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Senate Misogyny, Entitlement, and Pop Culture

Discussion in 'Community' started by Heero_Yuy, May 29, 2014.

  1. Darth Guy

    Darth Guy Chosen One star 10

    Aug 16, 2002
  2. slidewhistle

    slidewhistle Jedi Knight star 3

    Jul 24, 2015
    Hey, that looks just like zas.
  3. lovelikewinter

    lovelikewinter Jedi Knight star 4

    May 28, 2014

    What a bunch of bs. Who cares that there is merchandise of Slave Leia? If you like it, buy it. If you don't like it- shut the hell up and move on.

    I have been supportive of Disney's acquisition of Lucasfilm, but I hope it doesn't mean they will give in to the uber PC triggered crowd in the foolish notion that it will grow the fanbase. Word of advice: those people just like to complain about things because everything is sexist when you crave attention.
    Arawn_Fenn and Hank Hill like this.
  4. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    The main reason Slave Leia is not sexist is due to what she did with the chain that was used to enslave her. ;)

    Disney has the right to stop using the outfit for marketing if they so choose though. And I don't see the problem; Leia looks great in her other outfits and it would be nice if one of those got some prominence. We hear about the gold bikini and the ANH dress and that is it.
  5. Heero_Yuy

    Heero_Yuy Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 28, 2000
    This is (if true) probably going to be less about erasing slave Leia's gold bikini from history and more about not wanting that to be the first thing that pops into people's minds when they think of or google Leia. Which I'm fine with.
  6. Heero_Yuy

    Heero_Yuy Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 28, 2000
    Excuse the double post, but this comment made me chuckle.

    "You can't change the history of slavery in the Outer Rim by omitting it from the history texts."
  7. lovelikewinter

    lovelikewinter Jedi Knight star 4

    May 28, 2014

    I did a quick google image search for Princess Leia, and the most common outfit that popped up was her white Star Wars dress with the hair buns. I then did a search for Slave Leia, and many of those pictures were of women cosplaying as her and not Carrie Fisher herself.
    Heero_Yuy likes this.
  8. Heero_Yuy

    Heero_Yuy Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 28, 2000
    You know, I did the same thing awhile ago and you're right. Most of the images were of her in her ANH outfit. Still, my regular point still stands that they likely want more variety in how Leia is marketed and avoid the whole controversy like when her first Black Series figure was her slave outfit look.
  9. Valairy Scot

    Valairy Scot Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 16, 2005
    I wonder (with no basis) if so many women (not all!) costuming as Slave Leia do so because either they've "bought into" the cultural assumption that women should be pretty and sexy and having the body (well, usually) to wear the gold bikini makes them feel pretty and sexy or they're women who enjoy owning their own sexuality and dress in a manner they considerate appropriate for the setting.

    Not all, mind you - I'm sure there's a lot of women who have other valid reasons, but I know as a woman who grew up with certain "expectations" of how I should look and/or behave, a part of me would like to be a "pretty woman" rather than the rather plain one I am and I sure wish I had the body to wear that. On the other hand, I rebel against "having" to look a certain way to validate my worth.
    Pensivia and Bacon164 like this.
  10. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    I'm in good shape, but I would not wear that outfit because it looks damn uncomfortable.
  11. Zapdos

    Zapdos Force Ghost star 5

    Jan 7, 2013
    i guess some do. other may dress in a way that makes them feel pretty and sexy, not because they believe they should, but because they want to. i see nothing wrong with that.
  12. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    I for one is happy to see more variety in Leia action figures, many pages back I did a count of all the released Leia figures and the Slave Leia is definitely over represented. I don't need a blanket ban, but it will be nice when it's no longer the first choice when it's time to produce some new Leia merch.
  13. DantheJedi

    DantheJedi Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 23, 2009
    I think Carrie Fisher not liking the outfit, to the point of telling Daisy Ridley to not let them put her in one, maybe comes from the fact that during pre-production on ROTJ, one of the guys who was to make the body cast for the slave outfit was creeping on her, and Carrie had to bring a friend along to the sessions to feel safe (Penny Marshall, IIRC).

    As for banning the outfit in merchandising? I'm not for a blanket ban, but maybe just limit it to be realm of adult collectibles and such. A good rule of thumb to follow would be: if it's to be sold at a place like Wal-Mart, Target, or Toys R Us, it's a no go to be made.
  14. Darth Guy

    Darth Guy Chosen One star 10

    Aug 16, 2002
    Yeah, but the rest of the time the bikini was her PG sex slave outfit, and her ultimate act did not require her to be wearing any particular set of clothing. The character (and the actress, it appears) was forced to wear it without her consent for the pleasure of a gangster space slug and, let's face it, primarily for the pubescent boys and men who make up the majority of the audience. I don't know, I doubt the "ban" is real or blanket, so this is moot anyway.
    Bacon164 likes this.
  15. DantheJedi

    DantheJedi Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 23, 2009
    I think George Lucas thought up the slave outfit to be based on the kind of outfits Frank Frazetta drew on his women in his artwork for Conan and John Carter of Mars paperback books, which make the slave outfit look modest in comparison.
  16. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
    So. Are toys featuring the scantily clad Princess Ariel going to be discontinued too?
  17. lovelikewinter

    lovelikewinter Jedi Knight star 4

    May 28, 2014
    Or Dale Arden from the classic 1936 Flash Gordon Serial.


    I'm a gay man and I feel that its wrong to make straight men feel bad for finding Slave Leia sexy. There is nothing wrong with thinking a woman is beautiful and sexy or enjoying the outfit. Just like there is nothing wrong with finding Chris Pratt's shirtless scenes sexually appealing.

    As for the cosplayers, there is nothing wrong with enjoying or embracing your sexuality and I find it ironic that feminists and whiners are saying that they don't know what they are doing and are only playing to expectations or whatever.
    Heero_Yuy and Jedi Merkurian like this.
  18. LostOnHoth

    LostOnHoth Chosen One star 5

    Feb 15, 2000
    Perhaps there is a difference between having the freedom to wear whatever the hell you want and a company actively marketing something? I don't know, like Darth Guy I've always seen the slave girl outfit as an abberation - it's something that has been imposed on Leia which is designed to objectify her sexually as a trinket for the amusement of others. However, fans who embrance the slave outfit like the cosplay peeps aren't really thinking in those terms, but rather, they think it's sexy and so they wear it. I guess the company has to have a different perspective because they are merchandising the story - what does the slave outfit say about the story?
  19. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    As I have said a few times in other areas of this site:

    There is nothing wrong with finding Leia beautiful or sexy in that outfit. Or finding any other female character beautiful or sexy in a skimpy outfit.

    There is something wrong with the outrageous demand that I have sometimes seen that female characters be "sexed up" most or all of the time. One primary example that comes to mind is people getting upset over Hera wearing a pilot outfit.

    There is something wrong with both detailed, paragraph or soliloquy long elaboration of how any woman looks. It's the difference between "she looks hot in that" (perfectly fine) and details about how her butt and thighs and hips and abs and breasts each look in the outfit, or negative comments along the same lines (not OK and creepy as hell).

    There is definitely nothing wrong with embracing sexuality; I have the same opinion on this as Zapdos does. If a woman feels sexy in that outfit and wants to wear it, she should. If she does not, she should not. No such decision should be made based on what "society expects", dress codes for work and certain establishments aside.
  20. SuperWatto

    SuperWatto Chosen One star 7

    Sep 19, 2000
    I used to collect those action figures, and I was a completist. It was weird to me that I couldn't complete my Jabba scene because Leia was missing. Though Boushh was cool.


    From that perspective, it's strange to leave Slave Leia out. You have all these monsters and robots and now also amputees and six-breasted dancers, but they have to take Slave Leia off the pegs because ZOMG.


  21. lovelikewinter

    lovelikewinter Jedi Knight star 4

    May 28, 2014
    I think its super weird to tell Carrie Fisher how you discovered masturbation with her picture. I can see that being awkward in a way that telling her you had a crush on her isn't.

    But I am very against censorship in all forms. I like that some things can offend, it keeps life interesting. I'd rather be offended some of the time than bored all of the time.
    Jedi Merkurian and Hank Hill like this.
  22. LostOnHoth

    LostOnHoth Chosen One star 5

    Feb 15, 2000
    Well hopefully Disney won't "re-image" Leia in a gimp suit.
  23. Rogue1-and-a-half

    Rogue1-and-a-half Manager Emeritus who is writing his masterpiece star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 2, 2000
    Slave Leia is hardly the most pernicious thing when it comes to pushing false beauty standards and sexuality on young girls. At least Slave Leia ended up being anything but a slave and I don't think it's accidental that she uses the chain to kill the one that had been enslaving her. That's intentional by the filmmakers.

    I mean, let's start with Barbie and the Bratz dolls.

    I mean, I respect what Disney is doing to a degree because they can do only what they can do and you can't impede social change by pointing to people that are worse than you. But as someone unconnected to any of the companies, slave Leia is the least of my worries. She was a hero at least.
  24. DantheJedi

    DantheJedi Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 23, 2009
    It's kind of too late in the game to change the skirt on the slave outfit to harem pants now, or something of the like. I think even Disney knows this.
  25. Jabba-wocky

    Jabba-wocky Chosen One star 10

    May 4, 2003
    Yes, he certainly did. But that was still an "homage" to earlier films' conceptualization of female characters as eye candy their to the male audience. How is that a passable defense?

    Could you make a racist story or revive blackface, and then discuss how it was an homage to Amos and Andy?
    Valairy Scot likes this.