  1. In Memory of LAJ_FETT: Please share your remembrances and condolences HERE

The NEW Roll-Call Thread: All new and existing members, come on in and introduce yourselves!

Discussion in 'Archive: Monroe and West Monroe, LA' started by Sanctimoniously, Sep 14, 2006.

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  1. Sanctimoniously

    Sanctimoniously Jedi Master star 5

    Dec 28, 2005
    I just noticed our old rollcall thread got locked, most likely because of inactivity, so I took the initiatve to create a new one.

    As the title suggests, please introduce yourselves. I'll start.

    I'm Elric, sixteen, and I'm from West Monroe. I'm working on my junior year at WMHS at the moment, as well as trying to get a job in order to get a car.
  2. Zillah

    Zillah Jedi Youngling

    Jan 19, 2005
    Hello, buddy. I'm a sophomore at WMHS. I was here a while back (like, years?). I'm here looking for costume help, actually. My boyfriend is trying to make Vader and stormtrooper costumes for a video. But it looks like no one is here...

    Whoa, you're that guy with the soft CD holder on your backpack. Sorry about that, btw, for poking it. Multiple times.
  3. Sanctimoniously

    Sanctimoniously Jedi Master star 5

    Dec 28, 2005
  4. ZillahLewis

    ZillahLewis Jedi Youngling

    Jun 10, 2005
    Dude, IM me. Yahoo = adelalabella, same for AIM. I've got a question for you.
  5. Sanctimoniously

    Sanctimoniously Jedi Master star 5

    Dec 28, 2005
    I can't. I do not have the gift of home Internet access right now...but I'll keep the name in mind for when I get it back.
  6. yodahs-daddy

    yodahs-daddy Jedi Master star 5

    May 20, 2002
    Messa Back!
  7. Sanctimoniously

    Sanctimoniously Jedi Master star 5

    Dec 28, 2005
    Good...good...we need all hands on deck to keep this place from the dustbin...
  8. mybad4990

    mybad4990 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Feb 24, 2005
    Doing my part to save this place from dying!!


    DARTH_CONFEDERATE Jedi Master star 5

    Mar 14, 2003
    Whoah, this place has gone down the crapper.
  10. yodahs-daddy

    yodahs-daddy Jedi Master star 5

    May 20, 2002
    yeah no joke
  11. Sanctimoniously

    Sanctimoniously Jedi Master star 5

    Dec 28, 2005
    I blame Darth Real Life.
  12. jedi_62

    jedi_62 Jedi Youngling

    Mar 12, 2002
    Hey I have not been on since a little after Episode III came out. Im disappointed in this community or whatever you call it. I have been interested in these communities like this where you can meet people interested in similar thing. Big cities have them and people make time out of busier schedules than anyone from Monroe could possibly have. Why does everyone say lets do something that would be nice, but noone ever does anything. It is pissing me off.
  13. Sanctimoniously

    Sanctimoniously Jedi Master star 5

    Dec 28, 2005
    Well, I think part of the reason is that Monroe and West Monroe really don't have much to work with when it comes to Star Wars. We were hard-pressed to get the turnout we did from the first few meetings we had. Also, I wouldn't doubt that many of our number have been placing a higher priority on getting our Dark Side (real life) work done than we've been on trying to hold together a SW fan community. I count myself in this.
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