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Who will be the hero of the 'StarWars' saga after ROTS?

Discussion in 'Archive: Revenge of the Sith' started by r8hitman, Feb 20, 2005.

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  1. r8hitman

    r8hitman Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 30, 2004
    I remember when Luke Skywalker was the only hero of StarWars.

    Obi-Wan was the teacher, Leia was the damsel in distress, Han was the wisecracking smart ass, and Darth Vader (people couldnt stop saying "dark" vader :p) was the villain.
    Now through the years some things have changed with the release of each movie. But in my eyes the hero of the story was always Luke Skywalker, but Lucas says the entire Starwars story was basically about Anakin and his redemption, and the OT was basically showing how his children (mainly Luke) helped redeem him.
    The PT, so far, has portrayed Anakin and Obi-Wan as the heroes of their story, but after ROTS how are we supposed to look at Anakin/Vader's place in the entire overall story of StarWars?

    I grew up with the OT so I think I'll always look at Luke as the hero, even though Vader saved the day in ROTJ and he's been made to be the hero of the PT so far, I dont know how I can look at Vader as anything but "Vader".

    After ROTS are we supposed to feel sorry for Vader? Are we supposed to feel like he betrayed everyone? or that he was tricked or what?

    I just find it hard to make Anakin out to be the hero of this story, even if I watch them 1-6 to me Luke is the hero of StarWars and the PT just seem like a "biography" of Darth Vader and really doesnt have anything to do with the OT.

    Even though I know it does it just doesnt "feel" that way.
    Do you think ROTS can change peoples views on Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader?
  2. Dad_Vader

    Dad_Vader Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 21, 2004
    Well I remember hearing GL say somewhere that while in the past the audience was cheering for Luke, after all is said is done you'll be cheering for Anakin/Vader.

    Just passing along what I read somewhere...I'm sorry I don't have any references for you though.

    Until later..
  3. science-club

    science-club Jedi Youngling

    Feb 10, 2005
    i don't believe we cheer for vader or anakin, but rather his redemption of it all.

    in my opinion, obi-wan is the hero of the entire series of movies, followed closely by luke.
  4. r8hitman

    r8hitman Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 30, 2004
    Well like Dad_Vader said, we're supposed to be cheering for Anakin in the same way we cheered for Luke, I dont know how ROTS is gonna make that happen because so far it's NOT happening :confused:

    EDIT:And I dont know how killing your wife and everybody else from your "religion" is going to help.
  5. Leonard_Shelby

    Leonard_Shelby Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 31, 2002
    Obi-Wan. If you watch the entire series, you can clearly tell that he is the "man with the plan."

    And I not only regard him as the hero of the story...but also the character I pity the most. Alot of bad stuff happens to this guy...stuff that he feels much sorrow and guilt over, I'm sure...and he sees an opportunity to redeem himself with Luke...and does so with flying colors. Much like Anakin...he's a hero who fails and ultimately redeems himself in the end.

  6. science-club

    science-club Jedi Youngling

    Feb 10, 2005
    ah leonard, i sense much common sense in you!
  7. Leonard_Shelby

    Leonard_Shelby Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 31, 2002
  8. Wesyeed

    Wesyeed Jedi Youngling star 4

    Feb 5, 2005
    Luke: Father, do you remember tatooine.... Do you remember the sunsrise, playing out in the sand. Do you remember the taste of blue milk?

    Vader: No son... I cannot recall the taste of blue milk. Watching.. the suns rise.... the sand..ohohhh the gets everywhere.

    Luke: Well.. I can't carry it for you. But I can CARRY YOU!!

    Luke drags his dying father towards his ship.

    Vader: Luke.... help me take this mask off...

    Well I sort of imagine it that way. A bunch of good characters are supporting a character who's been given this great burden, to be the chosen one. I'm not sure if the chosen one can be compared to frodo from the LOTR movies, but we all know that frodo turned dark at the end and that he never threw the ring in the fire like he was supposed to. But he's still a hero because... well because he still has his friends who love him regardless.

    and Vader has his family and friends supporting him even though he's done some evil things.

    What this hinges on however is whether or not he did those things because the dark side made him or if Anakin just is and always wanted to be an evil jackass. That and only that will determine my view points on whether he deserved to be redeemed.
  9. TiniTinyTony

    TiniTinyTony Chosen One star 7

    Mar 9, 2003
    There are no heroes. That's why Luke is "a new hope". The only story to tell between the years is a dark and disturbing one. I'm sure they can show a few rebel victories led by Princess Leia, but I really don't see the years between the trilogies as being centered on a hero.
  10. Leonard_Shelby

    Leonard_Shelby Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 31, 2002
    He doesn't mean between movies. He means, after ROTS is released, who is the overall hero of the Star Wars saga.
  11. BothofUs

    BothofUs Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 5, 2003
    I'd have to say Anakin.

    RotS redeems Anakin in everyone's eyes, even if RotJ didn't.
  12. Wesyeed

    Wesyeed Jedi Youngling star 4

    Feb 5, 2005

    My head is about to explode...
  13. Blue-Blade

    Blue-Blade Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 23, 2002
    In my humble opinion, if it was just a single trilogy and the ot was never made. I would say mostly without a doubt that Obi-wan would be the hero. That is of course if he kills Anakin making him dead, dead, no crawling out lava for Darth Crispy! Yoda would be a close second for his killing of the crinkled snagglepuss Palpious. BUT THANK THE MAKER we have the OT and the fact we got it first because we'll have an amazing six movie epic adventure filled all kinds of heros and villins. That being said, my vote goes for a....tie! I say that Luke and Obi-wan are equal in their greatness and their failures.

    And for my runnerup, my second place in the hero department is the true unsung hero who gets no props because he's not human....R2-D2. Think about it! Who has always been there when you needed him to open doors or take lazer blast.

    Those are my votes!

    The Blade

    EDIT: I think in my heart of hearts, I totally agree with Leonard_Shelby!!!

    Obi-wan is the MAN!!!!!
  14. Holocron_Collector

    Holocron_Collector Moderator Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 22, 2001
    The true hero of the saga is, will be, and always has been...


    He saves everyone's butt in EVERY movie. Think about it.

  15. Leonard_Shelby

    Leonard_Shelby Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 31, 2002
    HC: You make a good point. [face_thinking]
  16. Wesyeed

    Wesyeed Jedi Youngling star 4

    Feb 5, 2005
    Indeed, R2 IS the Hero. Amen HC. That's the truth baby.

    The cover of the Saga DVD boxed set should have one big R2-D2 on it.
  17. Blue-Blade

    Blue-Blade Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 23, 2002
    And I thought I was the only one who thought the R2-D2 deserved huge PROPS!!!! :)

    Thank the Maker!
  18. KyleKatarn96

    KyleKatarn96 Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 19, 2004
    i agree R2 definitely is a hero to the saga...and weyseed what you said before..comparing frodo and anakin..was good..i never thought about it like that and i think that makes pretty good sense..i always thought LOTR and the PT always mirrored each other..
  19. Wooly-Woofter

    Wooly-Woofter Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 14, 2005
    3PO - the one 'pure' character throughout.
  20. Holocron_Collector

    Holocron_Collector Moderator Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 22, 2001
    Let's list everything R2 does to save the day in each of the SW movies. I'll start with ANH:

    - Carries and keeps safe the technical readouts for the Death Star, ensuring that it CAN be destroyed. Without him, the Yavin base would be destroyed, and Luke, Han, Leia, and all the rebels would be dead.

    - Saves Han, Leia, Luke and Chewie from certain death by squashing in the Death Star garbage smasher.

    - Repairs and keeps Luke's X-wing running during the critical trench run on the Death Star.

    - Puts out a fire in the Millennium Falcon during attack by Imperial Tie-Fighters, which may have been critical in its survival.

    - Discovers the location of Princess Leia, and the tractor beam on the Death Star, facilitating her rescue and subsequent escape.

    And that's just ANH!!! Carry on.
  21. Aquila_Skywalker

    Aquila_Skywalker Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 14, 2004
    ^Thats not to mention him turning off the big molten steel things in AOTC, thus saving Padme and then there is the time when he opens the door in cloud city and saves Lando, chewie, treepio and Leia.
  22. SuperStarDestroyer

    SuperStarDestroyer Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 8, 1999
    If R2 had not fixed the shields on Padme's ship in TPM when our heroes were blasting their way out of Naboo, the Star Wars saga would have ended there and then.

    'nuff said. R2's da man!
  23. DarqMarq89

    DarqMarq89 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 14, 2004
    HC is simply reiterating what GL has said in audio commentaries, particularly the episode II commentary. GL says that it's ultimately R2's story and that he is the hero.
  24. Avid_Prequels_Fan

    Avid_Prequels_Fan Jedi Grand Master star 2

    Sep 14, 2003
    "Thats not to mention him turning off the big molten steel things in AOTC, thus saving Padme and then there is the time when he opens the door in cloud city and saves Lando, chewie, treepio and Leia."

    Yeah and Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Queen Amidala and everyone else on the Queens escape ship would have been blown away if not for R2D2.

    As far as the "hero of the Saga". There isn't only one. Luke Skywalker, R2D2, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and in the end Anakin becomes the ultimate hero by saving the galaxy from the Sith, saving his son, and saving his own soul and setting the Force back into balance.
  25. r8hitman

    r8hitman Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 30, 2004
    But dont forget that GL keeps saying that ROTS will change the way we look at the OT, I dont really know how this is going to effect everybody's views of these characters but I guess R2 is a good candidate so far.
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