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Beyond - Legends Love Will Remain-(Ben Skywalker Feb. Challenge) Ben/Jysella-Romance/Angst *More Author Replies 2/18

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by mavjade , Feb 14, 2006.

  1. mavjade

    mavjade Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 10, 2005
    Title: Love Will Remain
    Author: mavjade
    Characters: Ben Skywalker, Jysella Horn
    Timeframe: Sometime during the Legacy series.
    Genre: Romance, angst
    Disclamer I don't own anything! Star Wars and everything related is owned by George Lucas, not me.
    Authors Notes This is a response to a challenge issued in the Ben Skywalker um]Society[/url] Thread

    The challenge was.... In honor of the upcoming Valentine's Day, the challenge is to write a romance story where Ben's love is an already established Star Wars Character. To make it even more of a challenge you have to include the following words: dubious, tempestuous, fervor, and assemblage.
    Happy V-day everyone!![face_love] And [:D] for thoes who hate this day! :D

    Important Note (Just in case it's confusing): The italicized sections are flashbacks!

    5/10/15- Truncation fix


    I sit holding my infant son, Rade, rocking him back and forth as he cries. Nothing I do seems to calm him. I've walked with him, bounced him, fed him, changed him, I've even sung to him, although I think it made him cry harder. I am completely exhausted, mentally and physically, and I have no clue what to do. I contemplate calling for back up, but I want to prove that I can do this.

    I rock him back and forth for a few more minutes, his each cry tearing my heart apart, and then an idea comes to me. He is too young to understand, and he won't remember; although I'm sure he will hear the story time and time again as he grows up. I take a deep breath and begin the story of how his mother and I met.

    "I guess it began as most young loves do. I would catch her looking at me when we were in a class together, and of course, when I would catch her, she would look entrenched in whatever she had been doing. I had been looking at her too, or I would have never caught her. I would frequently find myself staring in her direction, day dreaming, I guess. She had a beauty about her, one to which no other could be compared."

    Rade seems to be interested in my story, since his cries have quieted. His blue eyes stare at me as though he is comprehending every word I speak. A small smile comes to my lips at this new development.

    "I would pass her in the hallway and give her a big, probably goofy-looking, smile. She would wave and smile back as the girls she was walking with would giggle, and she with them. I guess they thought it was funny I had a crush on her." I tickle my son's stomach, making him giggle at me.

    "To think, had I continued to deny my birthright, shut out the Force and hid from its light, I probably would have never really known her beauty, her passion or her fire."

    I lean my head against the back of the chair, closing my eyes. That isn't something I even want to think about, let alone consider. My life would have been incomplete with out my beautiful Jys.

    "As we grew older, the giggling turned to soft, sexy smiles. We were together at every possible moment, although we insisted we were just friends; and we were for a long time. I remember the day all that changed like it was yesterday. We were attending the assemblage of all the Jedi students. What it was about I don't remember, but it doesn't really matter now..."

    "Ben," she whispered to me, "why don't we sneak out of here and go somewhere else."
    I look up to the front where Kam... Master Solusar was speaking. I know it's not a good idea--I'm the son of the Grand Master of the Jedi, and I'm sure he would just love to have a rebellious, trouble-making son--but I find I can't resist her. I would probably walk off the top of the highest building, as long as I knew she would be there. "OK, but how are we going to get out unnoticed?"

    "I'm gonna get up and go to the 'fresher, give it a few minutes and follow me. I'll meet you in the hallway."

    I nod my head as she stands up to leave. I watch her leave to see if anyone gives her any trouble, but it seems as though everyone is paying attention to what was going on at the assembly. After about five minutes I get up, walk along the outer wall and out the back set of doors. Looking around I don't see her, so I continue to walk down the hall. All of a sudden, I feel something grab my hand and pull me into a nearby room. The next thing I know, she has me pushed up against a wall and her mouth is on mine.

    At first I am too stunned to do anything, but after a few seconds I realize that the woman of my dreams is kissing me. Her soft lips are on mine, and I'm standing here doing nothing? This is something I quickly remedy, as I begin to return her kiss.

    "We must have been there longer than I realized, because the next thing we knew her father was standing in the doorway with an angry look on his face. Neither of us knew he was on-planet; he should have been on Coruscant, but obviously he wasn't. Now we look back, and the moment is hilarious, but at the time I thought for sure we were dead."

    "Jysella Horn, just what do you think you are doing?" Master Horn says with a raised voice.
    I can feel the tempestuous emotions rolling off of him. Not only was his only daughter skipping a required meeting, but she was doing it to make out with another student. I can tell he is angry, but his face tells a different story: pure shock; and his eyes look as though they might pop out of his head at any moment.

    Jysella smiles at me and turns to walk out the door. I smile back until I meet the eyes of her father. I expect he will go straight to imy/i father and tell him what has just transpired.

    "I guess he never did, I don't think my parents found out about that little incident for years, and when they did they both just laughed, much to Corran's dismay." I pick my son up so his face and mine are just inches apart, "Just so you know, you had better not do anything like that to me." He just gives me a smile, and I smile back.

    I lay him back in my arms and continue my story. "We continued to date for the next few years, although we were never as careless as we were that first time. One day I decided I couldn't live any longer without her being my wife. I didn't ask her father, nor did I tell my parents what I was going to do. I was only eighteen, and she was only twenty, almost twenty-one. I had just been Knighted, in fact it was that very day. The Knighting ceremony had taken place early in the day and my family was throwing a party later in the evening, so I had plenty of time in the afternoon. I had previously reserved the room where our relationship began for meditation, but there would be none that day..."

    "Ben, what are we doing? Where are we going?" Jysella asks me, confused as to what I have up my sleeve.

    "Be patient, my love, all will soon be revealed." I smile.

    She looks at me with skepticism but I know she trusts me. We finally make it to the door where it all began, where her father caught us several years before.

    I nod for her to enter the room. There is a blanket on the floor, with a picnic basket sitting beside it. Candles are the only light in the room. During the ceremony I had sent a friend to set this up.

    She turns to look at me with a soft, sweet smile on her face. "What is all this about?"

    I gesture for her to sit, and I begin to serve her the food I have prepared. Our conversation is light; she asks me how I feel about finally being a knight. We talk about the ceremony in general, and what we think the other new Knights will do now that they can go out on their own and defend the galaxy.

    We have finished our meal, and now we lay together, staring into each other's eyes. I brush a strand of dark brown hair out of her eyes and build my courage.

    "Jys," I use the nickname that only her parents and I are allowed to use, "can I ask you a question?"

    "Of course you can. Why couldn't you?" she asks innocently with a furrowed brow.

    I shrug as I sit up. "I know we are young, but I don't want to take forever to be with the person I love, as my parents did. They missed so many years they could have been together. They took so long, and they were only able to have me, and I know they both wanted more children. I don't want regrets like that, I want to be with you now, and for as long as the Force wills us to be in this plane of existence. I love you." I pull a box out of my pocket and slide it in front of her. "Jysella Horn, will you marry me?"

    She looks at the box with disbelief, but she opens it as she sits up to face me. Her eyes move back and forth from the ring to me, a bright smile spreading across her face. "Yes, Ben Skywalker, I will marry you," she says as she throws her arms around me.

    I pull back to look at her face, and with my thumb, I wipe away a tear that has escaped. "You've made me the happiest man alive," I say as I lean in and kiss her with a fervor neither of us has ever experienced.

    "I think our parents were dubious about our decision to get married so young, but they all knew how cruel the galaxy was, and that any of us could be taken away at any time. We had a small ceremony a few months later, with just close family and friends. Luckily the holopress didn't find out about it until after it was over, and we had returned from our honeymoon. My parents had to get married in front of the entire galaxy. Their marriage was seen as a mending of the New Republic and the Empire, and I think it made them both happy that your mother and I could get married in privacy."

    Looking down at my son, figuring he would be asleep by now, I find his eyes looking back at me with rapt attention. With a small laugh I continued to tell the story he is apparently so interested in.

    "About three years after we were married you decided to grace us with your presence. We were both ecstatic, and a little scared at your arrival, but your mom was happier than I had ever seen her. Her smile was parsecs wide, and her eyes shined bright enough to light an entire system."

    I pull my son up to my chest as tears begin to stream down my face. As I tightly shut my eyes, I take a deep, shuddering breath. "I wish more than anything you could get to know your mom for yourself. But I vow you will know her. I'll tell you about her every day. I'll tell you everything I can remember, even things you probably won't want to know." A sad laugh escapes my lips. "You'll know all about how she approached life with an amazing passion, and how being a Jedi, something I tried to run away from when I was young, meant the world to her. But most of all you'll know how she loved you... and would have given... " my voice shakes as I try to hold back my tears. "She would have given anything for you." Unable to hold back anymore a sob, escapes my lips.

    I feel Rade start to slip from my grasp, so I tighten my arms around him even more, until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see my mother's sad green eyes looking back at me. I hadn't even felt her enter. She takes my son from my arms and I bury my head between my knees trying to contain my sobs. I feel her kneel beside me as her hands rub my back. She doesn't say anything, there is nothing to say, but I can feel her love wrapping around me. She, my father, and Jysella's parents; Corran and Mirax will be there for Rade, and that fills my heart with hope.

    My wife might have left me... left us... too soon, but I know that with time, the hurt will fade and only love, eternal love, will remain.
  2. Healer_Leona

    Healer_Leona Squirrel Wrangler & Former Mod/Wacky Wed. Winner star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 7, 2000
    Ohhh, so sad. Poor, poor Ben. Beautifully done mavjoade.
  3. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    Absolutely gorgeous! You're fast becoming one of my favorite writers around here. =D=
  4. jackyyy17

    jackyyy17 Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 12, 2006
    That was very good Mav, and very sad.

    And this might sound a little morbid, but I want details, how did Jysella die? [face_blush] *Sorry*

    Good response to the challenge.


  5. JediMaster_Jen

    JediMaster_Jen Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    Uh, tortured Skywalker men--my favorite type of fic. [face_laugh]

    So sad that he's had to raise his son alone without Jysella.

    I'm with jackyyy, how did Jysella die?

    Terrific entry to the challenge. =D=
  6. ZaraValinor

    ZaraValinor Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 31, 2002
    I look up to the front where Kam... Master Solusar was speaking. I know it's not a good idea--I'm the son of the Grand Master of the Jedi, and I'm sure he would just love to have a rebellious, trouble-making son--but I find I can't resist her.

    This hasn to be my favorite part, because I can't help but feel that Ben would take a decided amount of pleasure in this.
  7. pregnantpadme

    pregnantpadme Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 25, 2004
    OK...I've only gotten through the first paragraph...but I saw that Ben's son is named 'Rade' and almost fell over I laughed so hard.

    A man who lived through "The Swarm War" named his sone "Rade"

    I LOVE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You are hilarious.

    I am now going to go back and actually read the fic!



    You tricked me! I totally did not see that coming.


    How could you?

    I always knew I liked you for a reason.
  8. JacenSolo89

    JacenSolo89 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 22, 2005
    Awesome! I loved it!

    Now, time to get back to my fic of Ben, which you were so eager to make sure Ben is okay or not...
  9. Fiana_Novarr

    Fiana_Novarr Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 4, 2001
    That was so beautiful [:D] and so sad. [face_worried] :( :_| Geat vig!

    Ys, Fia
  10. Kidan

    Kidan TFN EU Staff star 5 VIP

    Jul 20, 2003
    very sad post, but very good job.
  11. mavjade

    mavjade Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 10, 2005
    Ohhh, so sad. Poor, poor Ben. Beautifully done mavjoade.
    Yeah, I have a thing for torturing my favorite characers! :p
    Thank you very much!

    Absolutely gorgeous! You're fast becoming one of my favorite writers around here.
    :eek: WOW! That is a HUGE compliment coming from one of the most amazing, and very well respected authors on the boards! Thank you very much!

    That was very good Mav, and very sad.
    I was going to write something happy, but my muse just wouldn't allow it!

    And this might sound a little morbid, but I want details, how did Jysella die? *Sorry*
    Awww, now I'm gonna have to write it, but not yet...three WIP is plenty for me, but I will write it. Keep bugging me about it and it might get done before people forget what this story was about! :p

    Good response to the challenge.
    Thanks, Jacky! [:D]

    Uh, tortured Skywalker men--my favorite type of fic
    Well they can't be happy for to long... can they? My muse apparently can only think one happy, non-tortured soul fic at a time, so poor Ben was doomed from the start! :p

    So sad that he's had to raise his son alone without Jysella.
    Yeah, but he has a lot of family to help him. :)

    I'm with jackyyy, how did Jysella die?
    *smack head* You guys just had to say that didn't you? :p
    I really wanted to write something that would just stand alone, if only for the fact that I don't have time to write anymore than I am...but since you all asked, I will write it,(I can't deny my readers!) eventually! :D

    Terrific entry to the challenge.
    Thanks, Jen!

    I look up to the front where Kam... Master Solusar was speaking. I know it's not a good idea--I'm the son of the Grand Master of the Jedi, and I'm sure he would just love to have a rebellious, trouble-making son--but I find I can't resist her.
    This hasn to be my favorite part, because I can't help but feel that Ben would take a decided amount of pleasure in this.

    [face_laugh] Yeah, I think he probably would, what kid wouldn't! :p
    Thanks for reading, Zara! [:D]

    OK...I've only gotten through the first paragraph...but I saw that Ben's son is named 'Rade' and almost fell over I laughed so hard.
    At first I was confused...probably looking like this: :confused:

    A man who lived through "The Swarm War" named his sone "Rade"
    [face_laugh] And then I about fell out of my chair I laughed so hard!

    I LOVE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You are hilarious.

    I guess I can't really take credit for that, I totally didn't think about it that way. I actually couldn't think of a name, so I opened the Galactic Campagin Guide (A SW role playing source book) to the page that has SW Human, male names, closed my eyes and pointed to one. Valin was the first one I landed on, and I thought that might be confusing, so I did it again landing on Rade. I didn't like it at first, but then I thought it might be a funny play on the newest Skywalker, Cade (from the Legacy comics), because I'm not really happy with knowing that Ben will have to have children and at least a boy to carry on the name. I love your play on the name much, much better. Hilarious!

    Me? Evil? O:) I am no such thing![face_batting] (inside head... Yes! This is the first time anyone has called me evil! :D) O:) :p

    You tricked me! I totally did not see that coming.
    I was hoping to do that, but I didn't know if it would work or not. I thought there might be too much foreshadowing. I'm glad to know that wasn't the case!

    [face_devil] Yes, yes I did! [face_skull]

    How could you?
    I'm Evil??? :p

    I always knew I liked you for a reason.
    Awwww, thanks! :D [:D]

    BTW, I took a page from your
  12. Alishu06

    Alishu06 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 29, 2005
    this is so sad. But really good! :(
  13. mavjade

    mavjade Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 10, 2005
    Thank you Alishu06!
    Thanks for reading! :)
  14. JadeLotus

    JadeLotus Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 27, 2005
    :_| Poor Ben! At least he has little baby Rade to comfort him, if nothing else.

    But the scenes between Ben and Jysella - very sweet and romantic!
  15. mavjade

    mavjade Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 10, 2005
    Poor Ben! At least he has little baby Rade to comfort him, if nothing else.
    That is very true! He will always have a part of her, in Rade! While it would be hard, at first to think of him being a part of her, I would think eventually he would take comfort in that!

    But the scenes between Ben and Jysella - very sweet and romantic!
    Thank you very much! The challenge called for romance and I was sligtly afraid that there really wasn't any!

    Thanks for reading!
  16. SakuraTsukikage

    SakuraTsukikage Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 24, 2005
    Sad but sweet. Poor Ben--but at least he has a son :(. Great job.
  17. Flowerlady

    Flowerlady Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 14, 2005
    That was really good..=D=

    I was like Ben and Jysella I definitely can see this as a great pairing. (Although, I actually thought she was older, like 16 or 17 at the time of DN. I only recently found out she is about Ben's age when I was researching for my fic. But since I had the scene writen I kept it with the older version) This definitely could be the next great 'ship out there...

    But then you had to go and say she died......:_|

    And I almost cryed. Poor Ben and baby Rade :(

    FL @};-

    edit: can't spell
  18. mavjade

    mavjade Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 10, 2005
    Sad but sweet. Poor Ben--but at least he has a son
    Yeah, he has a part of her to keep him going!

    Great job.
    Thank you!

    That was really good.
    Thank you very much!

    I was like Ben and Jysella I definitely can see this as a great pairing. (Although, I actually thought she was older, like 16 or 17 at the time of DN. I only recently found out she is about Ben's age when I was researching for my fic. But since I had the scene writen I kept it with the older version) This definitely could be the next great 'ship out there...
    Yeah, I thought she was older, but when this challenge came about we all did some digging to see who was the closest to Ben in age, and Jysella turned out to be the closest. The more I think about the two of them together the more I like it! A Horn and a Skywalker, I don't think you can go wrong! :D

    But then you had to go and say she died.
    My muse likes to kill people, I don't know why but it does! I guess it likes my Skywalker men to suffer! [face_blush]

    And I almost cryed. Poor Ben and baby Rade
    Yes, poor Ben and Rade, but they have a lot of family to support them!
  19. FlashofLight

    FlashofLight Jedi Knight star 1

    Nov 7, 2005
    Wow. I almost cried. This is so good! I love Ben/Jysella, and so when I saw this link in your profile I was like "Ooooohh, gotta read it." It was wonderful and I think you should write another Ben/Jys vig!
  20. mavjade

    mavjade Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 10, 2005
    Thank you very much! I love Ben/Jysella as well! It was actually this challenge that made me think about them, I hadn't even considered them before... and I didn't know they were so close in age!
    I do plan on writing more Ben/Jys just as soon as I get some of my WIP's done... or if another challenge comes along where I can put them together! ;)

    Thanks for reading!
  21. brodiew

    brodiew Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 11, 2005
    Long time no see, Mav. I was just running over some naem of people I recognized and looked into your profile for a fic. I found this one. What a wonderful piece of work it is. You handle been so well, in the present talking to his baby son, and in the past with his growing love for Jysella. I never thought that Ben's narractive had a sad tint until your shocker near the end if the story. I was so enamored with his tale of love, that his break down was truly sad. I choked up a bit. I imagine Jys died in childbirth, though I guess it doesn't matter. Excellent story. Your writing is truly evocative.

    I feel Rade start to slip from my grasp, so I tighten my arms around him even more, until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see my mother's sad green eyes looking back at me. I hadn't even felt her enter. She takes my son from my arms and I bury my head between my knees trying to contain my sobs. I feel her kneel beside me as her hands rub my back. She doesn't say anything, there is nothing to say, but I can feel her love wrapping around me.

    This moment with Mara coming to silently comfort him just added to the emotion of the moment. Excellent.