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Beyond - Legends Journal of the Forgotten Child [Dear Diary Challenge - OC (Skywalkers)] Completed Dec 28th

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Briannakin , Jan 1, 2014.

  1. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    Title: Journal of the Forgotten Child
    Author: Briannakin
    Characters: Lukia Skywalker (OC), Luke Skywalker, Ben Skywalker, Other OCs
    Timeframe: 76 ABY
    Notes: Written for the 2014 Dear Diary Challenge.

    Entry 1

    I can’t believe I am taking my stupid father’s advice and starting a journal. According to him “keeping a diary helped him work through many events of his turbulent adolescence”. Yeah… whatever.

    Okay, maybe I should start from square 1. My name is Lukia Skywalker. Yes, of those Skywalkers. My father is Ben Skywalker, Jedi Master. And my grandfather is the Luke Skywalker, Rebel hero, Grand Maser of the Jedi Order.

    However, few people know who I really am. Kriff, I don’t know who I am somedays. I was born during a dark time in the history of the Jedi order. 19 years ago, my father had lost his wife and mother of his three children (my half siblings) to an anti-Jedi crime syndicate (they beheaded her then sent her head to my father, it was just wrong), which drove him, temporarily, to the dark side of the Force, which wasn’t great for already dwindling public opinion on the Jedi. During that time, he kriffed a Nightsister named Kirae on Dathomir he was learning from. Long story short: Kirae has gets preggo and has a kid, dies from complications because she had said kid nowhere near civilization, my grandfather comes and makes my father realize he isn’t a bad person, turns him back to light side and they take the kid back to civilization. That kid was me.

    They never want it made known that my father went Sithy, so the official story is that my father needed some “alone time” after his wife died, had a fling with a high-ranking Hapan, who wished to remain out of Skywalker and Jedi affairs.

    My 19 years thus far have been just as horrible and as complicated as my birth. Many Jedi know my true heritage, and they don’t think I should be trained in the ways of the Force, due to my ‘dark origins’. To appease the other Masters, my father has told me to focus on my schooling. I’ve recently graduated flight academy with a degree in advanced navigation. Top of my class too. I’m not sure if I’m going to enroll into the Galactic Imperial Navy. I’ve actually been offered a position of helms-woman of a ship (it helps that my father’s cousin is married to Emperor Jagged Fel). My grandfather disagrees with the other masters. He believes I have true potential that should be wasted. I go before the High Council tomorrow to see if I can assume the title of ‘apprentice’ and get a master. Damned politics. I never signed up for this bantha shavit. Maybe I don’t even want to be a Jedi. Have they ever thought of that?

    Who am I kidding? I want to be a Jedi. I want to make my father, and my grandfather proud. I just don’t want to be one JUST because some masters said I could.

    Kriff them.
  2. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Bri! Wow! =D= =D= I like Lukia: first her name, her very interesting! history & her snarkness. ;) Looking forward to the next installment. @};-
  3. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    A great start and like to see more of her
  4. Falcon

    Falcon Chosen One star 10

    Feb 7, 2002
    Great start and looking forward to more :)
  5. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    That is a complicated childhood. Poor Ben. That is an awful way to lose a wife. Although when I read about it I kept thinking, "What's in the box!" :p (reference to classic line in the movie SE7EN).

    Nice start to the diary. Also, can you tag me when you update, Briannakin. Thanks!
  6. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    Wow!! :eek: That is one complicated history! I'd feel sorry for Lukia, but i think she'd kick me for it :p
    Nyota's Heart likes this.
  7. mavjade

    mavjade Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 10, 2005
    Wow! What a start, great backstory! =D=

    I really like her tone of voice! I think she's going to be fun to read! :D

    I'm excited for more!
    Nyota's Heart likes this.
  8. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    Neat! I like that the Dathomirian Witches are part of her history. She's got a nice cranky voice. I'd be cranky too. The Jedi: showing us how not to learn from the past. They rose from the ashes thanks to Luke's being able to look beyond the surface, and only a few decades later it's "oh, she's not trustworthy; bad blood."
    Nyota's Heart likes this.
  9. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    Thanks everyone for reading. You will learn in this diary, the Jedi have not learned from their past. I'm glad you all think Lukia's past is interesting. I'm not sure when my updating schedule will be, but if you want a tag or a PM, let me know.

    Tag list: Jedi_Lover

    Entry 2

    Before my meeting with the Jedi High Council, I made sure to dress for the occasion (okay, my father left me a note before I got up - yes, I still live with my father - rent on Coruscant is expensive). Although I gravitate towards civilian clothes, I found a dark brown pair of pants at the back of my closet, along with a blue tunic. I dressed, seeped my fuzzy red hair back into a bun. Finally, I clipped my lightsaber onto my belt (yes, I can handle a lightsaber; I have basic Jedi training). I looked in the mirror. I hate dressing up in Jedi garb - I even took out my pearcings. It apparently makes me look like the late Mara Jade Skywalker, my paternal grandmother. I don’t like it when I am compared to my grandmother. My father and grandfather talk about her in such a way, I don’t think I can ever live up to her memory.

    I caught a public speeder to the Jedi council, as my father had left long before me. I got a lot of stares, but not nearly as many as I got in the Jedi Temple (ok, I was running). I don’t go there often. I’m the “Skywalker of Scandal” and most try to forget me.

    I hurriedly made my way to the Council Chambers. My dad and grandpa were outside waiting for me. My grandpa gasped when the turbo-lift opened.

    “You’re late,” my dad said.

    “A witch is never late, Father. Nor is she early. She arrives precisely when she means to.” I’m not sure which pissed him off more, calling myself a witch (my mother WAS a witch), or that I quoted my favourite novel. Either way, he turned the same colour as his hair and I didn’t need the Force to know that he wanted to kill me.

    My grandpa chucked. “Come on, Lukia, we have started.”

    I entered and bowed as my dad and grandpa took their seats. My dad’s cousin was there via hologram, as was my great aunt. Master Cineern stood up. I inwardly groaned. My judgement was going to be handed to me by some old fussy-pants Muun.

    “We have discussed your personality and your previous actions on whether or not you should be granted formal Jedi apprenticeship. There have been many arguments in favour of you. There is only one issue we need to address: your Imperial Academy degree and your inquires and offers to serve in the Imperial Navy. It seems to some of us that you wish to pursue a different path. Are your intentions divided between the Jedi order and a possible naval career?”

    I wanted to roll my eyes. It was their idea for me to get an education instead of immediately becoming a Jedi like everyone else in my family. “Not at all,” I said. I was surprised at how diplomatic I sounded. “It was logical for me to look into other career options encase this council decided becoming a Jedi was not for me.”

    “Logical, but not necessary. This council has decided to grant you the title of Jedi Apprentice. Potential masters will approach you once we are done here. You have impressed us, despite your past.”

    “To what ‘past’ are you referring to?” I asked slightly annoyed.

    I thought he was going to mention my heritage. His answer shocked me. “Your actions 5 years ago: the crash of the Brauronia.”

    “Master Cineern, Masters of the Council, I respectfully decline,” I said. I was not playing into their politics. Just because I’m a Skywalker, doesn’t mean I’m their pawn.

    I felt the shock radiate throughout the room. My father hid his face in his hands. I dared not to look at my grandfather.

    “I was acquitted of all my actions on the Brauronia. I did nothing wrong. Some even consider my actions heroic. You had no right bringing that up in your decision.” I had to restrain myself from spitting.

    “This council could not ignore such an impacting event in your past.”

    I glared at him. “Then you all can go to hell.”

    I more or less stormed out.

    I think I won.
  10. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    She's a bit hardheaded. She's going to be a handful. :D
  11. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    She is a very interesting character. Love her references to her most liked novel.
    Random Comments likes this.
  12. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Oh, I like her. I agree she's hardheaded but with the Jedi Council, you pretty much need to be, especially if you feel prejudged. :rolleyes: Looking forward to more. :D
  13. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    Lukia sure is a handful.
    Nyota's Heart likes this.
  14. mavjade

    mavjade Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 10, 2005
    Woah! She is something else... I like her! :)

    I don’t like it when I am compared to my grandmother. My father and grandfather talk about her in such a way, I don’t think I can ever live up to her memory.
    :( That would be a hard thing for a young woman to deal with.

    I loved when she quoted Gandolf! :D

    I look forward to more!
    Nyota's Heart likes this.
  15. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    Okay, this particular Jedi Council has clearly been selected for the ability to open mouth and insert foot. o_O Too bad for them that Lukia seems to have very little investment in becoming a Jedi. She has little respect for them, but they don't seem to be treating it as a two-way street. More "you make up for existing and maybe we'll let you in." What a bargain. I can very much empathize with her telling them where to shelve their offer. When membership in the Jedi comes bundled with the need to publicly humiliate oneself, there's something not right about the setup. Of course, we haven't seen yet what happened in this ship-crashing incident. Based on their handling of the meeting here, I have my doubts whether the Council bothered to confirm much before laying on the blame. :rolleyes:
    Nyota's Heart likes this.
  16. Lady_Misty

    Lady_Misty Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 21, 2007
    The Council could have been testing her and she failed.
  17. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    It's entirely possible that was their intention, yes. I suppose my interpretation of this is skewed by what we've seen of her Jedi upbringing so far -- which seems to hint at an awful lot of "parenting fail" on their part. There's definitely some angst and attitude going on there, but I don't see it being completely out of phase with the situation. It appears that she's grown up believing she was going to be rejected by the Jedi, and that no one has bothered to challenge that notion (though again, yes, this may be distorted by her own feelings.) If it's a deception for her own good, then it seems like an awfully long-lived and kind of cruel one.
    Nyota's Heart likes this.
  18. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    Yeah… hard-headed is an understatement (I wonder what family member she got it from). This wasn’t a test from the Jedi Council.
    This diary assumes that the GA is no more and the Fel Dynasty is now in control of the entire galaxy. I’m more or less picking what I want to include from the Legacy comics, which isn’t much because I haven’t read them.
    Tags: Jedi_Lover

    Entry 3

    I more or less went home, packed my things and left, without saying goodbye to anyone. I wasn’t going to deal with the Jedi politics anymore. I hopped the first transport to Bastion, the official capital of the Empire.

    I’m currently in hyperspace, so I may as well explain the events of Brauronia.

    The Jedi Order was notified of a possible terrorist threat aboard the cruse-liner, the Brauronia. Jedi knights swept the vessel before it took off from Corellia, bound for several posts in the mid-rim, including Naboo. They found nothing suspicious and none of the passengers rose any flags, but because of the Typhera civil war, no Jedi of rank could really be spared. So they sent me, all of 14 years old, with little formal training, to go on the cruse, just to appease the owners.

    The majority of the cruse was fairly boring (I spent most of my time in the corner of the control deck doing homework), until the ship came out of hyper-space over Naboo. Official reports figured that the captain dying from an incurable sickness so he had programmed the computers overload and fry so that everyone on the control deck would be electrocuted, but would live except him because of his heart condition (so that his family could get a rather large fortune from his life insurance policy). However, the electrical overload caused a surge much stronger than the captain had expected. Everyone on the deck was dead within an instant, except for me. By some dumb luck I wasn’t touching any controls and I had my feet on the seat in front of me.

    That instant will forever be burned in my brain. The crack, the sizzle and the smell of burning flesh. There were no screams, until the surge hit the engines of the ship and rendered them useless. I was the only one alive on the control deck of a crashing cruse liner. I tried the door first. Yes, I tried to save my own skin first. I’m ashamed of the fact. I’ve never told anyone this. The door had malfunctioned and I knew there was no way I could cut through it in time, even with my lighsaber. It was a door rated for blasts as a measure against terrorists.

    When I realized I was stuck and the ship was plummeting and starting to burn up in Naboo’s lower atmosphere, my body must have went into auto-function. I pulled the switch for the evacuation announcements to start. I am told about 50% of the passengers got to escape pods. I then looked at the trajectory. We were headed right for Thebes, Naboo’s capital.

    I’m not going to dramatize my actions. I more or less plunged my lightsaber into the autopilot computer, and took manual control of the ship. I got it over water and kept it there. A few thousand deaths were better than millions dying. I remember crying in those last moments. I was going to die, and I had accepted it. I had deserved it. I didn’t figure out the captain’s intentions. It was my mistake and I was paying for it with thousands of lives, including my own.

    I remember the ship hitting the water and feeling it break apart. I was thrown out the viewport, shattering it and landing the water. My last moments were peaceful as the cold water consumed me. My nightmare had been over as quickly as it begun.

    I remember being dead. I saw faces of long-dead relatives and heard their voices.

    And then I woke up.


    I remember hearing my brother’s, Anik’s, voice first. “Lukia? Lukia, can you hear me? Jace, go get Grandpa and Dad. I think she’s waking.”

    I opened my eyes and I think I mumbled something like, “Where am I?”

    Two of my brothers came into view. Anik and Aku are identical twins, 6 years older than me. They, like our oldest brother Jace, who is a year older than the twins, take after their mother: dark brown hair, hazel eyes and average heights for males.

    “It lives!” Aku exclaimed, only to be hit by Anik.

    “Lukia, you’re in the Halls of Healing. Don’t try to get up, Jace is gone to get Dad and Grandpa. You got badly hurt,” Anik said.

    For some reason I said, “I’m dead.”

    “No,Lukia,” Aku said, “You are alive, barely, but you are alive.”

    “No,” I said, closing my eyes. “‘Should be dead.”

    Both twins sighed. “Yes you should be,” Aku said, showing a rare moment of seriousness. “You were, for a good few hours, but because it was from hypothermia, so they managed to get you back. Grandpa had a heart attack when we thought we had lost you for good.”

    “Is he okay?” I asked, trying to get up. It was unbearably painful. My limbs were all in bone-knitters.

    My brothers gently held me down. “We told you to stay down. Dad will kill us if he finds out we told you. It was only minor, and he was at home resting the night after. Master Tekli says he’s completely fine now,” Anik explained.

    “How long was I asleep?”

    “You were in bacta for 11 days and asleep for another 10. It’s been 3 weeks since the crash,” Aku informed me.

    “Is she really awake?” my dad asked as he entered.

    “Lukia?” my grandpa called. He was looking well, just worried. Jace was behind him.

    “Yeah,” I said as a reply to both. They were both at my side. My dad was running his fingers through my very greasy hair and my grandpa was holding my hand.

    “How are you feeling?” my dad asked.

    “Nauseous, drugged, generally horrible. How are you guys?” I stared pointedly at my grandpa.

    My dad glared at my brothers.

    “We’re fine, sweetie,” he said. “Just worried about you. Is there anything we can do?”

    “I kinda just want to sleep. Can you kick my dad and brothers out and read to me?”

    “Of course, sweetheart. I’d love it. But we have to get you checked out by a healer first,” he said.

    Ach. I’m hungry. I’ll finish this after I find food.
  19. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    WOW a lot happened to her. Are the passengers safe too?
    AzureAngel2 likes this.
  20. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    =D= It's a wonder anyone survived and Lukiya was absolutely on her own, in suvival mode. I can understand her reacting that way.
  21. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    Nice update. She is lucky she was insulated from the electricity.
    AzureAngel2 likes this.
  22. Falcon

    Falcon Chosen One star 10

    Feb 7, 2002
    what an update a lot happened as well. More soon
    AzureAngel2 likes this.
  23. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    No wonder she didn't react well to having the ship crash brought up in that meeting. That sounds horrible, especially given her age at the time. Her trying to escape first made sense for someone who had never been in that kind of situation. Not a flattering reaction, but a very believable human one. The Council apparently didn't even know about that... maybe she wouldn't have had such an outburst at the mention if she weren't holding that information back. Then again, maybe they would have kicked her out posthaste if they knew.

    The first-person limited point of view is very interesting here, since (as Lady_Misty suggested with her idea that it was a test of character by the Council) we don't know what's going on outside of Lukia's view. However, I suspect that something is off with the Council's perception and it's not all her negativity that makes them seem unreasonable. Mistrust breeds mistrust, and the Council and Lukia both seem to be clinging to it.

    I liked the waking-up scene with her talking to her family (and I also liked the twins' names, since they have the "Anakin" sound without repeating the exact name.)
    AzureAngel2 likes this.
  24. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    Thanks for reading everyone. And yes, this is very much through the eyes of Lukia, so since she mistrusts the council, she's going to write them in a negative light.

    Tag list: Jedi_Lover

    Entry 4

    Where was I?

    Ok, so, healers checked me out, said my several broken bones were healing fine and that the neuro-regeneration was going fine. I quietly asked the healer if my grandpa was okay to stay with me and she informed me that it might be the best thing for him.

    My grandpa made sure I was comfortable and warm, and that the room was dark, before sitting down in an armchair with his data-pad. “Alright. What do you want too hear?”

    “How many died?” I asked.

    “What? No. You don’t need to know that,” he said, looking at me sternly. “I’m not going to tell you.”

    “You know I’ll find out eventually, and I’ll just beat myself up until you tell me.”

    “Lukia, please,” he was begging me. I knew I shouldn’t have been pushing him, but I did anyways.

    I used the Force to summon his data-pad out of his hand to mine. “How do you want me to find out? I kriffed up and people died. I deserve to know how many people I killed.”

    He let out an irritated grunt and snatched it back. “You’re more stubborn than your grandmother,” he mumbled.With a sigh, he set the data-pad down on the night stand. “First off, you are not to let me hear any of words out of your mouth again. You kiss me with those lips, so don’t go swearing.” He then leaned down and tapped his cheek, so I gave him the obligatory kiss.

    “Next off, you killed no one. The authorities suspect it may have been the captain. The deaths are on his head. There will be no criminal investigation into you. You are not at fault at all and no one is going to blame you. Your actions saved millions of Naboo inhabitants.”

    “I know, that’s why I did it. I still need to know how many died.”

    He sighed and laid down beside me. “I know, but I don’t want to be the one that tells you. Can’t I just read you a story?”

    “I want to hear it from you.”

    “Okay,” he said gently. “The total death count was just over 50% of the passengers and crew. 2478 died.”

    “2478,” I mumbled.

    “I’ve killed many more, on purpose,” he said.

    “How can I live with so much red on my hands? How do you do it?”

    “I focus on the ones I’ve saved. Skywalkers must carry much blood on our hands. It’s a burden we all must carry together, because there will be more to save tomorrow.”

    Despite my grandpa’s words, I went through a long period of depression and had suicidal thoughts. I was 14 and I didn’t figure out something that caused the deaths of 2478 people. I eventually realized that there are a lot of what-ifs that can never be answered. Even if I did find out the captain’s intentions, could I have stopped the electrical surge? And there are many more to blame for the deaths than just me: the Masters, for not taking the threat more seriously and for sending me on a mission I was clearly not trained for.

    Do I consider myself a hero for the crash of the Brauronia? No. But I’m also not the villain.
    AzureAngel2 and Random Comments like this.
  25. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    =D= =D= =D= Love the genuine affection between Lukia and her grandpop :) And she learned a vital lesson - she is not the only one to blame. It's all connected to other persons' actions or inactions. @};-
    AzureAngel2 likes this.