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Artist Ryuuri's SW fan art (Updated Nov.12th 2017-SW paintings)

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Ryuuri-chan, Jul 23, 2005.

  1. Ryuuri-chan

    Ryuuri-chan Jedi Grand Master star 1

    Jul 22, 2005
    Hi !
    Here's a few pieces of my fanart:


    Obi-Wan Kenobi:

    Aayla Secura:

    Enjoy !
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2018
  2. krnbanguboi

    krnbanguboi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 4, 2005
    You should get rid of those cheek marks and minimize the forehead and the nose length.
  3. DarthZemog

    DarthZemog Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2002
    Cool Anime style! :)

    I really liked seeing your Random Sketches in your folder. Very cool and welcome to the Fan Art Forum! Hope to see more of your work.

  4. Ryuuri-chan

    Ryuuri-chan Jedi Grand Master star 1

    Jul 22, 2005
    thank you very much for the welcome.

    Here is a new piece I just finished of Shaak Ti:
  5. Your_Worshipfulness

    Your_Worshipfulness Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 21, 2005
    Hello and Welcome :)

    You have a very nice painting style - I like how you apply a certain texture to the different materials and have added extra detail in some areas like Padme's scarf in the first piece. Also did very well on catching the hairstyle's of the characters, so it's very easy it identify. Sometimes the likeness's can get lost in the transition to something as 'extreme' as an anime style and you've managed to escape that problem.

    The detail you put on Shaak-Ti is really great! Especially on the part of her robe with the design. There's that subtle hint of texture, and a softness to the design itself that makes it look like it's actually embroidered. Also did wonderful work on the complex creases at the very bottom of her robe. Love the shine on her 'tentacles'. It's fantastic and equally as cute as Aayla. Easily my favorite of them all. You've certainly got a knack for for the SD format. :)

    - Suz ^_~
  6. long_long_ago

    long_long_ago Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 14, 2005
    Are you using photoshop or something to finish the renderings? They look great for me! Keep going man.
  7. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    OH WOW!! GAMBATE RYUURI-CHAN!! [face_dancing]

    Impressive progress! The Amidala piece was elongated, and Obi-wan was good with the textures, but by the time I saw Aayla, I knew you had it right, she was so cute! Shaak Ti, however! OMG! that was Awsome! Her coloring, her robe design, expressions and eyes!! All of it came together Flawlessly! and to think you're getting Better!! Awsome, Awsome! Can't wait to see more. You've arrived Ryuuri-chan, great clean work. =D=
  8. Ryuuri-chan

    Ryuuri-chan Jedi Grand Master star 1

    Jul 22, 2005
    thank you for all you're kind words. To answer the questions asked of me I use photoshop CS to do my coloring.
    Also on a general note I love drawing aliens whether it be Star Wars or other series with aliens. I find them lots of fun to do. The makeup work is easy using photoshop !!

    Here is 2 more pictures:

    One of Depa Billaba:

    And one of Qui-Gon Jinn:
  9. wicktone

    wicktone Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 2003
    Hey, welcome to the forum!

    I haven't seen many people try to draw Star Wars characters in this particular anime style. I like how you did them all portrait-style... it looks like a collection of images following a theme, as opposed to just random ones.

    The Obi-Wan is my favorite of these. I like how you rendered his beard and hair. The Shaak-Ti is a close second, though... great colour work on her. Looking forward to seeing more from you!
  10. benkenobi151

    benkenobi151 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 16, 2005
    I've been on this site for a little while and discovered this forum. I really enjoy looking at all this wonderful fan art. I think anime is style you don't see that much in today's fan art.(or at least I don't see it that much) I personally think your drawings are great. With that talent I forsee you going on to bigger and better things, and I personally hope to see more of your excellent work. Good luck. [face_peace]
  11. FalconFan

    FalconFan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 25, 2004
    Welcome, Ryuuri-chan, and thanks for sharing your work with us here in Fan Art! I really loved looking through your collection--from the finished, colored pieces to the rough sketches, you have some wonderful stuff! Your technique with shading and coloring is exceptional--the way you can render drapery and blend tones is just lovely, and it really adds a richness to your images. Of your current collection, I think your Jedi Master Obi Wan and Shaak Ti are my favorites--the detailing on Shaak Ti's clothing and headress are stunning! Great work!

  12. Ryuuri-chan

    Ryuuri-chan Jedi Grand Master star 1

    Jul 22, 2005
    Another piece I finished today.
    Dark Anakin Skywalker:

    I'm not really good at Evil character yet because I do more cute then evil but I'm working on it. if there is any trouble with the link let me know and I'll switch to deviant.
  13. FalconFan

    FalconFan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 25, 2004
    I think you captured "evil" very effectively in this image, Ryuuri: the dark colors, the expression on Anakin's face and the environment you have him in all say "darkness" to me, so I think you did a wonderful job conveying that! And this painting really looks like Anakin, too--very good capture of likeness within a wonderful economy of line! As with all your other completed pieces, I am really loving the way you handle the coloring--such beautiful shading and use of light, and just gorgeous depiction of folding in cloth. These are so unique and different--they really are a treat to look at! Thank you for sharing them with us here! :D

  14. Ryuuri-chan

    Ryuuri-chan Jedi Grand Master star 1

    Jul 22, 2005
    Here's a new picture and a little bit on how I do it.
    I start by drawing the picture in this case Barriss Offee out in pencil then I go over the lines with pen. Then I scan the picture at 400 dpi in black and white. After it is scanned, I then correct any lines I may have goofed on while penning. It then looks like a coloring book page. I use lays and a pen mouse to color. The first link is the picture how it looks right after I have scanned it and the second is the picture after I have colored it.
    Line art:

    Finished picture:
  15. R_Zion

    R_Zion Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 23, 2004
    Lovely picture, Ryuuri-chan! *snickers* For some reason, chibi-fied, she kinda looks the child of Raven and Beast Boy from Teen Titans. ^_^
  16. Ryuuri-chan

    Ryuuri-chan Jedi Grand Master star 1

    Jul 22, 2005
    a New picture. It's a little silly but Enjoy !

    Obi-wan and Qui-gon (well kinda):
  17. Ryuuri-chan

    Ryuuri-chan Jedi Grand Master star 1

    Jul 22, 2005
    A new picture I just finished I did it as a study for myself to see if I could do both characters. This is my first time doing a young Anakin. The eyes are bigger compare to the Padme because child have larger eyes than adults. It works well I think and show also how grown-up Padme is compared to Anakin even thought she's not that much older.

  18. FalconFan

    FalconFan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 25, 2004
    I'm really enjoying your explorations of character "portraits" Ryuuri--especially in this style (which we don't see much of!): each one has a definite "feel" of the character, and unique features that indicate precisely who you've drawn. I particularly like the one of young Anakin--the face, the eyes and his expression are just right (as is his shaggy blonde hair!). Lovely coloring, as always--you really have a touch for that work! These are wonderful (and the little Qui Gon "doll" is great, too! ;) )!!

  19. Ryuuri-chan

    Ryuuri-chan Jedi Grand Master star 1

    Jul 22, 2005
    thanks FF for all you're feed back. Here is another new picture i just finished of Padme:


    On another note while watching the Clone Wars Cartoon special features George Lucas says Anime interests him. Very cool !
  20. FalconFan

    FalconFan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 25, 2004

    Oh my, this one is fabulous!! I just love all the detail, in her headdress and on her gown and cape--and the shading and volume you've achieved is just beautiful! I can't get over the feeling of richness in the way you color, Ryuuri: it's just lush and adds so much to each piece! Lovely, lovely work! Well done!

  21. Corellian_Rogue

    Corellian_Rogue Jedi Youngling star 3

    Sep 30, 2001
    Great amidala Ryuuri! :) This is my all time favourite Padme outfit and you've done it wonderful justice. I saw Falcon mention the richness of the colour and I have to agree. You've done wonders with the rich and royal tones here. Well done! :)
  22. Ryuuri-chan

    Ryuuri-chan Jedi Grand Master star 1

    Jul 22, 2005
    Thanks FF and Corellian_Rogue. I love the idea of using a computer to capture the cloths and of the Clothing. Here is another new picture of Padme, This costume is from episode 2 thought.

  23. _Darth_Netheris_

    _Darth_Netheris_ Jedi Youngling

    Aug 6, 2005
    u'r pritty good i can give u that much i'm not to bad myself 1 sec i'l check if i have somthin
  24. _Darth_Netheris_

    _Darth_Netheris_ Jedi Youngling

    Aug 6, 2005
  25. wicktone

    wicktone Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 2003
    I like the framing you added to this. It makes it look like a piece of filmstrip, or maybe looking through a viewfinder on a camera.

    You did a beautiful job on her costume; all the little details of the flowers and the like. And I like all the work you put into the background... it definitely looks like Naboo. Nice job!