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A/V The Old Republic MMO: The New Official Thread

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Havac , Oct 7, 2012.

  1. Havac

    Havac Former Moderator star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 29, 2005
    Alright, because the old thread was acting absolutely crazy for some reason, I've locked it until we can get it working properly again. This will be the new official thread for discussing TOR. Hope time works properly in this thread.
  2. Zorrixor

    Zorrixor Chosen One star 6

    Sep 8, 2004
    So what did everyone think of that second expansion? I totally preferred Revan's Revenge to this TOR NGE pudu.

    Edit: wtk? It's doing it again? Why is this thread throwing my posts back to 2012?
  3. Lugija

    Lugija Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 3, 2009
    Finished Dromund Kaas today. I met someone who was also doing the temple quests and joined him. We had some nice role-playing together, used pretty much every Sith-trope there is: Recited the code, mocked the weak NPC:s, and planned to kill Lord Zash and each other after finding the treasure. The last one didn't happen, because both she and the other player could still be useful (and game mechanics).

    By the way, Lord Zash is actually very good character, quite a different Sith at first glance.
    StartCenterEnd likes this.
  4. Cronal

    Cronal Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 17, 2009
    Personally, I still hold the Imperial Agent to be perhaps the best story out of the lot. All the companions are quite interesting and the Star Cabal are a good threat to face. At least, from what I have seen.
    Esg likes this.
  5. instantdeath

    instantdeath Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jul 22, 2010
    I need to get back to TOR soon. I agree that the Agent story is very good. Anyone tried the Jedi consular? If so, how is that?

    I watched my brother play a bit of the Sith inquisitor, but haven't played any myself. I know a little bit of what happens to Zash, but I'm curious how it all turns out.
  6. Mechalich

    Mechalich Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 2, 2010
    Actually pretty good, especially the second half, when it focuses on building alliances and you actually have to make choices about how to properly deploy your guys so they, you know, all get slaughtered (or so they do get slaughtered I suppose, if you're playing dark). Similar to the Inquisitor though, you don't get all your companions until really late, and you end up more or less inevitably stomping through the game with Qyzen (who's cool and all, nice to see a Trandoshan portrayed as something other than a brutal thug, but it gets kind of repetitive).

    I'm waiting on free-to-play to get back to completing the 4 storylines I haven't finished (and maybe someday beat Denova, Terror from Beyond, and Lost Island, just to see what happens).

    In many ways I really wish TOR was single player, so you could have multiple saves for each storyline and play things out along different pathways without having to replay the entire class. I mean the multiplayer missions are fun, but that can be really frustrating.
    DarthJaceus and GrimdarkRose like this.
  7. AusStig

    AusStig Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 3, 2010

    YES, yes a thousand times yes.

    I like the JC (jedi Counsular) opening far more then the JK, but Act one and the JCs boring voice, as well as a good point in the JK changed my mind.
    GrimdarkRose likes this.
  8. instantdeath

    instantdeath Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jul 22, 2010
    I loved Nolan North as the JC. I think the female consular is somewhat flat, though.

    Speaking of male/female voices, I've recently discovered how much I prefer the female agent voice over the male. Former sounds much more "professional".
  9. AusStig

    AusStig Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 3, 2010
    She's also hawk
  10. Ulicus

    Ulicus Lapsed Moderator star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 24, 2005
    That's Lady Hawke to you, ser.
  11. Slowpokeking

    Slowpokeking Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 21, 2012
    IA's story is amazing.
    Cronal likes this.
  12. AusStig

    AusStig Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 3, 2010
    No lady Hawk is a movie.

    FemHawk is called "The Lady Hawk", or if you like "The Lady Hawat"
  13. Cronal

    Cronal Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 17, 2009
    I think its perhaps the most interesting of the lot and the companions are all quite diverse and fun. Though I don't think I found them appealing on a romance level... some of the other classes have characters that feel as better romanceable companions.

    Anyway hoping that a patch comes where we visit Yavin IV and fight hordes of Massassi and the spirits of Naga Sadow as well as Exar Kun's lieutenants?
  14. The Loyal Imperial

    The Loyal Imperial Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 19, 2007
    That would be...odd.
  15. Cronal

    Cronal Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 17, 2009
    Hey, we had odder things in TOR... a tomb belonging to Naga Sadow's followers on Hoth of all places :p Mostly though I would very much like to see some missions fighting the ancient Red Sith castes like the Massassi or Kissai... either on Yavin IV or some other planet. They hinted that ancient Sith spirits are seen as a threat by the Sith Emperor in the timeline video when we see the Sith infiltrator using the Jedi Order to try and destroy Naga Sadow's spirit only for said spirit to take control of a Padawan and try to eliminate the infiltrator. I always thought the games would use more Sith spirits then we had seen so far.
  16. Nobody145

    Nobody145 Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 9, 2007
    How can you not like Nolan North? Well, his performance as the male Consular wasn't the most memorable of his career (he's voiced, what, dozens of video game characters at least?), but still liked it a lot.

    I still prefer the Consular storyline to the Knight storyline a lot. Haven't finished most of the Sith side yet, but so far I think the Consular is the only one to actually use their ship's conference room (as in people sitting down rather than just a place for your PC and your companions to stand around). Its a silly point, I just like that the room is actually used for once.

    Also plenty of EU references is another thing I loved about the Consular. Well, most class storylines reference the EU, but the Consular especially has quite a few.

    IA is ok, just as a lightside Agent having to put up with your first companion is really annoying. Consular does get quite a few companions late, but that depends on the play style. At least they get their healer before the end of the first chapter.

    It would be really cool to see Yavin IV in this era, especially with what the timeline videos were possibly hinting at. But then the Timeline videos seemed to hint at a lot, but many threads weren't followed up on, and the Timeline videos were never even finished. Not to mention it'd be nice to see more of the worlds from KotOR I and II too, aside from just Taris and Tatooine.
  17. Esg

    Esg Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 2, 2012
    Vordel Kresh on Athiss
  18. Cronal

    Cronal Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 17, 2009
    Out of the IA companions, really Kaliyo I found to be the least interesting. Consular though I agree makes full use of the briefing room... it makes it more seem like a war. Out of the lot, I think perhaps the Inquisitor is a bit similar but not as grand. Inquisitor I think is more like you got yourself a small inner circle of friends that meet up from time to team whilst Consular has you leading an actual alliance. If anything, I sometimes felt the Consular's ship is too small to hold such an entourage they have in that briefing room :p

    One of the benefits of a Yavin IV flashpoint though is something that kills off the Massassi present on the moon still. At least, something to explain why we never see any Massassi by latter eras. Most sources seem to indicate that the Massassi should be extinct by latter eras unless a retcon has happened allowing some to had somehow survived.

    Well, yeah but was expecting more :p You get Vodal and of course the Sith spirits in the Inquisitor campaign such as Horak-Mul but the timeline made it seem that there would be a lot more to it. Or, at least, thats the impression I got.
  19. GrandAdmiralJello

    GrandAdmiralJello Comms Admin ❉ Moderator Communitatis Litterarumque star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 28, 2000
    I'm really unsure which of my characters I liked the best.

    I found the consular story fairly boring, conference room or no, which is a shame because I felt the most affinity to that class--and the consular certainly has the best hats.

    The agent companions were irritating and I never got too far, because though I enjoyed a light side approach, the ImpIntel copycatting really really annoyed me.

    The Sith Warrior is probably my favorite to play because I made a giant obese red Sith named Lord Pinguis, and playing a fat tub of lard that can somehow jump forty meters is incredible. Also, he has Sion's voice, which is badass. That said, I don't particularly care for the Sith seeing as they're -- y'know -- bad guys.
  20. MercenaryAce

    MercenaryAce Chosen One star 6

    Aug 10, 2005
    I have been meaning to ask about that.
    On one hand, a lot of your support for the Empire is built on the idea that it is a continuation of the Republic, so supporting the Republic over the Sith makes sense.
    On the other, I remember you saying something about disliking pure black and white stories and liking some level of moral ambiguity, not to mention military effeciency, so on that note it is strange to see you dismiss playing an entire faction as "the bad guys"

    Personally, I take far too much joy in playing a Sith Lightsider. Being a Republic lightsider is almost too easy live in a place that beats down empathy and compassion and encourages selfishness and greed and choosing to be good anyway? That is the kind of story I love. It makes every small victory all the more satisfying.
    DarthJaceus and Esg like this.
  21. instantdeath

    instantdeath Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jul 22, 2010
    I much prefer the dark side Imperial, from what I've seen. Sure, the fairly noble person working for the wrong side does have its charm, but I love how ruthlessly cold the Agent can get. Sure, you get the bloodlust on the Sith, but nothing comes close to the Agent for unfeeling bastard, IMO. "Nothing personal, just doing my job".

    Not a Luke Skywalker fan? :p
  22. GrandAdmiralJello

    GrandAdmiralJello Comms Admin ❉ Moderator Communitatis Litterarumque star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 28, 2000
    Moral complexity is good--things are rarely black and white. Moral ambiguity is a different matter--I think there ARE moral answers to questions, or rather, moral approaches. I am a virtue ethicist, so I don't necessarily believe that "X" is right all the time--but a good person can be counted on to make good decisions.

    And yes, precisely. The Republic is the legitimate government of the civilized galaxy, and the Galactic Empire is its lawful continuation. The Sith "empire" is nothing more than a band of Rimkin brutes, their accents nonwithstanding.
  23. Darth_Garak

    Darth_Garak Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 28, 2005
    I haven't gotten very far with my IA (still on the capital world) but I like what I've seen so far. The trooper story (which I finished) was pretty good but then again I love war stories and such so it was a nice fit. My favorite so far is the Sith Warrior (lightside). It just feels so good to play that character - the moment when Jeasa was confused as all hell because she sensed the light in me and the darkness in her master was delicious, I felt like I was trolling the Jedi every time I met them.
  24. jedimaster203

    jedimaster203 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 19, 1999
    I have three characters: a JK (50 SENT), a Trooper (43 COMM), and a Bounty Hunter (28 MERC).

    So far, the JK and Trooper stories are equally awesome. However, I feel that they all sort of lack depth. I love the idea of an MMO with story, and its largely the reason I'm still playing. However, it just doesn't feel as epic as KOTOR I or II. The companions are good, but they aren't really fleshed out the same way they were in KOTOR.

    I do love personal aspects of the story, like being able to choose my XO as a trooper and deploying them on a strike team. The JK story is also pretty linear. As much as choice was touted about, it really doesn't affect that much in your personal story line.

    Honestly, I still think BIOWARE needs to do a KOTOR III. TOR is a decent game (I do enjoy it), but it isn't the sequel we were looking for.
  25. instantdeath

    instantdeath Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jul 22, 2010
    That is true. I thought Bioware made a really bad move hyping TOR as KOTOR III; it is in certain aspects, but I don't think that's how it should be viewed. It should be viewed as an MMO, not an RPG (and yes, the two are quite different). It's the only MMO that's been able to hold my interest for any extended period of time (and even with TOR I need breaks).
    DarthJaceus likes this.