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Story [The West Wing] Auntie - {Evil Author Day} Bri and Mav 'verse - Abi, JJ, Miri -- Fluff

Discussion in 'Non Star Wars Fan Fiction' started by mavjade , Feb 15, 2021.

  1. mavjade

    mavjade Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 10, 2005
    Title: Auntie
    Genre: Fluff
    TImeline: I have no idea what I was going for but it has to be AU to the Bri and Mav's WW 'verse
    Characters: Abi Lyman, JJ, Miri
    Notes: I'm not at all sure what I was going for here since it's clearly AU to our 'verse. I'm thinking it was for a challenge and I didn't put what it was in my notes, of which I'd written none. But it's fun and I really like it. I think most of my WW stuff is stuck on my old laptop, so this was one of the few things I could post dispite knowing I have a TON! Maybe I'll be able to get them off for next year.

    This is for Evil Author Day which means it's unfinished and unedited.

    - - -

    Abi Lyman rang the doorbell of her brother's DC town home, she could hear laughing and squealing of a little girl. She smiled, it had been too long since she’d seen her niece and nephew, and her brother and his husband as well. The door opened and Marc, her brother-in-law stood in the doorway, a child thrown over his shoulder so that all she could see was butt and legs. By the giggling she could tell it was JJ, the older of her brother’s children.

    “Abi, I’m so happy to see you!” Marc leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. “Please come in.” As he held open the door, he turned his back to her so that JJ could see who it was.

    “Auntie Abi!” the four year old yelled and threw his arms in her direction.

    “Hey squirt,” Abi replied as she caught him from falling off Marc’s shoulder in his haste to get to her. “How’s my favorite Lyman man?”

    “Hey now!” came her brother’s voice from the hallway. “There’s no need to play favorites.”

    Leo stepped into the hallway with his daughter Miri on his hip. She was hiding her face in his shoulder. “Sorry, she’s gotten to the shy faze. She’ll warm up to you soon.” He leaned in and hugged his sister. “I’m so happy to see you, sis.”

    “You’re just happy I’m watching the kids for a few days,” she laughed and returned the hug.

    “I’m not going to lie, I’m also happy about that. Marc and I need a day or two of adult time with no crises. But I have missed you.”

    He stepped back to look at his sister. She wore a deep blue crop top with dark blue denim shorts, black combat boots, a necklace that had a crystal hanging at the end. Her bright pink hair that faded into purple at the ends was long, parted to one side showing the shaved side of her head. Her normally pale skin had a kiss of tan to it, though she’d still be pale by most people’s standards. But most of all, she looked happy. “So California was good to you, huh?”

    “It was, I loved it. But I’m glad to be home, at least for a little while.”

    “I’m glad you are, and not just to help with the kids.”

    Abi looked around the warm home of her brother, a home that reminder her so much of the house they grew up in. She felt warm and happy in a way she hadn’t in quite awhile.


    Marc and Leo left to go on their mini vacation and Abi was left to watch the two young kids for a few days. Her mom was a quick phone call away, but kids had never really been her thing, or more she just didn’t really know what to do with them. She loved her nieces and nephews and she was happy to help out, but she was a little nervous.

    She decided that one of the first things they should do was go to the park, which was only a few blocks away. It was outside so they couldn’t break anything, and they could get a lot of energy out running around and climbing up and down things. Or at least JJ could run around, at only 2, Miri wasn’t quite old enough, but they could have fun in the sandbox or on the swings.

    They got to the park and JJ immediately ran to the swings, so she and Miri -who had warmed up pretty quickly after seeing her brother so excited to see her- went over as well. She put Miri in the bucket seat swing and stood behind her to push, while JJ jumped on the regular swing.

    “Aunt Abi?” JJ asked. “Why is your hair pink?”

    “Because I like it that way,” she replied. “Do you like it?”

    “Yes! I loves it! Can I get pink hair?”

    Abi laughed, “I don’t know that kids are allowed to die their hair. But if when you are older and you still want pink hair, I’ll help you do it. Deal?”

    “Deal!” He said and jumped off the swing to run to the jungle gym right across from them. Abi winced as she knew that JJ wasn’t one of the most graceful children and she hoped that he didn’t fall off and break and arm on her watch.

    They continued to play, for awhile with JJ running over to ask random questions such as “Why did I not see you for so long?” to “Why don’t spiders get stuck in their webs?” and “If my daddy and Abba are both boys, how did they have babies? Can boys have babies too?” She tried her best to answer all of his questions, but she was leaving the awkward question of where do babies come from to his fathers.

    They’d been playing for quite awhile when the wind started to pick up, as though it was about to start storming at any moment. Leaves started to whip past them and Miri began to cry. Abi picked her up, and called for JJ so they could leave. They started walking back to the Lyman home when I big burst of wind shoved them forward. Abi had ahold of JJ’s hand, but as they stumbled his hand fell out of hers and he fell to the ground.

    JJ immediately began to cry which caused Miri to cry harder. Abi bent to the ground as JJ was standing up and she could see that he’d skinned his knee pretty bad. She bounced on the balls of her feet as she was in a crouched position to try and calm Miri while she looked at JJ.

    “Ouch,” she said as she hugged him and gave him a kiss on the head. “That really hurts, huh?

    JJ sniffled, “Uh huh...”

    “Well lets’ get home and we’ll get a bandaid and a cookie, how’s that sound?”


    She reached down to take his hand once more, glad that the tears had only lasted a few moments.

    They made it back to the town house and she put JJ and Miri up on the kitchen counter. Because JJ was getting a band-aid, Miri wanted one too. So she cleaned each of their knees and put brightly colored bandages on each of their knees and ended with a kiss on the forehead. “There, all better!”

    She set them both back on the ground and they ran off to their playroom to play. Abi followed them, but as she was walking down the hall the living room she took a deep breath and exhaled loudly. She was already exhausted from the short trip to the playground.

    “Aunt Abi?” she herd JJ ask and she walked into the room. “Why can we hear and feel wind, but we can’t see it?”


    Later that night once the kids were both asleep, she raided her brother’s wine stash, popped some popcorn and decided to watch a movie to relax. She put in

    [I literally left off mid sentence and I have no idea where I was going. lol.]
    Kahara likes this.
  2. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    I LOVE this so much! I think fluff is the funnest to read and write... but it's also the hardest to actually finish. I actually had a Noah story I thought about posting for EAD. The poor twins!

    Side note: I think you mentioned needing a mac to get the stuff off. If I can help in any way (I have a MacBook) let me know! I'd love to read more stuff even if it is unfinished.

    [face_love]JJ and Marc are just so adorbs here! I have a feeling my comments aren't going to be much of substance, just me going "THEY ARE SO ADORABLE!" My apologies for my very basic comments here. My brain isn't functioning. But I love the chaos of the little tikes!!

    :*Again, JJ so adorbs! I cant handle it!
    Why do I get the feeling that this fic was Abi breaking Miri out of her shy phase and making her into the wild child we know and love?
    Now I want a companion fic to this ;)
    Hot! She's a woman after my heart!
    I love this! It says so much about Leo and Marc (and I imagined their home the same way as well) but also about Abi. I hope she finds home eventually but I can see her also valuing freedom.

    I loved JJ asking about her pink hair and that Abi knows JJ isn't exactly graceful.
    [face_laugh] Aaaawww! I Can totally see JJ being sooooooo curious at that age!

    She deserves that wine!

    Ha! I think all the fics I was trying to decide what to post, all were left off mid-sentence!

    This was so cure and so fun and totally works as a story unfinished! But Id still jump at the chance to read any more from you when the muse decides to cooperate.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2021
    Kahara and mavjade like this.