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Full Series The Clone Wars - 5.16 - Lawless - discussion thread

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Completed Shows' started by Seerow, Jan 30, 2013.

  1. KED12345

    KED12345 Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 10, 2012
    It was confirmed by Filoni after the episode aired that the two lightsabers he used where the two he used to fight Mace and Yoda respectively, it may have been harder to tell that one was an electrum hilt vs a dark tinted hilt as the setting was far darker.
    Seerow, Paparazzo and SaucySarlaac like this.
  2. Jabba_The_Hutt_123

    Jabba_The_Hutt_123 Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 29, 2003
    I seem to recall way back when ROTS released there were debates on if Sidious used the same sabre, and the pictures suggested it was the same sabre, the dark and light appearance difference was simply lighting difference.
    So two the same in CW makes sense.
  3. TaradosGon

    TaradosGon Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 28, 2003

    That makes sense. Remember, Sidious was originally supposed to fight Mace with Anakin's saber, though this was changed and they instead gave Palpatine his own saber in pickup shots (there are still frames in the film in which you can see Sidious with Anakin's hilt). So I highly doubt they built a second saber prop. I don't know that for a fact, but I'd imagine they just recycled the same prop for pickups and made up some story as to why he had a second one. Because originally there was only supposed to be one - the one he uses in his fight against Yoda.
    SithStarSlayer likes this.
  4. SithStarSlayer

    SithStarSlayer Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 23, 2003
    Yep. The stupid statue-stash-spot was only created because they hacked the turn, but I digress.:p
  5. Darth_Harmon

    Darth_Harmon Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 4, 2005
    If Zillo Beast gets a callback before the series ends, I will be a very happy man.
    Dark Lord Tarkas and pronker like this.
  6. Jabba_The_Hutt_123

    Jabba_The_Hutt_123 Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 29, 2003
    Aw Sids could have ridden in on a Zillo Beast
  7. EHT

    EHT Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 13, 2007
    Haha, yeah... like his appearance in the episode wasn't epic enough.
  8. Seerow

    Seerow Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 7, 2011
    The series has gotten much better with continuity nods. Season 5 feels connected together and this arc did a great job connecting the older Mando eps together. I like the way the series has gotten more linear. I figured that it would start weaving things together as we got closer to the and and move away the the episodic format.
    Dark Lord Tarkas and pronker like this.
  9. EHT

    EHT Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 13, 2007
    I don't think Season 5 was good at all until this past arc saved it. But I definitely agree that I prefer the more linear storytelling approach now.
  10. Valairy Scot

    Valairy Scot Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 16, 2005
    Ovrer in the Movie-Community-Obi-Wan thread a poster asked about Satine's funeral, which got me to thinking (I know, trouble).

    Do any of you think there was time for Maul to order Satine's body removed before Sids came in?

    Regardless of the above, a very random thought: Is it possible they'll release holophotos/autopsy report something like that indicating she was killed by a "lightsaber" and try to blame it on "a" Jedi or Obi-Wan specifically?
    pronker and rumblewagon like this.
  11. Seerow

    Seerow Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 7, 2011
    I don't think its been as terrible as even I have made it out to be at times. I mean season 5 premiered strong. Onderon was bad. Young Jedi has two excellent episodes in it and is definitely fun and rewatchable, the droid arc even has two episodes I really enjoyed in it, and now this arc "Lawless" ended is one of the strongest arcs so far. I think it topped the Rako Hardeen arc. I'd say the first half is about as strong a season 4 was before we hit Umbara and better than the first half of season 3. The main drawback has been the four part arcs which made the season feel so short and condensed, IMO.
    pronker likes this.
  12. Seerow

    Seerow Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 7, 2011
    Hmmm... now we're getting into next episode territory. I don't remember if I saw the body when Sids walked in. I think there is a good chance it'll just get tossed out on the street where maybe Bo can recover it for a funeral. I have a funny thought about this but, not in this thread. We'll need to move for it.
  13. Valairy Scot

    Valairy Scot Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 16, 2005
    Move where? I'll be there.
  14. SithStarSlayer

    SithStarSlayer Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 23, 2003
    Other than two door-guards, the throne room was empty when Sidious entered to face the Grim Twins.
  15. Seerow

    Seerow Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 7, 2011
    Hmm... nevermind. I wonder if we're ever hear about a funeral or see one.
  16. herp_derp

    herp_derp Jedi Padawan

    Nov 9, 2011
    it could still happen
  17. Mia Mesharad

    Mia Mesharad Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 2, 2012
    I'd be pretty interested to see a funeral for Satine, for several reasons: checking in on Obi-Wan's emotional state, seeing whether or not Bo-Katan would attend, and contrasting New Mandalorian funeral habits with traditional clan practices.
  18. SithStarSlayer

    SithStarSlayer Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 23, 2003
    Meme time.;)
  19. Seerow

    Seerow Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 7, 2011
    Could be interesting. I'm kinda interested in the back story between Satine and Bo. Sounds like the makings for a good soap. Maybe we'll see that coffin yet.
  20. Valairy Scot

    Valairy Scot Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 16, 2005
    What are traditional Mandalorian funeral rites? And would a deposed Duchess get those rites? (Had Maul already given orders on how to dispose of her body?)
  21. Seerow

    Seerow Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 7, 2011
    That's a question. Maul strikes me as the kind of guy who would just dump a body out back. But that might not look real good to citizens walking by. I don't recall anyone shouting for Satine's head. Could have been burned or maybe Savage ate her? Actually I'd like to think Bo was able to retrieve the body.
    eukaryote and The Shadow Emperor like this.
  22. The Shadow Emperor

    The Shadow Emperor Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 29, 2012
    This is now part of my personal canon.
  23. Valairy Scot

    Valairy Scot Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 16, 2005
    He belched and called her an "appetizer." :oops:

    Someone elsewhere suggested Almec "disposed" of her...that's possible.
  24. Arawn_Fenn

    Arawn_Fenn Chosen One star 7

    Jul 2, 2004
    So Palpatine recovered the saber that Mace kicked out the window? Convenient...

    I'm surprised that:
    * he could even find it
    * it was undamaged
    * some Coruscant dweller didn't just grab it before he got to it

    Maybe it had a tracking device? :p
  25. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    A clap-on device would work. I can see him, cackling and clapping as he tries to find it.