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Resource The Fanon Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by FanonSock, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    earlybird-obi-wan, I'm impressed with the interconnections of all your species. It's like a family tree. And pictures! It's an illustrated guide. :) The Sheir-Irel picture is my favorite; they look luminescent and quite alien in contrast to some of their relatives.

    Chyntuck, the Earthships look really neat. The exterior may not look much like the Elellumiwi dwellings, but I'm betting that the interior under all the decoration and such could be built on a similar line to the Nautilus thing. The efficient processing and low impact are things that they'd appreciate greatly, since they are very dependent on having healthy forests.
    Chyntuck and Findswoman like this.
  2. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    Thank you all for this discussion on alien species. For those who wrote Fanon posts in December 2014 (Chyntuck earlybird-obi-wan Gamiel Kahara Raissa Baiard Viridian-Maiden) please make sure that you have updated them following the discussion you had with other writers. All Fanon entries are listed on page 1 of this thread.


    This is a new month and you are entitled to a new Fanon post :) The suggested discussion topic for this month is (but is not limited to):

    Force traditions, powers and abilities

    Here are a few resources on this topic:
    Did you come up with your own Force traditions and/or powers? Did you create any Force-based organisations? Do you have any fanon on what one can do or cannot do with the Force?

    Fire away...


    And a question: we would like to host a challenge on this thread at some point in the not-too-distant future. If you want to make any suggestions as to what the challenge format should be, feel free to discuss it here. If you want to propose challenge topics, please PM this sock (so as not to spoil the surprise for everyone!)
  3. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Finally something I have some clue about. :)
  4. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Oh shoot! I had just been in the process of drafting a lengthy post with some responses and questions to others about their aliens posts. Ok to still do that, I hope...?
  5. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    Findswoman Sure! Preparing entries for this thread always takes a few days anyway.
    Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  6. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Hi all. I apologize for posting this after the official topic has just been changed, but given how absolutely fantastic the last batch of fanon posts has been, I really wanted to take the time to write up proper questions and responses about them. Unfortunately, the mean ol' Sith with the initials D. R. L. made it difficult to do that for kind of a while. :( So, finally, here goes:

    First, addressing Gamiel 's detailed responses and further discussion on Gands: thanks so much! I like your ideas, especially for the additional Findsman techniques, which I'll be adding to my notes for sure. :cool:

    "Secular" needs not have the connotation of "nonbeliever" at all; the word basically just means "worldly" (from the Latin saeculum, "world, age")—i.e., concerned with everyday, mundane things ("mundane" of course meaning "worldly" too). In RL there's even such a concept as "secular clergy," meaning priests or ministers who live in the world and work with laypeople (as opposed to "regular clergy," that is, monastics who are cloistered and adhere to a rule).

    Of course, because that would be a serious violation of the absolute, self-effacing humility expected of all Gands and especially a Findsman. To self-aggrandize is one thing; to do so in the name of the Mists is beyond the pale!

    I could see Findsmen using this technique in their off-duty hours while telling stories to children, shaping the ambient mist into the shapes of the objects and characters in the story—sort of like when we on Earth use our hands to make shadow figures in the firelight. :D

    I really like this one, and I imagine it would require a good bit of skill, especially when taken to galactic proportions. Maybe the "marks" in question vary in strength depending on who or what's being marked and on the skill of the Findsman. I also wonder if:
    * some people or objects are "marked" for certain Findsmen already, without having to consciously apply the technique (e.g., family heirlooms, close blood relatives, or even those who are linked by prophecy or that kind of thing);
    * this technique can only be done with certain kinds of people or objects (depending on the skill of the Findsman);
    * what might cause such a mark to wear off (e.g., the death of the marked person or the destruction beyond repair of an object)
    * one version of this technique might be part of some Gand wedding ceremonies, binding two spouses to each other (especially or perhaps exclusively when two Findspeople are getting married; I've always thought Gand marriage would involve some kind of psychic link).

    Some time ago a good friend and I discussed making bilocation an advanced (possibly legendary) Gand Findsman ability. Tying it to the mist banks makes good sense, particularly in its earliest (most legendary) form—and then some alteration or rejiggering would be necessary once Findsmen start going abroad to mistless worlds.

    I'd be interested, though, to hear more of your ideas about the other kind of teleportation, the kind that sends the adept into the "outer reality." What is the nature of that "outer reality," and what are some of the things in that reality that adepts have to watch out for when they practice that kind of teleportation?

    OK, I like that. :) They would make good prized possessions or family heirlooms, or even trophies of sorts won from Findsmen of opposing sects that one has defeated. I imagine them being intricately decorated, perhaps some with scenes from the life of legendary Findsmen, kind of like those intricately decorated Russian lacquer boxes.

    And, just as a weird little side note, I bet that music boxes on Gand maintain perfect or near-perfect tone even after the passage of centuries or millennia. Here on Earth we do have some vintage (i.e., centuries-old) mechanical musical instruments that still play, but they don't always sound as good anymore because the metal of the clockwork action rusts and gets pitted with time (this is true even of music box movements from the early 20th century). Well, rusting in the Earth sense is not going to happen in an ammoniac atmosphere, is it? ;) (Or is it? Those who are more science-knowledgable are welcome to correct me if necessary.)

    I know the gas grenades (specifically using ammonia) are established offiically, and as I recall the Merr-Sonn snare rifle used by Zuckuss is something like a combination of the taser rifle, glue rifle, and net launcher.

    By a "sleeping dart" do you mean something you shoot at people to make them drowsy so that they then lie down and peacefully fall asleep? Kind of a gentler form of stun? I like that idea because I imagine that Findsman protocol might require a very "gentle touch" with certain kinds of quarry.

    And now for some questions:

    For Chyntuck, on the Kiffar:

    Great work filling out the history and culture of this species. :cool: When I looked them up on the Wook, I was surprised at how little they'd actually been developed in official sources in proportion to what an important character Mr. Q. Vos is. I'll also say that your points explain a lot about some of the things I've seen in your story! ;)

    It's neat that you drew inspiration from RL on the naming practices; they reminded me also of the Ashkenazic Jewish practice of naming a child after an ancestor—and especially a deceased one—to honor that ancestor's memory.

    Given that almost all Kiffar are "a little bit cousins," I wonder what genetic implications that may have? How much of a danger is inbreeding, and if it is a danger in some quarters, are there particular traits that result?

    Love the cultural and spiritual significance of the electrical storms (a venerable late-summer phenomenon in the Midwestern US too ;) ), and especially the harnessing of the electricity to make music. I don't suppose you could tell us more about Kiffar music and musical instruments, how they sound, and how they harness the energy from storms?

    And as to the numerous female sheyfs even in a patrilineal society, I guess that's not too different from the numerous strong and famous queens that have graced patrilineal societies here on Earth, past & present.

    For Viridian-Maiden, on the Tilasa:

    Like several others here, I love how intricately you've developed the Tilasan family structure. I'd be curious to know what influences from real-life cultures, if any, went into that development; in particular, I'm guessing there could be Earth cultures where primacy is placed on sibling relationships over parent-child ones.

    I also am curious about how the diplomatic relationship arose between this group of Tilasa and the Naboo. It sounds like it's a relatively new thing and that the two cultures didn't have much in the way of diplomatic ties before that (is that correct?). How and why did this relationship develop (especially since, as Chyntuck mentions, the Tilasa have historically been isolationists)? What do the two sides hope to gain from this relationship, and and what are their views of each other so far? ("Go read my story to find out!" is a valid answer. ;) )

    For Raissa Baiard, on the Hoatzeri:

    Nice to meet some avians ("space cassowaries" as Kahara called them—love it! [face_laugh]). Their love of gems and shiny things is a really neat touch, and shows they have as much of the magpie in them as the cassowary. ;) Given the plentitude of gems and precious metals on their homeworld, I imagine mining must be a big deal there too? Any specific cultural customs, songs, superstitions, festivals, etc. related to mining and miners? Are Hoatzeri miners, jewelers, or other kinds of craftspeople (and their products) in demand on other worlds? It's fascinating to think of a "negatively geotaxic" avian species engaged in a "positively geotaxic" industry like mining. :cool:

    For Kahara, on the Elellumiwi:

    These guys are really fascinating; love the details on their culture & language, as well as their creation story and religious details you came up with. And kudos on injecting some humor into things (Yoda falling out of his chair, the "freight container" sound of the music, and "it's the engineers wanted them to be destroyed by mice" [face_laugh] ), which isn't always easy to do in a big expository fanon post.

    The story of the Rebel saboteur Tinairo is fascinating, and puts me in mind a bit of the Covallon Dælar vuv Tertarrnek from the Cracken's Rebel Operatives WEG RPG book, who also was able to operate without suspicion among Imperials because he was regarded as an "animal." I wonder what relationship the Elellumiwi may have had with the Rebel Alliance, and how many others served as Rebel agents.

    On music: it sounds like vocal music predominates, but what (if any) other instruments are used by the Elellumiwi? Does their expertise with micro-fine craftsmanship figure in the creation of those instruments? I could see where those fine motor skills could lead to some pretty stunning instrumental virtuosity.

    And given the Welsh influence in the pronunciation of the ll and in the system name Adain, I wondered if the public musical gatherings of the Elellumiwi were inspired at all by the Welsh eisteddfod.

    For earlybird-obi-wan, on the Dunai Elders:

    Beautiful paintings and illustrations, first off. :cool: It's a real treat to get illustrations with a fanon post.

    Wow, what a lifespan—move over, Methuselah! :D I'd be curious to know about what ages are considered "childhood" and "adolescence" for the Dunai Elders. Are they considered "children" or "adolescents" the entire time before they reach their fertile period?

    I'd be curious to know more details about their indigenous force tradition centered around the Eternity. How did practitioners of that tradition regard those Dunai Elders who became Jedi? Did they see their own tradition as compatible with the Jedi tradition or incompatible with it?

    Finally, was there a particular reason Vader was so keen on erasing Moniron from the archives? Did he see the Dunai Elders (and their related species) as a particular threat, perhaps on account of their great Force sensitivity?

    And that, for now, is that. Thank you all once again—love love love that this thread exists. :)
    Ewok Poet, Gamiel, Chyntuck and 2 others like this.
  7. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006

    Beautiful paintings and illustrations, first off. :cool: It's a real treat to get illustrations with a fanon post.

    Thank you. More paintings will come in my thread where I have answered your questions
    Kahara and Chyntuck like this.
  8. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    Thanks [face_blush]

    Hmm. I didn't really think of that, but I don't think it should really be a problem once the population has multiplied over tens of thousands of years and numbers in the millions/billions. But inbreeding would certainly be a large part of the explanation for the differences between Kiffar and baseline Humans, and I need to come up with more of those.
    I'm not really there yet :( One idea I have for a musical instrument used by children would be a sort of small holoprojector with a keyboard. When you play music on it the projector generates an image of the music you're playing, so kids love it. But I haven't really thought of what it would sound like yet, or what the musical tradition in general would be. Work in progress... ;)
    Thank *you*. [:D]
    Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  9. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012

    EDIT: Ordo Aurorae Aureae have been moved to this post and the Teräs Käsi masters of Tengil, the illtravellers, the disciples of Gouki, Gamorrean fire belchers, the Red suites and the Black Church have been moved to this post

    Other fanon force groups and traditions
    Larger, interplanetary groups


    An mystical and semi-secret guild-tradition operating interstellar for those who work with mounts. Using the Force and their own great knowledge to be able to turn the wildest or unruliest of animals into perfect draft or riding animals. They are able to order the animals they have trained with simple sounds and gestures where others would need their whole bodies and can even turn other’s animals against them.

    They get their name from that they, supposedly, get their powers by making pacts with spirits in rituals involving them killing a frog and wearing it’s largest bone on a string around their neck.


    The Order of Ororo
    this flamboyant order uses a combination of “magic”, technology and advanced geometry to be master manipulators of the physical world.

    Inspiration: the Wizard (Tjuvarnas jul - Trollkarens dotter); Gilgamesh Wulfenbach's lightning staff & atmospheric ionization engines (Girl Genius); high priests Hotep and Huy (the Prince of Egypt); Jafar before he got his hands on the lamp (Aladdin);


    Sventonian inquisitors
    an organization with sector ranger authority that uses the Force to have Sherlock Holms’ like observatory skills and then some.

    The inquisitors dress in cloth similar to the jedi’s but in red and crimson with a helmet similar to the quarian’s (Mass Effect) in red and with a red-bronze visor. All inquisitors carry a jite, which is also their symbol, and they seldom carry any killing weapons, preferring once that entrap or subdue instead. After all, a dead criminal can not face justice.

    Never use personal pronoun to refer to themselves, instead they use: this one, this inquisitor or just inquisitor.


    Sisterhood of Leetha – an altruistic Force tradition of healers and caretakers who also teach laypeople how to live healthy living. Exist mostly in [sector], [sector] and [sector].

    Unlike what the name suggest so do the sisterhood accept male members, even if females are in majority.

    Among the things they teach as a part of a healthy living are, beside moderateness and eating right, the SW equivalence to qigong and yoga.


    Originally an Duros Force tradition that go back to pre-Republic time, those priest-pilots and -navigators can be found among any space culture, even if they are most represented among the duros.

    Star-Shugenja worship the Space gods and pay respect to the Force, they are trained pilots and navigators and use the Force for space and hyperspace navigation and to help in their role as religious leaders.

    The Star-Shugenja, as a group, know the Force techniques: Beacon; Instinctive astrogation control; Instinctive astrogation; Tracks in the stars; Danger sense; Detoxify poison; Farseeing; Healing meditation; Short-Term Memory Enhancement; Absorb/dissipate energy; Construction intuition; Durability instinct; Enhanced Coordination; Feeling for dynamic forces in mechanisms; Healing care;


    Kal-Dex-Ward alchemists – more or less Taoist alchemist, masters of medicine, alchemy and inner balance – at least if you ask them.

    Thanks to their knowledge so are many Kal-Dex-Ward alchemists able to prolong their natural life. There are records of alchemists who have lived as much three times their species natural lifespan and legends of grandmasters that have in all essence become immortals thanks to their masterful balance between body and spirit and the forces with in them.

    It is not unusual that a Kal-Dex-Ward alchemist is also member of another Force tradition with similar teachings and/or goals or just make its easier for them to practise their trade. Ordo Aurorae Aureae, Matukai and sisterhood of Leetha are among the groups were you can find Kal-Dex-Ward adepts.


    Green Kensei
    Inside the Unknown regions near the space claimed by the Sorcerers of Rhand the space lanes are protected by an order of master swordsmen in high-tech armour. From their spacecastle they send out ships and kenseis to defend the innocents and hunt those who would prey on them.

    The Green Kenseis are all dressed in green armour below dark-green robes. The armour resembles full plate armour from the European 15th-16th centuries and is cybernetic linked to the bearer. The armour increases the kensei’s strength without decreasing any agility and protecting the wearer from blaster bolts and hostile gases. It can also function as a space- or diving-suit for a time. The armour is worth more than a small spaceship and to use the armour the wearer need both the right kind of cybernetic implants and training. Most of the armours are also Force artefacts of one kind or another.

    The Green Kenseis train in the use of the Force, which they know as ‘que’, mostly to increase their resistance and fighting ability. Since they have through the centuries classed with agents of the Sorcerers of Rhand have they also developed techniques that protect them from the sorcerers powers.

    Smaller groups

    Pzob’s Wildriders
    Nomadic Gamorreans beastmasters who travel the wilderness looking for a challenge or a fight to join, their name comes from that most of them ride on kronks - woolly brontotherium-like animals that live on Pzob.


    The Glom Druids from Metellos
    [Is right now being reworked]
    the undercities of Metellos are often ignored and forgotten by anyone in power allowing nature to take over. In those strange and often dangerous areas are the glum druids uncrowned rulers.
    * The glom druids are not a global phenomenon that exist allover Metellos’ undercities, instead they exist in the undercities on the Luter peninsula, which is around as big as the British Isles.
    * A group of three or more druids are known as a circle.
    * The druids (usually) function as religious leader, healers, mystics, seers, beastwardens and advisors to the clan chiefs. There skills, both material and Force based, reflect this.
    * The people of the under cities are divided into clans that are usually between 30 to 500 sentients from one to five species. The clans usually control at least one village with environs with some of the larger clans even controlling a small town with nearby villages, even if most towns are split between two or more clans. There are also nomadic clans. Each clan is served by a circle of druids.
    * The druids highly use artifacts, both temporary and permanent, many which are created through life-sacrifice.
    * The deeper into the undercity you go the less advanced technology became. New and factory made become secondhand and jury-rigged which make way for handcrafted and scratch-built; blasters go from being commonplace to more and more scares until only chieftains and elite warrior have them while normal folks have to do with swords, crossbows and black-powder guns;
    * The clans of the underside worship a variation of the spacer gods, their ancestors and “nature” spirits.


    The sangomas from lower Metellos
    A tradition of healers that uses medicine, headology and “spirits” to heal and consul among the lower level and shanty towns of Metellos.


    Tarsiidae ascetics
    A lurmen Force tradition that believes that the body is a prison for the souls (the lurmen believe a sentient to have five souls) and by denying their bodies while training their mind and sprit they come into greater contact with the spirit world, which they see as the real world.

    The tarsiidae's Force techniques are focused on the mental and spiritual aspect of the Force but they also know some techniques focused on the body. Or rather focused on making it possible to ignore the body.


    Lal Roshan
    one of Ossus many peoples, who live on the harsh Bardisattva tundra and the Fire step on the back of the gigantic eclipse mûmakils and gorans. As with people on Ossus so are most of the Lal Roshan notably Force sensitive.

    The two most important members of the Lal Roshan are the storm-seers, who are the spiritual leaders primary advisors to the chiefs, and beast-handlers who controls the great caring beasts that the Lal Roshan lives on through a Force bound.

    The elite warriors of the Lal Roshan are the [name], who guard the storm-seers and beast-handlers, they don’t choose their profession but are chosen by having a prophetic dream where they see themselves die. The [name] dreams of their many deaths each night and see the worst outcomes of any fight and battle they enter. This makes them totally fearless and capable to prepare for nearly any attack since they have seen them all coming before they happen.


    Storm walker
    A Force tradition among the tusken riders, who get their name from their ability to walk through sandstorms unhindered. They are not part of any clan or community but still part of tusken society in an strange kind of way. They are usually called upon to mediate between waring tribes.

    The storm walkers dresses in blue robes.


    The Snake medicine society
    A pan-clan society of healers among the witches of Dathomir whose members use special snakes and snake poison in their healing art.

    A snake healer usually look no different from other witches beside their tendency to carrying around live snakes on their person and in bags. They usually also have a alchemy lab for preparing medicine and a large collection of bottled snake poison.


    A Force tradition with a similar teaching to the Matukai regarding using your body as a focus to cannel the Force but were the Matukai use it for martial arts so do the Tien-Pim use it for dance.

    They believe that dance is an art form that unite all sentient life and if they can get everybody to dance together a new age of harmony will come.

    Fanon regarding canon traditions

    * Some findsmen can not just visualize the mist for their meditation but have to actually be in physical mist to be able to come in meditative trans.


    Have been moved to here


    My fanon is that the morgukai is a Force tradition, probably something similar to the matukai, mostly because I have hard to see anybody with such a humanlike physiology beat a jedi in a mano-a-mano fight (unlike the mando who beats jedi in mano-a-arsenal fights) without the Force on their side.

    I don’t understand how cortosis-weaved material stops lightsabres when normal cortosis deactivate lightsabre blades, so my fanon ignore cortosis-weaved material (at least in the way the old-canon present it). This means that the morgukai’s arms and armour are not made of cortosis-weaved metal. Instead the shafts of the morgukai’s energy spears are made of phrik and equipped with small anti-gravitation engine that make them wieldable, if still heavy. It is a testomy to the morgukai’s strength and skill that they use those heavy weapons without problem.

    They like hot baths and saunas, often train themselves to be able to sit in heats that would be unbearable to normal niktos


    Witches of Dathomir
    * Some new clans
    - 'Yellow wind' clan live as horse bound nomads on the north eastern step.
    - 'Crow’s daughter' clan decorate themselves with feathers, bird bones and black face paint. Known for their many shapeshifters and dark reputation – many clans consider them just above nightsisters.

    * Before the coming of Luke the Skywalker so was male magic users usually known as warlocks and often considered as bad if not worse then nightsisters.

    * The Skywalker society is a society created after the death of Gethzerion for the dathomirians who have left their homeplanet and later returned. Here they can discuss and trade stories with other who actually understand what they have gone through.


    Wardens of the Sky
    The Wardens recognise etch other thought the use of a combination of symbols that the wardens carry on their body in the form of tattoos, jewellery and/or clothes. When a warden recognise the right combination of symbols so do they great each other with code phrases to make certain that they both are Wardens of the Sky.

    There exist safe houses for the wardens on most major space ports in the galaxy. The safe houses are usually manned by wardens who have become too old or damaged to continue to actively protect the spacelanes. Those old space dogs are often what keeps the wardens, their history and knowledge together.


    * A group of three or more jedi are known as an unfortune. This supposedly comes from that anything that needs three jedi is unfortunate to have happened.

    * The jedi discovered how to make holocron themselves; they did not learn it from the Kwa.

    * My fanon ignore Dawn of the Jedi, this is because the world/continuity presented in DotJ just don’t fit with my idea of how many things developed.


    Huntsmen, whose title in gand translate more approximate to ‘hunter of great beasts/monster’, are a order of findsmen who specialise in hunting very dangerous prey, usually of the kind that hunt and/or kill sentients. Among famous huntsman are K!!xK! who slew the leviathan of Ryloth; Xux who catcheed the fallen findsman and serial killer Yuun-Yuk; Kryp who brought low Seyugi Dervishes who terrorised the Imlum sector; Zuckuss the Red who ended the k'lor'slug infestation on [planet]; [etc.]

    An important part of the huntsmen tradition is the concept of the destined foe: a creator that the huntsman is bound to by the force of the Mist. The destined foe can be described as both nemesis and totem and will be the huntsman’s greatest challenge in his career. The gand believe that the huntsman and her destined foe share a bound that makes it possible for the huntsman to call upon some of its power. This can be unsafe since the destined foe is usually something or someone dangerous and when you call upon its power so do you take an aspect of it into you and that aspect can take over. More than one huntsman lost her battle against her destined foe before they ever meet.

    A huntsman may know her destined foe through visions in the Mist and dreams or maybe it was a meeting with her destined foe that put the findsman on the path of the huntsman.

    Most huntsmen are skilled fighters but would not stand a chance against the thing they hunt, instead they rely on stealth, patients, cunning and the guidance of the Mist to bring down their prey. They stalk their prey, learn their weaknesses and only strike when the time is right.


    Virtual adepts
    a guild of master hackers and programmers who use the Force to guide them in their trade, the most powerful among them can manipulate electronic machinery like the jedi can manipulate sentients. The virtual adepts exist on many planets in the galaxy whit an enough advanced and large network but the most skilled adepts are from Balmorra, Coruscant and Metellos

    Balmorra’s virtual adepts are among the best because they are always either trying to protect the systems of the planet’s manufactures or are trying to break in.

    Coruscant’s virtual adepts are among the best because they have mastered the many of the hundreds of different programming language used among all the different inhabitants of 3:0.

    Metellos virtual adepts are among the best because of how ****** the electronic infrastructure and mainframes of Metellos are. This means that they have mastered their trade the really hard way and are expert jury riggers.

    Most virtual adepts use small armies of scratch built, jury rigged, kit built or modified drones and droids [*] to get physical access to protected systems.
    [*] A virtual adept seldom use anything electronically without personalizing it first.

    The greatest virtual adepts are the one who have datajacks (cybernetic implant that allow the cyborg to roam the interweb with just their mind while their body is in a trans, need the user to really know his programming language to be effective) that allow there Force intuition and l33t skills to fully come into force.

    Even if all virtual adepts are Force sensitive programmers and hackers so are not all of them specialized in it. There are some who are actually better at an other line of work[*] then programming or hacking.
    [*] Usual jobs are f.ex.: engineers, mechanics, information couriers, conmen or cyber-docs

    Inspiration: Woodstock (Ace Ventura); Case (Neuromancer); Just Johnny, Jones & T-Bone (Johnny Mnemonic movie); Yo****sune "Yoshi" Miyamoto (Appleseed); Tony Stark & Ivan Vanko (Iron-Man movies), Dr. Bowman (Freefall); Ghost in the Shell; Largo (MegaTokyo); Glass Walkers (Werewolf: the Apocalypse)


    Alchemy = any kind of chemistry that is helped by the Force, at its most basic it is just the adept using the Force enhance his senses and timing. In more advanced form the adept ”see” the change happening, increase/decrease the temperature and/or pressure, etc.
    Cray = A place strong in the Force.
    Inwitting = A storytelling art that will, if done right, send the listeners into a shared dream-journey based on the story told.
    Taklah = A secret discussed as a story or a riddle. If you understand one, you have learned something; if not, you weren’t smart enough to deserve enlightening.

    Other names for the Force/parts of the Force
    Bob = used by the morgukai and most practicians of Teräs Käsi
    Mist, the = used by the gand [canon]
    White Current, the = used by the fallanassi [canon]

    So how many references to non-SW things can people find?
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2020
  10. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Wow, Gamiel, that is one encyclopedic fanon post! You really outdid yourself there. =D= The main question that comes to mind for me after reading your list is a very general one. It seems that the Force traditions you discuss can be divided into two basic classes: (a) those that are indigenous, and more or less exclusive, to specific planets, species, or cultures (e.g., Gand Findsmen, Gamorrean Fire Belchers, Wild Wizards of Munto Codru), and (b) those that bring together beings from various planets, species, or cultures (e.g., the Jedi and Sith, and it looks like maybe the Ordo Aurorae Aureae, too). If this is accurate, I would be curious to know how indigenous traditions of type (a) view the more "universalizing" traditions of type (b)—I guess particularly the Jedi and Sith, given that those are maybe the two most "mainstream" Force traditions in the GFFA? And vice versa? Also, when members of a species or cultures with indigenous Force disciplines join outside Force disciplines like the Jedi or Sith (one example coming to my mind is the Gand Jedi Vaabesh), what do members of their indigenous traditions think of them? (E.g., would the Findsmen Elders of Gand approve of Vaabesh's adherence to the Jedi Order?) Are the Jedi and Sith ways viewed as compatible with the indigenous traditions, or are those who opt for outside Force traditions regarded as apostates? Or does it differ from one tradition to another, or even from one individual case to another?

    And now for my own small fanon contribution for this month. This is a little Force ability I came up with not long ago; I don't have much on it yet, so I'd be amenable to any ideas people may have about how to refine it or flesh it out.

    Finta sempli

    This ancient, fairly rare, and highly coveted Force ability allows its user to cloak himself or herself from detection by Force-based means. In other words, engaging finta sempli makes it impossible for other Force-adepts to sense one's presence in the Force. As a corollary, it also allows one to pass oneself off as a non-Force sensitive. It is in evidence in both Jedi and Sith, but equivalent abilities probably exist in other Force disciplines as well.

    In order to flip the "mental switch" that engages finta sempli, the adept has to briefly enter a meditative or at least deeply concentrative state, but once that switch is flipped (so to speak) the adept can come out of the meditative state and go about normal activities. Particularly skilled, self-controlled adepts can maintain finta sempli long-term, even over many years (a good way to survive the Jedi Purge, perhaps...? [face_thinking]). But the longer one maintains it, the more risk there is—even for the self-controlled—that occasional lapses will happen that render the adept vulnerable, since maintaining the cloak requires a certain modicum of background concentration. Put another way, although it takes some concentration to initiate & maintain finta sempli, the adept can be snapped out of it with considerably less effort if he or she isn't careful.

    Finta sempli is one of few Force abilities that, at least in theory, can be stolen from someone known to possess it using one or another of various Force-draining techniques. The trick, of course, is tracking down those who possess it. Furthermore, even those who succeed in ripping finta sempli from someone usually only end up gaining a version of the ability that is temporary, partial, watered-down, or all of those things. (In the hands of a highly skilled enemy, though, even that can be enough.)

    Author's note. The name finta sempli was inspired by the title of the early Mozart opera La finta semplice (The feigned simpleton/innocent), whose title character is a clever woman who helps save the day by pretending to be naive, simple, and innocent. Similarly, finta sempli allows Force users who possess it to save themselves by pretending to be "innocent" of any connection to the Force.
  11. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    I would say that it fully differ from one tradition to another, and in some cases from one individual to another but most of group (a) would view the different traditions in group (b) after their speciality – f.ex. Sisterhood of Leetha, the Kal-Dex-Ward' and the sangomas from lower Metellos are healers; Jal Shey and the Kal-Dex-War' are scientists; The Teräs Käsi masters of Tengil, disciples of Gouki and fire belchers are warriors; the gloom druids and Tarsiidae ascetics are spiritual leaders; etc. – and threat them there after.

    F.ex. a fire belcher would look on most of the different warrior/fighting tradition and just see another elite group of fighters who can allies, enemies or a fun fight just as any other warrior group who are not spoilsports (use blasters and other high tech weapons that take the fun of the fight). The same fire belcher would probably view more or less all the other traditions as feminine fops (remember that gammoreans consider more or less anything that is not fighting women’s work) who do stupid things of no real interest, except for the times they do something of interest – f.ex. a Kal-Dex-War' creating a potion that increase the belchers fire ball or a sister of Leetha use her knowledge to do cooking alchemy and create a meal that is both good tasting and really bring the ‘belchers fluids in too the right balance.

    I would say that most of them would see traditions that have the same or a similar speciality as colleague even if most of them would think that their own ways are better/more true, there is also that if a group thinks they are being upstaged so can there be animosity.

    When it come to indigenous Force traditions view on jedi who are of their own species so would I say that they are seen as outsiders, they may be of the same species but they don’t chare the same culture, so it comes down how they view the jedi I would say. There is also possible that they would view a jedi with more suspicion if she was from their species then if she was not since she looks like one of them but don’t act like one of them – this probably come up whit rather mono-cultural groups or species who have a common threat across all its culture that the jedi order have trained away (I have no examples of this but it is a possibility).
    There is also that some groups probably think a jedi who come from their species/culture should side with them in case of a conflict that the jedi is mediating (I can see the kiffar having this attitude) and they feel betrayed when the jedi is not automatically on their side.
    Findswoman , Chyntuck and Kahara like this.
  12. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    Holy cow, Gamiel, and I thought I had a lot of background notes ?!?!? I don't even want to imagine what your room/hard drive must look like :eek:

    I'll be back later with questions and I'll log into the sock to update the index.
  13. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    I am not so good at creating stories; so my energy goes into creating worlds
    Messy [face_beatup]
    Chyntuck and Ewok Poet like this.
  14. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    Gamiel, I love the extensive compendium (!) of Force traditions. :D The hackers and the secret society particularly appealed, since they could easily slide by as ordinary things from the outside perspective. Thanks for your suggestions on weaponry. Still thinking about it.

    Findswoman, that sounds like an excellent Force talent to have -- and with a built-in weakness for realism as well. Nicely done!

    Re: your comments on the Elellumiwi:

    Thanks for your compliments and I'm glad you found the article style entertaining. :) I was thinking of some of the RPG guides and such, which try to include fun details and stay within-universe a bit.

    Yay! [face_dancing] Dælar vuv Tertarrnek has another fan in the wide universe. :D I can't remember if he was the inspiration or not, but I'm aware of the fluffy rogue. [face_laugh] Further evidence of my tendency to become hooked on obscure characters.

    My current idea on their involvement with the Rebellion is that those who joined were usually either groups of younger hotheads who couldn't be talked out of it by their leaders, or were those who had escaped from confinement in some wealthy Imperial's aviary and happened to fall in with a group of Rebels. And they usually didn't seek much attention for their achievements because of the way they had been taught to keep things underneath notice. Which meant that they never did get blamed by the Empire (most Imperials just couldn't process the idea that birds could cause that kind of damage) but also didn't get much credit from the New Republic -- unlike, for instance, the Bothans. (Oh, Borsk. :rolleyes:)

    Hmm, I think they may have some kind of bells or percussion instruments traditionally. (Thus adding to the clanking of the cargo compartment. ;)) But I could see them making heavy use of synthesizers and being quite good at certain types of more Human-influenced music if they had the taste for it.

    Not consciously, but that's a lovely idea. :) I could definitely see them having what sounds to Earth ears like a Welsh accent.
    Chyntuck, Gamiel and Findswoman like this.
  15. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Have added homunculus to my main post


    I would also like to recommend some movies that have people/groups in them whose skills/powers I think rather easily can be translated into Force powers/traditions.
    Ninja Assassin – the ninjas do absolutely enhance their physical ability with the Force and way the ninjas use the darkness is definitely a Force ability and the same goes for their healing ability. The way Ozunu seems to, or actually do, teleport using the darkness is my main inspiration for shadow step.
    Rurouni Kenshin – many of the better fighters, most notably Kenshin, Sanosuke and Jin-e, have Force enhance physical abilities and Jin-e’s Ken-ki is an interesting dark side ability.
    Crocodile Dundee – take a look at how Mike handel animals and don’t say that he would be considered a Force user if he was in SW.
    Equilibrium – Gun Kata is most likely impossible without a sixth or seventh sense and I consider it an excellent example of Force enhanced gun combat.
    The Shadow – the Tulku, Cranston and Shiwan Khan are all excellent examples of powerful Force user trained in a tradition similar to the jedi but notably different.
    Prince of Persia: the Sands of Time – farseeing and animal control are among the abilities the leader of the hassansins show.
    Lone Ranger – Tonto may be crazy but I would say he is a good example of a person with Force guidance. He is also the best (and only I know of) example of a holy fool in popular media.

    Some RPG-books that can be worth reading
    Adventure! –many of the Knack abilities in this pulp adventure game are great inspiration for Force abilities.
    Gondica – it is in Swedish but if you can read it so is the magic system/philosophy really easy translated to SW terms. I have plans to give a summary of them in the future but you know how it is with plans…
    Kindred of the East: Compendium – its chapter on the religions and philosophies of Asia and how the GM/players can/should use them are good introductions on how people can think different if you find yourself stuck in the western way of thinking when you are trying to come up with a motivation/philosophy for your tradition.
    MAGE: the Sorcerers Crusade – a game about being a wizard, witch, holy person or mystical philosopher in the later 1400-hundreds. The magic system don’t work well with the SW-‘vers but many of the 17 traditions’ philosophies are excellent inspirations for how non-jedi/sith traditions could think. Later books in this game-series go deeper into some of the philosophies and introduce some new traditions.
    MAGE: the Ascension – modern urban fantasy game in which you play a secret mage in a darker version of to our world. As with the Sorcerer Crusade so do not the magic system really work with SW and I have found that less of the presented philosophies work with how I see SW but they can still be great inspiration. Later books in this game-series go deeper into the different traditions and introduce some new.


    Chyntuck I am waiting for you questions
    Ewok Poet, Findswoman and Chyntuck like this.
  16. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    Yikes, don't count on them before the weekend! I need a whole Saturday or Sunday morning to read your stuff :p
    Findswoman and Gamiel like this.
  17. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    My post for this month

    Sheir-Irel and their related groups the Dunai elder, the Ceitans, the Varankonin, Falgans and Lingalans

    Sheir-Irel and their Force
    Sheir-Irel lived on Irellion and began their Force tradition around 400.000 BBY. They evolved from a species living mostly on land to an aquatic species because Irellion had more water than land. About 90% of the planet was water dotted with smal islands. They found out that they could contact members much more easily using thoughtwaves.
    Irellion had a nexus steeped in the light side. This place in a cave was dicovered by Shei-Fidan and he began the teachings of non violence when he discovered that thoughtwaves were used by some of the Sheir-Irel to influence their friends. Some Sheir-Irel invaded the minds of enemies.
    Descendants of Shei-Fidan were the first to build spaceships equipped with a hyperdrive.

    Explorations of the Sheir-Irel
    The Sheir-Irel – eager to find out where they came from and if more Force-users lived in the galaxy – began their exploration in 395.200 BBY. They discovered the ruins of the Ikran-Shei on the planet IkranDan. Study of the ancient manuscripts revealed to the Sheir-Irel that Ikran-Shei had colonised numerous planets in the galaxy. The Sheir-Irel had now knowledge about their ancestors and became versed in the teachings of the Ikran-Shei about the eternity. The ‘soul’ was the essence. The Force philosophy of the Ikran-Shei became theirs.
    They observed the Celestials but refrained from making contact when they felt the inherent violence used by the Celestials.
    Eons later Rakata were encountered as well. No contact was established.

    The Sheir-Irel discovered more related species on Lingala. No contact was established until 55.000 BBY when they met the Lingalans. The descendants of the Ikran-Shei on Lingala had evolved even more into an aquatic species and were known as Lingalans. They used thought to communicate and were aware of the eternity. They could interbreed with the Sheir-Irel.

    Dunai and Moniron
    The Sheir-Irel discovered in one of the outlying globular starclusters the planet Dunai in 200.100 BBY. The planet was inhabited by a primitive longlived humanoid species giving them a peaceful welcome. The species were a direct descendant from the Ikran-Shei and used thoughtwaves similar to those of the Sheir-Irel to keep in touch. Living in harmony with nature, healing and a natural communication with animals were valued qualities. Dunai hunters used their Force powers to trap prey. Sheir-Irel and Dunai became friends and married.
    Sheir-Irel scientists discovered that the Dunai sun was about to go supernova and made a plan to evacuate the humanoids to a safer planet. That planet – Moniron – was discovered in a nearby starcluster. They explored the planet and examined the various species living there. One species – the Darrin – had them with doubt. The darrin were violent. Far more friendlier was the meeting with the descendants of the Ikran-Shei on Moniron. They were the Falgans living in the oceans and well versed in the teachings of the Ikran-Shei.
    The Falgans gave permission to settle the Dunai on their planet.
    The evacuation and settlement of the Dunai on Moniron was completed when the Dunai sun exploded.

    In 50.000 BBY the Sheir-Irel discovered Varanko and more descendants of the Ikran-Shei and similar Force powers.
    Ceitans and Varankonin could interbreed with the Sheir-Irel.

    Dunai elder and Dunai
    The Dunai had settled on Moniron and continued their Force traditions.
    But exploring their new home they discovered and began to tame the darrin, a vicious species. They had to use violence and adopted the way of the darrin and split into tribes. A dark Force tradition was born and lasted until the unification when the son and daughter of two warring tribes married.
    Anjii el Unwari is the account of the unification and can be found in the first post.
    Dagnir and Sorana Adameh embraced again the teachings of the Sheir-Irel and soon the entire population was well versed in the light side teachings. The soul was the essence.
    Dunai became the Dunai elder when human settlers – welcomed by the Dunai – married Dunai and got offspring.

    More answers about the Force

    The Sheir-Irel are extinct and did have all the usual Jedi skills. Their study of the Force led them to know how to become one with the eternity. Their philosophy was one of non-violence and helping wherever they could. The eternity and their eternal soul was the core of their teachings. The last Sheir-Irel on Irellion became one with the eternity when Count Dooku used Irellion to test the Tetrahedron. Irellion was destroyed because the dark powers of the Tetrahedron conflicted with the light-sided nexus in the cave on Irellion.

    Dunai elder and Dunai
    Dunai elder have learned almost all from the Sheir-Irel. They specialize in the healing arts, mindtalk and ‘becoming one with the eternity’
    The Dunai elder taken as younglings or found on other planets by the Jedi could learn all the Jedi-skills. Most became healers, nurses or caretakers because of their inherent compassion with living beings and almost none used their lightsaber.
    (Canon) Master Fay didn’t have a lightsaber.

    Ceitans and Varankonin
    Ceitans and Varankonin have learned almost all from the Sheir-Irel.
    Mindtalk and healing are strong developed.
    No Ceitan or Varankonin was found by the Jedi.
    Only the Dunai-Varankonin crossbreed Leslie Tualan was found by the Jedi. He became a healer.

    The Ikran-Shei were the direct ancestors of the Sheir-Irel and colonised Irellion after finding the light side nexus in a cave. Irellion was the only place to have ancestors after a devastating was between Ikran-Shei and the ancestors of the Celestials decimated the Ikran-Shei and led to their extinction on their home-world IkranDan and other colonies.

    The Sheir-Irel continued the light side Force teachings with their belief about compassion, healing and the eternal soul. They had knowledge about the soul becoming self-aware of the eternity at age 4.
    The Sheir-Irel and their descendants had a Force tradition of their own, not influenced by the two main Force traditions.
    Only the Dunai and Dunai elder and the Dunai-Varankonin learned first the Jedi Force traditions before finding out about the eternity.
  18. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    The rules of this thread have been updated to reflect the new policy regarding linking to fics in resource. Please read the policy carefully before you start mentioning/linking to your fics.

    The index has also been updated to include recent entries.
  19. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    I was actually thinking on that Dunai-elder (as word) is rather similar to Tolkien’s Dúnedain.

    I like you history about your peoples. When it comes to the Force how would you say they are in comparison to the jedi in skills, techniques, specialisation and/or philosophy


    I have no idea about the exact nature for this "outer reality" and is probably best that it stays that way since then authors can use it in what ever way they want. It is possible it is the any of the reality from which Waru, Charon or Bedlam Spirits comes from. I was thinking of an Exorcist, Poltergeist and From Beyond [1] feeling/effect when it comes to the consequence of the possession/piggyback. The Medusae from WH40k is a parasite I can easy see a teleporter carry with her back to normal reality.

    [1] If you can get your hands on it so do I recommend Erik Kriek’s comic adaptation and if you like talking books so did HP Podcraft an excellent audio adaptation.

    The main reason I gave shadow step such a huge drawback is because I needed a reason to why we have not seen any jedi or sith use the technique, they know about the drawback unlike whatever Force tradition people decide is using shadow step.

    There is also possible that the clockwork mechanics are made from some kind of space age metal that can withstand the passing of the time.

    I was thinking something along the line of a normal tranquillizer gun.
    Kahara and Chyntuck like this.
  20. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Dunai-elder can be similar to Dunedain but is actually derived from the Dutch word 'Duin' with an 'a' added.
    'Kaagi' one of my main OC's comes from a lake in my village named "Kaag"

    The Force descriptions of Sheir-Irel, Dunai elder, Ceitans and Varankonin are added in my thread
    Chyntuck, Kahara and Gamiel like this.
  21. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    So here I am at last!

    Questions to Gamiel

    About the wild wizards. I particularly like the idea that they are stronger in the Force when on their own turf.
    Does this correspond to social class or level of power (i.e. the wizards of the road are perceived as lesser wizards) or to different approaches to their philosophy?

    Do the wizards have any specific healing skills and techniques that other Force-users can't or don't master?

    How do the Jedi perceive the "wizards gone bad"? Do they associate them with the Dark Side and if not, what is the reasoning behind it?


    About Ordo Aurorae Aureae
    So is this some sort of Force-sensitive equivalent to the Order of the Canted Circle? Do they influence Galactic politics from the sidelines?


    About Gamorrean fire belchers -- I love, love, love the idea of Gamorrean Force users. There's something that's both hilarious and vert starwarsy about it :p

    More seriously, like your Force scholars, I also wondered about how the Gamorreans could have developed such a sophisticated tradition when they don't really comes across as the sharpest tool in the drawer. Do you have a background history of how this tradition came to be? Also, have they been in contact with the Jedi/Sith at some point in their history?


    On the smaller groups, I found it interesting that you have several crime or assassins' organisations (or potential hackers, like the Virtual Adepts). This opens many story possibilities for encounters with Force-fueled law enforcement (Jedi of the Old Republic, Inquisitors, etc.) Did you develop the structure of these groups at all?


    Fanon regarding canon traditions -- I'm clueless about the details of most of these traditions, so I'll read up a bit on the Wook and get back to you.


    One item your post doesn't touch upon is the concept of a vergence in the Force. Do you have any fanon on how that's supposed to work? Any Force artifacts that result from a vergence?


    Findswoman I melted when I saw the reference to Mozart [face_love]

    Question 1: As I understand it, Finta sempli cannot be learned, is that correct? Also, if one is born with this talent, are there any particular Force traditions that try to cultivate and develop it?

    I have one other question which has to do with Force Drain rather than Finta sempli. Is the idea that only some specific Force powers can be drained while others can't canon, or is that a Findswoman Original? ;)


    earlybird-obi-wan By now as you can probably imagine I'm totally knocked out from replying to Gamiel :p so I'll definitely be back with more questions and comments for you in the coming days. I find your idea of species that are interrelated biologically or culturally very interesting. The question I have for now (which is partially answered in your latest post) is how your various groups interacted with other (canon) Force users and if they were influenced at all by the two main Force traditions, or if they influenced them and how.
    Gamiel and Findswoman like this.
  22. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    The moment for which we in the fanon thread have all been waiting with bated breath! :D

    Very glad to oblige. See, musicology is indeed relevant to all walks of life! :p

    Essentially, yes, it's innate rather than learned—though in order to get the most out of it a certain amount of conscious development and study is required. Basically, some Force-sensitives show an innate tendency toward finta sempli during their early stages of training, and some don't. Those that do can develop and improve the ability with study, and they're the ones who can use it most effectively. Those who show the tendency toward the ability early on but don't develop it with proper training never quite do it right (e.g., they are less able to "hold it" for long periods of time). For those who don't show the tendency toward finta sempli early on, the only way it can possibly be acquired is through a Force Drain—which not only is a good way to fall to the Dark Side but also only gets one a very limited version of the ability anyway.

    Now, I haven't thought much about exactly which Force traditions would take a specific interest in cultivating finta sempli (perhaps Gamiel can advise on some possibilities here. ;) ), but I could see where Dark Siders like the Sith would be very interesting in cultivating the ability for purposes of subterfuge and deception and suchlike.

    As far as I know it's a Findswoman Original; my understanding is that the Force Drain and related techniques have mostly been used in official sources to drain either (a) factual knowledge and information or (b) general Force power level rather than specific Force abilities. I mostly just came up with the Force Drain business for finta sempli because it worked well for a story I was writing. :p And I just thought the idea of certain kind of Force Drain techniques that specifically target Force abilities seemed like it could be interesting—perhaps as a very advanced Dark Side ability.
    Chyntuck and Gamiel like this.
  23. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    To most wind followers so are their roaming day something comparable to a craftsman’s journeyman years, just something you do before getting your master title. The wizards who stay on the rod usually just do it because they just have grown too familiar to travelling and can not settle down. They are usually seen as a bit strange and bohemian by the other wizards with a bit of suspicion from some of them that visiting wind followers are looking to take over their caern.

    The way I image the wizards so do they have no specific healing skills/techniques. They have an unparalleled knowledge of Munto Codru’s natural medicines and at least some basic knowledge in modern medicine and medical practice (even if their focus is on codru-ji and Munto Codru’s animals). Healing Force abilities/skills/techniques that they know are instinctive diagnose[1] and healing care[2], they also use alchemy to create medicines. Some of them know how to heal by touch[3] but as earlier said so are most wizards suspicion of this ability seen as a sign that they are going out of balance since they are imposing their will on nature instead of just bending it.
    Of course so do this describe them as a group and it is possible that individual wizards know of more ways to use the Force for healing.

    [1] Instinctive diagnose: by doing a quick medical examination so can the adept come to an mostly correct conclusion to what is wrong with the patient.
    [2] Healing care: as long as the adept is actively taking care of a person so do the healing process take half as long as normal.
    [3] I image it to be something like what ElfQuest’s healer do.

    The curse makers and life enhancers are dark siders; the controllers and city breakers are not always using the dark side but often fall to it rather quickly once they begun to lose control.
    The jedi usually don’t really think about the wizards who have gone bad since the normal wizards usually take care of their own before they become real problems and the jedi don’t really have any real jurisdiction on Munto Codru unless they are asked for help.

    *Look up the Order of the Canted Circle*
    I would not say that they are some sort of Force-sensitive equivalent to the Order of the Canted Circle. they are more like a galaxy spanning and a bit more mystical variation of the Order of the Canted Circle in which members with some Force sensitivity can learn some tricks.
    My main inspiration for Ordo Aurorae Aureae are the Freemasons, with all their mysticism and rituals and the Temple of the Four Orders from Sherlock Holms who say things like "Be as skeptical as you like, but our secret systems have steered the world towards greater good for centuries" while being lead around by Blackwood’s parlour tricks.

    I have no real idea how the fire belcher tradition was developed, it is something that other can go deeper into. Personally I like the possibility that the ‘belchers is something that the Gamorreans developed over centuries, if not millenniums, but it is just as possible that they learned most of their Force knowledge from some other Force using tradition. If it is the later case somebody could do a story about it or maybe about Tionne, or some other Force scholar, going to Gamorr to excavate the space ship/home of this lost Force adept.


    Well, the disciples of Gouki, virtual adepts, illtravellers, Pzob’s wildriders, the sangomas from lower Metellos, Tarsiidae ascetics, wild wizards, fire belchers and Kal-Dex-Ward alchemists are not really organisations but their members are united by a common philosophy and training.

    Adeptus Psykana & Ksirafai are organisations within Ordo Aurorae Aureae.

    The Red suits are a planet wide mafia and follow that kind of organisation

    Sventonian inquisitors are sector rangers and therefore have an organisation similar to FBI or Pinkerton.

    Lal Roshan is a people and the glom druids are the priesthood of another.

    I have not really decided anything for the Order of Ororo, The Teräs Käsi masters of Tengil, Sisterhood of Leetha.

    What is an vergence?


    White Wolf's pulp adventure RPG Adventure! have some interesting special abilitie, here are some of the once I can see in SW while being different from most Force abilities we have seen
    This means that the Force adept gets a personal bonus for each of the other people she work with on the project. The research team she is part of can not be to big[1] and this ability don't work on droids
    [1] To big is around seven to ten people depending on the adepts strength in the Force.
    The adept is able to turn the people loyal to her into an extremely well oiled machine that are able to do work without really communicating and seems to instinctively know what each part needs. The amount of people effected depends on the adepts Force strength and leadership ability and can be from half-dozen to hundred of people. For Psychic Synergy to work so must the underlings be loyal to the adept and it doesn’t work on droids.
    Kahara and Chyntuck like this.
  24. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    I have added the answers to my post about the Force tradtions
    Gamiel and Chyntuck like this.
  25. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Have uppdated parts of my main post and added some new Force traditions: the illtravellers, Dathomir's snake medicine society, and the Black Church


    Have we seen any bardic Force tradition?

    What is a vergence?
    Ewok Poet and Chyntuck like this.