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The Dutch fans v.2.0... any english speaking fellow is allowed!

Discussion in 'Archive: BeNeLux' started by Nwalme Jade, Nov 29, 2000.

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  1. Nwalme Jade

    Nwalme Jade Ex(patriated) RSA star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 13, 2000
    We began this thread in the original FanForce... but we were only two to post in there... Please help us to break the curse!!

    I'm Nwalme Jade and I'm French... Waiting for Flyboy now..
  2. Satan_Claus

    Satan_Claus Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 23, 2000
    Consider the curse broken. I'm curious, if your French how come your are posting under Dutch fans?
  3. Nwalme Jade

    Nwalme Jade Ex(patriated) RSA star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 13, 2000
    Yay! Glad to meet you!

    Huh, actually, The Flying Dutchman came and said "Hi!" in our french forum in FanForce (back then, it was the beginning, and we were so few that we were often paying a visit or 2 to others regional forums).

    So I returned the visit, in the "Dutch Fans" thread. Then we started a thread which looked more like a chat, considering we were the only ones to post there... Any newcomer would post once, then leave...

    That was called the "Dutch Curse"! ;-)

    And now I hope you'll post more than once!!
  4. Satan_Claus

    Satan_Claus Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 23, 2000
    Well here is my second post and it's nice to meet you as well.

    Oh ok i understand now. I live in St. Maarten, not in the Netherlands and the island as you may know is half Dutch and half French, that is why I was curious.

    Well so much for the "Dutch Curse" ;-)

  5. queeq

    queeq Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 10, 1999
    Dutch curse?

    What is happening to TF.N? Seggregation?

    queeq out
  6. Nwalme Jade

    Nwalme Jade Ex(patriated) RSA star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 13, 2000

    The term "Dutch curse" is a joke, created to illustrate the situation. Just picture the scene : 2 people talking in a thread, then 1 comes in, we welcome him as warmly as we can, and then, shazam! He disappears.
    I mean, it didn't happen just once.

    So you can go in, I never meant to seggregate anyone ; moreover, if Flyboy (who's a real Dutch!) had feel insulted, he would have told me. Which he didn't.

    Great, Satan Claus, so you're the missing link between me and the Flying Dutchman, if I understand well!!
  7. queeq

    queeq Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 10, 1999
    Oh, Nwalme, the seggregation thing? Now THAT was a joke. Welcome to TF.N. Hehehehe

    queeq out
  8. Nwalme Jade

    Nwalme Jade Ex(patriated) RSA star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 13, 2000
    OK, that the second misunderstanding for this day..; I'm not used to english-speaking humour!! :)

    Thanks for the welcome, unless it was *also* a joke... ;)
  9. Satan_Claus

    Satan_Claus Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 23, 2000
    The missing link? Hmmm, been called many thing in my life but never that.;-). Methinks me like the sound of that and you can just call me Claus.

    Well watching the different cultures trying to understand one anothers humor should be entertaining if nothing else.:)
  10. Nwalme Jade

    Nwalme Jade Ex(patriated) RSA star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 13, 2000
    Oh, but we can learn much, much more!
    For example, I'm less stupid now thanks to the first "Dutch Fans" thread which taught me what the Red Lights district was! :p
  11. Satan_Claus

    Satan_Claus Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 23, 2000
    Hehehehe, is that what goes for cultural exchange these days. The Red Light District. Many tales have I heard of that area in Holland. :-O

    So you have been corrupted beyond repair already, oh well I guess my work here is done.;-)
  12. Darth Muis

    Darth Muis Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 11, 2000
    Heyhey! Nice to meet you guys. I'm a JC veteran from the Netherlands. I live in Limburg.
  13. The Flying Dutchman

    The Flying Dutchman Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 4, 2000
    Hey my dear parter: Messa Back :)
    But look at my posts: from 400 => 10 Nooooo......
    Well as long as we can have to same amount of fun we had at TFF is should be OK.
    Anyway good to see U back Nwalme
  14. Nwalme Jade

    Nwalme Jade Ex(patriated) RSA star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 13, 2000
    God... so... much... people...

    I can't believe it!

    Why weren't you in FanForce when we needed you guys??? ;)
  15. The Flying Dutchman

    The Flying Dutchman Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 4, 2000
    They are Dutch remember.... ;)
  16. Nwalme Jade

    Nwalme Jade Ex(patriated) RSA star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 13, 2000
    Yeah.. look at Claus : he talks as if he was going away... one left us again...

    Good to see you again Flyboy!!!

    And hi, Darth Muis!! You must be relieved to meet local fans in these forums!
  17. Satan_Claus

    Satan_Claus Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 23, 2000
    You won't get rid of me that easily. ;-). Though it is quiet here I must say.
  18. Nwalme Jade

    Nwalme Jade Ex(patriated) RSA star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 13, 2000
    Well, yeah, but trust me, it's nothing compared to the former Dutch Thread!
  19. Darth Muis

    Darth Muis Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 11, 2000
    Actually Nwalme, I am! :D
  20. The Flying Dutchman

    The Flying Dutchman Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 4, 2000
    For some strange reason The Dutch only posted once on that Forum... just saying 'hello' and left again :( Nwalme and I were the only regular posters on that Forum Topic :) Sure did had a lot of fun!
    Remember the PMP stuff =)
  21. The Flying Dutchman

    The Flying Dutchman Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 4, 2000
    For some strange reason The Dutch only posted once on that Forum... just saying 'hello' and left again :( Nwalme and I were the only regular posters on that Forum Topic :) Sure did had a lot of fun!
    Remember the PMP stuff =)
  22. queeq

    queeq Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 10, 1999
    Well, die hard posters like me where just having fun on JC. It's a busy enough place, and now... you're here.

    (And no, the welcome was not a joke, hehehehe)

    queeq out
  23. Nwalme Jade

    Nwalme Jade Ex(patriated) RSA star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 13, 2000
    Oh, it's no problem at all, guys. Being just 2 posters in the former thread allowed us to :
    - practice our Jedi mind tricks,
    - create a new language ('niark)... well, actually, just a new *word* (PMP)...
    - talking about your country's "traditions" (see above)

    Now, can we know a little more about yourself? What you do in life, which languages you speak (tell Flyboy you speak russian!! :p ), and so on...
  24. queeq

    queeq Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 10, 1999
    As far as I'm concerned you can do anything you like. Well, aside from the profanities and other board rules of course. Weird stuff is fine with me.

    queeq out
  25. Nwalme Jade

    Nwalme Jade Ex(patriated) RSA star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 13, 2000
    Queeq, true FanForcers don't know what "profanities" mean... there was no rules needed to force us into being nice! We already were, by nature... (oh, we are kinda weird, too, but it's a gentle crazyness :) )
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