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[RotS] The "age" of the clones

Discussion in 'Archive: Revenge of the Sith (Non-Spoilers)' started by Blackout, May 27, 2005.

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  1. Blackout

    Blackout Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 7, 2000
    No, I don't mean age as in 'era'; I mean age as in "age" :p Something occurred to me the second time I watched the movie and hasn't sat quite right since.

    Bear in mind that the clones in AotC were technically the same age as Boba Fett but looked 20 due to their growth acceleration. Now I believe Lama Su used the words "half the time", therefore I would assume that the growth acceleration is set to 2x.

    Why then, do Commander Cody and the Pilots (the only ones who's names leap to mind) appear to be about 40 when the oldest any of the clones should appear to be is 26? :confused: Alright, they're "battle weary", but still...

    It's no biggie, but it is bugging me.

    {||||| ?||} -----------------------------
  2. Latorski

    Latorski Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 14, 2002
    I assume Lucas wanted Temuera Morrison in the film because he put in a good performance in AOTC and to make it obvious to casual viewers that the stormtroopers were his clones.

    For an in-universe answer, I'd just say that the stresses of war has aged the clones.
  3. ywingempress

    ywingempress Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 29, 2003
    I don't think the aging multiplier is necessarily constant. Some of the EU material seems to imply that biological aging speeds up as the clones get chronologically older. Republic Commando: Hard Contact mentioned a clone who was 23 years old but had a biological age of 60, for example. And I'd imagine that there would be some variation due to environmental factors.
  4. Jedi-Anakin-Solo

    Jedi-Anakin-Solo Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 26, 2001
    Some of the EU material seems to imply that biological aging speeds up as the clones get chronologically older.

    I was under the impression that was the case, having only read... one or two Clone Wars EU books, none of which talked about the Clones. :p
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