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Pacific Results of the SSWS's 2001 Junior Jedis Toy Drive for Needy Children

Discussion in 'Pacific Regional Discussion' started by Gold__Leader, Dec 19, 2001.

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  1. Gold__Leader

    Gold__Leader Jedi Youngling

    Oct 7, 2000
    The Seattle Star Wars Society is very proud to announce the final results in its yearly "Junior Jedis Toy Drive for Needy Children."

    Members and friends of the SSWS were able to contribute a grand total of $1,889.00 in toys this year. The SSWS's Junior Jedis program, under the direction of Tara Ballard, chose to donate the toys to three local children's groups:

    * Ryther Child Center, Inc.
    * Second Chance Cypress House
    * Childhaven

    All year long the SSWS encourages members and friends to bring toys to various activities planed all year long. Some of the SSWS member groups like the Garrison Titan (the Imperial costuming division of the SSWS) plan toy raising events of their own to help aid in the process.

    "By donating you've told our program participants that someone in the community cares about them" says Sara Straus, donation coordinator of the Second Chance Cypress House. She continues, "for many of our kids, this type of positive message can help turn hopelessness to hope."

    We here at the SSWS are so very proud to be able to make a contribute of this kind and look forward to all the new year has to bring.

    A very big THANK YOU to everyone who contributed. Please have a safe and Merry Christmas and a grand New Year!

    John J. Guth
    Founder & Managing Director
    Seattle Star Wars Society
    Official Force of the Northwest

  2. jedimasterED

    jedimasterED Moderator Emeritus star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 10, 1999
    To all those involved:

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