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ST The relationship between Finn and Rey. SEE FIRST POST WARNING

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Devizz, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. Ryanpaulstewart

    Ryanpaulstewart Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 13, 2016
    The hug on SKB told me everything I needed to know about the nature of their relationship.

    The hug had to be interrupted.

    They were so into the hug they forgot to let go of each other.

    Case closed.
  2. Deerborne

    Deerborne Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 15, 2015
    Agreed, especially the part about it being subtle and not in our faces. If there's romance to be had between them, and I there believe there is, it'll be of the 'slow burn' kind, just very natural and something that sort of... happens. Certainly not the big overly dramatic sub-plot that the Han and Leia romance created. I honestly don't think it'll really be addressed until episode 9. I don't think Rian is going to deal with it very much in episode 8 as it's likely going to be very plot heavy and crazy--in typical Rian fashion. He'll probably leave it to the rest of the team to drop some hints. I get the feeling Colin will be the one to tackle the romance angle, which, honestly, I'm not really enthused about. Haven't been too impressed with his work. Hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised.
    frail47 likes this.
  3. Darth Cyn

    Darth Cyn Jedi Knight star 2

    Apr 8, 2014
    "Hey, hey, hey, you shut your face! If I want to hear you talk, I will shove my arm up your *** and work your mouth like a puppet!!!"

    Nothing between Finn and Poe, did you say? Did you not see the look Poe gives after giving Finn his jacket!?!?!?
  4. zero_point_zero

    zero_point_zero Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 5, 2016
    Excellent post, and btw I was reading your arguments in the Reylo forum. You make alot of good points about the forest duel.

    Yeah really, I just want the emotions of their pairing to be taken seriously and not labeled with some stamp saying Finn and Rey are this or that. We havent got to the point to where their relationship is definitive. And yeah the "friendzone" comments are really condescending, being friends would be a beginning of something better imo, not some mark of failure or shame. I will respect the stance of the Reylo people, they have their ship and their own reasons for supporting it, but I get annoyed when they make empirical statements about Finn not being "worthy" of Rey or Rey just seeing Finn as a friend, with NOTHING deeper happening. We don't know what the nature of Rey's feelings are, not exactly, but like you said there's a whole lot more going on than just shallow attraction. Finn didn't go back to SK to impress her, he did it because she's that important to him. And Rey crying over him was the sign of someone truly afraid of losing someone who was precious to them. And this was just over the course of DAYS.

    So they dismiss that as inconsequential, yet somehow all the vague stares and cryptic language Kylo uses with Rey have some sort of deep meeting that others don't "get" . I mean maybe that's possible, idk what the writers have planned, no one does, but there's a dissonance between what they see as unapologetically romantic with Kylo and Rey and the clear visual cues that Finn and Rey really really care alot about each other. Idk, I like to see all sides, but at least understand where Finnrey ppl are coming from and respect their position, because there's an obvious basis for it.
  5. frail47

    frail47 Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 11, 2016
    Yeah, I imagine Finn and Rey will spend quite a bit of time apart in VIII, perhaps missing each other which will make their eventual reunion pretty emotional. With Han and Leia in TESB it was kind of a given considering how much time they spent together and even then, it wasn't really a foregone conclusion until near the end of ROTJ.

    Having seen some of Rian's other work, he doesn't strike me as the mushy type, but I take comfort in that he doesn't have the final say, he knows he's writing within a construct, J.J.'s praise for his script, and that he and J.J. collaborated to ensure symmetry between their films.
  6. Mars457

    Mars457 Jedi Knight star 2

    Feb 3, 2013
    Regarding Rey's feelings towards Finn being romantic, platonic, for familial, she certainly looked thirsty as hell when she said "I've never seen a Resistance fighter before."
  7. turnip white

    turnip white Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 3, 2014
    People see what they want to see and only hear what they want to hear - facts of life ;)
    Obiwan10 likes this.
  8. frail47

    frail47 Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 11, 2016
    Yep. In fact, almost all their major interactions had to be interrupted. Their first one where they circled each other offering praise was interrupted by BB-8 right when it was about to get awkward, the second one where Finn first tried to confess was interrupted by the Falcon's malfunctioning motivator, and of course "escape now, hug later" that followed Chewie's statement ("that it was your idea") and subsequent eternal hug. These are classic movie romance tropes that I can't imagine are being applied to a couple destined to be only friends.
    thestartrader and Nanosoft like this.
  9. thescavenger

    thescavenger Jedi Knight star 2

    Jan 13, 2016

    I'm surprised Threepio haven't cockblocked these two yet. His priority is with Han/Leia.
    Worker11811, Blastaar and Deerborne like this.
  10. MilesEdgeworth

    MilesEdgeworth Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 22, 2015
    Another factor I'd like to throw on the fire is that it took Rey being in peril and vice versa for both to finally accept their destinies.
    But let me also give a tidbit to the detractors. Rey wants to get back to Jakku while Finn wants no part of that cursed planet. Long distance relationships don't work in Star Wars. [face_not_talking]
    Blastaar likes this.
  11. frail47

    frail47 Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 11, 2016
    - Sir. Sir, I've isolated the reverse, power flux coupling.
    - Thank you. Thank you very much.
    - Oh you're perfectly welcome, sir.

    There's still two more movies. :D
    Blastaar and thescavenger like this.
  12. Darth Cyn

    Darth Cyn Jedi Knight star 2

    Apr 8, 2014
    I low key ship FinnRey, tho
    Forgotten Cade and Nanosoft like this.
  13. Carl Rahl

    Carl Rahl Jedi Knight star 3

    Jan 6, 2016
    C-3PO: interstellar contraception
  14. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
  15. MilesEdgeworth

    MilesEdgeworth Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 22, 2015
    BB8 ain't letting c3po anywhere near those two.
  16. Nanosoft

    Nanosoft Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 15, 2015

    And let's not forget :



    Finn is gonna be the thirst quencher....[face_laugh]

    Honestly, while close-friends/platonic family can also be a beautiful story,,,,my hope is that the sequels make TFA more powerful...not less. I hope to look back on this film after it's all said and done and feel like these Finn and Rey interactions were more important than them just being "best buds". Most importantly, I think that LF is (obviously) being very careful with this franchise, so when I see things like a meet-cute, boyfriend questions, breaking up, reuniting, hugs, kisses, a genuine promise that they'll see each other again...I expect that to be meaningful in later installments.

    And people calling this "too safe", "predictable", "boring"....umm, did they watch TFA? Shipping stuff was probably the safest movie they could have made! I don't expect many giant curve-balls in this trilogy, or any Hollywood blockbuster for that matter. They all follow relatively predictable paths for a reason.
    Forgotten Cade and frail47 like this.
  17. thescavenger

    thescavenger Jedi Knight star 2

    Jan 13, 2016
    BB-8 is such a wingman wingwoman wingdroid(?)

    Especially when she helped him lie to Rey about being in the Resistance

    We all know how Finn quenches his thirst in Jakku. *sorry I wish I had the GIF of that scene*
  18. MilesEdgeworth

    MilesEdgeworth Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 22, 2015
    and then secretly pointed out the tape to Finn. If Finn Rey get together then BB8 really needs to become part of that household as well.
  19. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    How the hell is "safe" a bad thing?
    Nanosoft likes this.
  20. Carl Rahl

    Carl Rahl Jedi Knight star 3

    Jan 6, 2016

    If they say safe isn't sexy again I'm going to yell.
  21. MilesEdgeworth

    MilesEdgeworth Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 22, 2015
    Safe is a nice way of saying boring for the twilight/50 shades generation.
  22. Carl Rahl

    Carl Rahl Jedi Knight star 3

    Jan 6, 2016

    Oh don't get me started on that.
    Obiwan10 and Nanosoft like this.
  23. Beardwalker

    Beardwalker Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 5, 2016
    It's not sexy unless the shirts start coming off every other scene. Everyone knows that.
    Blastaar likes this.
  24. Blastaar

    Blastaar Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 25, 2015

    LOL I did catch a sex face in there LOL!
  25. Nanosoft

    Nanosoft Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 15, 2015
    This is EXACTLY what I've been saying throughout the thread! There are actual filmmaking techniques used to point us towards Finn and Rey in this movie.

    That Han line about "women always find out when you're lying" was *very* significant to this ship. That's straight up an old-dog trying to give a little bit of advice to a young pup about women. And Finn actually followed on his advice, and Rey still accepted him. Multiple interruptions. A meet-cute. Decidedly emotional and tender takes where they could have been more casual. They fed us a big old plate, and yet some only wanted to pick at appetizers....[face_laugh]

    The Reylo ship is based off of "dark-romantic" fantasizing. Nothing more and nothing less. I mean hell, I'm shipping, so I'm not going to judge anyone for wanting a relationship to play out a certain way in a movie, but there is mostly just fan-fiction type of stuff there, sometimes using references and sources from god knows where! (Bride Of Frankenstein...really?) And if it's not that, it's *heavy* stretching of the nature of their interactions. But most importantly, there isn't really a lot in the ways of thematic or motif evidence...the interrogation is maybe their best bet, but that scene was meant to convey Rey in a *vulnerable* state (And of course, brilliantly flips it around and leaves her in the position of power). Don't get me started on KK and Disney, clearly intending for Rey to be this feminist icon, and how ridiculous it would be for her to end up with a villain.

    BTW, another point on the "safe"/"predictable" aspect that I failed to mention in my last post. Yes, Finn and Rey seem to have most of the momentum....But, let's not pretend that, just because this is a heteronormative ship, based on the two characters that are currently the closest to one another at this moment, that this wouldn't still be a GROUND-BREAKING relationship for a big-budget franchise. I won't delve deep into this because it seems to makes some uncomfortable, but people crapping over a wf/bm relationship for being "boring" kinda rub me the wrong way.