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Writers' Challenge 8 - Another's point of view

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Kit', Jun 13, 2004.

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  1. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999

    I'm sorry this one is slightly later then normal, but DRL got up and bit me on the bum as soon as I stepped down from moderating. :p

    Anyway, the challenge for the month of June 2004 is to write a scene from two different characters' perspective. You have to show the same scene twice, same dialogue, same setting but show what it is like from the other person's point of view. Remember that you have to write this fresh, it can't be something that you've already written.

    Remember, if you have a comment about this challenge or would like to put forward an idea of a challenge you'd like to participate in please see here

    The last challenge is still up and running. If you'd like to have a go please visit this thread



    AERYN_SUN Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 1, 2001
    Oooh, I love this :D Very interesting. What is the required word length for a post?

  3. Obi-Wan21

    Obi-Wan21 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 27, 2002
    Sounds very kewl. Gonna have to see what I can do!
  4. solojones

    solojones Chosen One star 10

    Sep 27, 2000
    Ah, that sounds like a really interesting idea. If I get the time, I definitely want to do this one :)

    -sj loves kevin spacey
  5. Lilith Demodae

    Lilith Demodae Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 1, 1999
    There isn't a word requirement for these, Aeryn, but we ask that they be one-posts. Some in the past have been long, some have been less than 100 words. It depends on what you need to get the point across.

    AERYN_SUN Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 1, 2001
    Oh, that's good to know. Where there be individual threads for posting entries (in their appro. forum), or we all gonna post our entries in this thread?


  7. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    Lillith is spot on about the word length issue. A readable length in one sitting is probably a good measurement.

    You post it in this thread unless it becomes far too long or becomes part of a full-length story. Then you should post it in its own thread in the appropriate forum.


    AERYN_SUN Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 1, 2001
    The Moment
    by AERYN_SUN
    Summary: First, Jaina's reaction to Jag's surprise proposal, and then Jag's emotions and nervousness over Jaina's acceptance.
    Timeframe: Post-NJO

    Jaina Solo

    I hated not knowing where Jag was taking me for our date. Jag and I started dating during the last half of the Vong war but now it was over, we did not have to worry about the awkwardness in public. I had taken full advantage of that fact but Jag didn't catch on as quickly as I had hoped. I had hinted several times that I liked be surprised and spontaneous. What I didn't realize was that the element of surprise, not knowing when and where, wasn't as great an idea as I thought. The torment of not knowing where he was taking me was killing me.

    //Maybe I can probe him using the Force..// I wandered and started to but quickly decided not to. Even though I knew Jag was not Force sensitive, he would have known if I had pulled something like that.

    "We're almost there." He whispered into my ear.

    I looked to the right even though I had no idea what direction we were walking in, or where exactly the "there" Jag was referring to. I felt Jag stop (actually Jag stopped walking but didn't warn me and I nearly collapsed in his wake, and Jag almost fell over but gripped my arms and stopped himself from falling too). He stepped aside and removed the blind fold from my eyes. I tried nervously to help him but eventually I let him do the work.

    Jag stepped to my right again as I opened my eyes. We were standing in the back of Jag's apartment. A single table sat on the balcony, decorated with many lights and I heard Threepio and R2 in the kitchen as I whirled around and looked at him.

    "Are you surprised?"

    "Depends. What is all of this for?" I asked.

    Jag shrugged, and then looked down, reaching for something in his pocket. Then it became clear to me what was about to happen but didn't rush the moment. Jag had been planning this moment for weeks as I remembered that I hadn't seen or talked to him for several weeks. I assumed he was avoiding me to prepare for a break-up but now I knew that wasn't the case. He fumbled some more and then finally grabbed what he was looking for in his pocket and pulled out a black box, and held it before me.

    "Jaina," Jag started, "I have never been in love before. I never wandered about love, or even thought I would fall in love myself one day. Then I met you. I didn't know what it was about you that I was attracted to...On Hapes, you were unbearable, stubborn and then I realized I loved all of those things about you. I love all of you," he paused and looked down at the black box and opened it.

    My eyes strayed from Jag's face to the box and not surprisingly, it was exactly what I thought was in there. "You wanted spontaneous, I hope this is spontaneous enough for you. Jaina Solo, will you marry me?"

    I stared at the ring for a long time, there were symbols engraved on the sides. They looked to be in an ancient language but the details of the ring didn't matter. The moment mattered, and I knew what my answer would be. "Jag, I --," I leaned over suddenly and kissed him, whispering in his ear, "Yes."

    Jagged Fel

    She hated not knowing where I was taking her for our date. Jaina and I started dating during the last half of the Vong war but now it was over, we did not have to worry about the awkwardness in public. She had taken full advantage of that fact but I didn't catch on as quickly as she had hoped, so she had hinted several times that she liked be surprised and spontaneous. What she didn't realize was that the element of surprise, not knowing when and where, wasn't as great an idea as she thought. The torment of not knowing where I was taking her, was killing her.

    //Maybe I can probe him using the Force..//

    I smiled to myself as I sensed Jaina start to probe me using the Force and then stopped.

    "We're almost there," I said, whispering into her ear.

    Jaina looked to the right even though she had no idea what direction we were walking in, or

    AERYN_SUN Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 1, 2001
    Did I just kill this challenge? 'Cause I didn't mean to.

  10. Kartanym

    Kartanym Jedi Knight star 6

    May 23, 2002
    I think everyone's just trying to come up with ideas of their own ... like me. Nice work by the way, very well done.

    AERYN_SUN Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 1, 2001
    thanks, Kartanym.

  12. BigE

    BigE Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 31, 2002
    I have an idea that I just need to flesh out - but I got sidetracked with another Crossover challenge. ;)

    AERYN_SUN Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 1, 2001
    Yes, I have noticed that has been a very busy thread.

  14. -Erela-

    -Erela- Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 9, 2004
    Just making sure I have this straight....

    This is an original scene, right? Or are we taking something from the movies/books/comics/etc and just writing it from the perspectives of two characters?

    (Can't tell from the Jaina/Jag scene because I haven't read enough NJO. Maybe I'll actually get around to it this summer.)
  15. Lilith Demodae

    Lilith Demodae Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 1, 1999
    Yes, original scenes only. ... And Yes, ;) I'm working on one... a little slowly, but working.
  16. -Erela-

    -Erela- Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 9, 2004
    Love your icon, Lillith. ;)
  17. Drabbo_Fett

    Drabbo_Fett Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 5, 2003
    Well, this challenge (and another) did inspire a fic, but I can't post it here. [It's not bad, just not SW.] [face_thinking]
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