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The future of home entertainment

Discussion in 'Archive: Fan Design - Sites and Graphics' started by Deema, Jun 2, 2010.

  1. Deema

    Deema Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 30, 2010
    My Windows 7 Sith Edition Splinterface

    Please comment on here or there
  2. Grimby

    Grimby Technical Consultant & Former Head Admin star 7 Staff Member Administrator

    Apr 22, 2000
    What is this? It might help to provide an explanation so we have something to discuss.
  3. Deema

    Deema Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 30, 2010
    I have taken something that has remained static long past its time and turned it into such a monster of dynamics that it puts some games to shame. But it is a desktop interface. Blah blah "dreamscenes" are dynamic. Kinda. They are "in motion" but that motion is just playing over and over. And they are not interactive. Only one feature of this blows dreamscenes away. The fact that one aspect is quite literally a clickably interactive and location specific dreamscene that the user chooses. Nothing about Splinter is ordinary or seen before. Desktops currently are not interactive in ANY sort of appealing way.... So we have dynamic on a level that allows trillions of possible different looks at the user discretion simply by clicking, which then brings entertainment resulting from the interactivity,... or the same 'ol pc gui that sits still and provides no enjoyment ITSELF, just takes the users to something enjoyable and provides no true level of customization or constantly changing "environment variables"...

    On top of that, the fact that it has been built into a 7 installation disk as the DEFAULT setup turns it into a new form of art. Theatrical Deployments. I am telling the story of the 3 featured Siths in a way that is interactive and innovative, providing a completely new experience. Never has the OS, ITSELF, been an entertainment value. never has an OS EVER been customized on a level like this. Not linux, mac, or windows. Certain editions have come out that have catered to certain groups more, but that is not the same thing. This can be any subject. Any topic works. SW is just what I wanted to do with it.

    Sorry I just pulled this text from another post so if it isnt enough, let me know, and I will post more
  4. Deema

    Deema Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 30, 2010
    I will be making a narrative version tonight to detail what is what as well as some of the important features I did not explain. Such as the ability to have any transition PERMANENTLY set to how YOU want it to be.
  5. Grimby

    Grimby Technical Consultant & Former Head Admin star 7 Staff Member Administrator

    Apr 22, 2000
    Look man, I realize this is the third forum you've tried posting this in, but maybe the reason nobody understands what you're talking about is because you haven't done a very good job of explaining what this is and why it's "the future of home entertainment". I honestly thought you were trying to post a fan film in this forum and nearly deleted this thread. Your above description doesn't really help unless I already know exactly what you're talking about.

    Yeah, if you wouldn't mind, pretend I have no idea what any of that meant and all I know is that you posted a video called "Windows 7 Sith Edition Splinterface". What's in the video and how does it relate to the topic of design?
  6. Deema

    Deema Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 30, 2010
    The topic of design: First, when i say "user" , I mean ME, since this is my PERSONAL edition, as I have NO licensing from Lucas. I have designed a new application that i call Splinterface. It is the most customizable, dynamic, and interactive desktop interface ever created. It uses negligible cpu and less ram than an email client so it can run 24/7. However, it doesn't have to be "used" in that manner. The windows explorer still functions the same and can still have icons placed on the desktop. I have put over 500 transitional elements into this Sith edition, allowing for trillions of possible different "looks" on your desktop just by clicking into them. And the transitions can be "set" open at the user's discretion. so if you would prefer to always see the DStar blowing up a planet, it can be set that way. If you want that DStar transition to be MyComputer or MyDocs, it can. And you can simply click on it and it will open the corresponding file or folder. It is about giving the user the ultimate choice. Allow them to simply click into how they want their entire destkop to look. And it paves the way for fully interactive movies that can be clicked into a direction that the movie should take. Obviously I am not a graphic designer or "artist" in the generally accepted sense of the word, so the movie scenarios could and would look a lot better, with professionals putting in work.
    I started this project 10 months ago. My only goal was to give the planet the most customized and customizable desktop interface in history, so as to give them the most exhilarating and best experience that they can have with their operating system. It is all about options. the user should not be limited to how their desktop can look, due to the wallpaper that they have set. The ultimate goal is to be able to click into ANY scenario or look that they want, turning the interface into a "virtual thought". This is obviously way off in the future, but i have set the table, and Splinterface will be at the forefront. Splinterface is named so because it takes the existing windows, mac, linux, directory tree and breaks it up into dozens or hundreds of seperate (branches, items, variables, etc) that perform the same duty, while ALSO performing a desired feature, entertainment.
    As stated earlier, it can be used solely for entertainment, if chosen. It is fun to just click around, as well. But it should not ONLY be the "where you wanna go" part of the user desktop experience (UDE) that should be fun or entertaining or enjoyable, but ALSO the "how you get there" part. Since there is no lag in time it takes to open an app or folder, Splinter fits perfectly. Obviously some of the scripted sequences that take time to unfold are not suited for opening anything. They are there only for entertainment. I will provide more as needed, there is just so much that it can do and so many purposes it fills, I have trouble listing all at once, sorry. And I don't formulate my visual thoughts into words that explain it very well, I know. But basically it is a desktop interface, customized like never before, and providing entertainment along with functionality.
  7. DVeditor

    DVeditor Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 21, 2001
    What's the password to view the video?
  8. Grimby

    Grimby Technical Consultant & Former Head Admin star 7 Staff Member Administrator

    Apr 22, 2000
    Heh, didn't used to be password protected.