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ST The Romantic Future of Kylo Ren and Rey

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Sunbloom, Dec 19, 2015.

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  1. Arcanah

    Arcanah Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 25, 2016
    Exactly 2 :)
  2. Arcanah

    Arcanah Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 25, 2016
    One thing I was thinking about....can Kylo Ren read people's minds in a non obvious *take hand up and wield it in your face* kind of did he know that The old man gave it to Poe?
  3. panki

    panki Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2016
    Does anybody here watch Grimm? I was watching the latest episode where Juliette has been indoctrinated to be a new person i.e taking on a new name/identity and believing it is for her good....for some reason it reminded me a lot of what might possibly happpened to Kylo Ren.....I mean, someone with powers they can't handle and loved ones find hard to accept lashes out for whatever reason i.e. kills people, burns all the bridges with their past, and gets converted into a completely new person (beaten and imprisoned in Juliette's case....God knows what it might have been for Ben Solo), is aware of their past but believes this change is for the best.....and of course living in some dingy cell and focusing on whatever task is given..... I'm not a fan of Juliette as a character but I am going to follow this with interest to see how Grimm handles this kind of scenario...... (though I think Kylo Ren seems to be coping badly in comparison to Juliette under a similar set of circumstances...maybe he'll be more emotionless in the next episode.... I hope not :()
    Ann Louise and Darkspellmaster like this.
  4. panki

    panki Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2016
    I sort of assumed he knew Lor San Tekka had the map (but killed him when he kept bringing up his past), and when he saw Poe later in his resistance uniform, he put two and two together....
    Sforza, Darkspellmaster and Arcanah like this.
  5. darth_frared

    darth_frared Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 24, 2005
    the problem with that isn't that i disagree necessarily, it just comes out of a kind of vacuum of, well, he fell in with the wrong crowd/ideology and that was that. it's not enough motivation. what has to happen to a person to so thoroughly turn their back on all their family, and not just their family but the values of that family?

    he might not have thought that's what he was doing (i don't know how that would work) but i can't see how you go from, these are my parents, these are the people i know and what they stand for, but it is not enough. i mistrust their values so deeply that i will reject them.

    that makes no sense to me.

    i somewhat understand it with anakin and the jedi, i understand the ambiguity in their relationship and i think his turn is motivated (and we have more information) and makes sense.
    Speksy, Mana, Valency Jane and 2 others like this.
  6. ruoxi

    ruoxi Jedi Youngling

    Jan 27, 2016
    Exactly. In fact when I left the movie I remember thinking Kylo was definitely not attractive. Then as I got more into Reylo because I thought it was interesting (to be perfectly honest reylo just started out with me just trying to decipher the odd symbolism and mood between the two because I was sure there was something going on but I wasn't sure what) I started finding Kylo more and more attractive and now I think he's really hot, big nose and ears and all. I even think Matt, the radar technician is cute. TBH the most attractive thing about Kylo is his eyes. Adam Driver just gives him the most intense emotions. Oh and his voice.

    Interestingly Poe is probably the most conventionally handsome of all the three young male characters and while I noted his aesthetic attributes I didn't really feel any sort of attraction probably because I wasn't really emotionally invested in him. This happens a lot with other actors too - I definitely notice their physical beauty but normally it leaves me cold.

    For me at least, the physical attraction definitely follows the emotional and intellectually investment in the character. It doesn't happen a lot with actors largely because I rarely become invested in the characters. The last time was with the TV show Bu Bu Jing Xin. The male lead,the Fourth Prince played by Nicky Wu is not conventionally attractive, and the HD close ups show bad skin. In fact I thought he was pretty ugly initially. However he was such a tortured complex character and the relationship with the heroine (Ruoxi) was so tragic that I definitely got invested. Bu Bu Jing Xin was an interesting show in that if you didn't read the book you would have sworned Ruoxi was going to end up with 8th prince. The 4th prince had a one-sided obsession with her and the first part of the show she was living in the 8th prince's house and you didn't see the 4th prince very much. It was only about half-way through that she started returning the 4th prince's affections. One of the things I've noticed about Chinese historical dramas where the main character is a strong smart female who is as strong if not stronger than the guys (excluding harem dramas where the guy is usually just a non-entity) - usually the guy she might get romantically involved with initially is not the guy she ends up with (Bu Bu Jing Xin, Gong, Schemes of a Beauty, Empress of China, Sound of the Desert, Eternal Happiness) and the guy she ends up with is usually not someone she likes initially and may even be her enemy (or her stepson as in Empress of China) and it starts off as a one-sided obsession on the guy's part. Even in Hunger Games you can kindof see that - Katniss is originally closer to Gale but ends up with Peeta who had a one-sided obsession with her for a long time.
  7. darth_frared

    darth_frared Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 24, 2005
    that is very ewwww indeed. but i like the occult angle.
    Valency Jane and panki like this.
  8. darth_frared

    darth_frared Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 24, 2005
    the thing for me is that luke learns something from vader directly that neither yoda nor obi-wan are fully honestly telling him. that is really important and i think it's important that he decides to go there on his own accord even if everyone disagrees with it. it's his agency.

    he is naive and ignorant but i think that gives him exactly the kind of quality he needs to be open to what vader suggests and the space to respond to him. contrast with obi-wan arriving on mustafar (?) and how self-righteous he is.
    Ann Louise, Speksy, Kessel89 and 3 others like this.
  9. darth_frared

    darth_frared Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 24, 2005
    i don't recall ever seeing disney's sleeping beauty but i loved the maleficent movie. angelina jolie doesn't get many parts that fit her but maleficent fit her like a glove.
    Valency Jane and panki like this.
  10. darth_frared

    darth_frared Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 24, 2005
    yes i also think that this is the reason his face is not to be seen in any trailers or whatever. it was meant as a huge surprise.

    you are so right! charm isn't his strong suit. i keep thinking merciless big cat.
  11. darth_frared

    darth_frared Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 24, 2005
    but he does it with rey. when he says 'you still want to kill me' or whatever. he is reading her mind, no?

    it's a bit puzzling, maybe it's just emotional stuff he picks up really easily. i was reading this thing last night and he says, like, he needs the hand to focus the force. i have not read much EU stuff, i do not understand how the force works at all. so anyway, maybe he focuses with the hand when he needs something specific.
  12. ruoxi

    ruoxi Jedi Youngling

    Jan 27, 2016
    I always thought Kylo killing Lor was an act of stupidity because he let his emotions get the better of him. Interrogate first, kill later Kylo!
    Ann Louise, Speksy, Kessel89 and 5 others like this.
  13. Little_Boots

    Little_Boots Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 23, 2015
    Agreed! To be honest I just want Kylo to become good and not die. If there was another female in the film near his age people would be shipping that. Fact is the only female to ship him with is Rey, and he is such a good character with so many sides and secrets, can't help but want him to be a good guy in the end and settle down with younglings ha

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    Ann Louise and panki like this.
  14. Little_Boots

    Little_Boots Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 23, 2015
    Well, I get the Finn Rey thing, but to be honest the majority of us think it will be one sided on Kylo Rens part. We don't know if they are related yet so we can ship and Ship. We ship them because Ren took off his mask for the first time for Rey. He doesn't want to scare the crap out of her, he is calming her doing that.
    Asking her can he teach her too. I'd go into more detail but I have such a heavy hangover :(

    Sent from my HUAWEI SCL-L01 using Tapatalk
    Valency Jane and panki like this.
  15. Little_Boots

    Little_Boots Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 23, 2015
    Ann Louise, Pattita_Kae and panki like this.
  16. darth_frared

    darth_frared Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 24, 2005
    i think he just talks too much smack about his family and his past. i have a feeling you don't bring up his past if you wish to carry on living.
    Speksy, panki, Kessel89 and 2 others like this.
  17. Little_Boots

    Little_Boots Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 23, 2015
    I was on Tumblr just now and was wondering if there has been new news about the next film?

    Everyone is posting images and gifs saying "me when I heard Rey will flirt with the dark side in Episode 8"..... And there is a few actually

    Sent from my HUAWEI SCL-L01 using Tapatalk
    Pattita_Kae and panki like this.
  18. Arcanah

    Arcanah Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 25, 2016
    Yeah...with Rey too...if he knows what are people feeling/thinking about him without them knowing that that could have caused a lot of alienation growing up....
  19. civilsecret

    civilsecret Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 27, 2016

    thats just that moviepilot article, its more of theorizing and i think people understood it as something official. although i love that article, its would be a really interesting story
    Pattita_Kae, panki and Little_Boots like this.
  20. darth_frared

    darth_frared Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 24, 2005
    i like this and it's pretty much what we've been saying or thereabouts. but it's not addressign whether the force balancing is actually what needs to happen. it's not mentioned in the film at all is it?
    panki, Arcanah and Little_Boots like this.
  21. Little_Boots

    Little_Boots Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 23, 2015

    What if, Kylo Ren knows who Rey is right. What if he knew she was powerful!

    Hmmm..... I don't want them to be related but this idea is whirling around in my head that he saved her and left her on Jakku maybe to go back some day when she was old enough and marry her. Ha

    Sent from my HUAWEI SCL-L01 using Tapatalk
    Ann Louise, Sforza and panki like this.
  22. civilsecret

    civilsecret Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 27, 2016
    honestly ever since i was little i always assumed the whole "balance to the force" meant you need both light and dark sides to coexist not one person taking on the burden, which usually is a light siders and destroying all dark siders. i mean didnt lucas create the force based on both kind of needing each other instead of something so black and white thats often assumed, cause most seemed to have the idea that bringing balance to the force means wiping out dark force users. i feel like that would be something interesting to explore and a new territory for star wars. what if there can never be a permanent balance to the force and every 30 years or 50 years or so new people continue to take on the responsibility to maintain balance and i mean this trilogy isnt the last of star wars, apparently star wars is gonna be around for a while so more movies. i like this quote

    They say there is no light without dark, no good without evil, no male without female, no right without wrong. That nothing can exist if it's direct opposite does not also exist.”
  23. Mana

    Mana Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 28, 2015
    hmmm, I always wondered what bringing 'balance to the force' meant, maybe not the triumph of good over evil....but like you said maybe the point is good and evil need to co-exist in harmony for there to be peace
    Speksy, Sforza, Valency Jane and 3 others like this.
  24. darth_frared

    darth_frared Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 24, 2005
    if my idea that he was a prodigy and showed ability from a very young age holds, potentially all of these abilities would have alienated him.

    also because there weren't any jedi around anymore. or very few anyway. and then i read this observation that he would not have been able to control it so well, so it goes wrong sometimes. i don't want to make this too speculative but i can imagine that quite well. i can also imagine that happening at luke's college for the force arts. i mean, i assume he would have arrived there already with the idea that he is *wrong*. but i see so much masochism in him, and i wonder if he's punishing himself for being human in general, as one does, or for something he has done specifically. or something that happened beyond his control.
  25. darth_frared

    darth_frared Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 24, 2005
    i never really consider good and evil. i know the people in star wars do but i'm not following them.

    somehow the force is bound up with your emotional balance, right? they constantly reference how anger fear and hatred are this and serenity and peace and... compassion are something else.

    but they are the same. they arise from the same source. the destructive and the constructive are part of the same. if you look at the asian pantheon, for example krshna is a symbol for the destructive force as well as the constructive. without destroying, we cannot have new. we need to die to be reborn. that's pretty fundamental. that's even christian. in order to build, we must destroy first. it's the natural order of things.

    i don't know how that relates to reylo honestly, but i feel that it needs to be addressed for the balance to be achieved. it's not inherently stable, everything is in flux. forever.

    edit. sorry i'm totally wrong. i thinki'm talking about the distinction between vishnu and shiva. my apologies. i don't know how i confused krshna with all this. eastern philosophy isn't really my subject. let me read up a little.

    i stole this off wikipedia

    i think rey is vishnu in this scenario.. i don't want to overextent into editing time...and i'm not finding any real good quotes. even the wiki stuff above is pretty confusing to me.
    Force22, panki, Valency Jane and 3 others like this.
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