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Discussion in 'Star Wars: Future Films - Spoilers Allowed' started by A Chorus of Disapproval , Apr 16, 2020.

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  1. A Chorus of Disapproval

    A Chorus of Disapproval Head Admin & TV Screaming Service star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 19, 2003
    No need to worm your way in. Socializing is the spice of our online community.
  2. Pro Scoundrel

    Pro Scoundrel New Films Expert At Modding Casual star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 20, 2012
    How long before we see the first "I hate sand" joke, do you think?
    Bor Mullet and Jedi Merkurian like this.
  3. A Chorus of Disapproval

    A Chorus of Disapproval Head Admin & TV Screaming Service star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 19, 2003
    Those jokes are coarse and irritating and get posted everywhere.
  4. GregMcP

    GregMcP Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 7, 2015
    It's going to be tough coming up with "Kwisatz Haderach" puns.
  5. A Chorus of Disapproval

    A Chorus of Disapproval Head Admin & TV Screaming Service star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 19, 2003
    That is the new term for banning someone due to their infractions. We will be shortening the way off the forum.
    GregMcP likes this.
  6. InterestingLurker

    InterestingLurker Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 15, 2011
    How long before the new Dune move leads to a chorus of disapproval, A Chorus of Disapproval?

    I mean, this is the Internet, after all.
  7. GregMcP

    GregMcP Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 7, 2015

    They made one character who is male in the book, into a woman for the movie.
    The fun with the usual people has already begun.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2020
  8. InterestingLurker

    InterestingLurker Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 15, 2011
    So the usual.

    Jedi Merkurian and GregMcP like this.
  9. Jedi Merkurian

    Jedi Merkurian On Hiatus For The Baha'i Month Of Fasting star 7 Staff Member Manager

    May 25, 2000
    Maybe not as difficult as you think...

  10. Jedi Merkurian

    Jedi Merkurian On Hiatus For The Baha'i Month Of Fasting star 7 Staff Member Manager

    May 25, 2000
    [double post]


    “And how can this be? For he is the Benedict Cumberbatch!!!”
    Jolee Bindo and Lee_ like this.
  11. A Chorus of Disapproval

    A Chorus of Disapproval Head Admin & TV Screaming Service star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 19, 2003
    When the shortest person says "the shortening of the way", we listen.
    Jedi Merkurian likes this.
  12. La Calavera

    La Calavera Force Ghost star 4

    Sep 2, 2015
    I'm confused. Why Dune?
    Why today?
  13. PymParticles

    PymParticles Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 1, 2014
    Why not?
    Bor Mullet and Darth Chiznuk like this.
  14. Lee_

    Lee_ Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 3, 2012
    The Dosadi Experiment is another very good one by Herbert; someone similar in that it is a desert survival planet setting. Recommend it; .
    Why is the sky blue?
  15. TCF-1138

    TCF-1138 Anthology/Fan Films/NSA Mod & Ewok Enthusiast star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Sep 20, 2002
    What's the confusion? Didn't you sign up for Dune 2020 discussions?
  16. A Chorus of Disapproval

    A Chorus of Disapproval Head Admin & TV Screaming Service star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 19, 2003
    I do not understand the confusion at all. You click on a forum labeled "Future Films" and discussion therein is about the future film.
  17. starfish

    starfish Chosen One star 5

    Oct 9, 2003
    At least we know for sure the Dune film is happening :p
  18. PymParticles

    PymParticles Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 1, 2014
    The moment we get concrete, official information on future movies apart from release dates that do not appear to be reachable at this time, we will revert to discussing Serious Spaceballs.

    On that note, anticipate discussing Dune for the foreseeable future.
  19. Reepicheep775

    Reepicheep775 Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 27, 2019
    I'm glad someone else said it. [:D]

    But seriously... has the rules for April Fool's changed or something?
  20. A Chorus of Disapproval

    A Chorus of Disapproval Head Admin & TV Screaming Service star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 19, 2003
    Jedi Merkurian likes this.
  21. Pro Scoundrel

    Pro Scoundrel New Films Expert At Modding Casual star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 20, 2012
    Since so many people are home with little to do, and since LFL doesn't seem to want to give us anything to talk about, and since Dune has just started releasing images and articles about the film, and since it looks AMAZEBALLS, we decided to use this discussion forum to actually discuss something. Something that is actually happening. Something that seems like it will be life-alteringly good. Please, join us. :)
  22. GregMcP

    GregMcP Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 7, 2015
    And as pointed out on Twitter, the movie does seem to star Big Daddy Poe Dameron, his son Young Ben Solo, Rey Palpatine and Jyn Erso.

    (I'm too lazy to go find images)

    So it's a completely legit Star Wars movie.
  23. PymParticles

    PymParticles Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 1, 2014
    It's a sci-fi/space fantasy movie set on a desert planet with magic telepathy powers and a boy with a messiah complex. If it looks like Star Wars, if it walks like Star Wars, etc.
  24. Pro Scoundrel

    Pro Scoundrel New Films Expert At Modding Casual star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 20, 2012
    ...then it was Dune, first. :D
  25. Jolee Bindo

    Jolee Bindo Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 5, 2016
    Originally I was planning to re-read the book (which I first read years ago and remember virtually nothing about) so I could appreciate the film as an adaptation, but maybe I should just watch it as a Villeneuve film
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