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Youre my only hope! Clone Wars at Walmart!

Discussion in 'Collecting' started by Master-Fett, Sep 12, 2003.

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  1. Master-Fett

    Master-Fett Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Sep 25, 2002
    Only post here if you went to wall mart and found the Clone Wars two packs! i want to know when and how many. I'm trying to convince my parents to take me!
  2. OBIX1

    OBIX1 Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Oct 7, 2002
    I found,

    Anakin with bonus Clone Lt.

    Yoda (rambo yoda ;)) with bonus Clone Commander

    ARC trooper with bonus White clone trooper

  3. Jedijace007

    Jedijace007 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Oct 3, 2002
    I found everything OB1-X found, only in multiples of 5 :)!!!!
  4. Sereana_Nightstar

    Sereana_Nightstar Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 20, 2002
    Hi all,
    Just stopping by to say "hi", I am Jedi Jace's Jedi Knight teacher, at least in our FF. We check out each others' collections and help one another find things. Found 2 of the Clone Wars bonus packs at Wal-Mart, Jace was using the force to let me know they were there. Very cool, have some nice things and Jae likes to come over and we play with stuff. He is still trying to get me to open packages. Got the new Imperial shuttle and will open that at our local SW meeting or when Jace and I have time to put it together.

    May The Force Be With You....Always
    Sereana Knightstar
    Jedi Master
  5. Darth-Clossinius

    Darth-Clossinius Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 2, 2002
    I found the Clone War bonus packs at Wal Mart today. They were both in end caps and in the regular star wars section.

    If you want them, I would advise getting there ASAP, seeing as these are NOT going to sit around on the pegs for very long. I bought 1 each of Anakin/Clone Lieutenant, Yoda/Clone Commander, and ARC Trooper/Clone Trooper. These are GREAT figures and for $4.77 for TWO figures, you CAN NOT beat it...

    Also, WM is restocking with early 2003 Product. I found the wave with Wedding Anakin and Arena Mace as well...

  6. JediJunkie247

    JediJunkie247 Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 24, 2002
    Found these as well today. They were in endcaps, so it took a while to locate them. They had probably like 3-4 of each pack.
  7. LetoQuorme

    LetoQuorme Mos Alba FF Chapter Rep star 4

    Nov 11, 2001
    Endcaps, eh? Maybe that's why I haven't seen them at my WalMart yet. I shall look harder...
  8. OBIX1

    OBIX1 Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Oct 7, 2002
    They were at the end of the aisle at my wla-mart too ;) :cool:
  9. Mr.Neck or Yarael Poof

    Mr.Neck or Yarael Poof Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 19, 2000
    As the others have said, I found them hanging right on the side of an end cap today at my local Walmart. As I was going through them trying to get the Clones with the best paint an employee walked up and asked if I was finding everything ok and if there was anything good there. I of course said yes and yes, and she went on to say how she had just put them out that morning and they must be pretty popular since they were going so fast. I thought I got pretty lucky, but reports seem to be coming in from all over about people finding theses.

    Still, I can't express how satisfying it was to walk into a store and actually find what I was looking for! I certainly hope this is a sign of things to come from Hasbro, figures actually being in store when they're supposed to be and all! :D :p
  10. Drac39

    Drac39 Chosen One star 6

    Jul 9, 2002
    They put them out a day earlier at my Wal-Mart. Not fair :( the scalpers got there first
  11. Master-Fett

    Master-Fett Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Sep 25, 2002
    NOT FAIR??? I'll tell you not fair!

    Not fair is convincing your parents to go there just to hear an employee say "Oh! I just stocked those two figure things 15 minutes ago! Where are they?? Someone must of bought them out!"

    Thats unfair! Fifteen freakin minutes!!!!!!!!!
  12. MuttandSolo

    MuttandSolo Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 1, 2002
    I found the same as Obix1 at my Walmart in MD. :D
  13. OBIX1

    OBIX1 Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Oct 7, 2002
    Congrats on everyone getting them! that's great! :D

    Masterfett:don't worry. they'll get more in, ;) I don't think they'll be nearly as hard to find as the 2003 saga figures :cool:

  14. JediJunkie247

    JediJunkie247 Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 24, 2002
    Yea, they just came out and they seem to be plentiful. So to those who have yet to see them, be patient. It took me looking for the past week at 8 different stores to finally find them.

    The figures are out there.

    *For those fans of the X-Files, I apologize for the gratuitous parody. But, it fits. 8-}*
  15. Jedijace007

    Jedijace007 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Oct 3, 2002
    Hey everybody! post your finds in this forum:

    Thanks! :)
  16. Doright

    Doright Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 10, 1999
    My Wal-Mart had them on an end display and not with the other figures so keep an eye out when you go. They were actually near the Barbi Dolls for some reason :mad:
  17. OBIX1

    OBIX1 Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Oct 7, 2002
    [face_laugh] that's where they were in my wal-mart too.I really don't know why they put them's not like most little girls are going to want action figures :confused:
  18. Mr.Neck or Yarael Poof

    Mr.Neck or Yarael Poof Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 19, 2000
    The other Walmart in town doesn't seem to have them out yet (Believe me, I checked all over the toy department, even the 'girl toys' area :p ), which is odd because this Walmart always has stuff in before the other one... ?[face_plain]
  19. jawamonkey

    jawamonkey Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 23, 2001
    *squeals* i got the yoda and anakin ones!!! but not the ARC trooper :( i really wanted that one too
  20. Doright

    Doright Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 10, 1999
    I ended up with Yoda, Anakin and the Arc Trooper.

    anyone else think Yoda looks like he's going to woodstock?

    I guess I should also say for the record my Fan Force has just as many Female Collectors as male Collectors so putting them near the Barbi's maybe isn't such a bad idea. :p
  21. JediJunkie247

    JediJunkie247 Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 24, 2002
    I tend to think the Clone Wars Yoda looks more like he is trying to be a Mexican bandito, what with the sash and bandolier. Just pop a sombrero on his head and a little bottle of tequila in his hand and he is all set. [face_laugh]
  22. Gobi-1

    Gobi-1 Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 22, 2002
    I haven't seen them yet but hopefully I'll go to Wal-Mart today.

    My local Wal-Mart has only put out new figures 2 times this year. Back in March they put out the Factory Chase Padme wave and in August they put out the Hoth Han and Throne Room Vader waves.

    They did have hundreds of boxes up and down the toy department waiting to be opened and put on the shelves but I didn't see any Hasbro Star Wars boxes. They did have boxes for every other toy Hasbro makes. [face_plain]
  23. Kung-Fu-Yoda

    Kung-Fu-Yoda Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 26, 2002
    The Clone Wars have arrived at my wal*mart today too...After going to the regular figure isle and seeing once again that they have failed to stock past the Lott Dodd wave I was dissappointed, but not surprised...Then after venturing to the matchbox/hotwheel isle I saw an endcap display with 2 Yoda/Clone Commander bonus packs *scream* then as I was about to head out I found another endcap at the front of the toy section with ARC Trooper/White Clone and Anakin/Lieutennant also in multiples of 2... *heart attack*

    It was a good day :D :cool:

    -Yoda ;)

    EDIT: 2000 Post w00p w00p!
  24. JediStu2

    JediStu2 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 1, 2003
    I work at a Wal*Mart in New York and over the weekend we finally got the Clone Wars two-packs in. As soon as I finished my day I bought the ARC Trooper and the extra (reg) Clone Trooper. We got them in on sidekicks so there isn't really a spot for them on the regular shelves. Unfortunately this is the only Clone Wars thing that we carry at the moment (up until Christmas i'd guess) and I didn't find any Durge figures or Asajj, which I was really looking forward too.
  25. Master-Fett

    Master-Fett Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Sep 25, 2002
    I went to four differnt wal marts, zip. no endcaps at any of them either! but i finnaly got a yoda at KB. I wanted the other two more, but I'll find them someday...
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