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Star Wars Jedi battles + Equilibrium's Gun Kata = A cool combination

Discussion in 'Star Wars Community' started by Taufiq2u, Oct 9, 2005.

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  1. Taufiq2u

    Taufiq2u Jedi Youngling

    Oct 9, 2005
    Gun Kata is my second most favourite fictional martial arts after the Jedi lightsaber art. So when i went to a friend's party in Kuala Lumpur, i saw most of my friends playing Star Wars with lightsabers and blaster, GUN KATA STYLE!! It's awesome man! They've add tricks from both Star Wars and Equilibrium, and then mix it to combine a supafly martial art. We call it: the Blaster Kata. Here's a trick we made:

    1.Remember that famous Gun Kata pose used by Christian Bale in Equilibrium? You know, the one where he uses the two Beretta guns. Well, instead of holding two berettas on both hands, we tried to do here is create a new style of Gunkata, mantis-style Gunkata. It involves a blaster in the left hand and a lightsabre in the right hand. We didn't have any props so it's very conceptual. The action flys very fast so here is the concept. I am pulling a blaster on a cleric. (I am the one standing to the right of the screen) The Cleric, Ben, deflects my blaster blast, stabs me in the back with the lightsabre, holds on to the handle of the sabre blade pulling me down and firing his blaster over my back, effectively using my body for cover. After he has hit whatever target he intended, he spins around with the lightsabre and slits my throat, ending in a gunkata stance ready to take another shot.

    Try it! And we'll ask both George Lucas and Kurt Wimmer about this cool concept! I'd love to listen about your comments on tis cool conceptual martial arts.
  2. Axle-Starweilder

    Axle-Starweilder Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Jan 6, 2005
    write your congressman!
  3. ObiJuanQuito

    ObiJuanQuito Jedi Youngling star 5

    May 20, 2005
    say no to drugs...

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