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Resource The Fanon Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by FanonSock, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    All right! PMs sent and challenge list updated. Thank you all. :)
  2. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    I would like #2 on both lists please :)

    Okay, edit: List 1, #2 and List 2, #1. (doesn't work either)

    Edit 2: List 1, #2 and list 2, #18.
    Findswoman likes this.
  3. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    List 1, #6 and List 2, #6.
    Findswoman likes this.
  4. Lazy K

    Lazy K Jedi Knight star 2

    Sep 22, 2012

    Why not? #16 from both lists, please. :)
    Findswoman likes this.
  5. Pandora

    Pandora Force Ghost star 4

    Apr 13, 2005
    I have edited both of my posts on Kuat, and its culture, in response to some of the comments from Gamiel and Sith-I-5. This post is for a few (nearly short story length) responses that don't work within the in-universe narrative I've used.

    Yes, I can see the resemblance there: telbuns are expected to excel (and they are tested, to quote the wookieepedia article, at "the appropriate age"--which I would assume to be the age of majority, so about seventeen or eighteen--to make certain of it) in academics, athletics, and social graces. They would be more than capable of holding their own in a conversation with their aristocrats. But in the canon they seem to use these skills to make babies, and then to wait on their mistress/master hand and foot. (In my personal additions, while this is often true, it is still a generalization, and it isn't true all of the time.)

    I would have to imagine they have these skills mostly to prove they are genetically suitable to provide children for the house--the aristocrats want to be certain that the arrangement will give them children who excel at those same things. After all, they are businesspeople--they would want to know they're getting their money's worth out of their purchase.

    Oh (and I have added this to my post) they know a great deal. They've remembered more than some of the aristocrats forget. Supposedly, they keep all this information to themselves--but if the rumors are true, certain telbuns are taking a lot of it to the underground group Pallas (which I may be writing up a bit of fanon on in the near future). Outwardly, they're utterly devoted to their families. And they are definitely attached, for obvious parental reasons, to the children in their care. But behind the scenes, in private, no one actually knows. Only the telbuns, and they tend not to talk.

    I thought I took this detail from the wookieepedia article on Kuat, but I'm looking through it now, and I can't find it. Anyhow, since Kuat was terraformed, all the animals there originated, at some point in history, from another world. It also means that the Kuati get to choose what animals are present there, and large predators (yes, I edited that into my post) do not serve their needs.

    There are small (and domesticated) predators there though--the canon character Kuat of Kuat had a pet felinx, which as far as I can tell, the tarted up "Star Warsy" name aside, is still quite obviously a felis catus, a domesticated cat.

    That's quite true, and it's interesting, because Kuat is not an isolated or closed off culture--it's clear that, due mostly to their shipyards, they've been a part of Galactic business and politics for centuries. They've been exposed to other cultures. If they're culturally inbreed, it's because they've chosen to be. They certainly could use some shaking up--and maybe, eventually, that will happen. Cultures change slowly, when they even change at all.

    There are most certainly commonly accepted stereotypes about the different houses--but I haven't had a reason in a story, as of yet, to figure out what any of them might be. As for the varieties of starships, I have to admit that is one area I'm probably not going to develop much; my father is an actual, factual "rocket scientist," but I don't take after him. I have figured out that the different yards both have their known design specialties, and are focused on having variety in the starship models they turn out. The more kinds of ships they have, the more markets they can make money in.


    They don't actually have the powers of the ring of Gyges, but they come pretty close to being invisible--people from the middle and lower classes learn, from an early age, not to see them, and they can take advantage of that to blend in, to nearly disappear, if they have a need to. Or in other words, they're as invisible as they want to be.

    As for the kids, I can only suppose that a chauffeur-droid handles any pick-up duties. This is STAR WARS, after all--why have a person do a job, when you can have a cool looking droid do it? But, more seriously now: in the Legends canon, according to the wookieepedia article, telbuns serve as the children's tutors as well as their guardians, which indicates that they're educated at home. I have deliberately contradicted that (after all, people like the Kuati aristocrats would never have one person do two jobs, when they could have three people and a droid do just one)--in my fanon, aristocratic children are usually taught at home by a tutor when they're young, and then, around the age of ten or eleven or so, they are sent off to posh boarding schools--sometimes even off-world, usually on Coruscant. But when the telbuns do pick up the children, from various functions, the people around them would just politely pretend they're not there.
    Ewok Poet, Gamiel and pronker like this.
  6. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Thank you, Pandora.

    If a telbun became upset enough to become a serial killer, that could start to present a problem.

    I suppose the "people learn, from an early age, not to see them" bit would have to start at eleven, then; because younger children would have to notice their own telbuns, for the education and upbringing; and those of their class and playmates, unless it is a fact of life that Kuati society loses a lot of children.

    Then again, maybe they have subcutaneous locator beacons from a young age too.

    Schoolteachers would have to unlearn the ignore ability, for safety and security reasons.
  7. Pandora

    Pandora Force Ghost star 4

    Apr 13, 2005

    If a telbun became upset enough to become a serial killer, that could start to present a problem.

    Indeed. Luckily for those around them, they're more likely to just take to drink.

    I suppose the "people learn, from an early age, not to see them" bit would have to start at eleven, then; because younger children would have to notice their own telbuns, for the education and upbringing; and those of their class and playmates, unless it is a fact of life that Kuati society loses a lot of children.

    Then again, maybe they have subcutaneous locator beacons from a young age too.

    It's actually only people from the middle and lower classes who learn (mostly from example, though I suppose at least a few parents have told a small child that they mustn't stare at that man in the "red dress") not to see telbuns; I've edited my posts to reflect this. Most aristocrats are not only aware of the telbuns who raise them, they often remain close with them into adulthood--it could be said that the children in a telbun's charge are the only people who really ever truly see them. But then, despite this attachment, so many of them go on to treat the telbuns they receive as adults quite poorly--I suppose that, besides the obvious influence of following their parents' examples, they just manage to see their personal telbuns in an utterly different way from the ones who were their guardians.

    While they would come into contact with the telbuns of their peers, they would likely just mostly ignore them--they have spent their entire lives surrounded by servants, who are there to wait on them when they need something, and to remain in the background when they don't. Their friend's telbun would be just another servant, and would be of no interest to them.

    Schoolteachers would have to unlearn the ignore ability, for safety and security reasons.

    I suppose they would have to. But while they would learn to recognize the telbuns of their pupils, they would never speak to them if they could help it--and if there was an issue of some sort at school with the child, they would always contact the aristocratic parent, probably through a secretary, to deal with it.
    Gamiel, Findswoman and Ewok Poet like this.
  8. leiamoody

    leiamoody Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2005
    Aeithera was a planet in the Colonies. The capital was Krisoti. The planet was a major center of learning in the galaxy, with an esteemed university system.

    Aeithera was the fifth planet in the Aeon System. It was similar to Alderaan in geographical composition, except for a larger amount of interlocked bodies of water in the Northern Mountains. There was one large city, the planetary capital named Krisoti. Smaller towns dotted across the globe, with a larger concentration of retreats along the shores of Lake Chellat.

    Aeithera was settled as a colony of Alderaan in 13,000 BBY. Intellectuals and nobles who followed the philosophical teachings of Lyore Amadeo, a writer who preached the value of an existence based upon the pursuit of learning surrounded by nature, colonized the planet. The official founders of the planet were Prince Chiron and Princess Alisande Organa, who began a building program across the world. They established the capital, Krisoti, along with several major edifices, including three colleges that formed the core University of Aeithera system, a municipal green space named the Cita dav Ilo, and two bridges which connected the capital with the park.

    The Organa royal family lived in the Arkennine Palace for nearly sixty years until the citizens of Aeithera voted through referendum to abolish the monarchy and establish a representative democracy in 12,942 BBY.

    As the millennia passed, Aeithera became renowned as a major center of learning. Students came from all over the galaxy to attend one of the ten colleges of the University of Aeithera system. The most well known institution was the third college, dubbed “The Cultural University” because of its humanities programs.

    The citizens of Aeithera were a diverse mix of humans and aliens who lived primarily in the capital of Krisoti and its outskirts. Smaller communities existed in the Northern Mountains and on artificial island platforms located near Lake Chellat.

    The largest contingent of survivors from Alderaan reached an agreement with the Aeitheran government and settled on the planet beginning in 1 ABY.

    Aeitherans, like their Alderaanian cousins, valued education, the performing and fine arts.

    The university system
    Aeithera was noted for its system of colleges, officially known as "The Colleges of the University of Aeithera System". There were ten specialized colleges that offered courses in majors ranging from engineering to political science.

    The most popular college was College Three, colloquially known as “The Cultural University” by its students. This institution was devoted to humanities majors. Paurilis Fejier, the father of actress and Jedi Nalieza Fejier, was a professor of Pre-Republic History at College Three.Music was taught at College Ten, while Legal and Political Sciences were taught at College Seven.

    A popular eatery called Zizi’s Tapcafe, located on the western side of the Cita dav Ilo, was run by the Pho Ph'eahian Zizi Pao.

    Aeithera was a representative democracy led by a Prime Minister, and its legislative body the High Senate.

    Grasslands and forests dominated the land surface of Aeithera. There were no oceans on the planet, but five interlocked lakes in the center of the Northern Mountains connected to three main tributaries, including the largest known as the Salamicia River which ran through the center of the capital. Lake Chellat was the largest of the five lakes. It once served as the centerpiece of a necropolis for the early settlers. In later decades it became a popular weekend destination for residents of Krisoti and its surrounding suburbs.

    Two major visual art movements, Art Aeon and the Simplicity Movement, were founded on Aeithera. The Art Aeon movement had a particular influence upon the architecture of the capital, while the Simplicity Movement had a greater effect upon smaller pieces.

    The Shard Memorial was created by Alderaanian sculptor Orila Shard in 2 ABY. Designed as a memorial to the lost and missing citizens of Alderaan, the monument was made from Dalonian crystal and stretched along a ten-meter expanse in a central space of the Cita dav Ilo. The memorial was unmarked by any list of names or numbers of the known and presumed deceased; this was an intentional effect designed to reflect the state of galactic affairs under the Empire. The Dalonian crystal was meant to represent the influence that Alderaan had upon galactic history and culture.
  9. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    leiamoody some of questions regarding Aeithera and the aeitherans: How do they dress? How do their architecture/s look like? Is there a kind of technology/gadget/items that they don’t have/use or is unique to them? Any unique superstitions? Do they have an Force tradition of their own and if yes what is their philosophy and powers? What kind of martial tradition do they have and what arms and armour do they use? Any ideas about animal and/or plant life? How is their food? What about spaceship design? What non-humans make up the larges minority groups? Any group/species that they have prejudice to?
    Ewok Poet and leiamoody like this.
  10. leiamoody

    leiamoody Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2005
    Very good questions. I'll have to write up something to answer them.
    Ewok Poet likes this.
  11. leiamoody

    leiamoody Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2005
  12. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Consider Art Aeon stolen, it is now in my world list post :han:
  13. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    leiamoody what do the the aeitherans think of the Alder-Espirions?


    For you people who want inspiration for the animal life on your fanon planet I suggest taking a look at the TV-show The Future is Wild (you can easily find bootleg versions of most episodes on YouTube), the book After Man: A Zoology of the Future (which is available for free here) and the page RPG Creatures - a free online Bestiary. Do anybody else have suggestions on what could work as inspiration for animal life?
  14. leiamoody

    leiamoody Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2005
  15. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
  16. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Normal human sized
  17. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Thanks, of some reason had I got the impression that they were larger then humans. Maybe I am blind but I could not find any physical description of them in your posts, is there anywhere I can find one?
  18. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    I have pics of them

    and as Force ghosts


    Kahara, Findswoman , pronker and 2 others like this.
  19. leiamoody

    leiamoody Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2005
    The Afterlife of the Force was a descriptive term used for the plane of existence all souls inhabited after death. Contrary to a belief once held by the Jedi, this realm was open to anyone whether or not they possessed Force sensitivity. It was a non-physical location that could be given the appearance of a three-dimensional space depending on the perception of a being that entered the realm.

    The Afterlife was divided into five planes that existed independently from the level of existence occupied by the living. The Circle was the birthplace of new souls. The Otherworld was the realm closest to the Living World, and the space where all deceased souls entered after the cessation of physical existence. The Netherworld was a purgatorial space on the outer edges of the Otherworld. The Overworld was the destination of all souls who completed their cycle of physical incarnations. The final space was The Oneness, where all souls gathered into a mass of energy after the completion of conscious existence.

    The Afterlife consisted of five separate extraphysical planes that existed on a coterminous yet independent level with the Living World.

    The Circle was the center of the Afterlife where all new souls were created. This space was separated from the other planes by an impenetrable veil that functioned as a protective barrier to keep it pure from the contamination of the realities and complexities that existed in the other realms.

    The Otherworld was the plane after death where spirits at peace with their deaths returned and resided after the shedding of the physical body. It was a large realm divided into many “areas”. The Garden of the Two Worlds served as a bridge between this realm and the Living World. The process of reincarnation was determined and administered here. The Universal Archives, where the researchers and historians called “The Recorders” worked, was located in the Otherworld.

    The Netherworld served as limbo for those souls who were conflicted at the time of death, or for living souls who suffered a spiritual trauma that split their souls into one or more pieces. This phenomenon was extremely rare, but did occur in the case of Anakin Skywalker soon after his transformation into Darth Vader. Chaos was located at the center of the Netherworld.

    The Overworld was the destination realm for a soul that completed its journey across lifetimes and was ready to become a purely spiritual being. After the cessation of incarnation and reincarnation, a soul would be offered several options. The first was complete absorption into the final realm of the Afterlife called The Oneness. Another option was joining the ranks of workers who made the realm beyond death function. A completed soul could become a Recorder, Archivist, or Counselor. If the being achieved a high level of spiritual perfection over the course of lifetimes, they were offered a rank within The Ascended. A completed soul might also decide to simply exist within the Overworld. A rare option was undertaken by a few maverick souls; they decided to return to the cycle of life and death several more times in order to learn something more about the Living World so they could better serve in the Afterlife once they returned to the Overworld.

    The Oneness was the final plane of the Afterlife, where all souls merged together in one pulsing energy mass. The conscious souls of every individual who ever lived merged into one group consciousness that possessed the highest known form of intelligence. This entity was capable of interaction with living beings, particularly certain individuals who tapped into the Oneness to better serve the will of the Force.

    Early understanding

    The Afterlife was created in conjunction with the universe. It existed as a counterpart to the space occupied by the physical realm, which came to be known as The Living World after intelligent and self-aware beings emanated from The Circle and began to shape their environment. Five levels were created that would serve various functions in the Afterlife by a group later called “The Overseers” by certain Force users.

    For many centuries certain trained individuals who could breach the hidden barriers that lay between the Two Worlds allowed communication between the living and dead. One group, a nomadic tribe called The Whills, used rituals that enabled the deceased to interact with the living in a direct fashion. It was commonly understood by most civilizations there was life after death, which made it possible for all souls who passed away to retain their identities once they crossed into the Afterlife.

    The earliest school of thought was that a Netherworld indeed existed, and that a fully trained Jedi could consciously will their minds to attain an identity after death, and to completely dissolve their physical bodies. These tenets and the practice of “disappearance” were recorded in several influential texts including The Book of Eternity, the final volume of instructional tomes known as the Jedi Codices.

    Forgotten knowledge
    Widespread belief in the Afterlife declined in the era of the Pius Dea Crusades. The leaders of the ultraconservative religious sect firmly believed there was no possibility of existence after death for those who did not worship the goddess Bona. The government focused upon eliminating any groups who possessed contrary beliefs, including the Order of the Whills and the Jedi.

    Even after the fall of the Pius Dea regime, many civilizations left behind their various belief systems in favor of immediate concerns in daily life. Religious orders that supported a belief in life after death drifted away from their knowledge of the Afterlife. The Jedi took a particular stance against the focus upon some kind of physical existence after death. They began emphasizing the importance of the Living Force while teaching that any focus upon immortality was the domain of the Sith. The Jedi Council forbade any forms of communication with the Afterlife. It became standard practice for any Jedi to accept that life was a process, and death was simply the end of that process.

    Over the next several centuries, knowledge of the Afterlife was generally considered a myth. Many beings used ancient methods of spirit communication like boards and mediums for recreational purposes.

    The Whills were the last true believers in life after death. Their shamans had gathered together written materials over the centuries about the nature of post-life existence and how the cycle of birth/life/death operated. A Jedi Master, Aduman Nical, and his padawan, Chevor Mikayzd, rediscovered the secrets of Force immortality when they journeyed to Vouroso in 480 BBY and consulted with a Whills shaman called Ophalin Kaido. This particular shaman gave Aduman The Book of Eternity, which had disappeared ten thousand years earlier from Ossus. Nical and Mikayzd passed on what they learned by recording holocrons which contained the essentials of knowledge about the Afterlife, but did not include any teachings about Force immortality since that practice was in conflict with the Jedi’s views on seeking to exist past death. Teachings about retaining conscious identity after death were handwritten into four books by Nical. The Whills holocrons were stored within the Jedi Archives, while the Force immortality tomes were placed in the Temple of Iziaka on Xaan Doro.

    Qui-Gon Jinn became the first modern Jedi to rediscover the secrets of Force immortality and the Afterlife. He first became aware of the holocrons made by Nical and Mikayzd soon after the death of his fellow Jedi and companion, Tahl. His research into the possibility of life after death led to his discovery of the holocrons and sent him on a journey to his birth world where the last Whills shaman resided. After his death, Jinn was able to retain his identity, which enabled him to interact with the physical universe and instruct Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda in the art of Force immortality and the Afterlife during their respective years of exile after the fall of the Galactic Republic.

    The new age
    When Luke Skywalker revived the Jedi Order, he learned the means of Force immortality from Kenobi, Yoda and Jinn, with supplementary lessons provided by Nical and Mikayzd. The Astralic soul counselor Meaithe Akam did much to rekindle an interest and understanding of the Afterlife for the general population in addition to her advisory role for learners in the New Jedi Order.

    Roles in the Afterlife

    (By order of importance)

    Overseers: Designed the practical components of the universe and put themselves in charge of maintaining the balance between the Light and Dark Sides of the Force. Most Overseers remained on the higher levels, but a selective few indulged their ancient curiosity and assumed physical forms, most notably the trio of Force wielders known as The Ones. They were unable to circumvent the physical laws which governed time and space. Overseers generally lacked physical bodies, but were able to manipulate atoms to assume physical forms. This capability was usually temporary, but The Ones were able to maintain tangible physical bodies for millennia since they inhabited a pocket realm contained within the Living World. The bodies inhabited by the Father and his offspring were nearly immortal but not invulnerable to death.

    Intercessors: Responsible for providing messages and direct contact between the Otherworld and the Living World. They also serve as guides, able to provide practical information and emotional counsel but were not permitted to directly intervene on a physical level.

    Counselors: Responsible for taking care of the emotional and spiritual needs of the recently deceased. They were dispatched to meeting spaces located just across the border that separated the Living World and Otherworld. Counselors were also sent to locations where great spiritual trauma that would cause mass deaths in a shortened timeframe was about to occur.

    Chroniclers: Librarians and archivists responsible for the countless etheric records of every historical event in the universe to the lifetimes of every being who inhabited a physical body.

    Recorders: Responsible in the Universal Archives for recording events and beings who participated in various galactic events with the intention of placing these images and words into the collective and individual records of the Universal Archives.
    Kahara, jcgoble3, pronker and 2 others like this.
  20. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Species for the Unknown Regions

    More to come later but I start with this

    Taging Chyntuck since it could be to her interest


    Tall (usually between 2.10-2.50 m), humanoids with white skin that have angular blue and red markings. They have small ears, red eyes and large nostrils on the cheeks, and beside their large, bony chests so are they gaunt. In characters so are the aihai stoic and silent and are usually accepting of strangers as long as they don’t get in their ways or make a row. Strangers on the other hand often find their stoicism and silence, together with their hard-to-read body language, very strenuous on their psychology.

    The aihai evolved on a cold desert-world but can adept to surprisingly high temperatures as long as it is dry, high levels of humidity makes them uncomfortable no matter the temperature. They don’t have problem with water and can live by the sea side just as long as the humidity is not too high.

    Millennium ago so was the aihai a servant race to interstellar imperium and they can now be found on many different worlds with many different technological levels and many different kind of cultures.

    Examples of aihai civilizations:
    !amael is an arid world cut by near-dead rivers carrying water from the polar caps to the remaining grassland sea beds. At flood time, they throw clouds of explosively evaporating vapour into the !amael sky, producing a short, intense global rain that keeps the world barely alive.

    The aihai on !amael lives as settled highland and canyon dwellers in small villages, towns or a handful of larger town or in nomadic/seminomadic tribes traveling between the settlements or pasturages. There are also ruins of ancient cities dotting the planet but those are considered taboo by all aihai.

    All aihai on !amael usually go naked beside a serape and one or two belts hanging from their hip or neck from which their smaller possessions hang. Ornamentation takes the form of bracelets around their arms and legs. They use sun and wind powered electric devises (the nomads carry portable solar cells), and are armed with repeater slugthrower rifles and long bladed short spears. Beside airships so do they lack any kind of mechanised transports.

    Even for aihai so are the !amaelians silent and there can be days when not a word is uttered in a tribe or village. They know that there are other, space faring, people out there, even if outsiders seldom come to !amael, those who do usually trade technology for fresh water and food or raids settlement for it and slaves.

    Yhoris is a world of flat land and shallow seas, with noting to hold it back the ranging storm winds that eternally circulate the planet. Only in the deep canyons have life been able to evolve without being whipped down or picked up by the wind. The canyons are connected by artificial tunnels and trenches that make it possible to travel between them without constant danger to life and limb from the wind. Many of the tunnels and trenches have trains going in them, sometime all the way to the other canyon but often only partway.

    Beside the aihais do also sjaastjaernas and Ma'alkerrite ape-men live on Yhoris.

    The people of Yhoris are divided in city-states, with each city-state built above an ancient power plant. The yhoris know how to maintain the power plants but are unable to build new ones. Beside the city-states do there also exist client cities and smaller settlement.

    The aihais of Yhoris are, for aihais, talkative which means to most other species that they are few worded. They dresses in clothing resemble the Apaches, with blue as the main colour, but with jewelleries similar to the Berbers. Their warriors, who don’t pilot mehas, use fully automatic slugthrower guns.

    Ignarh is a large moon, tidally locked around a large gas giant. Life have evolved in the eternal light of the moons dayside. The landscape is usually uneven and rocky, it lack real forests but there are many tree groves. The people of Ignarh live as nomads on the back of ill-tempered lizard beasts and trade, raid and make war with each other.

    The aihais of Ignarh are proud, honourable and savage; they have no problem killing another sentient because of a minor insult. They decorate their skin with ritual scars and piercings made from bones and copper. Beside copper and silver so do they lack any metal and fight with spears, arrows, axes and clubs.

    [Creators comment: the aihai are originally from Clark Ashton Smith’s The Vaults of Yoh-Vombis and their physical description is from Richard Corben’s comic adaptation of that story, available here]


    Large, between 3-4 meters tall, orangutans like sentient primates hailing from a planet of mighty, forest covered mountains, deep jungles and endless steeps in the central Unknown Region.

    They likes the good stuff in life, which for bandarlogs mean: food (preferably fruits), drinks, music and dancing.

    [Work in progress]


    Spiderlike sentients with 5-9 m long bodies and ten limbs, eight which placed at the sides of the body and used for waking and one smaller pair that is placed below the head and is used for fine manipulation. The two forward pairs of the walking legs are also used in combat, for carrying stuff and other stuff that don’t need fine motoric.

    • Have no problem with people riding on their backs as long as they are shown proper respect.
    • Have an trade empire
    • Lives in great trees that they shape
    - Have a tree shaper Force tradition
    - Known for their wood work

    [Work in progress]


    Translucent crystal humanoids with their blue (all too human like) inner organs and slowly flowing blood visible for all to see. The slow beating of the Kaigani hearth is a practically disturbing sight.

    The kaigani originally came from a cold world and prefer temperatures around 5ºC to -20ºC but can function without larger problems up to 14ºC and down to 30ºC.

    They are a biological merciless people with a preference for close combat.

    Kaigani are one of the species that can be found crewing the ships of the Blazing Chain.

    [Creators comment: kaigani are based on the Kaigani Berg Rider from Exalted RPG: Creatures of the Wild.]


    Having evolved on Umigame, a hot world of endless deserts, impenetrable jungles and sweeping plains, the krashraks are broad-shouldered and somewhat hunchbacked, with noseless, beetle-browed faces with deep-set eyes. They have long arms with bone spurs emerging from the skin to form anchor points for powerful muscles. Their hairless bodies are covered in coarse skin that comes in all the shades of ochre, even if sienna and umber are unusual.

    The krashrak are ectotherms, absorbing their heat and energy from the surrounding environment, but unlike many other ectothermic species so are they sluggish and lethargic by day, when they replenishes their energy reserves, and become mercurially quick at night, expending the energy garnered during the heat of the day.

    Krashraks are a proud species that seems to have a strange honour system that does not permit the use of ranged weaponry; on the other hand they have no problem with attacking from behind or from hidden positions or use poison to bring the enemy low. It has been speculated that it is not actually a honour system that makes them act this way but a psychological quirk that makes it impossibility for them to use range weapons.

    The krashraks lack the ability to manufacture their own spaceships but have no problem travelling with others and they often find jobs as bounty-hunters, trackers, mercenaries, guards and gardeners.

    Over the centuries have a group of the krashraks developed a unique relationship with nemuri, a sedative native to their home world. With the right application the krashraks metabolism react to the poison in a way that enables them to be perfectly still for days on end, lowers their body temperature and slows their vital signs completely. In this state they are still being able to move although they can only do so slowly and simple or their metabolism overcomes the effects of the nemuri.

    While under the poisons effect they are undetectable to all kinds of heat-vision and register only as a dead corpse on bio-scanners. This combined with that many of them are highly talented at stalking and hidden moments makes have given them a near supernatural air. Stories tell that they are not actually alive but ghosts and draugs; the krashraks themselves find those stories amusing and seldom correct anybody who tells them.

    This group who have developed this ability are seen as an elite group of stalker-warriors and are known as 'corpse-stalkers' (krashraks will, often smiling, tell anybody that ask that word lose some of the meaning when translated to basic).

    Many have mistaken the krashraks lack of range weapons or space flight for them being highly primitive. This is not the case, they have: holograms, advanced airships, motorized skateboards, [TBC]

    When it comes to weapon technology do the krashraks use switchswords, expandable staffs, shredder gauntlets, shredder gauntlets with retractable blades, shock battons, [TBC]. They also have no problems using other species weapons like vibro blades or lightfoils.

    [Creators comment: The krashraks are hevily inspired by the viskeons species from Warhammer 40k; their technology is inspired by they many different incarnations of TMNT]


    Marahn are a species of blood-drinking vampires, who can live for many centuries or possibly millennia. They start off human-like, albeit very tall, pale and hairless, but as they grow older become more deranged and something less than human. Their fingernails grow very quickly, so unless a Marahn constantly cuts them, they always end up resembling beast-like claws within a week. They have broad aquiline noses and eyes range from red to violet to black.

    [Creators comment: The krashraks are hevily inspired by the Morgaluth from Barbarians of Lemuria RPG]


    Long bodied, wolverine like, sentient carnivores who usually walk on all four, they can stand on two legs and even walk but are very slow. They are good swimmers, better climbers and have no problems with tight tunnels.

    They prefer to live near water, in forest and hilly terrain. Their communities, which are seldom larger then towns, are usually built with connecting tunnels and “walkways” and often have waterways of some kind. Usually the communities are surrounded by grazing lands for the mizukuzuri’s livestock.

    Their range weapons are usually carried, along with ammunition bandoliers, on mechanical armatures strapped to their sinuous bodies. Those weapons are aimed and fired by a mind impulse device wired into the mizukuzuri’s brain, leaving all four limbs free for climbing at all time.

    The mizukuzuri seems to lack the ability to manufacture their own spaceships but have no problem modifying other species' ships to fit their own needs or just hitchhiking with others to other planets.

    Among other species do mizukuzuri often find work as tracker, bodyguards, mercenaries, bounty-hunters, lifeguards, foresters and in rescue service.

    Examples of mizukuzuri civilizations:

    [Coming later]

    [Creators comment: the way the mizukuzuri caries their range weapons are inspired by the Loxatl from Warhammer 40k]


    An amphibious crustaceans whose upper bodies are similar to humans in shape while their lower resemble a crabs - with six legs and a single pair of chelae (claws).

    Paguradæs are among the species that can be found crewing the ships of the Blazing Chain.

    [Creators comment: Paguradæ are originally from Lucian of Samosata's A True Story and their physical description is based on Philip Rice's comic adaptation of the story.]


    A near-humanoid avians species with one par of legs, arms and wings. They have hawk-like heads, feet, wings and hawk-feet like hands. Mischievous by nature with a natural telepathic ability and a superiority complex against non-telepaths. They lack a spoken language, but use vocal sounds to emphasis points they are making and they vocally laugh.
    Seems to naturally favour kidnappings as a source for funds or similar.

    Their telepathy is usually only used for conversation with the Ra-Moto sending what they want to “say” to each other, this is usually called ‘sending’. They can send to non-Ra-Moto but most find it gives them headaches – the Ra-Moto have actually been known to use this to “mind-blast” people they are attacking.

    Are one of the species that can be found crewing the ships of the Blazing Chain.


    Starfish-shaped, gas filled beings that fly by sucking air through a hole in the top of their bodies and then forcing it out through holes in the bottom and tips of their appendages. Thin tentacles uncoil from the bottom of their bodies for use in navigation, sensory input, defence, and communication. They can also be used for fine manipulation.
    They lack sight beyond being able to differ from light and dark but sense the world with help of an advanced combination of sonar and feeling the air pressure and currents around them.

    They were once a servitor race to an interstellar imperium and can be found on many planets, with many different cultures and different technological.

    As a species are the sjaastjaernas curios, friendly and universally religious. There are none of them who do not believe in one or another religion even if there are some among them who have lost faith in their current religion and are looking for a new one to believe in, those sjaastjaernas are usually called ‘seekers’.

    Examples of sjaastjaerna civilizations:

    [Coming later]

    [Creators comment: sjaastjaernas are physically based on the stalengers from the RPG TORG]


    chitin shelled amphibious humanoids with crab-heads. Their shell, which is often thorny, comes in red, green-black, blue-black and pink. By nature bold and warlike, with a preference for raw flesh.

    Are one of the species that can be found crewing the ships of the Blazing Chain.

    [Creators comment: Tarichanes are originally from Lucian of Samosata's A True Story and their physical description is based on Philip Rice's comic adaptation of the story.]


    A 2 m long weasel-like species with four legs and two arms. They are very clean minded, at first regarding themselves and what they consider their lair but some obsessively clean any place they find dirty.

    Tritonomendetes are one of the species that can be found crewing the ships of the Blazing Chain.

    [Creators comment: Tritonomendetes are originally from Lucian of Samosata's A True Story and their physical description is based on Philip Rice's comic adaptation of the story.]


    Bear-like centauroids that evolved on a world of taiga, tundra and glaciers. Their fur is usually brown, brown-grey or black, sometime with stripes, but turn white in winter time.

    One of the species that can be found crewing the ships of the Blazing Chain.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2019
    Chyntuck, pronker and Findswoman like this.
  21. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
  22. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    Ewok Poet likes this.
  23. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Irellion was destroyed by Count Dooku after he found the artifacts to construct the tetrahedron (story Tetrahedron)

    Sheir-Irel are fully extinct.

    The Sheir-Irel were the ancestors of the Ceitans, Lingalans and Falgans and could match with the Dunai elder and the Varankonin. The first colony of the Sheir-Irel was on Dunai and after discovering that the Dunai sun was about to go supernova they guided the entire Dunai population to Moniron (at that time only populated by the Falgans)
    The second colony was Lingala and the third one Varanko
    Ewok Poet, Gamiel and Findswoman like this.
  24. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    leiamoody beside the Alder-Espirions do Aeithera have any large minority groups of near/non-humans?

    earlybird-obi-wan it was a bit hard to follow what happened in Tetrahedron because of the truncation, so I just want to be certain I understood right that Irellion more-or-less exploded?


    I have also updated my language post - - and Force tradition post - - questions and comments are welcome
  25. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    earlybird-obi-wan it was a bit hard to follow what happened in Tetrahedron because of the truncation, so I just want to be certain I understood right that Irellion more-or-less exploded?


    Irellion exploded and Count Dooku got ideas about making the Death Star

    A pic of him is here just before he escapes and the Tetrahedron destroys the planet

    Sith-I-5 and Gamiel like this.