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Saga - OT Reginald Tha Slug (Not related to any challenge really)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by GregMcP, May 23, 2024.

  1. GregMcP

    GregMcP Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 7, 2015

    So, this little blue pottery thing you see above was a Christmas present. Honestly my favorite pressie of all last year. And the dinosaur was a dog toy present for, well, our dog.

    I started writing this silly little story to honour my lovely blue slug while sitting around lazy on Boxing Day, but never got around to cleaning it up and finishing it off until today.

    So this is not a story for any Challenge, nor is it a deep story I felt a need to tell. It's just me expressing my love for a silly little Chrissie pressie.

    Reginald Tha Slug

    Deep in the jungle, on a vine that weaved around a stick beside a swamp, a little blue slug munched on a leaf.

    For such a tiny mollusc, Reginald had quite a set of choppers. Big white teeth that crunched away at the leaf edge. The happy little slug sat on a twisting green tendril of swamp vine, filling his belly. The belly of this slimy but toothy little creature was painted in unusually bright light and dark blue stripes. Of course this was evolutionarily unlikely and unwise for a tiny creature that should be camouflaged in green or brown to hide from big hungry animals with even larger teeth than his. His species' distinctive blue stripes had evolved over a million years to imitate those of a particularly venomous aquatic snake, but then that species of snake had evolved into a more purple and black dress code to avoid being mistaken for a slug, thus negating the whole point of the blue stripes. Such is the way of Evolution.

    And as he chomped, and prehistoric raptors screeched and flapped above between the ancient high trees, he felt his vine wiggle.

    “Yarp” said a Compsognathus, as it was known to Galactic Anthropologists, but simply referred to by Reginald as “AARRGH! DON’T EAT ME!”. The Comspogn… the lizard poked its bulging eyes out of the swamp and gripped the base of the vine with a long clawed paw.


    “Eep”, said Reginald in a terrified squeak that a human would barely hear even if they were brave enough to hold a poisonous looking blue slug with big teeth up to their ear.

    “Yarp” and the lizard pulled itself up the vine, uninterested in the evolutionary complexities of the slug’s coloring and snapping its own pearly white teeth. Reginald ran. Well, he slithered at a sluglike pace, which really was of very little help.

    Just as the “AARRGH! etc” was about to bite there came massive vine shaking thumps and splashes. An earthquake? No, the footsteps of a running “human”, though neither of the creatures would have labeled it with that term.

    The AARRGH! looked up and let out one last yarp of fear and jumped into the swamp and swam away. The mucus stickiness of Reginald’s underside however made it impossible for him to follow along.

    “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Suffering leads to indigestion. Indigestion leads to… uh… heartburn. Heartburn leads to… um”

    “Okay master. I get it.”

    On top on the two legged, what we would call a “human”, though to Reginald it was unimaginatively also called an “AARRGH!”, sat a smaller green creature that had been jabbering away.

    “Waa! Stop! Stop!” called out the Jabbering Green Thing.

    The human underneath him came to an abrupt stop just a a few steps away from Reginald’s vine.

    “Ooh. Yes. Yes. For dinner it is. Waa.” the Green Thing jabbered. The obvious downside of bright blue stripes is being clearly visible from a good distance away. The Green Thing jumped off the human, waddled a few steps, and reached down to pull Reginald off his leaf. Reggie snapped at it with his big white teeth, but Greenie easily peeled him off the leaves with two fingers pinching Reggie's tail.

    “There is no way I’m eating that.” said the human.

    “Make you big and strong, it will. Tasty yes.”

    “Yckshh.” the human shuddered. “Look at those stripes. I think it's poisonous.”

    Reginald hung, dangling by his tail, in front of the lumpy green face as it examined his dinner.

    “If you do not eat, then you will starve. And starvation leads to pain. And pain leads to… YARG! AH DAMNIT!”

    Dangling, wiggling, Reginald had swung momentarily close to a little green blob of a nose and stretched his boneless little body and with his great white choppers, bit as hard as he was able.

    With a yell, the Green Thing let go of the little blue slug. It dangled from his green nose for a moment as it's owner jumped about. Then Reginald let go and dropped with a plop into the swamp.

    “Wrraah! Starvation. Another, we will find. Pick me up Luke.” and the human wrapped his two huge hands around the Green Thing and set him up on his shoulders again, and off the two of them ran.

    “Delicious, The Dark Side is. Tasty, it can be…” the voice faded into the jungle and they were gone.

    After a while Reginald manged to slither out of the water and onto the shore, already forgetting his dangerous encounter and searched for another tasty leaf to munch on.

    The End
    Last edited: May 23, 2024
  2. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    He looks like a Reginald! :D Poor little worried slug. That was a narrow escape for him, so hopefully he stays away from that spot in the swamp for a while since he is so unfortunately delicious. :yoda:

    Thanks for sharing, it made my afternoon brighter! :)
    Findswoman , Vek Talis and GregMcP like this.
  3. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Lovely little story about a slug's view on Yoda and Luke. First a lizard making trouble and then those two. Yoda about to eat the slug but getting a response and throwing it away.
    Vek Talis, Kahara and GregMcP like this.
  4. Vek Talis

    Vek Talis Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 12, 2018

    For me, though, Indigestion is what usually leads to suffering, not the other way round. And tasty, yes, the Dark Side is. Dark Side Chocolate, especially. =P~

    Good on Reginald for fighting to survive no matter what!
  5. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Hah! What a fun tribute to your delightful little blue ceramic critter! I had such big fat smile on my face once we came to the reveal of where exactly Reginald was, as two very familiar ARGHHs entered the scene. Poor Yoda, though—with Reginald’s very redoubtable chompers that had to have hurt! :p But his wisdom is spot-on, as usual: even Luminous Beings need some physical sustenance. And I’m sure that in the lost jungles of Dagobah they’ll find plenty. A very enjoyable vignette, as always, and great to see you again! =D=
  6. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    I'm not going to lie - when I first clicked on this story I wasn't at all sure what to expect. But, in usual GregMcP style, I am glad I gave this a chance to explore a very unique POV on one of the most quintessentially SW scenes of them all.

    This reminded me of Tolkien's introduction to The Hobbit, in the best of ways.

    [face_laugh] AARRGH! DON'T EAT ME is an entirely appropriate name for a Compsognathus - all of your names were brilliant, really. This slug is so clearly a Reginald, looking at your inspiration, for example. :p

    Tolkien meets Douglas Adams, for the win. :cool: This was all incredibly evocative as this little slug's world quite literally gets turned on its ear.

    [face_rofl] [face_rofl]

    They're all AARRGHs, I was dying.

    And it all comes full circle with the stripes. [face_tee_hee]

    Go on and live your best life, Reginald - hopefully without any further threats of swamp stew or hungry AARRGHs. [face_relieved]:cool:

    Thanks for sharing this very unique - and very amusing - little story with us. I enjoyed every word. =D=
  7. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    [face_laugh] What an interesting POV and definitely coloration that would make him stand out.