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The Holiday Special - The RICHARDSONS (FORMERLY TEAM 4) vs. Bespin Tea Party

Discussion in 'Archive: Forum Feud' started by DarthIntegral, Jan 1, 2009.

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  1. DarthIntegral

    DarthIntegral JCC Baseball Draft/SWC Jedi Commish star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA VIP - Game Host

    Jul 13, 2005
    <center><img src=""></center>

    It's time to play ... the FORUM FEUD!!!!!!

    And a very special Forum Feud it will be!

    Introducing first, they are the defending, undefeated, undisputed Forum Feud Heavyweight Champions of the World! The RICHARDSONS (FORMERLY TEAM 4)

    The captain, and master of the cheap laugh, halibut. The second in command, and the keeper of the sacred panic dance, Everton. The middle guard, he of the high-priced contract, epic. Batting cleanup,


    And, last but not least, the formerly super-sub, now just the guy going last, Darth_Omega.

    halibut, why don't you tell us what charity you're playing for today?

    halibut: we're going to be playing for the RICHARDSON foundation, where money is raised to teach underprivileged children how to run around in a panic.

    What a wonderful cause. Truly.

    Let's meet your opponents now, shall we?

    Bespin Tea Party

    Jag4Me, GIMER, The_Loyal_Imperial, Lowbacca_1977, and yankee8255 (as well as hopefully super-subs Harpuah and Darth_Brutus666) ... Ready for Action!

    Sorry, guys, when you're the champs, you'll get to get hyped up introductions. Not until then.

    But, Jag4Me, why don't you tell us about the charity you're playing for today?

    Jag4Me: The Make Revenge Foundation. It's very similar to the Make-a-Wish foundation, only, instead of helping someone have something very good happen to them, they help them have something very awful happen to someone who wronged the child they're helping.

    and that's a cause that seems to fit this team well, I'd say.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Let's get this game, the Holiday Special, started. halibut, Jag, as team captains, you'll be going first. Please see your PM box for the first question. You have a maximum of 24 hours to respond. The one of you who responds with the highest ranking answer will get control of the board for your team. If you take longer than 24 hours to respond, you will forfeit your right to answer.

    For this question, we surveyed 100 Americans who identified themselves as Christian. The top eight answers are on the board ...

    1. __________
    2. __________
    3. __________
    4. __________
    5. __________
    6. __________
    7. __________
    8. __________

    And the question has been PMed to the captains ...
  2. halibut

    halibut Ex-Mod star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 27, 2000
    Great intro!!

    My 2nd choice answer is sent (as what I think would be first probably won't be)
  3. Trika_Kenobi

    Trika_Kenobi Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 4, 1999
    And so it begins... best of luck to both teams! Great intros, Inty!
  4. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    Love the intro!=D=

    I've replied with what should be the #1 answer.
  5. Darth_Omega

    Darth_Omega Force Ghost star 6

    May 19, 2002
    We've broken a new record: 3 posts in 7 hours. :p
  6. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    Maybe everyone's hung over?:confused:
  7. halibut

    halibut Ex-Mod star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 27, 2000
    I'm not posting til Everton change his avatar [face_plain]
  8. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    What's keeping him from changing?
  9. halibut

    halibut Ex-Mod star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 27, 2000
    An unhealthy mixture of pride and stubbornness
  10. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    Maybe he'll get into the spirit of the game when you guys are losing? [face_thinking]
  11. DarthIntegral

    DarthIntegral JCC Baseball Draft/SWC Jedi Commish star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA VIP - Game Host

    Jul 13, 2005
    For this question, we surveyed 100 Americans who identified themselves as Christian. The top eight answers are on the board ...

    Name Someone/Something you see in a Nativity Scene

    Jag4Me: the baby jesus

    Let's see ... JESUS!

    1. ____________
    2. Baby Jesus__ 23
    3. ____________
    4. ____________
    5. ____________
    6. ____________
    7. ____________
    8. ____________

    Some room there for halibut to take the board ... let's see ...

    halibut: Mary, mother of RICHARDSON

    I wasn't aware of that connection, but we'll see if it's up there ...

    1. The Virgin Mary_ 24
    2. Baby Jesus_____ 23
    3. _______________
    4. _______________
    5. _______________
    6. _______________
    7. _______________
    8. _______________

    Bank Value: 47

    And that gives the CHAMPS control, and puts Everton on the clock ...
  12. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    You've got to be kidding? The baby's always the main character in these things.:rolleyes:

    FIVE-GIMER_RINGS Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 16, 2002
    Jesus got second billing?
  14. NYCitygurl

    NYCitygurl Manager Emeritus star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 20, 2002
    [face_laugh] [face_laugh]
  15. Darth_Omega

    Darth_Omega Force Ghost star 6

    May 19, 2002
  16. yankee8255

    yankee8255 Force Ghost star 6

    May 31, 2005
    Martin Luther ain't happy.
  17. halibut

    halibut Ex-Mod star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 27, 2000
  18. Everton

    Everton Chosen One star 10

    Jul 18, 2003
    The man Joseph.
  19. halibut

    halibut Ex-Mod star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 27, 2000
    I figured that the Catholic population might bump Mary up the list. Jesus was my first thought though. I didn't think it would be that close :D
  20. Lowbacca_1977

    Lowbacca_1977 Celebrity Deadpool '24 Winner star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 28, 2006
    I'd just like records to show that as there's more than one Mary in Christianity, given the RICHARDSON connection, its jumping the gun to presume they meant the RIGHT Mary.
  21. epic

    epic Ex Mod star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 4, 1999
    nice work, o camptain my captain.
  22. DarthIntegral

    DarthIntegral JCC Baseball Draft/SWC Jedi Commish star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA VIP - Game Host

    Jul 13, 2005
    Show us .... NOT the biological father of Jesus!

    1. The Virgin Mary_ 24
    2. Baby Jesus_____ 23
    3. _______________
    4. _______________
    5. _______________
    6. Joseph_________ 07
    7. _______________
    8. _______________

    Bank Value: 54

    Nice to see there appears to be little rust on the champs.

    What comes next? an epic answer, or an epic failure?

    FIVE-GIMER_RINGS Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 16, 2002
    camptain races sing this song
    Doo Dah, Doo Dah.
    camptain races four miles long
    Oh Dah Doo Dah Day.
  24. Darth_Omega

    Darth_Omega Force Ghost star 6

    May 19, 2002

    *runs around in a panic*
  25. epic

    epic Ex Mod star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 4, 1999
    show me a manger, please Inty.
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