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Which Firefly Character Are You?

Discussion in 'Archive: Atlanta, GA' started by Minacia_Brightstar, Jun 21, 2004.

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  1. Minacia_Brightstar

    Minacia_Brightstar Jedi Youngling star 5

    May 23, 2001
    I know that we have several fans of the short-lived series, "Firefly," in our group, so I thought that I would post the link to this quiz that was first posted by the nice folks in Rocky Mount, NC.

    Take this Firefly Character Quiz and let us know who you are most like. :)

    EDIT: Well, just like on the Rocky Mount boards, I am 81% Inara. Not quite sure what that says about me. :p

  2. RosieWook

    RosieWook Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 5, 2000
    I can totally see you as Inara. It makes sense.

    And (no surprise) I'm River.

    Yeah. Just like most of my messed up mind! 8-}
  3. Jace Darkrider

    Jace Darkrider Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 1998
    Well, I haven't seen the show. Though I did just get the DVD box set in Saturday to watch (I'm re-watching Season One of FarScape right now). Anyhow, I took the quiz and I am Jayne. What's he like? Having not seen the show, I have no reference to go on. :cool:
  4. Minacia_Brightstar

    Minacia_Brightstar Jedi Youngling star 5

    May 23, 2001
    Jayne is a guy who is the poster child for the NRA. ;)

    Seriously, you have to watch the show to understand Jayne. He's definitely one of the more interesting characters. :)

    Paula, you seem almost too calm and organized to be River. But perhaps you hide all the craziness from us. :p
  5. Jace Darkrider

    Jace Darkrider Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 1998
    Well, I have no love for the NRA to be honest. I scored 70% for Jayne. One of the questions asked me about guns and if I owned any. I answered no. So I am not sure what that still says about me.

    There is only one FarScape episode left to watch tonight, so I'll be starting on Firefly soon. I'm really anxious for it. I don't think I've spoken to one person who has seen it and doesn't like it.

  6. RosieWook

    RosieWook Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 5, 2000
    Hmmm...don't know if I'd be so thrilled to be Jayne. He's a bit of a nutcase! 8-}

    Actually, the way the quiz is set up, it wouldn't be too hard to go down the Jayne road.

    And I think that my River result (94%) is correct for me. I think my organization could be compared to River's intelligence. Yet I'm totally screwed up otherwise. [face_worried]

    And have fun with the Firefly DVDs, Ian. And just remember to stick with it. I think it's around episode 5 before you suddenly start seeing everything come together and you get addicted to the show.
  7. Jace Darkrider

    Jace Darkrider Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 1998
    Well, we watched the first episode last night. I really liked it. Joss Whedon sure knows how to write characters and dialogie. I found it amusing that so many actors from 'Firefly' ended up as bad guys on 'Angel' & 'Buffy'.

    Oh, and I LOVE Jayne. He had some of the funniest lines in the first episode. Definitely a psycho though. Though I would think of myself as more the pilot (can't remember his name right now).

    Hmmm...knowing Paula for three years, I am not sure if I see you as River, but I suppose I'll have to wait and see how the character develops. As for Mandy being Inara, I too completely see that.

  8. Minacia_Brightstar

    Minacia_Brightstar Jedi Youngling star 5

    May 23, 2001
    Jayne does have some of the best lines in the series and you never quite know what he is going to do next.

    Oh, the pilot's name is Wash. :)

  9. Jace Darkrider

    Jace Darkrider Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 1998
    Actually, I like Jayne & Inara the best so far. Completely different characters, but I like the dichotomy it show. Reynolds is cool too and I definitely like the way he handles his opponents, though I think he is way to harsh on Inara and I think he really has the hots for her and wishes she would stop whoring.

  10. Minacia_Brightstar

    Minacia_Brightstar Jedi Youngling star 5

    May 23, 2001
    I think you're right, Ian.

    Have you watched the episode titled "Shindig" yet? That episode has some interesting and fun interaction between Inara and Captain Reynolds.

    And Jayne is a hoot, whether you agree with what he does or not. ;)
  11. Jace Darkrider

    Jace Darkrider Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 1998
    Yes, I watched it last night actually. And that is why I think Reynolds has the hots for Inara.

    Anita took the quiz and she too came up as Jayne, at 67%. It's interesting, because she answered differently from me in several areas.

    So far, it's a great show and it is a shame that Fox cancelled it. I think the only thing I don't like about the series is the music and the fact that the western motiff is a little heavy handed. It's still an awesome show though.

    Seems all that the networks want to air anymore is reality tv. Even the SciFi Channel is doing the same, aside from Stargate.

    With respect to the idea of a live action Star Wars TV series, it may not last long in the ratings if this reality craze keeps up. LFL would have to shop it to HBO or Showtime to get it to work right.

  12. Minacia_Brightstar

    Minacia_Brightstar Jedi Youngling star 5

    May 23, 2001
    Firefly is defintely what you would call a space western. ;)

    Unforuntately, reality TV is cheap to produce and draws in enough viewers to keep the genre going strong.

  13. JediXXL

    JediXXL Force Ghost star 6

    Apr 11, 2003
    Jayne 70% I really miss this Show, and Space Above and Beyond!!
    By the way...

    [image=] ;)
  14. red_rose

    red_rose Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 3, 2001
    River (70%)
    Cool I can kill people with my brain! or not. :D
  15. Minacia_Brightstar

    Minacia_Brightstar Jedi Youngling star 5

    May 23, 2001
    This proves what I have known all along...

    We have a bunch of crazy folks in this group. :p ;)
  16. Jedi_TaganCalera

    Jedi_TaganCalera Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 10, 2002
    I plan on introducing the Augustan Raiders to Firefly soon. They saw the opening of Train Job briefly during our last meeting and I plan on getting them involved with it.

    Got 77% for Mal. I think the other 23% is probably Wash (maybe 2% of it is Book).

  17. RagingBantha

    RagingBantha Jedi Youngling

    Feb 11, 2004
    never seen the show...heard it was good....I scored 70% and aparently I am closest matched to Zoe. I hope thats a good thing.
  18. RosieWook

    RosieWook Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 5, 2000
    I could see a lot of Zoe in you. Yeah. She's a great character!

    Go borrow it from someone. Or, better yet, buy it. We want Joss Whedon to keep making more!
  19. JediXXL

    JediXXL Force Ghost star 6

    Apr 11, 2003
    There are rumours of a feature film...
  20. Minacia_Brightstar

    Minacia_Brightstar Jedi Youngling star 5

    May 23, 2001
    I believe that a feature film based on the series is scheduled for release in April or May of 2005.
  21. RosieWook

    RosieWook Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 5, 2000
    There is no rumor. It is fact. They're either done or about done with filming.

    You can join the Browncoats (the official site) by going here:

    The only drawback is that it's opening the same weekend as Celebration 3.
  22. Jace Darkrider

    Jace Darkrider Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 1998
    Well, I went and saw 'Spider-Man' at CII, so I suppose I can go see 'Serenity' at CIII. :)

    And...Jayne, Mal and Kaylee will be at D*C. I just saw part of a really bad movie that Adam Baldwin made called 'Galactic Odyssey'. It was on some cable channel and it was part soft core porn and gory horror. Very bad and cheesey.
  23. Phoenix21

    Phoenix21 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 10, 2003
    Talk about confused!
    I took it twice because some of my answers could have been one of two choices...and this is what I got.
    76% River or 69% Mal

    Have to admit, Mal is my fav but I grew to like River's weirdness. I love the western motif and the music. It's so's great!

    Can't wait to meet you folks at D*C...wish I could make the dinner Saturday but I'm filming at the MOTF costume contest.

  24. RosieWook

    RosieWook Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 5, 2000
    As far as the dinner goes, we usually don't really get going until folks wander over from the costume contest. And we'll usually end up hanging around there until about 7pm.

    If you think it won't take you too long to pack up your equipment, then head on over and at least say hello.
  25. Jace Darkrider

    Jace Darkrider Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 1998
    The costume contest is slated to start at 4PM with a 2 1/2 hour window (ending 6:30). Is the dinner going to be switched to 6:30 instead? :confused:
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