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Characters The Vent Crawler's Lair | A Zekk Index and Discussion Thread | Look, sir! An update!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Zekk_Index, Nov 12, 2007.

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  1. Zekk_Index

    Zekk_Index Jedi Youngling

    Mar 2, 2006

    If you?re reading this, you?ve found your way to The Vent Crawler?s Lair, the finest Zekk fanfic indexing establishment this side of the Outer Rim! Recognized on over sixteen planets as the definitive Zekk fanfic listing (and banned on over twenty more worlds for reasons we?re not at liberty to disclose), The Vent Crawler?s Lair aims to provide Zekk fans with hours of reading enjoyment, thought-provoking discussion, writing resources and several other distractions guaranteed to banish real life to a distant corner of the mind!

    Great, you?re thinking. I?ve read through an introductory paragraph written by a pedantic fangirl. Now what?

    That?s a very good question! Scroll down to find everything from submission guidelines to our comprehensive story index. (And don?t forget to read the ground rules. They?re important?we think. We didn?t actually read them.)

    On with the show!

    Your friendly neighborhood Zekk Index hosts,
    jedi_of_ennth and SakuraTsukikage

    [b][i]Submission guidelines:[/i][/b]

    ? All submissions must feature Zekk in a starring or supporting role. He does not have to be the main character, but he must feature prominently into the story.

    ? Jaina Solo who? We will not be indexing fics that could be classified as J/Z. [link=]There?s already an index for that.[/link] ;)

    [b][i]Ground rules:[/i][/b]

    ? Please play nice! Keep in mind that, when it comes to a healthy discussion of Zekk and his place in fanfic, everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. While you may find Author A?s portrayal of Zekk insulting (drunk belly dancing? Zekk?), please remember that characterization is, by its very nature, extremely subjective?so don?t bash Author A for his take on the character. Bashing and flaming will be dealt with as per the [link=]Official-Type Rulebook Thingy[/link].

    ? Please make an effort to stick to the posted discussion topic. If the topic fizzles out and you have a great idea for the next topic, PM the sock and let us know! We?ll check it out and see about making it the next official discussion topic.

    [b][i]Helpful links:[/i][/b]

    ? [link=]The YJK Index[/link]
    ? [link=]The YJK Fan Club[/link]
    ? [link=]First Love, Last Love?a Jaina/Zekk Index and Resource[/link]
    ? [link=]People Who Like Zekk _________________ Coalition[/link]
  2. Zekk_Index

    Zekk_Index Jedi Youngling

    Mar 2, 2006

    New to the EU? Wondering just who this Zekk fellow is and why he merits a small but devoted (and slightly creepy) following? Here?s the basic info on our favorite stoic Jedi!

    ?Zekk was an orphan, a joker, a teller of tall tales, an adventurer?but he had always been a good friend, and he had always been completely reliable.

    ?Young Jedi Knights: The Lost Ones, Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta

    Zekk made his first appearance in Young Jedi Knights: The Lost Ones. The Solo twins? longtime friend, Zekk was born on the backwater colony world of Ennth. Orphaned before his ninth birthday, he stowed away on an outgoing freighter and left his homeworld behind. He eventually teamed up with Peckhum, a grizzled old spacer, and the two formed a father-son bond. They lived together in a modest apartment in the lower levels of Coruscant.

    ?I?m a different person now than the uneducated street kid you knew on Coruscant. I don?t belong there anymore. Where could I belong? I?ve been trained as a Dark Jedi.?

    Zekk in Young Jedi Knights: Jedi Under Siege, Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta

    At the height of the Second Imperium?s evil quest to restore the Empire?s glory, Zekk was kidnapped by Tamith Kai. The Nightsister discovered that Zekk was Force sensitive, and the revelation changed Zekk?s life. Under the tutelage of Master Brakiss, head of the Shadow Academy, Zekk learned the ways of the dark side of the Force. He was the Shadow Academy?s strongest student, going so far as to best his rival, Vilas, in a duel to the death. The duel won him the title of Darkest Knight.

    Brakiss placed Zekk in command of a Dark Jedi raid on Yavin IV, but in the end Zekk?s devotion to his friends won out. Broken, he repented of his crimes and returned to the light.

    Zekk squared his shoulders and suddenly knew that he was stronger than Boba Fett. His mind was clearer. His heart was cleaner. ?Then I guess I don?t want to be a bounty hunter after all,? he said, and tossed his long black hair over his shoulders. ?I don?t let a paycheck decide between right and wrong for me.?

    ?Young Jedi Knights: The Emperor?s Plague
    , Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta

    Burdened by his guilt, Zekk refused to stay on Yavin IV with his friends. Instead, he struck out on his own, hoping to try his fortunes as a bounty hunter. During his travels, he helped his friends unravel the mystery of Bornan Thul?s disappearance and destroy the deadly Emperor?s Plague. While wandering the galaxy, Zekk found time to angst, brood, angst, brood, angst some more, and brood. After several books of angsting and brooding, he decided to return to the Jedi praxeum and complete his Jedi training.

    Zekk allowed himself a contented smile. He held the flame-orange blade high. The bright glow on his face seemed like a purifying fire. He had come through his long ordeal and survived. From now on, everything would be right.

    ?Young Jedi Knights: Crisis at Crystal Reef
    , Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta

    After returning to Yavin IV, Zekk and his friends found themselves caught up in a web of complete and unyielding doom spun by the remnants of the once-great Black Sun criminal organization. Fortunately, Black Sun was no match for the powers of togetherness, teamwork and the Force. Zekk and the other young Jedi Knights foiled the insidious criminal plot and completed their training at the Jedi academy.

    For a fleeting moment, Jaina remembered who [she and Zekk] had been just a few years ago?a fearless, confident survivor and a girl who ran toward adventure with heedless joy.

    Two more casualties of the Yuuzhan Vong.

    ?The New Jedi Order: Dark Journey
    , Elaine Cunningham

    When the Yuuzhan Vong attacked, Zekk was pressed into service alongside the other young Jedi. Early in the war, he aided the war effort by tran
  3. Zekk_Index

    Zekk_Index Jedi Youngling

    Mar 2, 2006



    Into the Dark Side
    Status: complete; locked

    Calm Before the Storm
    Status: incomplete; locked



    Under the Microscope
    Status: incomplete


    Resurrection of the Dark Side
    Status: complete; locked


    Tall, Dark, and Handsome
    Status: complete

    Kept Man Law
    Status: complete



    Empty Knights
    Status: incomplete


    In the Darkest Night, A Star
    Status: complete


    A New Beginning
    Status: complete; locked


    Whiskey Lullaby
    Status: complete; locked



    Not of This Fold
    Status: incomplete; locked

    When the Tide Comes
    Status: incomplete; locked


    Dark Intentions
    Status: incomplete


    Nearly Zero
    Status: incomplete


    Star Wars Online [A HoloNet Chatroom]
    Status: incomplete; locked



    Story Time
    Status: incomplete; locked

    Status: complete; locked


  4. Zekk_Index

    Zekk_Index Jedi Youngling

    Mar 2, 2006


    No stories


    No stories



    Yesterday to Tomorrow
    Status: incomplete


    Status: incomplete


    A Higher Purpose
    Status: incomplete

    Status: complete; locked



    Status: complete

    Status: complete; locked

    Status: complete; locked

    Status: complete; locked

    Growing Pains
    Status: complete


    Between Us
    Status: complete; locked


    Jedi Strike Team
    Status: complete; locked


    Status: incomplete


    Blue Blood Black
    Status: complete; locked

    Terms of Endearment
    Status: complete; locked


    Status: complete


    Loser of the Galaxy
    Status: complete; locked



    Status: incomplete; locked


    Hunt the Moment
    Status: complete

    Dance of Union
    Status: complete


  5. Zekk_Index

    Zekk_Index Jedi Youngling

    Mar 2, 2006



    I Meant To Do That
    Status: complete; locked


    Ideal World
    Status: complete


    Alone in the Universe
    Status: incomplete; locked



    Darkest Knight?s Dawn
    Status: complete; locked

    Past Behind
    Status: complete; locked

    Status: complete; locked

    Zekk ? Interludes
    Status: complete; locked


    Just Yesterday
    Status: complete; locked

    Eyes of Ice
    Status: complete; locked


    No stories



    Carida Avenged: Unnatural Selection
    Status: complete; locked


    Status: complete; locked


    No stories



    Status: incomplete; locked
  6. Zekk_Index

    Zekk_Index Jedi Youngling

    Mar 2, 2006



    Status: incomplete

    Diamond in the Rough
    Status: complete; locked

    Why I Care
    Status: incomplete

    Lost and Found
    Status: incomplete


    King of Pain
    Status: complete


    Clashing Forces 1: The Impending Doom
    Status: incomplete; locked

    Perilous Actions
    Status: incomplete; locked



    E CHU TA!
    Status: complete; locked

    Simply Being Loved (reposted here)
    Status: complete; locked

    Urbania?s Void (reposted here)
    Status: incomplete; locked

    Beasts of the Olde Galaxy
    Status: complete; locked

    Ripped Seam
    Status: complete; locked

    Past Fading
    Status: complete; locked


    Pixie Dust
    Status: complete; locked

    Maybe It Was the Lighting
    Status: complete; locked


    Being Wanted
    Status: complete; locked


    No stories


    No stories


    No stories


    No stories


    No stories



    Grasp of Regret
    Status: complete

    Lifeday Candles
    Status: complete


    Worth Saving
    Status: incomplete
  7. Zekk_Index

    Zekk_Index Jedi Youngling

    Mar 2, 2006
    Reserved for Index
  8. Zekk_Index

    Zekk_Index Jedi Youngling

    Mar 2, 2006
    Reserved for Index
  9. Zekk_Index

    Zekk_Index Jedi Youngling

    Mar 2, 2006
    Reserved for Index
  10. Zekk_Index

    Zekk_Index Jedi Youngling

    Mar 2, 2006
    Reserved for Index
  11. Zekk_Index

    Zekk_Index Jedi Youngling

    Mar 2, 2006
  12. Zekk_Index

    Zekk_Index Jedi Youngling

    Mar 2, 2006
  13. Zekk_Index

    Zekk_Index Jedi Youngling

    Mar 2, 2006
  14. Zekk_Index

    Zekk_Index Jedi Youngling

    Mar 2, 2006
    Previous Discussion Topics:

    Why do you write about Zekk? What aspects of his character intrigue you? Annoy you? How do you portray him in your fanfic?

    What do you imagine Zekk?s childhood was like? How did his early upbringing influence his character?
  15. Zekk_Index

    Zekk_Index Jedi Youngling

    Mar 2, 2006
    Current Challenge:

    Write a vignette or short story about Zekk?s life after Legacy of the Force. This challenge will run until the procrastinating fangirl responsible for updating this thread posts a new challenge or hell freezes over?whichever comes first. ;)
  16. Zekk_Index

    Zekk_Index Jedi Youngling

    Mar 2, 2006
    Current Discussion Topic:

    What does the future have in store for our favorite Jedi? Will he become a Jedi Master? Teach a new generation of younglings in the ways of hair care and emo-tastic relationships? Discuss!
  17. NYCitygurl

    NYCitygurl Manager Emeritus star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 20, 2002
    I hope it's okay to start posting here (if it's not, I'll delete this ;) ) but I just wanted to stop by and say that this looks fantastic!! Good luck [:D]
  18. Jade_Max

    Jade_Max Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2002
    This... has been a long time in coming :D Awesome idea!
  19. correllian_ale

    correllian_ale Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 20, 2005
    Simply Marv-e-lous job to you both. I'm jealous! :p
  20. Emerald_Lady

    Emerald_Lady Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 18, 2006
    It's so good so see this up! :D You guys did a fantastic job with this. It looks amazing, and the intro and biography are hilarious. [face_laugh]
  21. JadeSolo

    JadeSolo Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 20, 2002
    Love the intro and bio. [face_laugh]

    First off, I hear Denning's a huge fan of Zekk, and that really comes through in the excerpts above. [face_mischief]

    What intrigues me the most about Zekk is his morality. Admittedly I'm very behind in my Legacy reading, but from the NJO I always liked that Zekk was committed to walking a good path. At one point I thought, Luke had a brush with darkness and seemed to want to stay as close to the light as possible, but Zekk did a better job. There's a fine line between being uppity and being sincere, and with Zekk I honestly think it depends on who's writing him.

    Also, I like that Zekk has only one name. Just like all the other cool people in the world. :p
  22. jedi_of_ennth

    jedi_of_ennth Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2005
    It's nice to have Denning in the rank of Zekk fans. ;) Maybe this means Zekk won't be written out of profic again for a long, long time. [face_mischief]

    Zekk?s commitment to what he believes is right is one of my favorite aspects of his character. I love the way he refuses to compromise, but I agree that he can come off as uptight depending on, as you mentioned, the author, and also on the POV of the characters around him. We haven?t been given much in the way of Zekk POV lately; I?m quite tired of seeing him through other characters? eyes, especially Jaina?s. :(

    And that brings me to one of the reasons I love to write about Zekk: There?s so much to explore. It?s fun to crawl inside his head and search for motives and emotions we?re not given in profic. Besides, who can resist Jedi angst? Certainly not I. [face_mischief]
  23. NYCitygurl

    NYCitygurl Manager Emeritus star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 20, 2002
    However, Denning is, I believe, also a J/J fan :cool:

    I used to like Zekk, but from about DJ on, he's seemed to uptight and whiny to me. I'll give him this: he's very loyal, and I liked him in the YJK books. IMO now he's just too focused on not falling to the Dark Side and two obsessed with Jaina. Better before, and that's what I prefer to read him during.
  24. JadeSolo

    JadeSolo Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 20, 2002
    See, and here I thought he seemed uptight in Dark Journey because we were seeing him from Jaina's point of view, rather than a more objective POV. And of course Jaina's not going to have a very good opinion of him at that time, because she went a little Vader, and he disapproved. Well, I guess he could've done more to try and pull her out of that dark place, but she also had Kyp. :p

    And granted, obsession with not falling to the dark side can be a bad thing. I keep thinking about how Luke first ran the Jedi academy...

    Anyway, I hope something interesting happens to Zekk. He deserves to be known as something other than a "young Kyp Durron." Curse those green eyes! :p
  25. Lusa_Thul

    Lusa_Thul Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 9, 2004
    Had to jump in and say yay index! Zekk totally deserves one! :) Lovely job, ladies!
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