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Lit Star Wars Art: Concept

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Todd the Jedi , Apr 12, 2013.

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  1. Todd the Jedi

    Todd the Jedi Mod and Loving Tyrant of SWTV, Lit, & Collecting star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 16, 2008

    I gotta say, it's pretty good timing, since The Star Wars is supposed to come out around the same time.

    And according to an editor from Abrams Books, this will collect "the best concept art from both trilogies, videogames, plus a few surprises."
  2. GrandAdmiralJello

    GrandAdmiralJello Comms Admin ❉ Moderator Communitatis Litterarumque star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 28, 2000
    Sounds awesome.
  3. CeiranHarmony

    CeiranHarmony Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 10, 2004
    Must have!!! I hope the good stuff is not in the exclusive pricy edition only... we NEVER learned what the exclusives were for the other Art books after years even... nobody could list it or tell me. *sigh* not even tiny thumbnail previews.

    LAJ_FETT Tech Admin (2007-2023) - She Held Us Together star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 25, 2002
    Yeah, I want this as well. I have the other art books and I've liked them.
  5. The Loyal Imperial

    The Loyal Imperial Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 19, 2007
    Will this actually be new, previously unseen concept art? Or just a compilation of stuff from the Making Of books?
  6. Barriss_Coffee

    Barriss_Coffee Chosen One star 6

    Jun 29, 2003
    Judging by the old PT-era webdocs, there are gazillions of concept images unreleased to the public. No doubt many of those will be used for future projects, but I'm sure they could afford to toss in some new ones.

    Although judging by the cover alone, chances are this book will include the usual concept suspects...
  7. Todd the Jedi

    Todd the Jedi Mod and Loving Tyrant of SWTV, Lit, & Collecting star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 16, 2008
    So this is about a month away (release date was actually pushed back to the 15th), and Abrams has a blurb on its site:

    "From Ralph McQuarrie and Joe Johnston to Doug Chiang, Ryan Church, Iain McCaig, Erik Tiemens, and the next generation of animation and video-game artists, Star Wars Art: Concept collects, for the first time ever, the very best Star Wars conceptual artwork. As curated by George Lucas, the artwork that helped bring the Star Wars Saga to life is revealed in all its glory, featuring pre-production drawings and paintings from the Original Trilogy, the Prequel Trilogy, the TV shows, and the video games, including an exclusive preview of artwork from the highly anticipated 1313. Spanning the years from 1975 to the present, Star Wars Art: Concept is a fascinating look at the process of conceptual design. From pen and paint and paper to the digital realm, the result is the creation of breathtaking iconic worlds, vehicles, and characters that successive generations have embraced and made their own."

    Interesting about 1313. [face_thinking]
    Barriss_Coffee likes this.
  8. Gorefiend

    Gorefiend Chosen One star 5

    Oct 23, 2004
    Lets hope it is just not the same concept art we have already seen for 1313
  9. Lazy Storm Trooper

    Lazy Storm Trooper Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 18, 2012
    Yay! More stuffs to spend monies on!
  10. jacktherack

    jacktherack Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 19, 2008
    Wow Amazon has it for 40% off, that's pretty impressive considering it hasn't even been released yet.
  11. Barriss_Coffee

    Barriss_Coffee Chosen One star 6

    Jun 29, 2003
  12. Todd the Jedi

    Todd the Jedi Mod and Loving Tyrant of SWTV, Lit, & Collecting star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 16, 2008
    Oh wow, Droids concept art! Now that's pretty cool.
  13. LAJ_FETT

    LAJ_FETT Tech Admin (2007-2023) - She Held Us Together star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 25, 2002
    Anyone found this yet? It was out two days ago according to Amazon UK. I just put an order in for it there.
  14. CeiranHarmony

    CeiranHarmony Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 10, 2004
    starwarssourcebooks fb page got a gallery about art concept for weeks already since I got it early ;)
  15. Gorefiend

    Gorefiend Chosen One star 5

    Oct 23, 2004

    So how much 1313 stuff is there?
  16. AdmiralNick22

    AdmiralNick22 Retired Fleet Admiral star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 28, 2003
    Better res imagine:


    Great stuff. Methinks I spy a Mon Cal in that image, center below the AT-AT.

    Drat, between this and the new Making of ROTJ book, I guess I will be dropping some coin on books again!

    --Adm. Nick
    teamhansolo and Force Smuggler like this.
  17. CeiranHarmony

    CeiranHarmony Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 10, 2004
    a lot cool stuff from 1313, go check out my gallery to see more ;)
  18. Gorefiend

    Gorefiend Chosen One star 5

    Oct 23, 2004
    Facebook won't let me :(
  19. CeiranHarmony

    CeiranHarmony Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 10, 2004
    why not? it is even viewable when logged off.. the page is public
  20. CeiranHarmony

    CeiranHarmony Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 10, 2004
  21. Todd the Jedi

    Todd the Jedi Mod and Loving Tyrant of SWTV, Lit, & Collecting star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 16, 2008
    SOOOOO PREEEETTTTTYYYY! I have to get this book, but my wallet's a little sparse at the moment. Well, Christmas is only two months away. :D

    And I definitely get a Bounty Hunter vibe from the 1311 art, mostly the Coruscant levels of course.
    CeiranHarmony likes this.
  22. CeiranHarmony

    CeiranHarmony Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 10, 2004
    just a note: I review books and post galleries and news on that fb page regulary together with my friends, like daily. ;) if anybody wants to connect to me on fb, I am Stefan there. add me as a friend if you like

    also check out the Making of ROTJ gallery I uploaded ;)
  23. Gorefiend

    Gorefiend Chosen One star 5

    Oct 23, 2004

    Keeps claiming I have to make an account to view the galleries and then won't let me make one [face_dunno]
  24. CeiranHarmony

    CeiranHarmony Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 10, 2004

    logged of I can view them even.. weird.. you do not have an account? then I do not know how you could access them
  25. Ordo Skirata

    Ordo Skirata Jedi Master star 2

    Sep 3, 2012
    That 1313 art looks pretty neat, makes me wish they had completed the game even more now.
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