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Star Wars Star Wars Tropical Terror

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by spycoder9, Oct 19, 2009.

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  1. spycoder9

    spycoder9 Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2008

    In the midst of a struggling fight for the colonization of Dayeeion, the Clone Wars has began, and the Seperatists are in a desperate struggle to capture it. The Jedi Council is fearing for the whole order's demise after Jedi Master Yoda has a troubling vision of the destruction of the Jedi Order. The council decides after the Seperatists sent General Grevious to colonize the world, that they have to send a Jedi task force. Those Jedi are to be chosen randomly.

    This game will center around the planet Dayeeion and the struggles of the Republic and the Seperatists. In this game, you are allowed to be a Jedi (only four Jedi allowed and the age may range from twelve year old padawan and to aging old grandpaw jedi master), a Seperatist (this includes General Grevious), clone troopers, and/or tribes people living on the planet. The story will begin as the travelers lift off.


    *PM me ONLY if your character is a Jedi, because I only need four. If you have any others just go ahead and post them.
    *If you go ahead and post, PLEASE try to make your character realistic and sound normal.
    *NO GODMODING! If you do, you will be banned from the game!
    *And last, but so not least, have as much fun as you possibly can.

    Character Sheet



    My Character

    Name: Jedi Knight Kelnica Tunus
    Gender: Female
    Age: 22
    Race: Human
    Homeworld: Courscant
    Apperance: She has long brown hair and peircing blue eyes. She is very slim and wears Jedi robes and has Jedi boots, high heeled just for her.
    Weapon: Blue Lightsaber
    Personality: She is very wise and beautiful, yet her heart is cold on the outside. If you happen to peirce her hard outer shell, you will reach a warm, kind woman. But if you walk out, you are in deep trouble. She has a lot of trouble following the Jedi Code.
    Bio: She was found on Courscant by a young Padawan apprentice out and about. The apprentice brought her to the Jedi Temple to be tested, and the Jedi Council was astounded. By birth she had been hated by other younglings who were jealous of her talents. When the great Master Rean Norran chose her, he eventually cracked her large shell. Kelnica admired her master, even after she was knighted. Then the horrible mission from which he never returned came about, and she had no one. She closed up to the Council, and they feared she had fallen. The mission to Dayeeion is her last hope to the order. She must succeed this mission or her life as Jedi will be crushed forever.

    * I hope I have a lot of people sign up! I want to have a great experience, and I think this could turn out to be one of the best RPGs ever. So start signing up!

    Xan Edit: Locked on GM's request
  2. spycoder9

    spycoder9 Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2008
    Guys signing up, two Jedi have been chosen. Mine of course, and I am waiting for another Jedi to come up. So remember to hurry and PM me. :)
  3. Gurthrim_Lah

    Gurthrim_Lah Jedi Knight star 4

    Oct 19, 2008
    GM Approved

    Character Sheet

    Name: Miia Norerre
    Gender: Female
    Age: 27
    Race: Miraluka
    Home world: Unknown - Coruscant
    Appearance: She has short black hair and a brown long cloth tied around her head, covering where her eyes would be if she was human. She is of the average and prefers to wear a beige tunic, a brown over tunic, white pants and brown boots.
    Weapon: Green Light saber
    Personality: She has a burning desire to learn more of the Force every day but has learned to be patience, knowing that such a desire that strong could lead her down the "Dark Side". but she doesn't believe in the whole "Light Side" and "Dark Side" stuff, she believes the force is only One and not Two. She also believes that the Force wishes her to stick to the Jedi and there ways.
    Bio: The Jedi took her in when a lone Miraluka women came to the Jedi and gave her to them before dying of an unknown cause. Years after growing, learning and training in the Force. She had been chosen by a master at the age of twelve. few more years after that, She fell in love with another Jedi padawan who disappeared while on a mission with his master, it had been assumed he was dead but she didn't believe he was dead, She requested permission to search for him, but the council forbid her to do so. But she still wanted to look for him and disobeyed the council and left without anyone's notice and came back a few months later in failure and confessed to the council her love for him and how it blinded her to disobey them when he was most likely dead. Years later she is now a Jedi Knight and the council has sent her with the other Jedi to the planet Dayeeion, hoping that maybe she would finally learn the different of the Dark Side and the Light Side.
  4. spycoder9

    spycoder9 Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2008
    O.K. I am waiting on another person to post their character sheet. We need someone to be General Grevious and we need two more Jedi. If nobody PMs me by Friday, I may just create two new ones for me, or you both can create one. Either way, I hope to start by Saturday at the latest.
  5. spycoder9

    spycoder9 Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2008
    Name: Ella Kittie
    Gender: Female
    Age: 14
    Race: Human
    Homeworld: Courscant
    Weapon: Purple Lightsaber
    Personality: She is very eager to please, yet does not want to show. She has normal beauty, but she makes herself ugly just so she won't break the Jedi code.
    Bio: She was born from a poor family, and when her family was bumped from their house, they sent her to the Jedi Temple. When she arrived, she met a young apprentice who became her best friend. When the Council decided she was ready for her master, she shed tears because every master who came to watch her fight left, never to come back to get her. When the battle of Dayeeion came on, she turned fourteen, and the council feared she was going to be sent off. They decided to send her off, with one hope that one of the Knights or Masters would accept her as their apprentice.

    *That means one Jedi left. I just had to make this Jedi because I saw this photo. I am sorry if two people had Jedi ideas. Just someone hurry and PM me for another Jedi. Remember if you want anything else, post anyway
  6. KnightFr0mOssus

    KnightFr0mOssus Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 26, 2009
    GM approved
    Name: Jedi Knight Lyoth Wahritht
    Gender: Male
    Age: 24
    Race: Ongree
    Homeworld: Skustell
    Apperance: 6"4, tapering head, inverted face, orange eyes, [​IMG]
    Weapon: Orange lightsaber
    Personality: Quiet, diplomatic, peaceful.
    Weapons: Orange lightsaber
    Bio: Born on Skustell, Lyoth was found by Ithorian Jedi master Tratek Telet during a trade dispute on the planet. He was brought to the jedi temple as a toddler and was taught under Tratek Telet himself. Tratek was a master at solving disputes and problems, creating illusions and at using the force to subdue rather than killing or dismembering with a lightsaber. This his padawan inherited. Lyoth was a very quiet jedi and did not talk unless it was necesary. Thus, he had no friends at the temple other than his mentor. Unfortunately, Tratek was killed shortly after Lyoth had become a jedi knight by terrorists on Chandrilla. Lyoth went on to participate in the battle of Geonosis.
  7. KnightFr0mOssus

    KnightFr0mOssus Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 26, 2009
    Can you explain what the people of Dayeeion look like or are they human? I wanna know because I may make a native character for the game.
  8. spycoder9

    spycoder9 Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2008
    They are human but their skin has a blueish tint.

    *Everyone here, I am asking you to tell friends to come! We need at least one more person, maybe two. We especially need another Jedi. Anyway, I guess I will take General Grevious, but even after I call him, anyone who asks has him. That means three for me (WHEW!).
    I will post General Grevious's in a few minutes.
  9. KnightFr0mOssus

    KnightFr0mOssus Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 26, 2009
    Name:Ri'aak Teirihin
    Gender: male
    Age: 17
    Race: Dayieeonian
    Homeworld: Dayieeon
    Apperance: Bluish tint, medium build, 5"12
    Weapon: Spear and salvaged blaster
    Personality: Ri'aak is a blacksmith's son and a dreamer. He participates in hunting for his clan with the hunting group on a daily basis. His curiosity often gets others in trouble.
    Bio: Ri'aak has always wondered what lived beyond his world. He liked to gaze at the stars and imagine what life was once like for his people. Ri'aak and his clan along with everyone else on the planet are the descendents of marooned human space travelers from an indeterminate time period. The people themselves knew they were from the stars but much of their original knowledge of space travel and the galaxy is lost. They speak a form of basic inherited from their ancestors.
    Ri'aak eventually has that question answered when the Seperatists and Republic Army land on his home shattering his way of life and forcing him to run or fight against the Republic((initially) and the Confederacy.

    OOC: to the gm, I improvised with what info was given, but anything surrounding the people that you would like to change, it's fine by me. If not, feel free to expand upon my idea. I ain't the GM after all.
  10. spycoder9

    spycoder9 Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2008
    Okay guys, the last person has asked. Anyway the Jedi are closed. Sorry for not posting General Grevious, but after the last person posts their Jedi, I will post General Grevious's character and we can begin. So get ready!
  11. spycoder9

    spycoder9 Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2008
    Name: General Grevious
    Gender: Male
    Age: ??
    Race: Kaleesh
    Homeworld: Kalee
    Apperance: four-armed cyborg
    Weapon: Four lightsabers (each from dead Jedi)
    Personality: Evil, destructive

  12. mmart23

    mmart23 Jedi Knight star 1

    Sep 3, 2009
    GM Approved

    Name: Julim Kondar
    Gender: Male
    Age: 26
    Race: Mon Cal Jedi Warrior
    Home world: Mon Calamari
    Appearance: Dark Red, standard for his race.
    Weapon: Blue Light saber
    Personality: Julim has a bold, brave heart, sometimes diving into danger to his detriment. An advocate for justice, he sometimes finds the Code limiting. He will nevertheless do his duty, his master test is making sure to not grow bitter and resentful. He loves to joke all the time to remain happy, as he struggles with joy; especially supporting a corrupted Republic.
    Bio: Julim was found as an infant by the Jedi on his homeworld of Mon Calamari and taken by the Order to be trained as a youngling. A heartsy, proud youth, he was deemed too headstrong and was not taken as a padawan until a week before his 13th birthday. From the day he was selected by his master as an apprentice he was loyal to a fault, serving his master for 13 years (knighted at age 23, but served beside him an additional three) taking on his master?s skepticism of the Senate, and lack of confidence in the wisdom of the Order. Like his master he served on nevertheless, taking special concern over the Senate?s creation of a Republic Army. Shortly prior to the Battle of Geonosis, Julim?s Master?s body is mysteriously found in the lowest levels of Coruscant, burnt to the bones. With the murder investigation under way by Senate and Jedi Council, Julim is ordered to assist with the efforts to encourage Dayeeion to join with the Republic. They felt it best to give him a focus. Now, the Jedi Warrior must struggle with his anger, the temptation to disobey and instead take the investigation into his master?s death into his own hands. The Jedi entourage on Dayeeoin will need to have some strong leadership to keep Julim steady.
  13. spycoder9

    spycoder9 Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2008
    And now, what we all have been waiting for, I give you the start of this RPG! Post afterwards, and try to keep it neat and resonable!

    Kelnica Tunus

    The Republic Assault Ship was piled with five Jedi and several clone troopers lifted off from the Temple, the tension in the air. This was one of the most important missions in the whole Clone Wars. The Jedi, all different in their own ways, were all piled in this ship for the same reason. If this mission failed, none of them would stay Jedi. The Jedi woman closest to the door was Jedi Knight Kelnica Tunus.
    She had the piercing eyes which forced the other Jedi to stay away from her. Small tears were in her eyes, for she could still see her Master Rean Norran in the Force, telling her that her time had came to prove herself. That was only reason she had came. That and the fact that she would never be a Jedi again if she denied the offer. She turned her head to look at the Jedi girl beside her. The girl was grinning fiercely, and Kelnica felt like slapping her.
    What right does she have to grin about a mission, she thought and then felt bad for what she had said. The girl looked so happy, so carefree. Just like me when I was a child. Except I had been smarter, more wise when trying to suck up to elders.
    Kelnica saw a young woman with a lightsaber in hand in front of her. The woman was Miraluka, Kelnica saw, and she was tapping her fingers against her lightsaber hilt.
    She is probably some cocky, stuck up Jedi who fells like she should brag all the time about all her missions, Kelnica thought, but knew she was wrong. The Force showed sadness in great proportions. Something must have happened to her, Kelnica wondered, I must remember to talk to her. I wonder why I haven?t seen her around the Temple.
    As Kelnica stood up to smooth her robes, she saw Lyoth Wahritht sitting on the other side of the girl. Kelnica felt anger pulse through the Force from her body. Her anger rose, and she saw him flinch at her reaction.
    How could he be here? she wondered in horror. He will still my light, become the most appreciated of all of them!
    Kelnica despised him with all her heart. When they were apprentices he had always been noticed by the council, loved by other apprentices, and treated greatly by masters.
    I could get my lightsaber right now and duel him right now! I would love to see his expression when I beat him, and everyone would praise me! Kelnica?s hand drifted to her lightsaber, but she realized she would get in more trouble than possible.
    Kelnica ignored Lyoth as she turned to see a Mon Calamari sitting down. He had a strange aura in the Force, as if he was holding back anger to try to stay calm.
    Just like me! she shouted through the Force, and the girl looked at her with a frown. Kelnica rolled her eyes and turned away. She the gazed at the Mon Calamari with a strange feeling in her heart. She pushed it away and then sat down.
    Well, I guess I have on my hands a sassy little girl, a depressed woman, my rival since I was an apprentice, and a wonderful Mon Calamari, she thought, but resented the thoughts. She had to treat everyone nicer, not give into her anger. She tried to grin at them all, but everyone ignored her.
    This was going to be a very long trip.

    Ella Kittie

    She wished she had the charm all the Jedi on the ship had. She tried to smile, tried to radiate peace through the Force, but the Knight beside her kept on radiating gloom and doom through the Force.
    Oh I wish one of these masters would pick me! I would be the best apprentice ever! I would kiss up and learn and become a legendary master like them! she thought as she watched an Ongree master by the name of Lyoth Wahritht. She felt something new pricking her through the Force and turned to the Jedi woman beside her.
    The woman was glaring at Master Lyoth with pure envy on her face. Ella shrunk back in horror at the face and turned to Master Lyoth.
    She had heard about several of Master Lyoth?s conquests, and also had heard of his legendary past. She also remembered there
  14. KnightFr0mOssus

    KnightFr0mOssus Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 26, 2009
    IC: Lyoth Wahritht
    Lyoth had noticed that eyes had been on him as soon as he got on the shuttle. He hated being stared at or admired but never expressed it. Hate is not a way of the Jedi. It was either someone coming up to him to ask him about his conquest on Arcona or his diplomatic mission to Uvena Prime. They also asked him about his duel with Rinald Tristis, who challenged him a few years back. Rinald was jealous and arrogant which gave him a bad reputation among the padawans. One day, he took his lightsaber in an attempt to kill Lyoth. Lyoth, being a skilled practitioner of Djem So, easilly defeated Rinald by cutting his lightsaber in two. Rinald was promptly expelled from the order and went back to a life of herding Nerfs on Alderaan.

    Lyoth was a model student in regards to the masters. He loved to absorb knowledge and spent much of his days in the library reading books or in the Tower of First Knowledge studying the history of Tython and the practitioners of Ashla, the precursor to the Jedi order. He admired the holocron recordings and histories by Sar Agorn the most, an early Jedi consular from the time of the Republic's formation. Sar Agorn was of an alien species no longer known about or extinct that was essentially a sentient green blob with green gases around it. He was very, very influential in regards to Lyoth. (Yes Sar Agorn is canon. Visual reference here [image=] )

    Despite his fame, he was not close with anyone. He was incredibly shy. His only true friend had been his master who had recently joined the force while on Chandrilla. He was okay with working in a group but that did not mean that he needed to make active conversation. He was going to the planet of Dayeeion which was in the process of colonization by the Republic. It was intended to become a resort world as well as an outpost for the Republic if the natives cooperated. It had only recently been discovered in an area of the unknown regions close to the known regions. Due to it's closeness to many suspected Seperatist worlds, it was a vital planet during these hard times. It was supposed to be a beautiful place.

    He noted a women,Kelnica Tunus, and a girl that he was not familiar with, both sitting parallel to each other, Kelnica eyeing him with anger and envy and the girl with nothing but admiration.I hope these two end up being serious about their work and do not let passion get to their heads , he thought. After a while, Lyoth decided to sit down and meditate. Having bent knees that gave him a squating look when he stood, he looked awkward when meditating.

    IC: Ri'aak Teirihin

    "But father, I wanna go with you to the city. I wanna see the newcomers. they've been here some time yet you never take me to see them ever!"
    "Ri'aak, the relationship is shaky with them. This is something only the Village Council should be involved in. They have been building a settlement and their people have been trespassing on our territory too much. They are expanding theirs onto ours and it's unacceptable unless we get benefits from them. I don't need you messing around with things thus I am not bringing you. You are too much of a liability. You need to supress your urge to investigate and ask questions or else you'll get nowhere in life. Sometimes it's better to leave questions unanswered, you may not like what you hear or see."

    Ri'aak frowned as his father and the other members of the Council began their journey to the city which could be seen off to the distance about 7 miles away. He never gained respect. He was deemed too childish and investigative by the majority of the tribesmen. He was also a dreamer, he spent too much time day-dreaming about star boats(starships). He always liked to hear stories about the humans from his father. Humans looked like his species but were more of a pinkish-yellow color rather than slightly blue like his people. Apparently, these were his ancestors according to the human scientists. Humans wound up on Dayeeion through one way or another
  15. Gurthrim_Lah

    Gurthrim_Lah Jedi Knight star 4

    Oct 19, 2008
    IC: Miia Norerre

    Miia couldn't help but feel a little nervous at the upcoming mission; because she knew she would most likely have to fight droids on this mission. it was not fighting droids that concerned her, it was whether she would be able to see the droids through the force.
    not everything could be seen using Force sight. Force sight was a basic Force ability, It enhanced the bearer's visual and spatial perception even in the dark or behind walls. Trained users could have their sight amplified and were able to counter Force persuasion and Force blinding powers.

    The Miraluka relied on this power constantly to compensate for their physical blindness. They could not perceive colors but could distinguish organics (even dead) and their alignment from the surrounding environment by their characteristic aura. Most objects, including doors and walls, appeared translucent, allowing to see through them. The Miralukas were the most skilled experts of the technique. Thanks to it, their reflexes were strengthened enormously, the reality didn't have secret for their look.

    But she also felt a little sad because she had remembered that it was the birthday of someone she had fallen in love with a long time ago, she could remember the time they both spent together lying in the gardens looking up at the stars at night, even though she couldn't see the stars because they where beyond the range of her force seeing. but he liked to look up at the stars and even would tell her about the stars. she had enjoyed those times with him, but ever since he had gone missing and probably is dead, she would remember his birthday and the memory's she spent with him.

    But she knew she couldn't think of those memory's right now, because she was on a mission and that would require her full attention.

    Tag: Anyone.
  16. spycoder9

    spycoder9 Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2008
    IC: Kelnica Tunus

    Her heart was pounding as she felt a small jolt as the ship bounced along. She saw the frightened expression of the little girl beside her, and tried to remain calm. Lyoth was busy acting brave to the little girl. Kelnica stood up as they felt another jolt, but she fell on her butt, the girl stifling a small giggle.

    ?If you dare think about laughing, little girl, I will send you back to the Jedi Temple faster than you can blink,? Kelnica snapped as she stood up. The girl?s eyes filled up with tears and she looked away. She fell into Lyoth?s arms, and Kelnica felt like she slap that Jedi Knight across his face.

    Then her thoughts came back, to the days where he would defeat her at every light saber duel, best her when they went with their masters on missions, congratulate her even when she didn?t need congratulating. He had always done better than her, and then she had fallen to the deep ends of the dark side when her master died, while Lyoth had recovered after his master was murdered by terrorists. And she never even knew what really had happened to her master, just that he had died.

    Kelnica then looked at the Mon Calamarian and her heart fluttered again, not just because they had hit another jolt. She could not believe her heart was near breaking the code, but she knew she had already broke it with the transformation to her dark self and the evil thoughts about others. She then saw Master Norran watching her, and her heart dropped.

    Kelnica started sagging and she had to look away from the Mon Calamarian Jedi, whose name Julim Kondar. Oh how much she loved that name. Then a monstrous jolt rocked the whole starship. The lights flickered and the JedI and clone troopers were jumbled around. The only thing Kelnica wanted right now was for the girl to stop screaming!

    *I will post the other characters later!
  17. mmart23

    mmart23 Jedi Knight star 1

    Sep 3, 2009
    Julim Kondar, IC

    Julim was perched, his hands together on his lap in seeming concentration. Quiet and reserved his since boarding the dropship, the Mon Calamari Jedi Warrior was deep in force meditation, eager to try to connect with his Master?s spirit. Julim had been bothered, fighting anger and bitterness, since learning that his Master was murdered and that he was not part of the investigating team. And so he tried with all his might to reach out in the Force to his Master, hoping that Sollustan Jedi Master Heib Junb was accessible in the Force; it was not unheard of. He had heard rumors of such a technique being accomplished.

    And so, even as sweat fell from his brow, the further he reached out the more emptiness he found. Worse than the feeling of emptiness that flooded his soul, was that not even a hint of Master Junb?s spirit could be detected. Julim began to wonder if his Master fell from the Force to the dark side; this could explain why he was unable to find him in the force. There were a few weeks where Julim and his Master were distant. And during that time his Master was uncharacteristically secretive. Another possibility was that Julim was being prevented from reaching out to his Master by some ancient Sith magic. Or even more devious, that the Jedi Council itself was preventing Julim from connecting with his Master. In frustration, Julim clenched his teeth and both fists, then pounded his fists at his seat, the back of his head against the wall, seething with anger.

    Tag All

  18. spycoder9

    spycoder9 Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2008
    OOC: Everyone, my computer isn't working, and I am at my friend's house. So I woul ask for all of you to stick to the topic, and I will be checking in until my computer is fixed. I also will post later our landing, but someone talk, get some converstation going.
  19. KnightFr0mOssus

    KnightFr0mOssus Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 26, 2009
    IC: Lyoth

    All around him he could see the jedi acting against their emotions. He could sense the Kelnica's anger, Miia's uncertainty, Julim's frustration, and the girl, the girl was a mix of fear and low self-esteem. She was crying constantly and trying to get Lyoth's attention. Lyoth never understood why they went ahead and sent a youngling on a mission such as this. It wasn't just because they went ahead and picked names out of a datascreen at random, it had to be something to do with the fact that the girl was already two years past the point most padawans are chosen by a master. The girl was supposedly declined by every prospective master who came near her. Lyoth felt a tad bit sad because of this, but he stole thought it was a bad call on the council's part.

    Maybe he could talk to Pablo-Jill about it. Pablo-Jill was also Ongree and had a chair on the council. Since they were both of the same species, Pablo-Jill had come to resemble a friend to Lyoth as did another Ongree jedi, Coleman Kcaj. Coleman and Pablo were of around the same age as each other and both were masters. Coleman was Pablo's set replacement on the council if anything were to happen and Lyoth was backup replacement if both died. That would mean that Lyoth would be the only knight on the council.

    Well, hopefully Pablo will come back from hid mission on Shili with Shaak Ti. Then maybe I'll consult him. And maybe, I'm up to the challenge of taking this girl under my tutelage, if she is still willing to learn Lyoth thought. And as if time had repeated itself, the girl was back at Lyoth's curved legs like a frightened animal.

    IC: Ri'aak
    The younger Dayeeionians were out hunting Dayeeionian nerfs that day. Supposedly, Dayeeionians were originally from Alderaan owing to the fact that nerfs had wound up on the planet as well. It was a simple animal to hunt, it was startled by noise and smell but had poor eyesight so ambushing was just a matter of setting up decoys or food and covering yourself with different scents. Dayeeionians also ate the fruits and fungus of the jungles and plains. Once all the hunting and gathering was done, they would haul the food back to the tribal village for rationing. Eventually, trading was going to phase out hunting and gathering as soon as colonization plans were completed and more people came to the planet to live and work. For now, the only time the majority of the Dayeeionian tribespeople saw people, it was Ithorian bioligists seeking help with their studies.

    Still, Ri'aak wanted to see his people, the humans, not some hammerheaded creatures that spoke with mechanical translators or with harsh basic accents. Ithorians were interesting nonetheless: they had two mouths and were very strange looking. Many of the children liked to pet their skin, which was very rough, and get corporal punishment from their mothers as a result for being impolite. Ri'aak always pondered curiosity upon seeing these children get hit; was it really a crime to be curious?

    That particular day, a new creature was conducting field studies. It looked like a human except it had gray skin and sharp nails. Strange thing was, it was capable of changing form. It even became a Dayeeionian which intrigued Ri'aak.

    "Don't be afraid children, I am a Shi'ido, this is all natural. I am not one of your people, but i can make myself look like you people if it makes you more comfortable" The creature said to the villagers who were crowded around him. "My job is to study your way of life, your culture, so that the Republic may better understand you. We want to accustom ourselves to every aspect of your peoples's life in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding."

  20. Captain_Rex

    Captain_Rex Jedi Youngling

    Apr 17, 2008
    Name: Hawk (CC-7738)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 11(in Clone years)
    Race: Human/Mandalorian Clone
    Homeworld: Kamino
    Apperance: An ARC trooper with a knife-sheath on his chest, he has a smilar paint-scheme to Rex- but he also has stripes under his visor like Denal-

    Personality: Hawk is a light-hearted clone, always trying to crack jokes but usually falling short though this attitude is mostly prominent in combat situations when not in immediate danger. Though sometimes he'll try this attitude in other situations as well. Hawk can also be an aggressive "tough-guy" especially with civilians and the enemy. When in combat, when not cracking jokes, he'll be the guy who is cool, calm and collected, though most Clones are.

    Weapons: A pair of DC-17 hand blasters and a combat knife

    Bio: Hawk, like all other Clones, was born in one of the Cloning facilities of the Kaminoans. Because of his 501st fame, he is respected by others a bit more, this got him to make "friends" with some of the ARC Trooper and Clone Commandos, who helped him learn more about Mandalorian culture as they were exposed to it more than the average trooper. He has been in several battles and it was when he and two fellow Clones were searching a building that they were attacked by two Magna Guards, they were able to down one with the loss of one clone, but the other smacked Hawk to the far wall, nearly knocking him out. The Magna Guard proceeded to kill the remaining Clone and went back to Hawk to finish him off. The Guard picked him up by the throat and began to choke him. He struggled to grasp the knife on his belt and just barely got ahold it.
  21. spycoder9

    spycoder9 Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2008
    IC: Kelnica Tunus

    Kelnica could sense the never ending danger pulsing through the Force, and her heart leapt at the thought at murdering the creatures that had murdered most of the Jedi Order. She then walked over to the Jedi woman with the bandages over her eyes. She felt sorry for her, and couldn't imagine what it would be like to have no vision. As she raised her head to see the woman, she smiled sweetly. Then the ship rocked again, and Kelnica was pitched forward. As she got back up, her heartw as troubled by all these bumps.

    "I am sorry that I don't know your name. Do you think you could tell me, Mrs...."

    IC: Ella Kittie

    She watched as the master with the evil heart stiid and headed over to the quiet Jedi near the corner. Ella wished that she hadn't even came, from all the uncovered feelings being revealed from everyone. She would rather rot at the Agricultural Corps than stay with all these Jedi. Then she bit her words back, because she rather face anything than leave the Order. Even a snotty Jedi.

    IC: General Grevious

    He prepared himself as the droids marched down the ramp. His mind was working in twisted wats as he invisioned the way he would corrupt this world. The Seperatists would win.

    "General, we have a small band of people attacking our droids. Do we take action?" one droid beeped as he clunked down the ramp.

    "Murder them. That will show these beasts what they are dealing with!" the General hissed as he marched after the droids. He wanted to watch how his first lesson was going to plan out.

    OCC: My computer is still tore up, so I won't be on as frequent, but I promise I will try to get on later tonight and later.
  22. spycoder9

    spycoder9 Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2008
    OOC: Is the clone trooper on the ship with us? If he is, please tell us.
  23. spycoder9

    spycoder9 Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2008
    IC: Ella Kittie

    Ella stared into the eyes of the master watching her, wishing that every single dream would come true. She wished he woudl take her in now, so she could know she had a master, just in case she didn't make this mission. Her hand wavered as she was about to say something, speak out about forbidden things. The Master was supposed to choose his apprentice, and man, Ella was turning into trouble.

    "Master Lyoth, can I be your apprentice?" she asked, as she stared into his eyes, her hope rising to the biggest limit. She wished he would say yes.

    IC: Kernica Tunus

    Before the Jedi woman she was getting to know said one word, Kelnica noticed her new Jedi friend,was seething with anger. She grew fearful, and tried to scoot away. Then the ship hit another bump, and the pilot shouted at the from the front.

    "Our engines are failing! There must be something caught in there, jamming it up! Can someone get in there?" he shouted out as the ship flipped over, the girl screaming. Kelnica suddenly felt a rush of feelings coming on, and she screamed as she crippled to the floor.

    She watched as her master was standing on some platform. He was shouting out, screaming her name and sobbing non stop. The vision switched to Kelnica watching herself fight off droids. Then she saw General Grevious, twirling his lighstabers around. Her last part was Ella staring at her and saying "You killed him", over and over again. Kelinica kept saying no, but Ella kept saying it.
    Kelnica lay crippled on the floor of a twisting ship, their only hope is for someone to get the debris out of the ship. Kelnica's vision left her, and she went out like a light, her last thought of the handsome Clamarian Jedi with the terrible anger.
  24. mmart23

    mmart23 Jedi Knight star 1

    Sep 3, 2009
    IC: Julim Kandor

    Danger all around Julim caused the Mon Calamari Jedi Warrior's eyes to alertly open wide. Extraordinarily strong from his long-term force meditation, in lightning motions he unstrapped his seat harness, lept from his seat, grabbed Kelnica from the floor, strapped her into a seat harness to keep her from tumbling around, before he rushed to the back of the craft. Steadying himself, he moved toward the back to pull down the lever to release the debris that were causing their ship's balance and control to be lost.

    Noting more impending danger as a result of the damage inflicted to the craft, Julim grabbed a welder and hooked an extinguisher strap over his shoulder. He moved to the side of the transport and climbed out of the craft unto the top of it looking for critical points. He sprayed the extinguisher to put out the main fires and moved to the spots welding the shredded metals back into place. He then moved over to the edge grabbed it and flipped back into the craft.

    Immediately following this, he tapped into the force and attempted to calm those around him and heal the wounded Kelnica by touching her forehead. His heart palpatated as he did so, looking down not wanting to connect to the deep feelings he had for his fellow Jedi Knight. "Wake up Lady Kelnica", he said gently, yet with a deep strength and kind patience in his voice.

    Tag Kelnica and the other Jedi
  25. spycoder9

    spycoder9 Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2008
    IC: Kelnica Tunus

    She saw the faces swirling around her, their cries drowning out any other noise. She could see the Mon Calamarian warrior above her, and her heart pounded with anticipation. She suddenly regained air flow and she slowly looked around, dazed. She wondered why everything was still dizzy, and remembered the ship was still hurtling through space. She felt as if she was about to die, as if they all from the engine trouble. As she laid her head back down, she saw someone.

    Her master stood there, his wise eyes staring right into her. Kelnica felt her heart leap in joy, and slowly stood. The other Jedi just looked at each other in shock. Kelnica walked slowly to him, and hugged him tightly.

    "Kelnica, my sweet Kelnica, how I have missed you," he told her as he hugged her tightly.

    "Oh I have missed you too, Master!" Kelnica shouted out.

    "Kelnica, listen to me! You will not die, if you trust in the Force! It is the key to this whole mission! You must believe in the Force, and there you will succeed," he told her as Kelnica nodded.

    "But how-" she stared in shock, because her master was gone. She turned to see all the other Jedi staring at her. She paid no attention, for she had a ship to save!

    TAG: Anyone
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