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Lit The Essential Atlas and Galactic Cartography: Official Discussion

Discussion in 'Literature' started by CeiranHarmony, Oct 14, 2005.

  1. Eyrezer

    Eyrezer Jedi Master star 3

    Aug 4, 2002
    Some random thoughts from reading and flicking through the Atlas:

    This I can completely appreciate. I immediately spotted that Moltok - homeworld of the Ho'Din - is in a similar region that is explored earlier that the surrounding space. I've tracked the appearances of the Ho'Din. They appearance was moved back with the KOTOR comics, and then back further with the Lost Tribe short story. Your placement in the Kymoodan era still leaves them further move to appear earlier. The Advozdec (Riflor) are another one who appear in KOTOR that you've coloured yellow. I'm glad to see this attention to detail. A problematic one that didn't get dated early is Alzoc, with Talz appearing as early as 4000 BBY. However, the Rakatan presence there can probably contribute to their appearance offworld...

    Is this a nod to the surprising TIE fighter construction facility over Nar Shaddaa in TFU?

    Retconning many of the ancient temples found on various worlds to be Rakatan is a very cool touch. Good work drawing on such diverse sources for that.

    Nice to see a rationale for the Battle of Dantooine given in the planets section, too. It seemed a bit random for such a huge army to be contesting that world.

    I have to say I was ecstatic to see the Atrivis sector feature on a map! Of course, I now have significant updating to do on that article. :) It is interesting to see that Generis lies within the Pentastar Alignment, however, as the RA/NR had a significant base there right through from the early days of the Rebellion. It is also a bit surprising that Horuz lies on the Relgim Run - I would have thought the DS construction I site would have been off a hyperlane, but it is not a problem as such.

    The image of the Tynnan and the H'drachi, I presume that was at Dan's request? ;)

    I think this has already been mentioned, but an index of maps would be very useful.
  2. CooperTFN

    CooperTFN TFN EU Staff Emeritus star 7 VIP

    Jul 8, 1999

    Never thought I'd say this to Jello, but...QFT.
  3. Eyrezer

    Eyrezer Jedi Master star 3

    Aug 4, 2002
    A question re hyperspace: is there any effect on hyperspace traveling between arms of the galaxy? For instance, the Daragon trail cuts right across a number of bands to reach Sith Space. My hunch would be that it should be easier as there are less stars etc to disrupt hyperspace.
  4. Rogue...Jedi

    Rogue...Jedi Administrator Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 12, 2000
    Hyperspace is seriously distorted at the edge of the galaxy, though - I'd think it would actually be harder despite the lack of stars in the way.
  5. jasonfry

    jasonfry VIP star 4 VIP

    Nov 11, 2003
    Good question. The answer is no: There are as many stars in the "gaps" as anywhere else, it's just the gaps are missing the brightest supergiants and clouds of glowing dust and gas found only in the arms. (Real-universe science!)

    Very early in the Atlas process I kicked around the idea of making the gaps really gaps. But it would have strained credulity (nobody ever mentioned this before?) and even though SW is really space-fantasy, not hard sci-fi, there didn't seem to be any reason not to adhere to science for once....
  6. Eyrezer

    Eyrezer Jedi Master star 3

    Aug 4, 2002
    Doh! Evidently I was running late and missed Day 1 of Officer Candidate School Orientation! :oops:
  7. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    "The first rule of Fry Club is..." ;)
  8. IllogicalRogue2

    IllogicalRogue2 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 28, 2003
    So that mean for now fixing things is a dead pursuit for now? Hmm I guess I'll wait till TCWAS is over and then theorize ways to work it.
  9. jasonfry

    jasonfry VIP star 4 VIP

    Nov 11, 2003
    Hey all, heading to the beach for a week, so updates will be a bit sparse when it comes to things I have to look up. (Though don't miss the Suvudu chat!)

    Before I left, wanted to hit a bunch of points that have come up in these many pages, in hopes that at least some of you get answers to your questions. Apologies for not quoting; I'm really tired and markup would be the death of me.

    Dr. Vindi's species: He's a Faust. He worked for the crime families on Perma, but I don't think Fausts=Permese.

    Why is Zonama Sekot white on the Legacy map? No hint there, just trying for better contrast.

    Cilghal, bless you for noting the "Ellie" world getting a name and the attempt to explain the Motti/Tagge dialogue. Two of my favorite little bits in the Atlas.

    Missing dots: The one on Han Solo Adventures is Enarc; the one on p. 179 is Ank Ki'Shor.

    Teljkon should be in the Expansion Region. So should Hrasskis. There are a couple of other goof-ups with the Mid Rim; I suspect a bad copy/paste somewhere.

    Eeropha is in the Nierport system. Gerbaud is in the Sepan system. The other X-Wing worlds look like they might have got missed. I was most worried about missing worlds from the videogames; apparently with reason.

    The purple stuff on Anaxes is land.

    There's a Drexel Minor because Drexel from the Marvels has only one planet in its system, yet there's a species that lives on Drexel II. Conclusion: Different systems.

    Abyss is indeed the Abyssin homeworld.

    Simoom comes from a C-3PO reference to Simoomian sensory hounds.

    Re the two Tels, one of them should have got a "Minor" or a "Secondary" or a "Little" or something.

    I have Taskeed as the planet and Yefowr as the system. (Trivia nobody cares about: Kaj Nedmak, from that story, is Rich Handley's Tuckerism of Jack Camden, which was my AOL identity because of a rather dull accident when I didn't know the Internet from my left foot.)

    Yes, the reference to Imperial manufacturing in Hutt Space does refer to the TIE facility at Nar Shaddaa from TFU. That was interesting.

    Sulorine is indeed a typo for Suolriep, but Obi-Wan Kenobi refers to Sulorine in Outbound Flight, which seemed like enough to let it really exist.

    Archais shouldn't have existed -- we missed the Gamer reference tying it to Alsakan, which is amusing on some level since it's in an article we both co-wrote. But it does, and undoing it would be a big pain. So it's a coincidence or one was named after the other somehow. Big galaxy and all that.

    Tovarskl is a different system from Kalee and shouldn't be in the Kalee entry; Mandallia is a planet in the Mandalore system and shouldn't be in the appendix. I'll put them both on the list.

    Talk to you soon -- and please keep emailing/posting those comments, questions, potential errors and so forth. All of it is very helpful, and I'm grateful.
    Cevan likes this.
  10. Exar_Xan

    Exar_Xan Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Dec 29, 2001
    I might be overlooking it, but I canno find he planet D'vouran in the Index t the Atlas. Anyone know where it is or if it felt trought the cracks?
  11. Wild_Whiphid

    Wild_Whiphid Jedi Youngling

    Oct 23, 2006
    D'vouran is a mobile planet isn't it? I guess that's why it doesn't appear in the index, same as Zonama Sekot. They do not have a "system".

    Would they have been placed in the indes as a planet, their entries would have read;

    Name - Region - Grid
    D'vouran - Varies - n/a
    Zonama Sekot - Varies - n/a

    EDIT: Jason, what's this thing about Faust vs. Permese?
  12. CeiranHarmony

    CeiranHarmony Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 10, 2004
    What cool essential guide might come next?

    Essential Guide to Retcons?
    The Essential Guide to Star Wars Anthropology?
    The Essential Guide to Canon, Continuity and Headaches?
    The Essential Guide to Females in Slave Bikinis (oh please [face_praying] )
    The Essential Guide to Errata? (feat. EU, Movie and TV Errata and what to make of certain stuff without discarding it)
    The Essential Guide to Ackbar, Thrawn & Pellaeon
    The Essential Guide to Fanon and common misunderstood things
  13. jasonfry

    jasonfry VIP star 4 VIP

    Nov 11, 2003
    Senator Cilghal is very into alien species, and was asking about Dr. Vindi. The background on him (so far as I know it) is he's from a species known as the Faust (cool name, that), and worked for the Perma families. Anticipating the Senator's next question, I noted that AFAIK, the Faust and the Permese aren't the same thing.
  14. CeiranHarmony

    CeiranHarmony Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 10, 2004
    Can I get a Dr. Vindi Hyperspace Short Story? Triton styled Autobiography or an excerpt of his famous book: "The Plagues of the Galaxy" or even better: A viral Love Story? Hmm.. maybe it will be a homage to Dr. Frankenstein, Goethe's Faust and many other nice elements. Oh please [face_praying]
  15. AdmiralNick22

    AdmiralNick22 Retired Fleet Admiral star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 28, 2003
    Superficial? My favorite character looks like a squid! :p

    --Adm. Nick
  16. JediMasterNicolas

    JediMasterNicolas Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 4, 2005
    Not that I'm disagreeing with you, the writer, but the Wook has Vindi as being a Permese. So basically you're saying that he is actually a Faust (a species the Wook has no record of as of yet, unless I somehow missed the article completely) and we have yet to see an actual Permese? Huh, neat.
  17. Sompeetalay

    Sompeetalay Jedi Master star 2

    Dec 17, 1999
    Vindi a Faust? I'm wondering, where does that come from? That would be a surprise because in the Ultimate Battles he's been called a Permese.

    It cannot be from the CW 'decoded' episodes because the ones with Vindi haven't be broadcasted yet.
  18. CeiranHarmony

    CeiranHarmony Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 10, 2004
    SOME MORE QUESTIONS AND FINDINGS... sorry if someone brought this up already:

    Crystan in the Deep Core... Yoda's Homeworld placed

    Selvaris: Wookieepedia says it was the closest inhabited system to Bilbringi but the Atlas places it far away in I-9 with many other important worlds much closer???

    Celdaru, Medicat, Selvaris are in another color on their maps, lighter grey rather than black. Why? Other maps feature the same with lots of other planets next to normal colored ones

    Smarteel: Wild Space U-14... but Wookieepedia says it is in Expansion, desert planet in Kanchen Sector?
  19. Plaristes

    Plaristes Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 2, 2007
    I take it Dark Warning is in error when Obi-Wan tells Ferus that Polis Massa is near Ilum?
  20. blackmyron

    blackmyron Chosen One star 7

    Oct 29, 2005
    I'm wondering where Wookieepedia got that Smarteel was in Kanchen Sector - or where they got Kanchen Sector is in the Expansion Region.
  21. CeiranHarmony

    CeiranHarmony Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 10, 2004
    dunno but I am currently checking names with wookiee and other sources.

    another question:

    Orleon in Hapes Cluster... how comes the Imperials, Han and Jabba happen to be involved with the Stone Mites and the planet between ROTS and ROTJ before the opening of the Hapes Cluster ?

    PS: Hey Jason and Dan... according to the worlds you placed that the Vagaari had raided it seems they raided a very large territory. Very interesting potential there and makes them quite a threat indeed if they ranged from Pashvi to Geroon with Killik, Chiss, EotH space in between ;)

  22. blackmyron

    blackmyron Chosen One star 7

    Oct 29, 2005
    Orelon is the system in the Hapes Cluster, mentioned in COPL. Orleon has a separate listing in the index.
  23. Rogue...Jedi

    Rogue...Jedi Administrator Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 12, 2000
    Question: On Nar Shaddaa's page, what is the difference between "various" and "other"? The population is listed as 79% various, 20% human, and 1% other, which seems like about the right proportion of humans from what we've seen... but what marks the difference for whether a species is under "various" or "other"?
  24. Senator_Cilghal

    Senator_Cilghal Jedi Master star 5

    Jul 19, 2003
    Jason: I don't recall qhy, but I could swear some source placed Mrisst (GaTir) in Inner Rim, not Colonies

    sompeetalay: regarding Vindi, as far as I could tell Ultimate Battles said he worked for the Permese and wore some Permese ornamentation, but never 100% said he was HIMSELF a Permese, which is why I was asking Jason;) I don't recall seeing "Faust" in a published source and Jason may be revealing something new to us.

    regarding the two Drexels, I could have sworn NEG Characters indicated, perhaps in the C-3PO entry, that Drexel II = the waterworld of Drexel from Marvel, but my memory may be wrong. I take it Drexel proper=dragonworld, Drexel II=Iskalonian homeworld?
  25. Sompeetalay

    Sompeetalay Jedi Master star 2

    Dec 17, 1999
    About Vindi being a Faust ...
    < I don't have the Ultimate Battles with me now but I do believe the main text of his page calls him at a certain moment 'what the Permese was up to' or something like that. This could of course mean that Permese is a term for somebody living on Perma, like Tatooinian. But until we find out the exact source of Faust, I suggest we go with Permese for the time being.

    Let's hope Mr.Fry will give us a helping hand. Maybe it comes from the upcoming Clone Wars Season 1 Episode Guide?