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Saga The Saga of Atha Prime

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by BootlegVader, Feb 24, 2006.

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  1. BootlegVader

    BootlegVader Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 3, 2004
    Title:The Saga of Atha Prime
    Characters:Atha Prime, and a crew of EU characters
    Summary:This biography tells the untold story of mysterious Atha Prime.
    Author?s Notes:This is my first Fan Fiction, so if anyone has in ideas about how to help me the future I would love to hear them.

    The Saga of Atha Prime

    Like most Arkanians, Atha Prime had a natural interest and talent dealing with genetics and other forms of science. While during the Arkanian Revolution when most of his fellow Arkanians were working on improving cybernetics, Atha Prime had a different interest. He was working on developing new forms of mass cloning. To get a better understanding of cloning technology Prime traveled to the clone producing capitals of the galaxy from Khomm to Kamino.

    Soon he mastered the science of cloning and the creation of his own cloning machines, which could rapidly generate clones as quick as the future Spaarti cloning cylinders. Prime then traveled to an uncharted ice planet in the Perave system, where he set up his personal cloning facility.

    Soon when the Clone Wars were in full run, the Confederacy contacted Prime in hope of hiring him to create a clone army of their own to counter the superior Republic Clone army. The first subject Prime received from the Confederacy was the Gen'Dai Commander Durge. The CIS hoped to take advantage of his Gen?Dai healing factor, yet because of his unique bio-structure all the clones but one failed to grow right and died. Also the one that did survive was raving mad, and later escaped to the outer rim. Atha Prime was then sent some of the genetic material of some of the Jabiim Nimbus commandos. He then proceeded to start cloning the Nimbus warriors out in massive quantities. So that in the beginning of the third year Prime had amassed himself a medium sized clone army.

    Yet Prime?s secret cloning facility was soon discovered by Republic Intelligence. Armand Isard then ordered the 9th Clone Legion led by Jedi Naat Reath and Judicial Officer Pellaeon to capture the cloning facility and Atha Prime for the Republic?s benefit. After a month of battle with clone against clone, finally a squad of Republic Covert-Ops troopers broke in the cloning facility and proceeded to sabotage most of the cloning facility and also captured Atha Prime. Prime was then placed on a Republic Dungeon ship and sent to a secret base in the deep core to be forced to work for Palpatine?s benefit.

    While on Byss, Atha Prime worked with Lord Cronal in the creation of the dangerous Imperial Sentinels. Prime would stay on Byss working on improving Imperial clones? genetic make up until soon after the Battle of Yavin. Because a few years before Yavin Prime was contacted by Grand Moff Trachta to create the Grand Moff a legion of completely loyal stromtroopers. Unknown to Prime was that Trachta was to use them in a tempted coup against the Emperor and Lord Vader. When the coup failed Palpatine successfully tracked the clones back to Atha Prime. Angrily Palpatine imprisoned Prime on the Imperial prison planet of Newenarf, which was guarded by the prototype Star Destroyer, Annihilator.

    Atha Prime would stay imprisoned until after the Battle of Endor, when the prison?s warden Lady Tarkin freed Prime in exchange for him to create her a personal army to use against the Rebellion. Finally three years after Endor the army Prime promised Lady Tarkin was complete. It did not only contain clone troopers but also prototype AT-ICs and feared cruisemissile troopers.

    Lady Tarkin then appointed Atha Prime general of the new clone army. She together with Captain Durra Stone would lead the small fleet of Carrack-class light cruisers and the flagship Annihilator into battle. Then Prime and Lady Tarkin went on war rampage attacking New Republic planets from Challon to Zaloriis. Finally on the planet of Abar-12 Atha Prime was confronted by New Republic General Rand Talor. Prime?s clone army was decimated by the
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