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Story [Various] Olympic Entries Drabbles

Discussion in 'Non Star Wars Fan Fiction' started by Moonspun Dragon, Sep 6, 2015.

  1. Moonspun Dragon

    Moonspun Dragon Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 6, 2011
    A/N: this is actually my first time writing drabbles so, please, bear with me. As the title states this is for the Olympic Entries challenge number one and multiple fandoms. To avoid confusion, I'll let you know for what fandom at the beginning of the post. Enjoy. :D

    Title: Insanity
    Fandom: Doctor Who
    Prompt: Insanity




    Over and over and over.

    Again and again and again.

    Never starting. Never stopping.

    Four taps.

    Four beats.

    Beats? Drum beats. The call of war.

    This is my purpose. Why I exist.

    Can't you hear it?

    No? Good. It's my own destiny.

    I dance around the Doctor. Taunting him as his favorite species are brought under my rule. My dominion. And there is nothing he could do about it.



    Listen to it, Doctor.

    Tell me if it's real.



    Before I go insane.
    I listen for it now. There's nothing. Just silence.
    Chyntuck likes this.
  2. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    Great start! I love Doctor Who and this drabble fits the Master so well.
    Moonspun Dragon likes this.
  3. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Reviewer Extraordinaire star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    Excellent use of the prompt! LOL
    Moonspun Dragon likes this.
  4. Moonspun Dragon

    Moonspun Dragon Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 6, 2011
    Thanks! :D Yeah, I tried to write this for a different character, but it didn't pan out. So the Master just jumped in. :p

    [face_laugh] Thanks! :D

    As a side note, each section is from each time we see the Master except Yana!Master. I kinda forgot about him. :p
  5. Moonspun Dragon

    Moonspun Dragon Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 6, 2011
    A/N: Here is my next prompt. :D I am currently working on my third prompt so it may take a bit to complete. :p Enjoy. :D

    Title: Hope
    Fandom: Thor: The Dark World
    Title: Hope

    Frigga watched sadly as her youngest son waved his hand through hers, disrupting her illusion. As the connection disappeared, she kept eye contact with him. She saw everything.

    She saw his anger and bitterness, yes, but there was something that he didn't want her to see. She knew immediately what it was when he sarcastically asked about his father and brother. She saw something that gave her hope.

    The boy she knew and had raised was still there. In that moment she vowed that she would do whatever it takes to bring him back. Even if it killed her.
  6. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Reviewer Extraordinaire star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    Very well captured the determination of Friga and the remaining goodness even if unknowing in Loki. =D=
    Moonspun Dragon likes this.
  7. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    Ouch, but the last line of that drabble was a sucker punch to the gut knowing what comes next! :( Mama!Frigg rocks my world, and I particularly enjoyed this one. =D=
    Moonspun Dragon likes this.
  8. Moonspun Dragon

    Moonspun Dragon Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 6, 2011
    Thanks! :D Yeah, he really tries hard to make everyone see his "harder" self, at least when there are others around. :p

    Thanks! :D Yeah, I love writing the mother/son moments between Frigga and Loki. :p
  9. Moonspun Dragon

    Moonspun Dragon Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 6, 2011
    A/N: I wanted to do something lighthearted and, yes, I realized that I picked a pretty juvenal way to do it, but for this fandom, you kinda have to go juvenile. :p Enjoy! :D

    Prompt: Fart
    Fandom: Sherlock
    Title: Fart

    "Uh, Sherlock?"


    "What's this?"

    Sherlock didn't even look away from his laptop. "Dinner."

    John looked at him with confusion. "Where did it come from? Neither I or Mrs. Hudson had time to go to the shops this week."

    "I made it," Sherlock responded.


    Sherlock just shrugged.

    After a moment of silence, he snuck a peak over his shoulder and saw John tentatively take a bite. He quickly hid a smile.

    Soon, it began.
    As soon as Lestrade opened his office door, he wished he hadn't.

    "Woo! What died in here?"

    "Sherlock made dinner with a little something extra."
    Chyntuck and Admiral Volshe like this.
  10. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Reviewer Extraordinaire star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    [face_rofl] [face_rofl] Entertaining & very flatulent use of the prompt! [face_mischief] @};-
    Chyntuck and Moonspun Dragon like this.
  11. Moonspun Dragon

    Moonspun Dragon Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 6, 2011
    A/N: This is my first attempt at the How to Train Your Dragon fandom. This is, actually from the first season sixth episode of the TV series Dragons. And it's one of those thoughts from a character one. Toothless' thoughts to be more specific. :p And I did something that I have no idea if it's allowed. I took two prompts and mushed them together. If it's not allowed, I'llwrite something else and replace it. Enjoy. :D

    Title: Heartbroken
    Fandom: Dragons Riders of Berk
    Prompts: Heart and Broken

    All the dragons I have come across on the island are angry, confused, or depressed. In some cases, a combination of the three. I was no exception. Though, I tried to look out for the others as Hiccup wanted me to and I tried to cheer them up. It was hard. My heart was breaking.

    The first human I loved had left me. I had watched him sail away, but he left with a promise: he would be back for me.

    It's kind of hard to remember that right now.

    I sat on the beach, facing toward Berk. 'Come back.'
    Chyntuck and Tarsier like this.
  12. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    Ack, poor Toothless. That was definitely a heartbreaking drabble. :(

    (I don't see the problem with meshing prompts, either, but it will only count as one drabble in the tally. :))
    Moonspun Dragon likes this.
  13. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Reviewer Extraordinaire star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    Nicely written bit of poignancy. =D= You can really feel his sorrow.
    Moonspun Dragon likes this.
  14. Moonspun Dragon

    Moonspun Dragon Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 6, 2011
    Mira_Jade: Yeah, Toothless needs a hug. :( Ok! I wasn't too sure about that. :D

    Nyota's Heart: Aw, thanks. :D I had something a bit different in mind originally, but it was too long and I couldn't cut it. So I reused some of it. :p I'm glad you liked it. :D
    A/N: This next drabble is lighthearted, but is probably more crack than anything. :p This Loki is more comic book!Loki. No, I was not trying for that. It just happened. :p Anyway, enjoy. :D

    Title: Beard
    Fandom: Avengers (Avengers Assemble)
    Prompt: Beard

    The last time Loki had been this happy was so long ago, even he didn't remember. He had forgotten how much fun and joy there was in his old pranks. He made sure Thor was in a very deep sleep and set to work.

    When he was finished, he took a step back, grinning. Thor is going to hate it.

    Satisfied, Loki vanished with a grin on his face.
    "Thor, what's wrong?"

    Thor raised his head and looked at the archer.

    Barton burst out laughing.

    Thor's beard was two shades of pink and was in the shape of a pony.
    Chyntuck likes this.
  15. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Reviewer Extraordinaire star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    [face_rofl] [face_rofl] Oh the mental image! [face_mischief]
    Moonspun Dragon likes this.
  16. Moonspun Dragon

    Moonspun Dragon Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 6, 2011
    A/N: I think I see a pattern developing, though I'll try to break it. You'll see what I mean. :p This prompt is also based on a song by Linkin Park with the same name. Enjoy! :D

    Title: Numb
    Fandom: Heroes
    Prompt: Numb

    I'm becoming so numb. This hunger is making me so. It drives me to kill and kill and kill to sate it.

    I've become so tired of the blood shed. I don't want it anymore, but I can't stop.

    I am a killer. I have become so numb to the slaughter. So much so that I wish I could still be the quite watchmaker from Queens. To be Gabriel Grey again.

    Not to be everyone's puppet. They all think they could control me. I play along until I have no use for them anymore.

    No longer.

    I am Sylar now.
    Chyntuck and Admiral Volshe like this.
  17. NYCitygurl

    NYCitygurl Manager Emeritus star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 20, 2002
    I love all of these!! :D The Frigga and Toothless ones broke my heart :( And I was laughing out loud at Loki and Sherlock's antics! Fabulous!! :D
    Moonspun Dragon likes this.
  18. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    The pink beard, the pink beard. [face_laugh][face_laugh] I loved that, especially for the comic!Loki flavor. God of Mischief for the win. :p [face_love]

    Oh Sylar. :( You really did a great job getting into his head - no pun intended. ;) I'm rewatching the original series (until I can't stomach it any more) right now to prepare for Heroes Reborn, so that was the perfect drabble to log on and read today. [face_love]
    Moonspun Dragon likes this.
  19. Tarsier

    Tarsier Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 31, 2005
    Insanity is spooky, great use of the prompt! Heartbroken is heartbreaking, poor Toothless. :( Beard is great, very amusing! Numb is an interesting look into the mind of Sylar.

    Great work, keep it up!
    Moonspun Dragon likes this.
  20. Moonspun Dragon

    Moonspun Dragon Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 6, 2011
    NYCitygurl: Thanks! :D It's a bit of a challenge writing for these guys again because I haven't written anything in quite a few months. :p

    Mira_Jade: [face_laugh] I know, right? It just struck me as something comic!Loki would do. :p I can't wait for that to come out, too, though I will, probably have to wait until Netflix gets it. :D

    Tarsier: Thanks! I'll certainly try to. :p :D
    A/N: Ok, this one almost didn't get written. And while I'm not thrilled with the end result, it was the only way for them to cooperate. Ladies and gentlemen I give you my very first written price for my OTP. It's, also, AU. ;) Enjoy. :D

    Title: Spark
    Fandom: Thor
    Prompt: Spark

    All it took was a spark. A spark of camaraderie.
    They were both very intelligent on their separate realms. And no one really understood them. In essence, they were alone.

    All it took was Loki remarking about the constellations Jane was drawing. From then on, they shared their knowledge. Loki was a bit reluctant, having spent millennia with no one to really take an interest.

    From that initial conversation, they slowly became inseparable.

    That initial spark of camaraderie lead to a spark of trust, which lead to a spark of friendship, which, eventually, will lead to a spark of love.
    Darth_Furio and Chyntuck like this.
  21. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Reviewer Extraordinaire star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    Awesome stuff. Loki with Jane. Hmmm. I have him paired with Sif but this has all sorts of potential. :cool:
    Moonspun Dragon likes this.
  22. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    Normally I'm the first one to gush over Thor and Jane (and I will take my Sif/Loki to the grave :p); but this was a beautifully written drabble, and I love how it utilized the prompt. I can see Loki and Jane bonding over a meeting of the minds in any form - and still hope for it in canon, at that! In your drabble, moving on from there is only natural. [face_love]
  23. NYCitygurl

    NYCitygurl Manager Emeritus star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 20, 2002
    Very interesting! I had never considered Jane with Loki, but if he could get over himself for a sec, he's actually a good match for her!
  24. Moonspun Dragon

    Moonspun Dragon Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 6, 2011
    Thanks! :D It really does! Especially if it's well written. :D Loki/ Sif are, actually, a very close second favorite of mine. [face_love]

    Aw, thanks! :D I think there was one time in the comics when there was a mutual feeling of attraction between the two. But, I've only seen a couple panels from the comic and I don't know what issue they were from. I was hoping for more interaction between the two in TDW, but… [face_dunno] :p

    I know, right? I've been trying to tell him that for a pretty long time! :p :D
  25. Moonspun Dragon

    Moonspun Dragon Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 6, 2011
    A/N: This one is a bit darker than what I have already written. It mostly has to do with the fandom it's from. And it's The Tim Burton adaptation. :p Enjoy. :D

    Title: Vengeance
    Fandom: Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
    Prompt: Vengeance

    Not a day goes by that I do not dream of having Judge Turpine in my chair. To have his blood splattered on my walls for what he has done to my poor Lucy. And for what he no doubt has in store for my daughter, Johanna. These thoughts make me want to kill him even more.

    Mrs. Lovette says to wait. I want it now! It's a very powerful itch that I have to scratch. I'll need to find another way to draw him to me if he does not come soon.

    I stop my pacing, suddenly.

    He's here.