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Roll Call!

Discussion in 'Archive: Green Bay, WI' started by Chosen_1, Aug 12, 2004.

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  1. Chosen_1

    Chosen_1 Jedi Youngling

    May 31, 2001

    I see there have been a few attempts to get people in our area active on this board. Well, here's another try.

    I think we need to identify who is still checking this board, where they live, and what their main Star Wars related interests are. I believe it's easier to begin and continue a conversation when the topic is focused on a specific interest, such as Star Wars literature, or video games, or collecting, etc. If we can identify what people's interests are, we can begin topics that will hopefully generate active participation.

    So...I'll start.

    Location: Manitowoc, WI
    SW Interests: Toys, video games, comic books
  2. marajoan

    marajoan Jedi Youngling star 3

    Mar 3, 2002
    I am from Sheboygan and my main interests are the books and the movies.
    Hey Chosen, are you the one on the Star Wars meetup that keeps suggesting Manitowoc locations?
  3. Chosen_1

    Chosen_1 Jedi Youngling

    May 31, 2001
    It isn't me.
  4. Chosen_1

    Chosen_1 Jedi Youngling

    May 31, 2001
    Hey, marajoan, we're practically neighbors!

    I've never really gotten into the Star Wars novels. The few that I read or started to read were just so bad, I lost interest. I try to get a CD version of a novel once in a while to listen to on my commute to Sheboygan and back every day for work.

    What's the last book you've read? Any suggestions for some good Star Wars reading material?
  5. marajoan

    marajoan Jedi Youngling star 3

    Mar 3, 2002
    I am presently reading The Tales of the New Republic which was assigned for our book club. Timothy Zahn's trilogy would be a good start. It keeps alot of the movie characters and continues the story. The New Jedi Order is the latest series with about 17 or 18 books and they just finished it in the last year.

    Since you are so close, are you interested in getting involved in the meetups so that they will actually let us have one once. Sign up on under the Sheboygan group. We are trying to meet outside of the restrictions of this group on a more convenient night. We got together last Sunday but there were only three of us.
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