to find.

    Would any of you here have access to those documents? Or have any information on where i could obtain them? I've looked at the main online rpg shops, and id love to procure them the proper way if such a way still exists. But to be fair, im simply clueless where to start looking at this point and not only are the scenarios themselves are hard to find, just locating info on it is painful.

    So if anyone here has any advice on how to discover these forgotten relics, would you be so kind as to help a brother out?
  2. Ramza

    Ramza Administrator Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 13, 2008
    You're actually looking for Games; I'll go ahead and redirect this thread.
  3. MarcusP2

    MarcusP2 Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 10, 2004
    It seems like as soon as these events ended, WOTC ceased all access to them (therefore in 2005 they disappeared from the web), so they will be very difficult to locate the remainder. This person seems to have a few:

    So perhaps finding a contact email for that site and asking nicely? Given the campaign ended over 10 years ago you are right that it might be tricky to find the remainder. Might get luckier posting on a specific RPG board because you'll need to find someone that still has copies of the files.
  4. Rhazjdan Kiel

    Rhazjdan Kiel Jedi Youngling

    Dec 30, 2015
    Yeah, I'm starting to think so as well...Shame those modules are becoming lost to time though. I would gladly try to follow up legitimately if all the proper channels were still accessible (i.e WotC still published SW d20) but after a decade or more, I'm losing hope to be honest. And considering the game itself is now discontinued, finding dedicated boards for it has also proven quite difficult.

    If anyone knows where they could still be obtainable though, I'd be VERY grateful if someone could PM me the location, or any advice regarding them.

    Thank you MarcusP2!
    (And thank you Ramza as well for redirecting me to the proper board!)