I know hardly anyone will read this and people will continue to react to nothing with misplaced outrage. http://www.toughpigs.com/labyrinth-debunk/
I'm in under the following conditions: 1) 32 year old Toby Froud is kidnapped, or adult napped again 2) Liam Neeson, his uncle, is tasked with rescuing him 3) Even creepier muppets to freak out the 5 year old viewers like this movie freaked me out in '86 or 3.5) Peter Jackson is allowed to use Middle Earth goblins, hobbits, orcs and Ian McKellen 4) Lady Gaga as the Goblin Queen
A remake of this film would fall definitively in the HELL. NO. category- how could they possibly hope to top the sheer creative ingenuity and magic of the original in any way, shape or form? No film has done it yet- I don't think it can be done at this point. Now, a sequel, I could stomach- there's a lot to explore in that world if the story focus is strong enough. Though not being able to bring Jareth back in any way really dampens my enthusiasm for the prospect. I will be echo the above and emphasize the importance of creepy puppets. Both creatures like the goblins and silly-but-psychologically-terrifying creatures like the Fire Gang.
Bad idea with bad timing. Only Bowie is Jareth. Why can't Hollywood come up with something original, not everything needs to be rebooted and/or sequeled. If Bowie was still alive and would like to do it, then maybe I would feel different. Too me a big NOPE
However, depending on your read of the implied backstory, Jareth isn't the only Goblin King that ever was/could be. Likewise one could theoretically tell a story within the Labyrinth during Jareth's reign that doesn't involve him.
Hey guys, I hear this isn't a remake. I just thought I'd share this breaking news since no one bothered to bring it up several pages ago, for some reason.
I wouldn't mind seeing David Tennant as a Goblin King. He's done whimsical with "Dr. Who" and he's done downright psychotic with "Jessica Jones".....imagine if those two characters were blended together and dropped in a Henson fantasy realm. //obligatory
Robert Eggers set to write and direct a Labyrinth sequel (still not a remake! phew!), and is not based on the last two attempted sequel/spin-off scripts. Likely still 2-3 years away from production due to the just-announced Werwulf being his next film. My statements from 2016 still stand, though- glad it's a sequel, but cautious over its ability to match the sheer inventiveness and creativity on display in the original film (which is really damn-near perfect outside of the realworld scenes). Eggers' involvement is very interesting. It'll for sure be visually amazing (especially with his last 2 films being near-fantasy films already, it's easy to see how that aspect of his style could fit or adapt to the franchise). And he can certainly bring the sense of unease and "nightmare fuel" type moments you'd expect a Labyrinth film to deliver out of even the cutest of puppets. But I do question if he's able to bring the sense of wonder, humor, and music appropriate to the project, though. And if you don't have them, it's not really a Labyrinth film. It's The Dark Crystal.
Who's going to be the next young Jennifer Connelly? I vote for Kate Beckinsale, before she gets too old.
It will be hard to accept anyone to replace Bowie as Jareth; but if they can't even bring back Jennifer Connelly, then I'd have a problem with it. Unless it's supposed to be a completely new story with new characters.
It will be interesting to see him inject a more family friendly tone, when all of his films are explicitly very heavy and gothic. I just hope that he doesn’t stray from doing his original films too much, because those are the ones of his I really want to see.
Is this going to be a Disney film? If it is, no matter what he wants to do with it, you know it'll wind up being as family-friendly as it can possibly be.