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Discussion in 'Archive: Greensboro, NC' started by VinkFloyd, Mar 15, 2005.

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  1. VinkFloyd

    VinkFloyd Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 28, 2000
    i'm gonna get into these forums (this one and winston) later on. but for right now, i just need to know, where do the folks on these forums plan on seeing rots?

    i think it's a no-brainer that everyone wouldn't settle for anything other than the paladium. it's without a doubt the best theater in the triad. it'll probably have the most media coverage with that in mind. i love that theater. episode 2 was great at the grande, but it's begun to show some wear around the edges. wynnsong 12 was the best around during episode 1. but i avoid that theater at all costs nowadays.

  2. Padawan311

    Padawan311 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 18, 2002
    Hey there, welcome to the boards! I havent been to the new Paladium yet, I hear it is awesome though, and it sure looks nice, its also the newest theater in the area, that might be a good bet. I am sure we will be talking to Winston as well and might arrange meeting at the same place for the premiere.

  3. VinkFloyd

    VinkFloyd Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 28, 2000
    well, anyone who was a part of the party at the grande last movie that i still talk to (a LOT of people) will be at the paladium for this one. i have to settle into a new apartment (which includes packing up the old one) over the next couple of weeks. but when that's taken care of, i'm gonna start talking to management at the paladium about may 19.
  4. Padawan311

    Padawan311 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 18, 2002
    Sounds great, be sure to keep us posted here on any details.
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