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ST Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) in Episode VII

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Fly Guy, Nov 18, 2013.


How good will Mark Hamill's performance in episode 7 be?

  1. He's going to be great

    950 vote(s)
  2. He'll do OK

    145 vote(s)
  3. He's going to stink it up

    23 vote(s)
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  1. Varinnia

    Varinnia Jedi Knight star 1

    Jul 15, 2014
    They are speculations, no one has seen the film.

    Perhaps the trailer shows more details of the story of Luke [face_peace]
    T-R- likes this.
  2. Dra---

    Dra--- Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 30, 2012
    I don't really understand the mindset or logic behind the whole "thirty years of failure" Luke. It seems to look at a human life like a bank account that can only be filled once, and then once those savings are lost, any future earnings are deemed irrelevant and only the lost money is obsessively fixated on.

    "You're a millionaire!"
    "Who cares, I lost a million before re-earning it. I'm a failure."
    "But you just earned a million dollars!"

    It seems that Luke built some kind of Jedi Order after ROTJ, but that most of it may have been destroyed at some point. Still, if it was operating on some level for 20 years (according to Donnelly, Luke began rebuilding directly after ROTJ), then this new Order probably helped a lot of people and stopped a lot of evil doers before it was attacked.

    None of that good action can be erased. But people act as though simply destroying the Order somehow takes away its achievements. That simply doesn't follow.

    So the bank account analogy above, which people seem to be using, ignores all the good the Jedi (money) would have done.

    And it also ignores that more good can be done in the future.

    The only real failure would be to give up forever (stop investing) or to turn to the dark side.

    So I agree that those who use this logic are using a narrow logic of fixation on the negative.
  3. Toonimator

    Toonimator Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 16, 2006
  4. JediKnightWax

    JediKnightWax Jedi Master star 4

    May 21, 2014
    That pesky Luke, stealing the spotlight. He must be stopped!
  5. ChildOfWinds

    ChildOfWinds Chosen One star 6

    Apr 7, 2001
    Exactly!!! Very well and succinctly stated! I completely agree with you!
    appleseed, starocean90, T-R- and 2 others like this.
  6. Immortiss

    Immortiss Force Ghost star 5

    Mar 10, 2013
    I've been misquoted and I'm redacting. Please do not attribute to Immortiss. Thank you.
    TK327 and Dra--- like this.
  7. DarthLightlyBruise

    DarthLightlyBruise Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 11, 2015
    Looks like you totally, not kinda, agree with me. I'm glad. I agree with you (and me) too! :)
  8. Homesick-Moose

    Homesick-Moose Jedi Padawan star 1

    May 11, 2015
    Diverting from this thread's feedback loop that is Luke's screen time versus his significance to the story and other characters ...

    In real-world medical cases involving mild lightning injury, patients often report loss of consciousness, amnesia, confusion, rupture of the tympanic membranes in the ears, superficial burns, and eye injuries.The most common chronic sequelae reported are brain injury and chronic pain syndromes.

    Luke endured prolonged and frequent Force lightning attacks by the Emperor in RotJ. Yet, despite the claim that it can kill its victim ("And now, young Skywalker, you will die"), Luke displays no adverse effects once the torture stops, according to the one, strictly canon source of this incident. Everyone else who was similarly attacked either died, or suffered permanent physical damage (PT - either directly or not). One wonders if this will be addressed in future new cannon material, or even in TFA.
    Back on topic (re: feedback loop) ...

    As what has been mentioned before by me and other posters, the fulfillment of a hero's journey in world (not just Western) mythology occurs after his experiences have provided him with the mental tools necessary for honest self-analysis and lasting change.

    This type of journey occurs several times throughout the hero's life; so, if written properly in TFA, Luke may be in the middle of another Path of Trials, overcoming extraordinary challenges and developing new skills that he may bring to the galaxy presented in the ST. As with the Path he took in the OT, he won't be able to overcome and develop anything if he doesn't continue to learn what internal core motivates his re/in/action.

    Perhaps he just needs a Rey of hope to become the Son of the Suns again. Ouch. :)

    Luke, as the Son of the Suns, was included in a prelude of the original novelization of 1977's "Star Wars":

  9. Homesick-Moose

    Homesick-Moose Jedi Padawan star 1

    May 11, 2015
    On yet another train of supposition ..

    I was reading about Freemasons and, somehow, ended up here:

    We've discussed TFA rumours that claim Rey's early memories have been repressed, the facets of which may be presented in flashback sequences. I've also mentioned that the Bespin lightsaber acts as a trigger mechanism in Rey, and other characters.

    In light of all that, this commentary by Carl James is slightly interesting for the tiny bits of possible relevance. The rest of his claims come across as the ravings of a paranoid conspiracy nut.

    There is a prominent relationship between (JJ Abram's tv series) “Lost” and the trauma based mind control phenomenon. The character of Libby (interestingly the character is a psychologist, but formerly a psychiatric patient) is witnessed assisting the character of Claire to uncover repressed memories (memories that were hidden by the “The Others”) and makes a claim that will be familiar to anybody with a passing knowledge of the mind control subject.

    Interestingly, most of the characters are established has having “alters” – separate personalities, secrets kept, hidden lives, etc. Many of these facets are introduced via the “flashback” narrative device used in the earlier seasons of the show.

    ... Researchers of the practice often refer to triggers that represent aspects of the process carried out, or actually activate or “top up” a portion of the victim’s “programming”. Disney liberally places these throughout their films, animations and TV shows, and “Lost” is certainly no exception.
  10. Satipo

    Satipo Force Ghost star 7

    Mar 29, 2014
    Yeah, I think that's right. Skellig is a mysterious new planet that is very strong with the force somehow. I think it's the SW equivalent of Avalon and it may be the "mysterious planet" Luke visits in the Weapon of a Jedi book.
  11. Satipo

    Satipo Force Ghost star 7

    Mar 29, 2014
    BTW, I just posted this JJ quote in the sceptic tank thread but I think it's worth noting in here as it applies to JJ's take on staying true to the legacy characters while also moving them on (yes - some form of arc/ growth). He's talking about Han but before people start getting their knickers in a twist about Han getting the spotlight again, if you read through to the end, you'll see that JJ applied that ethos across the board. So the Luke we finally meet will be the Luke we knew, but also a Luke who has grown and changed after the events of the last 30 years - which seems like a reasonable way to go to me.

    But because of the backstory I wanted him to have evolved somewhat. I mean, when you’re in your late 60s you’re not the same person you were in your late 20s, and yet he had to be the character we know and love. So it was a balance that felt sort of emblematic for me in terms of this whole experience, which is it had to be what you know, but it can’t be exactly what you know."
  12. T-R-

    T-R- Chosen One star 5

    Aug 13, 2003
    You are missing the point my friend. Someone said (paraphrased) that the writers couldn't have Luke there to rescue Rey because it would stunt her introduction as the new hero, thus justifying the end cameo. My point was that why would it be ok for Chewie, Han, or a collapsing hill to save Rey but not Luke. Somehow Luke would steal her shine but the others wouldn't? That premise is completely false and ridiculous.

    And the obligatory we don't know Luke isn't there as other sites still rumor Luke showing up.

    I know Luke is awesome so I don't know what your post is supposed to mean. No bigger fan than me.

    Yeah, that seems to be directly related to Han and the experience in general. It certainly wouldn't apply to a 30 second cameo as there is no time to establish "being what we know but not exactly."
  13. Satipo

    Satipo Force Ghost star 7

    Mar 29, 2014
    Again - you're wilfully ignoring the fact that Luke is being set up to mentor Rey (ergo as a key character moving forward). His backstory also suggests someone who will have experienced some growth. Do you seriously think this is not the case? You guys keep on whingeing that ROTJ Luke would never just disappear. Well for some reason he has. That thought process in that quote will have been applied to whatever the deal is with Luke because while you may believe a 30 second cameo cannot be significant, or that Luke cannot have a presence in the story unless he's physically in a scene. Every single question we ask in here will have been asked of every idea floated by the Story Group. Luke's story is not ending in TFA, it's really only just being picked up again. Unlike some posters here, the story group are well aware this is just act 1 in a three act story. Why this is difficult for you to grasp I'm not sure.
  14. Artoo-Dion

    Artoo-Dion Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 9, 2009
    Actual story conference transcript...

    JJ: Let's turn the whole thing on its head. Shake it up. Not only is Luke not leading an enormous Jedi Order, he's in exile, just like Yoda.
    LK: Why is he in exile?
    JJ: I dunno, just make something up.
    LK: He's gone to meditate? He's waiting for pupils to come to him?
    JJ: I love it!
    Random Story Group Member: But why wouldn't he be out there battling evil?
    JJ: Not important. Get back to tracking your Hollycon.
    RSGM: Holocron.
    JJ: Whatever.
    LK: I like this Luke in Exile angle. We need more Rey, less Luke.
    JJ: Let's have Luke show up at the end. A footnote for the fans.
    LK: Perfect. Call Mark, tell him we'll let him voice a droid or something if he complains.
    JJ: Onto it.

    DANNASUK Force Ghost star 7

    Nov 1, 2012
    Plus, this allege post-RoTJ animated series (which is set to start once Rebels finishes) will probably be all about Luke. Why? because this is the point where Luke will be in his prime.

    The ST is about building new characters, who will be for a new generation of Star Wars fans. Again, why is that so hard for the fanboys to understand?
    Dra--- likes this.
  16. ColdLazarou

    ColdLazarou Jedi Grand Master star 2

    Sep 8, 2001
    And in 1995, the indie-rock band The Boo Radleys released a song entitled 'Find the Answer Within'.

    Which is what Luke has (probably) been doing in his meditation retreat on Skellig.

    IT ALL BECOMES CLEAR.:p[face_clown]
    Immortiss and Satipo like this.
  17. Satipo

    Satipo Force Ghost star 7

    Mar 29, 2014
    I really hope LK and JJ give us some insight into all this at SDCC.
    DaddlerTheDalek and Immortiss like this.
  18. AndyLGR

    AndyLGR Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 1, 2014
    I wonder how much of Lukes role will be revealed at all, his may be the surprise of the film.
    T-R- likes this.
  19. Satipo

    Satipo Force Ghost star 7

    Mar 29, 2014

    I strongly believe that if the rumours are true about Luke, his absence from the galaxy will be made clear in the next trailers and in the marketing. While I have no doubts that Luke's role will be handled well across the trilogy, I do agree that it would be wise to be upfront his absence in TFA. What you don't want is people going into the film expecting a huge role for Luke. But if a search of Luke element (or the idea that Luke has not been seen for years) is made clear early on, the vast majority will happily watch how that unfolds. We've seen him in teaser 2 and heard his voice so they need to make it clear at some point that he's not going to be a major screen presence in the film (though I believe he will still be a presence storywise, in the same way people have already brought up Colonel Kurtz and Harry Lime).
  20. AndyLGR

    AndyLGR Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 1, 2014
    I think whilst they may not publisise Lukes amount of screen time in the film, I think that at some point we will see a teaser saying that the lightsaber belongs to the most powerful Jedi in the universe and you have to find him and return it to him kind of thing.
  21. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord Winner Wacky Wednesday 29x!! star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    I liked the way the EU handled it - the day after ROTJ, symptoms of skeletal damage showed up, and he had to spend days in a bacta tank (The Truce at Bakura)

    Be interesting if something similar happens, in the Journey to TFU novel.
  22. nightangel

    nightangel Force Ghost star 6

    Oct 31, 2014
    Secret discussion group transcript:

    Empire: We plan a new Star Wars movie and we want you to be in it.
    HF: (chuckles) in a Star Wars movie again? Why?
    Empire: You play the most favorite character.
    HF: (chuckles) Alright, but again why should I be in another Star Wars movie?
    Empire: There are plans of another Indy movie and you can be in it as well.
    HF: Alright, this sounds better. So in case I will be in another SW movie, what will be the story?
    Empire: We plan to bring back the big 3 with Han/Luke/Leia.
    HF: (chuckles) big 3? You mean big 1, right?
    Empire: of course, we create a story in which Luke and Leia only have small roles.
    HF: Yeah, having Leia around for 1-2 scenes is fine, but Han has to be the man, you know. He is always doing his thing.
    Empire: No problem, so Luke disappeared and just showed up for a cameo after you died.
    HF: So I will finally get my big farewell? Great, but there must be a payoff after all.
    Empire: Sure, we write a story which deals with Han Solo's family. You will be killed by your evil and twisted son, while your sweet little daughter is a badass martial arts fighter and takes down the big villains.
    HF: This sounds perfect. These are my kiddies.
    Empire: We also have a great new pilot charater, who will be like Han Solo in this trilogy to continue your legacy as well.
    HF: (chuckles) you know when Han Solo is on screen he is doing his thing, so no new badass pilot when I'm there, ok?
    Empire: sure and no problem. When you appear, he will just disappear like Luke.
    HF: Finally we understand each other.

  23. Darth Dookacas

    Darth Dookacas Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 29, 2014

    Darth Dookacas said:
    @TR your right Luke sucks! SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKE I lied, he might suck for you! I watched ANH yesterday and just seeing Luke again will be very special. TR Luke is awesome and every time people says he sucks remember he saved his Father. He is and always will be awesome!​
    I know Luke is awesome so I don't know what your post is supposed to mean. No bigger fan than me. It is called a joke. I was joking. People tend to go overboard serious when discussing Luke.
  24. littlewaves

    littlewaves Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 19, 2008

    or more likely...

    JJ: Cool so I get to have Luke leading this whole army of Jedi in my movie? It's what I've dreamed of since I was a child!
    LK: Yes it's going to be awesome. It's what we were building to with the original trilogy and now we finally get to do it.
    KK: Okay guys go for it! I doubt we'll get Harrison back anyway. He hates these movies. Mark Hamill is so enthusiastic about the genre and he has such a great rapport with the fans
    BI: Wait a minute... Who the *#!@ is Mark Hamill?
    JJ: LUKE you idiot!
    KK: And he's well respected for his take on the Joker also!
    LK: I feel like you're all forgetting Black Magic Woman.
    BI: But Harrison's the biggest movie star ever!
    KK: Yeah okay I'll talk to him.
    JJ: Well that's even better we'll get Carrie back too and give the big three the send off everyone wants
    BI: I don't want too many old people in there. You can have Carrie, she just cracks me up but make sure Leia and Han aren't together. I don't want old people kissing, it just grosses young people out. Maybe just make this Mike Hamill guy a cameo at the end.
    JJ/LK/KK: but.... but... but....
    BI: who's king?
    JJ/LK/KK: You are Bob!
    JJ: Okay so what about Lando?
    BI: Have you not heard anything I've said about old people?
    LK: How about a Wedge cameo? He's a fan favourite.
    KK: I already called him. He's not into it.
    BI: I told him to say that. He's too old too.
    JJ: Can my buddy play an x-wing pilot? He's kind of my lucky charm.
    BI: is he old?
    JJ: no but he's carrying a little 'holiday weight'
    BI: that's no problem I'm all for diversity.
    LK: (mutters..) just not if they're old huh?
    appleseed, T-R- and iluvkoalas like this.
  25. Darth_Bertie

    Darth_Bertie Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 30, 2014
    It´s not that Luke did nothing. He built an Order, trained some padawans, and then got his ass kicked and hs padawans were killed, with only Maz and Rey surviving, apparently. He did some things, but failed, as did Yoda and Obi-Wan. But he will train the next generation and complete his destiny. And probably ignite his lightsaber again, I´m confident.
    Dra--- likes this.
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