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ST The New Rumor Intellectual Thread of Seriousness for Sophisticated Discourse

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Blazer-Smith, Dec 4, 2014.

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  1. JediMatteus

    JediMatteus Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 16, 2008
    Gleeson is a villian? i thought he was part of the new big three
    Darth Haggai likes this.
  2. nalkwan

    nalkwan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2014

    i'd rather he have real power and/or something to be feared, or real motivations - rather than some weak analogy of hero worshipping twitter fans stalkers
  3. Darth PJ

    Darth PJ Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2013
    So he let his best friend die just because he wanted Rey to come to him? Have the Jedi not learnt anything?
    nalkwan likes this.
  4. ThreeDeathstickProblem

    ThreeDeathstickProblem Force Ghost star 5

    Sep 25, 2014
    's birthday.
  5. Han Drolo

    Han Drolo Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 9, 2014
    So does this mean Finn duels Gwen Christie's character as well when he saves Rey?
  6. Danfromumbrella

    Danfromumbrella Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 20, 2014
    The wannabe angle will be one of the cooler aspects mark my words. Hell, just the image of him looking at the charred vader mask is some iconic imagery. It's beautiful, creepy, and powerful. It'll be great. I can see someone saying it's weak but that's the point. He's not full fledged yet, he's a villain in the making. It's twisted....I love how twisted it seems.
  7. Shadojoker

    Shadojoker Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 15, 2000
    Yeah i could have known that Finn and Rey isnt powerful enough to cause Kylo Ren to turn into a cyborg. I know its not true anymore but the idea of a Force Unleashed Luke putting Kylo in his place baaadd!! Appeals to me as his hatred for Luke similar to Anakin towards Kenobi. Former master maimed him left for dead. Im starting to think maybe Luke. Remember that forest duel. We know Ren gaces Finn and rey but this picture the lightsaber is GREEN but the outfit is so hard to make out if it screams Jedi or a man or a woman?!!


    Man it could be anyone and anything could cause Ren to go cyborg. Is it December yet??!
  8. Darth Claire

    Darth Claire Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2012
    As far as we know the new big 3 are Rey, Finn and Poe. Gleeson is currently rumored to be an imperial.
  9. nightangel

    nightangel Force Ghost star 6

    Oct 31, 2014

    This is very true and I know a lot of people will enjoy this movie (mainly Solo fans from the older generation), but so far I don't really feel excitement for it. Sorry, but that's just how I feel. I could live with a very little and brief appearance of Luke in this movie for the sake of making it a farewell to Han, but also no Luke offspring is too much for me to enjoy it. [face_worried]
  10. JediAce1

    JediAce1 Force Ghost star 5

    May 8, 2014
    Luke probably doesn't have transportation to get off the island he's on. He's just there being One with the Force like Yoda on Dagobah.
  11. Nando

    Nando Jedi Knight star 3

    Jul 12, 2014
    I think Darth Vader weak. He betrayed the empire.
  12. nalkwan

    nalkwan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2014

    i'm not feeling it. nor am i creeped out by it.
    i think it's kind of weak.
    and a uber weak way of wanting to create a villian like darth vader.
    Maul was more interesting than this...
    i want a villain not a wannabe
  13. shafty

    shafty Jedi Master star 2

    Dec 4, 2014
    Darth Emo?
    Maharishineo and nalkwan like this.
  14. m4st4

    m4st4 Jedi Knight star 4

    Nov 24, 2014
    Cry me a river will ya.

    Life's cruel. Even Star Wars world is often cruel. I'm sure Han will go just the way he always wanted, with blaster in hand, doing the right thing.

    Like I said... you don't have the context, you don't know where or why Luke is, you don't know nothing, Jon Snow.

    I'm starting to sound like a parrot.
  15. nightangel

    nightangel Force Ghost star 6

    Oct 31, 2014

    and how did he arrive at this planet? :rolleyes:
    starocean90 and nalkwan like this.
  16. Danfromumbrella

    Danfromumbrella Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 20, 2014
    Maul was not interesting at all. He just looked cool and fought well with his lightsaber. I literally had no idea what the deal was with that character. He barely had any story going on in the movie. Kylo on the other hand apparently has tons of motivations, has personal emotions boiling up, and he has sith idols he looks up to.

    So yeah....I think Kylo will be a far more interesting character.
    dekaneas and I know like this.
  17. Trebor Sabreon

    Trebor Sabreon Former Manager star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 15, 2010
    Really? This is what's important to you? :confused:
    starocean90 likes this.
  18. nalkwan

    nalkwan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2014
    seems like JJ is once again gonna make me shut off this thing called my brain again, when i watch this new movie of his
  19. JediMatteus

    JediMatteus Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 16, 2008
    ah an imperial. someone said that Gleeson would be a Han Solo type.
  20. Maharishineo

    Maharishineo Jedi Knight star 1

    Jul 25, 2013

    Space cab. But he left his intergalactic cell phone in the rear cockpit seat and worse yet doesn't have any credits on him.
    nightangel likes this.
  21. m4st4

    m4st4 Jedi Knight star 4

    Nov 24, 2014
    All the Luke lovers on this site are starting to sound a lot like nazguls surrounding the hobbits in Fellowship of the Ring.


    Eagerly awaiting Mr. Context for you guys to finally start making sense instead of acting like hurt children grasping at tauntaun toys.
    turnip white likes this.
  22. nalkwan

    nalkwan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2014

    how do you know what Kylo's motivations are... you read the screenplay?
    Maul was all about revenge and pure hatred -- thats evil and far more interesting than emo teenagers pretending to be something their not.
    see if he really is powerful, he doesn't need to try and be darth vader... he just simply be's a bad ***

    cuz i grew up with a lot of these people who wanted to be darth vader. i ain't afraid or interested in any of em
  23. Shadojoker

    Shadojoker Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 15, 2000
    Rereading this now i think its perfect sense now to WAIT for Luke to face Kylo Ren and save it for E8 . In ESB when Vader (Powerful Sith) faced Luke(Force novice with UBER potential) will parallel the OT perfectly then. At first i was upset but taking a step back this movie is setting us up for the next 2 movies which will only build upon TFA.
    m4st4 likes this.
  24. Danfromumbrella

    Danfromumbrella Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 20, 2014
    Maul is all about revenge and pure hatred. Isn't that what pretty much every villain on the planet is about? Based on all the rumors we've heard there seems to be a stronger focus of character on Kylo than Maul ever had. Maul barely had any lines..... Again, Kylo seems like he will be a far more interesting character.
    Captain B and I know like this.
  25. JediAce1

    JediAce1 Force Ghost star 5

    May 8, 2014
    Meditation through mind, body and soul.

    when he's hungry, he fishes or eats the vegatables that grow on the island.

    NO excuses why he couldn't survive on this island, because he totally could.

    EDIT: he arrived on the island the same way Yoda hitched a ride to Dagobah
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