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What is the value of Carrie Fisher's autograph?

Discussion in 'Collecting' started by Leia_Fanatic, May 26, 2003.

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  1. Leia_Fanatic

    Leia_Fanatic Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 26, 2003
    Since I probably won't be able to attend any cons that she'll be a guest at the best I can do is buy an authentic autograph. Anyone have an idea of how much it is worth? I don't want to be getting ripped off.
  2. MysterySith

    MysterySith MEPA Founder/Advisor FF NYC, NY star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 17, 2000
    I like to say. It's value is what you are willing to pay for it.

    I paid $12 for mine at C2. I cannot complain.

    Honestly. $40 is what they seem to go for from reputable dealers.

    Careful of ebay.
  3. Leia_Fanatic

    Leia_Fanatic Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 26, 2003
    For the next con she attends I'm going to try and find someone that will be attending that can get me the autograph. I don't trust anyone on Ebay.
  4. smanigal

    smanigal Jedi Youngling

    Feb 21, 2002
    About the only autographs I trust on eBay are the C2 autographs. These photos were not available ANYWHERE so if they are signed you can trust that they are the LEGIT signature. Autographilla (sp?) is a good website for autographs.
  5. k3po

    k3po Jedi Knight star 6

    Mar 21, 2001
    I also got mine at C2 last year. I have it matted and framed. One of my favorite pieces i have.
  6. Leia_Fanatic

    Leia_Fanatic Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 26, 2003
    I'm going to write to her and see if she'll send me one. I'm not holding my breath though.
  7. SRB_Jedi_Knight

    SRB_Jedi_Knight Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 25, 2002
    Be prepared to wait at least 6 months when writing and requesting one. This is normal and anything much quicker than 4-6 months is probably not going to be real.

    Just a bit of advice.
  8. JediRacer

    JediRacer Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 5, 2000
    She (or "they") were charging $55 for Carrie Fisher's autograph at the Grand Slam Convention in Pasadena, CA. That is a LOT for any autograph. I heard she got mad because the company who was putting on the event set the price for the autograph. I got her autograph for $20 at this thing called the Hollywood Collector's Show, where they gather a lot of celebs together and they just sign stuff.
    My advice to you, Leia_Fanatic, is to wait until you have an opportunity to get her autograph in person.. it'll mean a lot more to you that way, and you'll know it's authentic. I wouldn't waste an entire day at Celebration for it, but if you want it badly... Ms. Fisher seems to be into doing the autograph signing circuit (unlike Mark Hamill or Harrison Ford), so she may appear at a convention near you one day.
  9. robertyodarugenstein

    robertyodarugenstein Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 9, 2002
    I have seen her autograph sell between $50 to $100.
  10. yodashizzzle

    yodashizzzle Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 27, 2003
    What is the value of Carrie Fisher's autograph?

    it's worth whatever you think is reasonable to acquire it. that applies to the value of anything. a figure or autograph might be shown to be worth $100 in some price guide, but it's only worth whatever someone is willing to pay, though.

    personally? i wouldn't pay anything JUST to have an autograph. i've gotten some atheletes to sign balls before, but i wouldn't pay for a signature that someone else got. and i wouldn't really ask for a person's autograph unless they were specifically doing a signing. you don't want to go up to princess leia and have her become irritated at having been asked for an autograph while she's trying to enjoy her personal time. a lot of people are pretty nice and gracious about fans on the street(as i'm sure Ms. Fisher is), but i just wouldn't recommend going up out of the blue with a pen in your hand saying "SIGN THIS!!!! SIGN THIS!!!"
  11. Amidala Starkiller

    Amidala Starkiller Jedi Master star 6

    Dec 11, 1999
    I paid 20 for mine last October when she was in Dallas.
  12. automan

    automan Jedi Youngling

    Jun 2, 2003
    Hey smanigal, I think the site you mean is ? They have done a lot of signings with Carrie Fisher and most of the other SW celebrities. I buy from them a lot.
  13. Devilanse

    Devilanse Jedi Knight star 5

    May 11, 2002
    I just got a 12" Princess Leia in Hoth gear signed by Carrie. Complete with a certificate of authenticity and a picture of her holding the figure.

  14. yodashizzzle

    yodashizzzle Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 27, 2003
    that sounds like a pretty good deal. that's about what i'd give for that Leia figure WITHOUT the autograph and pic.
  15. Devilanse

    Devilanse Jedi Knight star 5

    May 11, 2002
    Yes, YodaShizzle, this was a whale of a deal. The reason I'm getting it for such a price is that I have connections at the local SW Memorabilia shop.

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