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ST The Romantic Future of Kylo Ren and Rey

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Sunbloom, Dec 19, 2015.

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  1. ReyofLightSide

    ReyofLightSide Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 2, 2016
    We still don't know Kylo's motivations or if he was brainwashed or misguided. Could be very similar to Mara Jade- who killed people and was redeemed. "As an Emperor's Hand, Jade carried out the Emperor's bidding, killing Rebels and corrupt Imperials alike with cold professionalism, even as a young woman."
    Speksy, Camaro, Ann Louise and 5 others like this.
  2. Kessel89

    Kessel89 Jedi Knight star 2

    Jan 13, 2016
    Yes, I agree with you, and that's the theory my mind goes to when I think to myself that Rey will be a Skywalker because it's so expected and obvious. The only problem is what you mentioned: Rey was apparently on Jakku when the massacre occurred.

    We know the protagonist-antagonist will probably have personal history (if we follow the Vader and Luke formula), and the cousin dynamic is a dud so they have to beef it up with more of an emotional impact (i.e. a quasi-sibling relationship). If they just remain rivals (light side cousin vs. dark side cousin), there is no real conflict. it's very cut and dry and too easy for them to just try to kill each other.
    panki and Sforza like this.
  3. Beardwalker

    Beardwalker Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 5, 2016
    some stuff that might elaborate on possible motivations

    Ann Louise likes this.
  4. ReyofLightSide

    ReyofLightSide Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 2, 2016

    We still don't know if he was brainwashed or misguided by something. :confused:
    Why he did those things? Why does he want the Jedi gone?
    It says Kylo was the one who killed the entire Jedi order- they make it sound like it was him alone. Was it also the Knights? How was Kylo able to kill them all by himself and chase Luke into hiding? And the movie makes it vague as to who turned on Luke.
  5. Valency Jane

    Valency Jane Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 17, 2016
    Hi there everyone, where ever in the world (or galaxy :)) you are!

    I sign off and don't check this for less than a day and so much happens on this thread. New Reylos hopping on board (welcome all of you; glad to have you here; the more the merrier!), old Reylos jumping ship (or rather just taking a break, and attending to real life, to come back in the future).

    I have an idea of what we could do to keep this good thing we have got here going.

    1. For now this is the primary thread for discussing the possibilities of Reylo. The dvd comes out in a few months, and we will have much more to talk about then. So for the foreseeable future, this is home base for Reylo.

    2. Once we start hearing official stuff from Disney and the cast & crew about Episode 8 (or, maybe when we get the first teaser), that is when we should start a new thread under Episode VIII. I know there is already a thread over there, which might work, but I feel like if we wanted to connect this thread with the one for episode 8 we should keep the title the same, but add Part 2 (Rey and Kylo love story...possible? Part 2.) Then all speculation (and discussion based on trailers and ep. 8 itself) regarding 8 and Kylo Ren/Ben + Rey goes there. That way it would be a smoother transition, and people could see that it is a continuation of the discussion started here.

    And then repeat the process for episode 9. Just thought it would be a good idea, and help us stay connected as we go from 7 to 8 to 9 (and hopefully beyond). :) Thought I would put it out there.
  6. Sforza

    Sforza Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 28, 2016
    I'm in. :)
  7. Purple Ren

    Purple Ren Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 18, 2015
    I guess we'd have to see if the mods would be okay with us creating a new thread, or if we'd just have to take over the one that's over there already.
  8. Beardwalker

    Beardwalker Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 5, 2016
    He did those things because he became obsessed with anakin/vader and began the slippery slope to the dark side. Snoke most likely saw his opportunity and reeled him in. He may have been with the KOR when he killed them or could have been like a test from Snoke. Luke may not have been watching over them 24/7.
    Sforza likes this.
  9. ReyofLightSide

    ReyofLightSide Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 2, 2016

    Mmmmm, I still think we have limited info. And I still don't get why Luke with Mara Jade was fine and didn't seem to diminish anyone's opinion of him being a hero. (I'm saying this in general, not directed to your post. )
  10. rowan_greenleaf

    rowan_greenleaf Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 31, 2015
    Welcome, new peeps! Congratulations on de-lurking, I look forward to your posts. :)

    Nope, try a different pigeonhole to stick everyone in, because that particular one doesn't fit.
    A vocal minority here think that Rey will go dark. As for me:
    -I am willing to bet that Rey will not go fully dark, but it's almost certain that she will be tempted, imo.
    -I love Obi-Wan, and I know a lot of people here do as well.
    -I do hope Kylo and Rey will be lovers. Duh.

    As for "mumbo jumbo," that's what Han said about the force at first, and then: "It's true. ALL OF IT."

    Speksy, Keyra007, Arcanah and 11 others like this.
  11. Beardwalker

    Beardwalker Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 5, 2016
    Maybe it's because they see all of kylo's dark side actions have been on a more personal level to Rey's character instead of just being an "evil" dark sider
  12. ReyofLightSide

    ReyofLightSide Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 2, 2016
    Thinking about the Han and Kylo scene. Kylo has a lot of bravado when the mask is on then he takes it off.When Han tells him Snoke is using him for his powers and will crush him, Kylo literally moves back a little and his expression- like Han landed a shot with that one and Kylo does know it is true. He doesn't argue it, his bravado is going away, and then the tears. And Han's "We miss you"- is that the first time Kylo heard it? I just wonder how hard Han and Leia tried to get to him previously?

    My interpretation is that Kylo was being genuine and was not just trying to lure Han in, but then he snapped when the sun disappeared and it pulled him back to the dark. Ugh that scene makes me just want to bawl.
  13. ReyofLightSide

    ReyofLightSide Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 2, 2016

    *mic drop*
  14. moonjump05

    moonjump05 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 14, 2013
    I think Rey will flirt with the darkside- take my word choice as you will;)

    Obi-wan is snarky and cool and... that's about it for me. He was never my favorite, but I don't hate him either. However, I must say I have never had any interest in reading any of his novels or comics. *shrugs*

    The filmmakers are keeping us in the dark for a lot of Kylo's backstory and motivations so far, doling it out in tidbits and increments to keep us thirsty for more. This is good strategy to build suspense and keep interest up until the next movie- so saying at this point anything is for certain is premature IMO.
    Speksy, Yora, darth_frared and 8 others like this.
  15. panki

    panki Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2016
    If Kylo dropped Rey off on Jakku when she was 5 years old, wouldn't he have only been 15? I think it might possibly be a future event or Rey is witnessing someone else being saved...
    Speksy, Queen Rey, Mana and 4 others like this.
  16. panki

    panki Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2016
    I don't think Disney completely shirks from sending female characters down a dark path.....look at Elsa (hurting people because she has no control of her powers) or Meg in Hercules....but I also believe they wont let her completely turn into the villain or make her kill anyone....we might see her at the most join the dark side due to some compulsion (threat, family member being on the dark side etc) and her inner conflicts because of it....but it would only be for a short duration and she'll return to the light even if they take that route....
    Speksy, Queen Rey, Mana and 3 others like this.
  17. panki

    panki Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2016
    The Takodana woods and the interrogation scene :D
    Speksy, darth_frared, Arcanah and 4 others like this.
  18. rowan_greenleaf

    rowan_greenleaf Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 31, 2015

    I think that dropping off Rey with Unkar Plutt is something that a fifteen year old Kylo Ren would do. He could have piloted her there himself, probably. (And as an aside, he didn't need to be related to her in order to drop her off. There might be other motivations; maybe he was supposed to kill her, but couldn't do it in the end.)

    However, that to me is less likely and I still believe that Kylo and Rey have only met prior to Takodana through the force.

    I think her parent(s) dropped her off in Jakku for safe keeping (and left her with Unkar Plutt out of desperation; or maybe they knew him through business trading or whatever), and they did intend to come back for her and probably promised her that they would. That would explain why she's literally counting the days until their return, afraid to go anywhere until their return. But they didn't come back, and it's probably because they're dead, imo.
    Speksy, Valency Jane, Mana and 4 others like this.
  19. Valency Jane

    Valency Jane Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 17, 2016
    You are right. I'm not quite sure how it would work; I've never started a thread in any of the main forums, only one under welcome new users. We still have a while before we have to start a new one though, since they haven't even started shooting yet, and we still have a lot to discuss in the coming months here about the TFA dvd once it comes out.
    rowan_greenleaf, Mana and panki like this.
  20. ReyofLightSide

    ReyofLightSide Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 2, 2016
    Speaking of Snoke crushing Kylo, the Snoke-is-Plagueis theory mentions that Snoke has survived for so long because he cheats death and inhabits others bodies and he will build Kylo up to do the same. Such a strange theory and not sure I buy it but it may explain Snoke as a hologram. Altho if they go that route I may throw a shoe at the screen,
  21. The Summer Lady

    The Summer Lady Jedi Knight star 1

    Dec 29, 2015
    Good luck going cold turkey on this thread! I'm enjoying watching the action from the sidelines for now, but will be straight back on the pitch once some good solid details emerge about the next episode - hopefully all pointing in the direction of Reylo :)
  22. Darkspellmaster

    Darkspellmaster Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 20, 2015
    Two things. First, for those wanting to discuss the marketing aspect of the future films: -there be a thread (hopefully not locked)

    Second in regard to Mara Jade. I wouldn't say misguided honestly. She fully believed in the emperor, and was loyal to him like Phasma is to Snoke. She believed in his will and didn't trust Vader. So much so that Mara was actually planning on Killing Vader and taking over his spot. The Emperor knew this because he was some what grooming her to take on Vader should his plans with Luke fail. So, I would say she's like Ben, conflicted in that she believes in the Emperor, but she also has her own doubts about things and after his death she wasn't sure what to live for until after she killed the Luke clone and could actually feel that she could get on with her life.

    Mara may be more accepted because, again, she's a female dark side user, thus the whole "no way can she be totally evil" idea going on there with some, not all, people. Ben on the other hand is a guy, and the problem for a lot of people with characters like Ben, especially when they're male, is that the hero, or heroine, is considered too good or pure to be with anyone that had been that dark. So they have a sort of bias for the character.

    Personally I can't see rey going dark, but that's just me. I kind of want a Luke/Mara situation with Ben and Rey in that the lighter side eventually pulls the darker side to them though caring and compassion. it took Years for Luke and Mara to be a couple, I think we can take a period of time to see Ben and Rey wind up together.
  23. panki

    panki Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2016
    I also feel that it was either her parents or someone older who dropped her on Jakku (the whole "sweetheart" dialogue in the novel doesn't sounds like something a 15 year old boy would say somehow)..... someone mentioned that Obiwan had a brother named "Owen"....I know there is still some confusion if this is actually Obiwan's brother or Luke's uncle who Obiwan saw in his vision...but I read somewhere that Disney will clear this up in their books....if he has a brother, Rey might even be his grand niece for all we know...

    I don't understand the hypocrisy of people wanting Rey to be Luke's child but finding it wrong for Obiwan to have fathered a child at some point of time....Luke had so many responsibilities after the battle of Endor and if he had more than one padawan, he would have barely had any time to spare for a relationship.....traditionally a master only had to form a bond with one padawan....Luke probably had multiple padawans, and also trying to re-assemble lost jedi lore..... on the other hand, when Obiwan was younger (Clone Wars time period), he only had one padawan (Annakin) and the jedi council was very much around... he would have had more time and opportunity to get involved with someone and have a child...

    I also noticed one more reason Rey cannot be Luke's daughter....Snoke was interested in Ben from the time he was very young because he had both potential for good and evil, being from the skywalker family.....if Rey were Luke's daughter, she would have been a much more attractive prospect for Snoke than Leia's son- and yet, he knew nothing about her till TFA....and she was abandoned at the age of 5-6, well into the time younglings trained with the jedi order so Snoke would have known about her from an early age if she were actually Luke's child......
    Speksy, HothTopic, Arcanah and 8 others like this.
  24. Kessel89

    Kessel89 Jedi Knight star 2

    Jan 13, 2016
    I think you bring up a really excellent point regarding Rey and Snoke. The movie makers will have to explain that if she's Rey Skywalker. We know Snoke was around the Skywalkers and Solos because of the conversation between Leia and Han and the fact Ben was around Luke. Why wouldn't Snoke go after Rey Skywalker?

    Also, if Ben abandoned his cousin Rey on Jakku to protect her from Snoke, it would be odd for him to tell Snoke about her in TFA, if he had any suspicion she was his cousin.
  25. Libra Vibora

    Libra Vibora Jedi Youngling

    Jan 27, 2016
    (Real late in saying this. Sorrrrryyyy...) Thanks for the welcome, guys!

    Regarding the bolded, I do think Kylo Ren/Ben being a male is one major reason why people have a harder time trying to understand his actions. I also think Adam Driver's unconventional looks plays as another factor into the large amount of apathy and lack of sympathy for his character. From what I observed, a lot of the people who are vehemently bothered by Reylo/Kylo Ren tend to harp on his looks and say "OMG, why does this guy have so many fangirls? He's not cute!"

    As for Rey going dark, I think she might go dark for a short bit and then return to the light. As someone pointed out, Disney isn't exactly afraid to step out there and make their heroines do a few questionable things.
    Speksy, Yora, darth_frared and 7 others like this.
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