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The Things Non-Fanfic Writers Wonder...

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Myriad-and-Irish, Nov 19, 2007.

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  1. Myriad-and-Irish

    Myriad-and-Irish Jedi Youngling

    Nov 4, 2007
    Hello!! This is Irish_Jedi_Jade and Myriad_Daydreams!! We thought we'd start a thread that came from a conversation we had. There are so many threads talking about us as fanfic writers and the things we do...but what do those around us who aren't writers think? Has someone made a comment, criticism, jab, joke about what you do...and it made you smile? Then tell us!! Here are some examples of what we mean.

    Have these things ever happened to you?

    **Your parents wonder why you needed to be on the computer to do geometry? (When you really were writing fanfic?)

    **Your friends wonder what you're writing in that notebook you always bring and write in during Geometry?

    **Your father wonders why there are windows titled "Beyond the Saga" and "Fan Fiction Resource" open in addition to the Science websites you're "studying"?

    Just a few to get you started! Have fun!

    Myriad_Daydreams & Irish_Jedi_Jade
  2. leiamoody

    leiamoody Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2005
    **Your friends wonder what you're writing in that notebook you always bring and write in during Geometry?

    I didn't have friends in high school (because it costs money to buy them), but I did have my 9th grade algebra teacher wonder what I was writing every day in his class instead of doing the assignments. It was called a 324 page rewrite of Return of the Jedi. ;)

    To say the least, he wasn't happy with this. But I couldn't do algebra, and he didn't want to help, and I was stuck in that class, so I had to do something useful. :rolleyes:

    And I had my mother constantly asking me if I was going to write something "real". Because of course fanfic was just a way to keep from getting bored. Never mind that I was sending it off to print zines (back in the ancient times for you little ones around here). She never seemed to get the concept that writing is an art form unto itself.

    EDIT: I got a small amount of enjoyment irking my algebra teacher. It was one of very few laughs I got during that time. The comment from my mother, of course, was irritating.
  3. Sara_Kenobi

    Sara_Kenobi Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Sep 21, 2000
    ***Your family wonders why on Earth are you typing so much while sitting at the computer... :p
  4. SithGirl132

    SithGirl132 Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 6, 2005
    Your friends wonder why you are always glued to the computer, and your parents don't see why it takes you three hours just to check your email. If only they knew...
  5. Yodas-evil-twin

    Yodas-evil-twin Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 3, 2005
    (I get this one alot) What is fanfiction?
  6. hyperspace_police

    hyperspace_police Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 22, 2005
    *Your friends complain because they can never find the "book" you're reading at the book store?"
  7. Aiel

    Aiel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 14, 2004
    LOL, I get the "which story is real and which one is not?" question from my Mother all the time.

    *Random people on the train looking over your shoulder wonder why the names "Leia," "Han," "Luke," "Chewie," etc keep appearing coincidentally together in the notebook you're scribbling in. (It's rude and I usually ignore them though, no explanation from me! :p )

    *Your family wonders how a little story you wrote for fun has had over 2000 hits on a website filled with other "written for fun," stories.
  8. Jedi-Ant

    Jedi-Ant Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 3, 2007
    Ditto. :p

    **Your friends wonder why, if you're so into Star Wars and writing fanfiction for it, don't you just send your work in to George Lucas and ask for a job on his next project. [face_laugh] :_| [face_laugh]

    I have had that said to me once or twice, and my answer is always to laugh hysterically. Yeah right, like it's that easy! 8-} :p
  9. leiamoody

    leiamoody Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2005
    I was bold and young and stupid enough to actually do it. :p

    (Of course I got rejected. I knew that was going to happen. I still have the letter, on Lucasfilm letterhead).

  10. SithGirl132

    SithGirl132 Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 6, 2005
    Actually, that's kind of cool that you at least got a response, even though it was a rejection letter.

    You have no practical way of explaining this to your family without them thinking that you're totally crazy.
  11. Commander-DWH

    Commander-DWH Manager Emeritus star 4

    Nov 3, 2003
    I had a writing meeting with my philosophy prof after I submitted a paper that was about 80% fanfiction. She thought it was great, but was a little confused about the universe in which the characters resided, and noticed that "these characters seem to show up an awful lot." (Not strictly true- it was my OCs, and one of them had made an appearance in one other paper). :p

    Also, most of my friends now I have been working on a fanfic epic for over two years. Almost none of them have read it. Occasionally I get questions on what the heck it's about, and why I'm still keeping at it. Oh, if only they knew...
  12. Jedi-Ant

    Jedi-Ant Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 3, 2007

    That's pretty cool. :D Thank you for sharing that with us, leiamoody. :)
  13. leiamoody

    leiamoody Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2005
    Thanks. :) It was one of two shining moments in my life. Not bad. ;)
  14. dianethx

    dianethx Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 1, 2002
    My husband keeps telling me to write something that would make money. <sigh> Others have told me to send my stories to George like leiamoody did. I just shake my head and tell them if I wrote stuff for money, it wouldn't be fun - it would be WORK! ;)
  15. Quigonjecca

    Quigonjecca Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 2, 2007
    *They wonder why words like "Anakin" and "Kamino" are programmed into your spell checker. And why when you type the word "Padme" it automatically puts an accent on the 'e'.

    *Your little sister wonders why you keep talking about some girl named Mary-Sue and who she is.

    *They tell you that you are evil and twisted and you say thank you. Then your mother tells you that twisting the plot line beyond imagination is cool... until you turn Leia into a Sith.. then she tells you it's just wrong.

    *When you think you've finally come to your senses when you say "There's only so many ways Luke can save the galaxy." And then you start writing OCs

  16. Valairy Scot

    Valairy Scot Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 16, 2005
    A few - very few - of my friends know I write fan fiction; I have actually allowed my mom to read a few (she doesn't get it - doesn't like any sci fi, go figure).

    Mom's comments: "Why don't you write something original and see if you can 'do something with it'?" Mom thinks I'm talented. [:D]

    Me: :rolleyes: "Why? I can't plot a decent story, for one thing, and this is fun."

    Back in college (ah, remembers ANH and lines around the blocks for months) I, too, had a few (my first) stories published in 'zines. Wasn't one named Millennium Falcon? I still have those zines, but I'm afraid - very afraid - to go back and read those stories. I didn't know Leia was Luke's sister in those days.

    Heck, at one time I even wondered if Bobba Fett might be Luke's father on an undercover mission. Explain that one![face_blush]

    Leiamoody: what name did you write under in the 'zine days? Maybe I have a few of your stories and don't know it. [face_devil]
  17. Myriad_Daydreams

    Myriad_Daydreams Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 22, 2007
    Hee! I love everyone's responses! :D I thought of some more:

    --My family wonders why I write with a calculator at hand... and when asked, I respond "I need to count words!" (drabbles, lol)

    --Many wonder why I roll my eyes when someone asks me "Do you ever wonder what would have happened if Luke went to the dark side in ROTJ?" [face_plain] Yeah, you and everyone else on TF.N think the same! [face_laugh]

    And my personal favorite: --After reading Sacrifice, I was moping around, and when asked what was wrong, I choked out: "Luke Skywalker's wife was just killed!" I got a blank stare ([face_plain]) and my friend asked "Luke Skywalker is married?!" *me=headdesk*
  18. star_writer24

    star_writer24 Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 15, 2006
    --After reading Sacrifice, I was moping around, and when asked what was wrong, I choked out: "Luke Skywalker's wife was just killed!" I got a blank stare ( plain ) and my friend asked "Luke Skywalker is married?!" *me=headdesk*

    That happened to me too! :oops:
  19. dianethx

    dianethx Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 1, 2002
    Me, too! [face_laugh]
  20. correllian_ale

    correllian_ale Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 20, 2005
    My friends found out I write fanfic, and when we went to see RotS (none are fans beyond the films), they kept asking me if "this is right?" or "did that happen the way i t was supposed to?"

    Everytime I would just look at them and roll my eyes.
  21. LilyHobbitJedi

    LilyHobbitJedi Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 29, 2005
    My dad asks me thins alot...Why don't you sell your stories? I can't count how many times I've explained that fanfiction is written just for fun.
  22. jmsbndgrl

    jmsbndgrl Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 31, 2004
    For the people who know what I write:
    I get the "What is fanfiction?" question all the time. And:
    "Why don't you write something you can sell?"
    "How can you stand being on a computer more than you are at work?"
    "Writing? But... but... you are an accountant, you cannot be a writer!"
    "I tried to look you up on Barnes and and could not find you, what is your pseudonym?" :rolleyes:
    "Why bother if you are not getting paid?"
    "Who would want to read fanfic? I hate reading!" :rolleyes:
    "Why do you know all those random Star Wars facts?"

    From my family I get: Why are the letters faded on the "s","k","y","w","a","l","k","e", and "r" keys on the keyboard? Actually, they complain about the "a" and "e" keys the most, but they get around to the other letter eventually. They've also asked some of the other questions I previously menioned.
  23. Irish_Jedi_Jade

    Irish_Jedi_Jade Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 19, 2007
    [face_laugh] Me three!! But the horrible thing was...I found out when my mother was in the there was nobody to tell, and I felt horribly guilty because I was *almost* more heartbroken over Mara dying than I was over mom being in the hospital! [face_beatup] [face_shame_on_you] [face_worried] I know...I'm a terrible daughter! But I recovered and helped her through seven hours in the emergency room...then went home and FREAKED out over our dear Mara!

    Another one that just makes me smirk. I was explaining to a friend of mine how I hated Jacen because he turns dark and kills Mara...and I got as a reply "Waiiittt....Luke married Mara? And Jacen...*pish* he may have turned dark but he's HAWT!" *hits head on desk multiple times*

    Leiamoody: thanks for sharing with us! Hey, it was Lucasfilm that pulled the short straw...their loss of you! But hey, we lucked out cause now you're here!
  24. The Loyal Imperial

    The Loyal Imperial Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 19, 2007
    Shocking, there are people who actually know who Mara is? I never even get that far without having to explain who Mara is and how I know it's true if it wasn't in the movies. It's enough to make a person go batty. [face_hypnotized] The Jacen comment I hear a lot, more people I meet know who he is than who Mara is, which confuses me greatly.

    I get this question on a daily basis.
  25. Jedi_Master_Cazz

    Jedi_Master_Cazz Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 13, 2005
    Ahh! I remember when I first told my friend about fanfiction! She turned to me and outright said, "So... What exactly is the force?" [face_plain] The horror.

    Now she's in love with Luke Skywalker!:p (Who isn't?o_O)

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