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Every Writer has Their Day... Tell us about yours!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by VaderLVR64, Feb 27, 2007.

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  1. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    So, we all have the ?bomb? that we?re so ashamed of. :p But most writers have one work of which they are especially proud. The reasons for that pride vary, but it?s usually fairly easy for a writer to pick out that ONE work. You know the one. It?s the one that makes you think, ?Hey, maybe I DO have what it takes to write a good story!?

    Okay, here?s your chance to do a little bit of bragging. :D

    Yeah, there are ground rules. We don?t want this thread to turn into a tribute thread for any single author, but we do want everyone to have a chance to say ?I?m pretty proud of this work and here?s why.?

    The rules:

    You may post ONE time.

    You may post the link to ONE story.

    You may tell us, in 300 words or less, why you?re especially proud of that particular story.

    Let?s NOT discuss other writers? works (no gushing on about a friend?s talent or how well they crafted a story) ? this is your chance to shine a light on your work and yours alone.

    Have fun?and well done! ;)
  2. Jade_Pilot

    Jade_Pilot Jedi Master star 5

    Dec 10, 2005
    For me, it's Restoration

    It is one of those vignettes that felt right and seemed to write itself. All the pieces just came together.
  3. DarthBreezy

    DarthBreezy Chosen One star 6

    Jun 4, 2002
    Oh yay! [face_blush]

    OK, my personal favorite is And Vega Lights My Way.

    The "Dare" that became part of a series, and helped crack the writer's block that had plagued me for so long. I got to revisit 'old freinds' in some OC's and a whole lot of other... things...

    It's the one I hold closest to my heart.
  4. AnakinsFavorite

    AnakinsFavorite Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 10, 2006
    My favorite is The Five People You Meet in The Force. The book The Five People You Meet In Heaven forever changed my life... and it just felt right to make a story off of it at the time I did.

    It was one of those things I wrote for myself and to touch my readers in the same way I'd been... and was shocked by the results! I almost started crying when it was, though.

    I couldn't have done it, though, without the assistance of brodiew and my Master, VA_Parky.

  5. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    It's one of my first fics and the idea came from a personal experience that turned out so well, saving a life.
    His only chance
  6. WyoJedi

    WyoJedi Jedi Youngling star 4

    Nov 7, 2005

    This was the first long fic that I completed. It was a great feeling to accomplish something that required so much time and effort.

  7. Juliet316

    Juliet316 Time-Traveling F&G Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 27, 2005
    Is this limited to just the boards.

    Edit: Okay, now that I have the answer...

    The fic I'm most proud of is my first one that I posted on the boards, Driven Out of My Eden, which was apart of the 2005 Quotations Roulette challenge. Not only was it my first Star Wars fic, but I was proud of being able to reasonably pull off Vader in a first person POV.

  8. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    Yes, let's make it just for these boards so we can all have a chance to read your work! :p
  9. CrazyAni

    CrazyAni Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 23, 2006
    For me, it's Cage of Lies.

    One day, I was feeling very down, and sudenly I felt overwhelmed by strange, intense emotions. In one second, I got that plot bunny... and the first chapter came onto the paper nearly by itself. This story is my favourite not only because it's easy to write, but also, out of some mysterious reason, it's become very personal to me, and it's the only story of mine that made me cry. [face_blush]

    I also like it because it's set in the SW universe, but there is no typical SW battle between light and dark concept... And now I'm bragging too much.
  10. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
    I needed a little help choosing between two.

    The final choice was Through Cloud and Sunshine

    Death and its aftermath can be both very hard, and yet wonderful as family draws closer together to help each other mourn. I know that was part of what I felt when writing this, remembering just how it is when you know you loved and they are in a good place waiting for you to catch up.

    The title came from a favorite hymn of mine and the rest just sort of fell together.

  11. dianethx

    dianethx Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 1, 2002
    That's easy. Betrayal

    I admit that I love the language I use in it. And I've learned so much in writing it ? action, plot twists, characterization, POV changes, how to use an outline to purposefully add little nuggets of things for your readers to find later on. I'm really quite proud of it. I'm also happy that I've been able to keep my readers interested even though it's taken me forever to write it (and I'm still not done). They are all wonderful to wait so long.

    When it's all said and done, if nothing else, I hope that people remember me for that one story.
  12. Jturtle

    Jturtle Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 9, 2006
    Mine is Flames of Memeory.

    It was a vignette I wrote for a challenge and it's my shortest posted work but when I wrote it I was feeling very strongly about the duality in all things and that ended up being one of the most memorable ideas about it.
  13. Jedi-Ant

    Jedi-Ant Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 3, 2007
    For me, it's my "Jahiri" 'fic, Hidden Desire.

    It's still under construction, but I'm really proud of the emotion I've managed to put in it so far. Of course, it's my newest 'fic on the boards, so I guess it's my favourite because it's my most improved work.
  14. rebel_cheese

    rebel_cheese Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 6, 2006
    I don't think I truly have a classic on these boards, where everything was set up the way it should be, and everything went all right.

    Anyway, this story probably fits the profile that Mama V speaks of the best: I Remember

    Anyway, when I received the prompt from my beta/master princess_of_naboo I was in a melancholy state of mind. The plot came into my mind almost immediately, I instantly thought about what would happen to Ben after he discovered the truth about Nelani Dinn's fate.

    The words literally flowed out onto the word processor naturally, without having to give any extra effort. This is possibly the only story of mine where I did not need to force the words to spill out at some point. Maybe that's because it's in first-person, I don't know.

    It wasn't a popular vig, it's locked now and I have no idea how to unlock it. I can't believe I've been on these boards that long. :p But I'm happy I wrote it nevertheless.
  15. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001

    Lest Ye Be Judged

    I never thought I?d write a fic that required me to be a defense attorney, Sunday School teacher, sadist, sit-down comedienne and writer. After all, it?s hard enough to write one genre at a time and I?d already tried to do this plot bunny once.

    LYBJ1 topped off at 250 pages single-spaced and made me laugh a lot. After crying through ROTS, going through the beginning, middle and terrible ending of a marriage; following the war crimes trial of Saddam Hussein and considering that I hoped I had improved as a writer since 2005, I started the rewrite of LYBJ.

    It is now 400 pages long, is nowhere near finished and is the best thing I have ever written. It was the first fic that I can honestly feel completely proud of and when it won ?Best Drama? in last year?s Beyond the Saga Awards, I knew it was deserved. I joke with my friends about my ?little monster? of a fic, since I realized somewhere around page 100 that I was in way over my head. By that point, though, I was addicted to what I was doing with the multiple subplots.

    It follows the war crimes trials of Anakin Skywalker on both the physical and Force levels and how it affects both the immediate family and the Galaxy that surrounds them. It has every genre from political intrigue to romance. You can read Sunday School lessons between posts. If you?re really bored, you can just skip to the good part where Luke and Mara discuss some X-wing pilot named Stacey who wanted to be a defense witness. (Hi, Trey!) Anyway, it is my goal to finally finish it this year and it is turning out to be a massively emotional experience for me and even occasionally my readers.

    Edit: PS. I hope no one minds that I took the "300 words or less" thing seriously.
  16. Layren

    Layren Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 28, 2003
    Interesting thread, MamaVader.

    I'll have to say that of all the fics I've ever worked on, I actually think my current project is my magnum opus of fanfiction if you will. My Dreams Could Be Tomorrow which is part of The Triad Series, that was originally known as the Days Like These series. It started out as such a simple idea for a cute, short little series, about two years ago when my collaborator, Neon Star, and I first started this project.

    Then it grew and morphed and became this massive epic and we've pretty much created our own galaxy within the Star Wars universe and the two of us have worked and poured our entire heart and soul into this project. I don't think I've worked harder on any other collaborative or solo effort I've ever done than this one. We had to scrap the original 600+ page version (and two years worth of effort) due to plot holes because when we grew a plot from something that didn't have one, our foundations were rocky and the thing started falling apart on us. To say that it was frustrating and difficult to scrap something that big is putting things mildly. So the completely new edition is extremely dear to me. I have also created a multi-volume soundtrack, a trailer and many other multimedia things to go with it.

    Of all the things I've written on the boards, this would be what I want to be remembered for. It's helped me grow the most as a writer.

    Edited for grammar, I really should pay more attention when I post :p
  17. verybusy

    verybusy Jedi Knight star 2

    Sep 18, 2006

    Well, I did not write too many stories until now.... but anyway, the story I am most proud of is:


    Well, if people ask me about things I have written, I usually don't send this link, it is really the one where I care about the most. Not because I think it is extremely well written, but because the plot bunny was running around in my head for a long time .... I just needed to get this written and this is how everything started for me..... by the way, I still like the plot! :D


  18. MsLanna

    MsLanna Jedi Master star 6

    Jul 8, 2005
    I have to chose Betrayal. (scroll down a little, it's second on the page[face_blush] )
    It is the best story I wrote, even though it is also, thee meanest, hardest, coldest.

    I'm proud of it because the writing is as precise and impeccable as I will ever get and that makes the story intense. It starts off rather easy and manages to end with a bang. It touches me every time I read it and leaves me with a lump in my throat.

    I'm also proud because the story does have a beginning, middle and end and even something that is a plot. And it all works out nicely and does not look as if I had been filling plot holes with muffins.[face_whistling]

    Though I wrote more short stories about the same character this is what comes closest to my ideal of what a 'Short Story' is.
  19. MsLanna

    MsLanna Jedi Master star 6

    Jul 8, 2005
    I have to chose Betrayal. (scroll down a little, it's second on the page[face_blush] )
    It is the best story I wrote, even though it is also, thee meanest, hardest, coldest.

    I'm proud of it because the writing is as precise and impeccable as I will ever get and that makes the story intense. It starts off rather easy and manages to end with a bang. It touches me every time I read it and leaves me with a lump in my throat.

    I'm also proud because the story does have a beginning, middle and end and even something that is a plot. And it all works out nicely and does not look as if I had been filling plot holes with muffins.[face_whistling]

    Though I wrote more short stories about the same character this is what comes closest to my ideal of what a 'Short Story' is.
  20. ginchy

    ginchy Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 25, 2005
    In the Flesh

    This is very, very short. I wrote it very, very quickly. But it is also very, very personal. This was the first time I felt that I really connected to Mara. I had always loved her character but never realized that she and I--so different in most personality respects--could be so much alike. This little vig opened the door for me to think more like Mara in order to write her better, even if sometimes it is still a struggle.
  21. Aiel

    Aiel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 14, 2004
    A Slight Disruption

    This was a tough decision, as opposed to some of my other stories, this one's just starting to soar, but it's not just the story itself I'm proud of, I'm fascinated with the whole concept it creates.

    I was always very hesitant when it came to writing PT characters in a dramatic setting and hadn't attempted it before, I hadn't tried anything epic before either, I had stuck mostly to short stories, vignettes and song fics.

    But I suddenly felt the pull to try a radical idea, place Han Solo in the Episode III universe as he was then a nine-ten year old child, looking at RotS from an almost entirely different perspective. I typed up a basic chapter of what I wanted to do and suddenly it was all there, the scenario and what lay even beyond the primary chapters.

    Definitely my proudest achievement to date, and it continues to bring me much happiness as each chapter takes another turn in possibilities. :)
  22. mastermeg_0228

    mastermeg_0228 Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 24, 2006
    The Joke Is On You-Jacella!!!

    This is the best story I've written so far. I like it so much because of the humor and the dialogue. That was one of the first stories I had ever done, and I've never been to good at dialogue. This story made it easier to do dialogue...I think the words just all popped into my head, and said "Now Write!" I definitely didn't expect for this to happen when I had started to write, but I loved the final outcome!

  23. brodiew

    brodiew Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 11, 2005
    In the Pale Moonlight

    This was a crack 'ship assignment that took on a life of its own. I'm not sure why it has such meaning for me. Though, the characters are Cannon and EU, they are little known, and that allowed me the freedom to make them my own. The story is at once one of grief and sorrow, but also the healing power of love. Garm Bel Iblis and Sabe, two lonely souls, meet after the funeral of Queen and Senator Padme Amidala.

    Yikes. I never knew I could write such cheese. [face_blush]

    This commentary, I mean. ;)
  24. Knight-Ander

    Knight-Ander Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 19, 2002
    Gosh, I'm proud of just about all my stories, but if I had to pick a story where I had my day it would be with Han Alone. I wouldn't exactly say it is my best piece of work, but it did attract quite a devoted audience of Han/Leia shippers who inspired and encouraged me to work hard in creating a realatively fantastic story. :D
  25. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    The story I am most proud of is A Chosen Destiny because it was the first short story I've ever written and helped me to move beyond vignettes (not that those aren't fun :D ).
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