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Saga The Journal of Zavra Phelar, Jedi Padawan - COMPLETED 2/13

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by ViariSkywalker, Oct 3, 2003.

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  1. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Kessel Run Hostess Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 9, 2002
    This is just something that spilled out of me while I was fighting Darth Writer's Block. Think of these as something the Jedi of the PT might have stumbled upon. I hope it makes sense!

    The Journal of Zavra Phelar, Jedi Padawan

    Entry One

    It has been little more than an hour since I found the Collection of Jedi Lore and Prophecy, which Master Jaga Vexani recorded seven thousand years ago. I am so excited and inspired by his work that I have decided to record my own thoughts on these ancient writings. Master Rook should be pleased to see what I have discovered. She is also interested in our history.

    I was supposed to go with Anakin to the practice rooms today. Force knows I could improve my lightsaber technique. But the library called to me, and I could not refuse. Anakin might call me a scholar, but I prefer to think of myself merely as a student with a thirst for knowledge concerning the past.

    There really is a lot to be learned from those who came before us. The ancient Jedi were in many ways similar to us, but there are also several differences. By studying the texts of our ancestors, we can see how things changed and what mistakes were made along the way. We Padawans are familiar with the stories of such Jedi as Nomi Sunrider, Ulic Qel-Droma, and even Exar Kun. These are more recent legends, having only been dead for approximately four thousand years. But this book of lore that I found an hour ago goes back further, to a time when today?s legends were not even close to existence.

    I find this discovery to be fascinating. It presents Jedi history in a different light, albeit one that the Masters might not fully approve of. We all know that there are instances when ancient prophecies have come true and that there have been prophets in the past. Still, the Masters insist that our focus should be not on the details of every past record but on our present actions and their future ramifications.

    But I have dwelled too long on my own thoughts for now. I feel compelled to record excerpts from Master Vexani?s work, so that I might better compare notes and study the texts while drawing my own conclusions. Back to my reading!

  2. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Kessel Run Hostess Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 9, 2002
    Forgot to add that this would have been written more than 10,000 years before the Saga, but was discovered in an older section of the archives sometime during the PT. Just a small, relatively unimportant piece of information. ;) (Hope I didn't scare anyone with this random little excerpt.) 8-}
  3. tatooinewizard

    tatooinewizard Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 13, 2003
    I thought it was rather interesting. :)
  4. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Kessel Run Hostess Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 9, 2002
    Thanks, TW. Can you guess who it was refering to? 8-} ;)

    It was weird...that whole passage just came out of me. Unusual, but not unwelcome.
  5. Wilhelmina

    Wilhelmina Jedi Master star 3

    Jul 4, 2002
    Whoa, Vi. This is awesome. :D

    The passage has such a melodious flow to it. It sounds as if it 'just came out' of you all at once like that. ;) It's lovely and painful at the same time. I like how it foreshadows Vader, without being too specific.

    Am I correct in assuming that there are more of these? If so, I'll be around to read them!
  6. Jane Jinn

    Jane Jinn Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 12, 2000
    Beautiful little snippet! I especially liked the sentence: Just as he found affection among the angels, he now finds refuge in the company of demons.

    So it was Master Jaga Vexani who discovered this old prophecy in the older section of the Archives? Makes me wonder if he lived to see it fulfilled, or at least lived to see Anakin come to the Temple. Would he have recognized the fulfillment even if he'd seen it? And what was he doing, poking around in the old section, anyway? Is he a member of the Council of Knowledge? Was he researching something, or just idly 'surfing' through? Maybe the Force guided him?

    Do you think that there are any "modern" prophets among the Jedi or has everything already been said, now that they're that close to destruction?

    Any chance of expanding this into a complete story? Plenty of ideas here if you choose to do so. :)
  7. CrystalKenobi

    CrystalKenobi Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 31, 2003
    I would be interested in more of these.
  8. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Kessel Run Hostess Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 9, 2002
    Mina - Thankies. [face_blush] I just felt compelled to write something, since DWB has been preventing me from writing posts for my other fics. I wasn't going to write more of them, but when I finished the passage and posted it, I started getting a few more little ideas. So we shall see. ;)

    Jane - Wow! I'm blown away by your enthusiasm! :D

    Here are my brief thoughts on this whole thing: Master Jaga Vexani was the head librarian at the Temple for a time, back several thousand years before the PT. He had a great interest in history, lore, and especially prophecies. He set out to collect the even more ancient writings of past Jedi. Many of these writings dated back at least 10,000 years before the saga. He created a few volumes, and they were very popular for a time; but as often happens with literature of any type, it was forgotten over time. By the time Anakin was brought to the Temple, Master Vexani's Collection of Jedi Lore and Prophecy was filed away in an older section of the archive, where none but the most studious of Jedi scholars delved. Only the more memorable prophecies, such as the Chosen One prophecy, would have been familiar to the Jedi of the PT.

    My thoughts for this passage was that the reader would imagine themself to be a Jedi of the PT who has stumbled upon Vexani's collection. But like I said, the plot bunnies have begun to breed, and already I am coming up with new ideas. Perhaps I will turn this small passage into part of something larger. I might have to go back and reformat the first post if I decide to go with the plot bunnies. ;) If I do, I'll let you know, of course.

    Do you think that there are any "modern" prophets among the Jedi or has everything already been said, now that they're that close to destruction?

    *has idea* Glad you mentioned that, Jane. We shall see. ;)

    CrystalKenobi - Hopefully I'll be able to provide some more for you. :)

    Oh darn these plot bunnies! Now I feel the urge to write more for this. But maybe it will help me get rid of the awful DWB! 8-}
  9. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Kessel Run Hostess Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 9, 2002
    Ok, I think I've pretty much decided to extend this further. I was going to do it tonight, but I had some homework to finish and some places to go to. As soon as I can, I will have an update. Hope you all like it!
  10. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Kessel Run Hostess Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 9, 2002
    As promised!

    Entry Two

    ?In my pursuit of days long past, I have in fact found the secrets of future generations. Our scions have yet to understand the messages of the wise sages, the great Masters of the venerable Order of Jedi. Prophets they were, and storytellers too. I would not so readily discard the words laid down by their hands. In them are the keys to the hope of the hereafter.? ? Jedi Master Jaga Vexani, in the Prologue of his Collection

    From Master Vexani's Collection of Jedi Lore and Prophecy, Vol. 2

    Book XVII


    And he watched the last rays of the sun shining outward from the mountain, and in the twilight the dew descended tenderly upon the grass. Wherever he treads there is silence, like the stillness following the horn?s last call. None who let their eyes rest on him are comforted, for he is shadow and despair. A ruin, they call him. He is less than a man. In him breathes the life of a night creature, forever hunting by moonlight. Just as he found affection among the angels, he now finds refuge in the company of demons. They torture him and tear at his soul, but he knows not how to escape ? nor does he wish to. This is his curse, his torment. Their rage is his peace. His peace is war.

    And the light vanished from the sky, so that only darkness remained. He knew not how to find his way home; in the damp fields he dwelled, until the morning found him chilled and hollow. It is spoken among the cities that he once melted the hearts of kings with his gaze, till they fought no longer and let peace reign. Gone are the days of the Suns, who once promised hope. Their son has made darkness his master...

    I have decided to start each entry with at least one quote or excerpt. As I go along I hope to copy more passages and record my thoughts on them. As for this particular passage, I find it to be painful and beautiful, strange as that may seem. (Anakin and Tek would certainly think it odd.) They ask why I would rather spend time writing a journal when I could be swimming in the cerulean pools, relaxing in the common rooms, or playing with the younglings. I tell them those things are all enjoyable, but a Jedi should also have a knowledge of the past. I insisted that it aids us in avoiding the mistakes of the past. At this statement, Anakin laughed, though not in mockery. He has a young spirit ? in many ways I think he missed out on something in his childhood, and he has been making up for it ever since he came to the Temple. Still, there are times when I see his wiser, more mature side. He is an incredibly deep thinker, to be honest. Perhaps more than me. He just doesn?t have the patience to sit next to a computer for hours. That?s all.

    Here I am getting completely off topic. About the passage: I am not sure yet who or what this refers to, though I think that a little more reading might shed some light on the subject. I am very interested in this prophecy, if it is indeed a prophecy. It may not have been completely valid, but it still shows what the Jedi of the past were like and what kinds of things they thought about. This son that is referred to in the passage?I wonder if he is truly of any importance? Perhaps this is more of a folktale, a story passed on by the Jedi for years and years. I will have to research this more thoroughly.

    I cannot help but feel both fear and sorrow when I read this entire chapter. It is very similar to the excerpt. Some kind of demon or destroyer comes and conquers all, only to spend his life in grief and exile. There are hints of a past that may have been glorious, but they are barely a whisper. Very interesting indeed.


  11. Jane Jinn

    Jane Jinn Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 12, 2000
    Oh, you're expanding it, hooray! :) I like Zavra already; wanting to sit in front of a computer for hours instead of sparring with Anakin. I also liked the casual way she included Anakin in her journal entry -- obviously, she hasn't made the connection yet between him and the prophecy. Perhaps she never will. I had to laugh at the way she wondered if the "son" referred to in the passage would be of any importance.

    I'm interested in Master Rook as well -- what she'll think about these prophecies, and whether her age and wisdom will help her shed some insight towards them.

    What else will Zavra discover? And will she remain as blind as she is now, or will she gradually get enough hints as to what's going on as to enable her to see?
  12. tatooinewizard

    tatooinewizard Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 13, 2003
    Very interesting. I'm glad you're expanding this. I'm very curious as to where this will go.
  13. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Kessel Run Hostess Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 9, 2002
    Jane - I love your replies! So's enough to make any writer feel loved and appreciated. Thanks!

    As for Zavra...sorry I didn't make it clear, but Zavra is a male. [face_blush] I realize that the "a" ending probably threw everyone off, but try to think of it as a name like "Elijah" or "Isaiah" or "Joshua"...I just didn't think "Zavrah" looked right. 8-} And Master Rook is a female, so we're okay there. (I at least remembered to refer to her gender in the post. ;) )

    Anyway! As for your thoughts and questions, all I can say for now is we shall see. Glad I've got you thinking! The Jedi were obviously blind to the fact that Palpatine was a Sith Lord the whole time - why not be blind about the prophecies as well? We'll see what Zavra uncovers... [face_mischief]

    TW - I'm very curious as to where this will go.

    Me too. ;)
  14. Jane Jinn

    Jane Jinn Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 12, 2000
    I love your replies! So's enough to make any writer feel loved and appreciated. Thanks!

    *beams happily* That's what I strive for -- good, detailed feedback is my trademark. :)

    As for Zavra...sorry I didn't make it clear, but Zavra is a male.

    A male? I never would have thought of that! I don't know why I assumed that Zavra was a female -- perhaps because of the "a" ending, but also because of the way he preferred to rummage around in the Archives rather than spar with Anakin. There's nothing in the story that would indicate gender for the narrator. That's especially hard when you're narrating from the first person POV -- unless somebody calls the narrator by name and it's clearly a male one, the reader just can't know for sure.

    I realize that the "a" ending probably threw everyone off, but try to think of it as a name like "Elijah" or "Isaiah" or "Joshua"...I just didn't think "Zavrah" looked right. Ezra is another male name that doesn't have the "h" ending.

    I don't usually read Anakin stories, but this unusual format really caught my attention, as did the presence of OC's. Now I'm really looking forward to more. :)
  15. CrystalKenobi

    CrystalKenobi Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 31, 2003
    Glad to see it expanded. I do like stories that take on a Journal form. It always seems to me at aleast to be a more in depth look at the thoughts and feelings of a person.

  16. Wilhelmina

    Wilhelmina Jedi Master star 3

    Jul 4, 2002
    Ooh, Vi! The frame story is as intriguing as the prophecy. I like Zavra--probably because I'm a bookworm at heart, too (no surprise there. :p ) Even if I weren't, though, the narration is immediately engaging.

    I can't wait to see what else he digs up, and what he'll make of it. I guess I'll have to wait till the next post to say anything else--there are just so many directions you can take this, and I can't predict which one(s) you'll choose. It's exciting! :D

    EDIT: I just wanted to echo your praise of Jane. I think I could survive the posting of an entire story (no doubt with the story itself much improved by the end) on her feedback alone.
  17. Jane Jinn

    Jane Jinn Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 12, 2000
    Wilhelmina, you're making me [face_blush] !

    More soon, Viari?
  18. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    Viari, I just found this in my quest to fulfil the reviewer challenge on the board and am glad I did. You are doing great here! I love the inclusion of lore, the part about the Suns' son taking darkness as his master...Ouch!
  19. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Kessel Run Hostess Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 9, 2002
    Hey guys, I don't have time to reply individually right now, but I promise I will.

    I'm in kind of a homework crunch right now. Several projects all due within a few days of each other. I'm actually working on a history paper right now. 8-} I have written material for the next post; I just need to bring it all together and tidy it up. If not this weekend then sometime during next week, if my schedule is willing. My computer time has diminished quickly with all the work I've been doing lately, but don't worry. I will find time. I have to update this and my other fics, but by God I will do it.

    **Also welcome to DarthIshtar!! :D**
  20. Wilhelmina

    Wilhelmina Jedi Master star 3

    Jul 4, 2002
    But it's true, Jane. ;)

    *waves to Ish*

    Good luck with Darth School/Homework/Real Life, Vi! I'll be here when you update. :)
  21. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Kessel Run Hostess Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 9, 2002
    I love colors! :D

    Jane - That's what I strive for -- good, detailed feedback is my trademark.

    -- It most certainly is! And I love it, so don't stop! ;)

    I don't usually read Anakin stories, but this unusual format really caught my attention, as did the presence of OC's. Now I'm really looking forward to more.

    --Well then, I'm glad you decided to read, and I have more on the way.

    CrystalKenobi - This is my first time doing the journal format of a fanfic, so I hope Ican pull it off!

    Mina - The frame story is as intriguing as the prophecy. I like Zavra--probably because I'm a bookworm at heart, too (no surprise there.) Even if I weren't, though, the narration is immediately engaging.

    --Thanks, Mina! I'm also a bookwork at heart. No wonder I spend so much time reading fanfiction! 8-}

    DarthIshtar - Glad to have you aboard! Thanks for reviewing this! *feels special* [face_blush] :)

    I'm going away for the weekend, but I wanted to give you all a post before I left. So here it is!

    Entry Three

    ?The entire collection is a compilation of works by ancient Jedi prophets, scholars, and storytellers. My place in this work is to pass on the messages in an ordered fashion, so that they might be studied by future generations. Many of the older writings are done anonymously, however there are a few exceptions. One Jedi prophet in particular caught my attention. Her name was Shartasi Mastiff. Most of her recorded prophesies I have grouped together in Books XVI-XIX.? ? Jedi Master Jaga Vexani, in the Prologue of his Collection

    Book XVII


    Through ice and flame, all was known and quickly forgotten. Those who once laid low the worlds felt the son?s wretched grip. He and his master snatched up power from the old rulers and made a new reign. All who look upon the son fail to recognize him; he has left the realm of life. What was once a promise is now a vile curse upon the lips of the dead.

    Oh great hero! What madness has driven you so astray? What bitter seduction has brought you so low? You tasted the splendor and blindly followed the tempter. Who can speak of your glory? For you have fallen in the pit, as filth among filth. You have fallen as a bright star blazes from the heavens, burning away against the darkness.

    And the ground did shake, and he who once lived in light stepped forward and spat fire upon the worlds, lest they remember what had once been...

    I cannot help shuddering at the images that swell in my mind as I read this. One that stands out in particular is a dark, ghostly image running away from a monstrous black hole. The hole pulls everything toward it, causing destruction as it goes; but the ghost-man keeps running. Snow pours onto his body, frosting his hair like icicles on a grizzled old tree; meanwhile flames lick at his ever-quickening heels. He stops for a moment and the fire crawls up his body, and he begins to spit this same fire out of his mouth, burning everything in his path. A truly grotesque image, and it frightens me to think that this passage could so move me to have such thoughts.

    I have read more than just these passages, but I find myself constantly deferring back to them. Almost as though they were a familiar tale with which I could relate. It sounds silly, I know. But there?s a feeling I get when I read these words that I cannot explain. I wonder if Master Shartasi Mastiff felt the same as I do now. In the inner workings of my soul I must admit that I hope she did.

    Anakin just popped into the room unexpectedly. He says that he and Master Kenobi are heading for a place called Ansion. I honestly have little knowledge of the place or why he and his master would be called there. Just shows how much I have been paying attention lately. I must really make an effort to keep up with galactic affairs ? as well as my saber practice. It?s just that this
  22. CrystalKenobi

    CrystalKenobi Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 31, 2003
    Wonderful post. I like how you link anakin and the mission to ansion. Gives a since place and time to the story.
  23. Jane Jinn

    Jane Jinn Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 12, 2000
    Sorry I'm late. The Bantha of Real Life was sitting on me again.

    Oh great hero! What madness has driven you so astray? What bitter seduction has brought you so low? You tasted the splendor and blindly followed the tempter. Who can speak of your glory? For you have fallen in the pit, as filth among filth. You have fallen as a bright star blazes from the heavens, burning away against the darkness.

    This whole section reminds me eerily of Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning, how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

    I liked the subtle way that Anakin is simply shown on the periphery of things here, mentioned almost as an afterthought, an interruption to Zavra's musings.

    I wonder, though, about this feeling of familiarity that Zavra has, and how he wonders if Master Shartasi Mastiff had the same feelings. It can't be familiarity, because it hasn't happened yet, so it must be a sense of what's going to happen, and therefore Master Mastiff could have had that feeling as well, though it's quite possible that the feeling is intensified for Zavra because the events are so much closer to him and his time.

    With all the studying of the prophecies that Zavra is doing, will he be able to see what's happening around him and see the prophecy coming to life? Or will it take him by surprise? What if he realizes that it's actually Anakin before everything is fulfilled? Would he try to prevent the rest from happening? Can't help but wonder!
  24. Wilhelmina

    Wilhelmina Jedi Master star 3

    Jul 4, 2002
    You have fallen as a bright star blazes from the heavens, burning away against the darkness.

    Ooooh. That reminds me of the Lucifer passage, too. *shivers*

    A truly grotesque image, and it frightens me to think that this passage could so move me to have such thoughts.

    Poor Zavra. People with vivid imaginations don't always get to imagine good things. I can sympathize, a little bit, with the intensity of what he's feeling. How will it continue to affect him, I wonder?
  25. Wilhelmina

    Wilhelmina Jedi Master star 3

    Jul 4, 2002
    Methinks this needs a boost. :)
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