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Lit The Essential Atlas and Galactic Cartography: Official Discussion

Discussion in 'Literature' started by CeiranHarmony, Oct 14, 2005.

  1. Senator_Cilghal

    Senator_Cilghal Jedi Master star 5

    Jul 19, 2003
    okay, I specifically asked Jason. He confirmed that the names in the System column are well-known celestial objects at that location, NOT proper system names; these are not meant to create new system names nor override those from pre-existing EU (ie, the name of Azurbani system has NOT been changed to Kiffex system, nor Ten Tempests system to Vortex system, etc.). He confirmed it was never the intent for there to be systems named after space stations! He commented that the systems of many worlds and stations have never been named, and the Atlas does not change that face, nor did it ever try to establish a system name for every locale.
  2. timmoishere

    timmoishere Force Ghost star 6

    Jun 2, 2007
    That map is...beautiful.=D=
  3. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    "Thankfully, Bail Organa was not one of them- because that would make no sense." - p. T2Q.
  4. Arawn_Fenn

    Arawn_Fenn Chosen One star 7

    Jul 2, 2004
    Looking at the Outer Rim map... Mustafar actually seems to be no closer to Coruscant than Tatooine is.:D[face_peace]
  5. Mange

    Mange Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2003
    The Inside the Worlds.../Complete Locations stats places Mustafar at 53,000 light-years from the Core and Tatooine at 43,000 light-years from the core.
  6. Tzizvvt78

    Tzizvvt78 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 12, 2009
    Given this is not a 3d map, that's no obstacle. They can be similar in distance when seen from the top-down, but drastically different in distance from the central disk.
  7. blackmyron

    blackmyron Chosen One star 7

    Oct 29, 2005
    The overlapping of the Oversectors is interesting - while Quelii Oversector is entirely within Oversector Outer (both based off the information in the Online map of the Outer Rim), Bright Jewel Oversector is not. I can't help but think that the bureaucratic mess caused by two or three Grand Moffs having overlapping territory had to have been a gift to the Alliance... [face_thinking]
  8. jasonfry

    jasonfry VIP star 4 VIP

    Nov 11, 2003
    Yes, absolutely.

    The thinking about overlapping oversectors follows the lead of WEG's beyond-awesome Imperial Sourcebook, in which the Emperor's advisors have overlapping authority, control strongholds of each other's rivals, and basically compete ruthlessly with each other for power and for the Emperor's favor. It is a bureaucratic mess, one that doesn't make a lot of sense for fighting a battle against an active, well-organized Rebellion. But it does make sense for keeping potential usurpers tied up with rivalries and quarrels, and it fits with both the dog-eat-dog philosophy of the Sith and the later, apparently senseless internecine bloodletting and score-settling of Dark Empire. You've got a Sith Lord running a bureaucratic Empire, which makes for some interesting apparent collisions and contradictions between two rather different philosophies.

    Stepping out of universe for a moment, overlapping authority is also a gift for authors, as it allows some very helpful continuity insurance. Thank you, Greg Gorden! [face_peace]
  9. Tyber

    Tyber Jedi Knight

    Mar 12, 2009
    I noticed something in the Appendix (book and online) regarding a system named "Port Bianco" in the Tapani sector. Since it seems to originate from "Lords of the Expanse" I checked the campaign guides for the system but I only found a shadowport on Lammax (Danju system, Herglic space) with that name.

    Is this an error or a new system in the Tapani sector?
  10. blackmyron

    blackmyron Chosen One star 7

    Oct 29, 2005
    I'm not sure where the info on Wookieepedia that Port Bianco was in Herglic Space came from - it was founded by a Herglic pirate, but LOTE seems to indicate it's within the Tapani Sector.
  11. Lord_Hydronium

    Lord_Hydronium Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 11, 2002
    This got me curious, so I did some trig using the map's 2D locations and ItW's distances; almost all of the planets from the movies either have to be ~30,000 light years off the galactic plane, or "Distance from the Core" actually means "Distance from a point several thousand light years south of the Core", or else the Atlas maps were made on a smaller scale than ItW envisioned.
  12. Tyber

    Tyber Jedi Knight

    Mar 12, 2009
    blackmyron, you were right. I apparently didn't check good enough, Lammax and Port Bianco are in the Tapani sector.

    But there is still another issue: In the Atlas there is no "Danju system" which is clearly mentioned in the LotE Gamemaster Guide on page 73 but neither in the book's nor in the online Appendix. Could it be kinda "mixed up" with this Port Bianco system from the Appendix?
  13. GrandAdmiralJello

    GrandAdmiralJello Comms Admin ❉ Moderator Communitatis Litterarumque star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 28, 2000
    Lando System.
  14. blackmyron

    blackmyron Chosen One star 7

    Oct 29, 2005
    If the ITW figures are 2D distances, they don't really match the ITW maps either.
  15. GGrievous

    GGrievous Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Nov 6, 2005
    Lando is not a system, he's a man.

    I'm sorry, I had too. :D
  16. TalonCard

    TalonCard •Author: Slave Pits of Lorrd •TFN EU Staff star 5 VIP

    Jan 31, 2001
  17. Senator_Cilghal

    Senator_Cilghal Jedi Master star 5

    Jul 19, 2003
    Talon (or anyone): Do you own the map of the Kleeva system that came with SW Missions--#9 I believe? A scan of that would be cool.

    Tyber: as I already explained, the system column is not a list of system names, but of best known places WITHIN systems. Thus, Danju system is listed as Port Bianco because Port Bianco is the best-known place within Danju system, not because there is a separate "Port Bianco system"
  18. CeiranHarmony

    CeiranHarmony Force Ghost star 5

    May 10, 2004

    Hmm I never owned the Missions books.. hopefully they are availeably used somewhere on the net, any help to track them down?

    Based on the Atlas I found some interesting connections...
    All Galactic Wars follow the same principles and thus are based off the same sentiments and ancient rivalries that still are not settled:

    Rim vs. Core
    Mandos / Sith vs. Republic / Jedi
    Southern Core vs. Northern Core
    Corellian Sphere of Influence vs. Coruscant Sphere of Influence
    Tion vs. Coruscant
    Taung vs. Humans
    Humans vs. Aliens
    Droids vs. Clones
    Tech vs. Nature/Biotech

    First of all, the Core sees itself as the heigth of civilisation and the Rim as backyard hillbillies. Second the Core ist heavy on human populations and thus human way of life/thinking/morals etc. Third the Core Humans once drove away the alien Taung to the Rim, the Dark Lords to the Sith, etc.
    Now the Rim is growing in power and size and strikes back. The Tion wants to take Coruscants power away. The Sith want to defeat the Jedi, the Mandalorians want to take over the Galaxy like their Taung ancestors.

    This is the basic conflict originating over 25000 years ago.

    Second to this is another conflict. The Southern Core is seen as backwater to the Northern Core and thus disliking that rebels often against their northern cousins. Corellian Spheres of influence often join the Rim factions of a war.

    Third is the aspect of tech vs. nature/biotech with droids, clones, pollution (Duro, Eriadu) or life in peace with Nature (Ithorians) being used as a topic to rally even more allies to a cause.

    How to overcome these biases and deeply ingrained cultural troubles that cause so much pain? It is not always Sith stirring trouble but exploiting what is already there!
  19. Senator_Cilghal

    Senator_Cilghal Jedi Master star 5

    Jul 19, 2003
    Jason: when Atlas says Outbound Flight visited the sponsoring worlds, does this mean the planets the colonists came from?

    also, Atlas says OF never went to Albanin Sector, and it is true Barab is in Albanin (GATORW), but OF goes to Roxuli, and OF (novel) says Roxuli is in Albanin IIRC...hmmm
  20. Senator_Cilghal

    Senator_Cilghal Jedi Master star 5

    Jul 19, 2003
    Jason: Is the Atlas's "Koensayr" meant to be this station:
  21. AdmiralNick22

    AdmiralNick22 Retired Fleet Admiral star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 28, 2003
    I assumed that Koensayr is the name of the planet that the company is based on. Kinda like how Rendili is the home of Rendili StarDrive. I hope this is the case, as I like having Koensayr be a world.

    I bet it would have Y-wings for defense. :p

    --Adm. Nick
  22. blackmyron

    blackmyron Chosen One star 7

    Oct 29, 2005
    "... to visit the home sectors of the project's key Senate backers." - Atlas.

    As far as I can see in Outbound Flight, Albanin Sector is only mentioned once as a 'possible stop' in the shakedown cruise; Roxuli's sector is not mentioned.
  23. GrandAdmiralJello

    GrandAdmiralJello Comms Admin ❉ Moderator Communitatis Litterarumque star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 28, 2000
    Well, it's complicated by the changed situation during the Galactic Civil War. The human, Core-centric Galactic Empire is ruled by a Sith Lord--but they control the Mandos as slave labor. Why? Perhaps some long held grudge the Zhell and their human descendants held for the Taung and their Mandospawn.
  24. Senator_Cilghal

    Senator_Cilghal Jedi Master star 5

    Jul 19, 2003
    Nick: I want Koensayr to be a planet too, but the planet could be in the same system as that station!

    Myron: Right...but are the backers from worlds the colonists are coming from? And thanks for looking up the Roxuli thing!

    Too bad Aliens in the Empire couldn't cover these guys!
  25. Senator_Cilghal

    Senator_Cilghal Jedi Master star 5

    Jul 19, 2003
    concering Amar & Amara--I've figured out they ARE the same. Gamer places Amara in Stennes Node; Atlas Online places Amar in Airon Sector; TOTJ Companion places Stennes Node in Airon Sector; voila, we have a match!

    I was looking at the online map of Farlax--so sad this didn't make it. It looks like there are 12 Duskhan League worlds, but both CUSWE amd Wookieepedia indicate there are 13--does anyone know the exact quote? Also, it looks like the map made up some names for the various worlds not covered by novels, but these are not in appendix, what's the deal there?