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Luke Soundwalker Game

Discussion in 'Archive: Sweden' started by dmare, Oct 28, 2010.

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  1. dmare

    dmare Jedi Youngling

    Oct 28, 2010
    I attend a school in Stockholm called Hyper Island, and my group and I has made an iPhone application that puts you inside of Luke Skywalker's head in episode IV when he is blocking shots from the practice droid.

    We recorded using binaural sound, so that when you put on the headphones the space sounds 3D. (like the virtual barber shop: )

    Anyway, we are having an exhibition on Saturday and we'd like to invite all of you to the event to try out the game and give us some feedback as to how we can make it better.

    Here is the event info:

    We built the game on software called GameSalad and shortly after the exhibition we are going to release the source code along with a "how to" video explaining how you can create the same game or hopefully make it even better.

    Hope you can make it out on Saturday.

    Best regards,
    Luke Soundwalker Team
  2. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    Sounds like a fun project! Unfortunately I don't live even close to Stockholm. :(

    DARTHLARS Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 12, 2002
    Vanligen tycker jag att sånt här är intressant. Jag har jobbat med virtuella miljöer och tillsammans med 3D ljud-experter på fortskningsinstitut.
    ... men det var för mycket flash och för lite substans på den där websidan du länkade till för att jag inte ska spy över hela den, ursäkta mig, så jag kommer inte att bry mig mer om det än så.
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