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ST The Romantic Future of Kylo Ren and Rey

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Sunbloom, Dec 19, 2015.

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  1. BladenSoul3003

    BladenSoul3003 Jedi Knight star 2

    Jan 30, 2016
    Yep, It was unfair for Luke. Even Vader couldn't be with his wife. It's time for Ben to finish what Skywalker started and get "the girl" [​IMG]
    panki, Varouneire, Speksy and 7 others like this.
  2. vaderito

    vaderito Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 5, 2016
    Speksy, Pattita_Kae, Zeralyos and 2 others like this.
  3. gizka

    gizka Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 29, 2016

    Lol, I was thinking of the EU again. Seriously need to stop doing that. If Kylo and Rey aren't reimagined Jacen and Jaina, I'd say the potential sorta reminds me of all the melodramatic EU couples/flirtations. In retrospect, so many of the EU hinted/definite pairings have dark moments/aspects to them. There's Jaina Solo throwing Jagged Fel into a tree at one point because she's understandably in emotional turmoil, Tahiri Veila tries to seduce a very young Ben Skywalker and might have had an apprentice-with-benefits thing with Darth Caedus, Kyp Durron being a possible romantic interest for Jaina even though he blew up planets and tricked her into killing people, Ben and Vestara being just a mess...

    I could imagine Rey and Kylo becoming a pairing if they had been in the EU books. In the movies, would Disney and LF dare? I had a teen stage where I read a lot of trashy fantasy/sci-fi fiction with very questionable romances and I think I turned out fine, but understandably, people want to promote and steer the younger audience towards relationships that are healthy from start to finish.
    darth_frared likes this.
  4. vaderito

    vaderito Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 5, 2016
    Apprentice-with-benefits must happen! LMAO! Love it. They should totally start like that and then fall in love. gizka

    They get rid of virginity first. Then add emotional attachment to the mix. While all the same they Force Bond when they fornicate, when they not, etc.
    Speksy, Pattita_Kae, Arcanah and 2 others like this.
  5. FrolickingFizzgig

    FrolickingFizzgig Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 1, 2016
    Honestly, the general public couldn't care less about promoting "healthy relationships" in fiction, not even in children's fantasy. We don't go to Star Wars or any other larger-than-life story for the mundane. We have different expectations for different genres of entertainment, and most people are capable of separating fantasy from reality. And regardless of all intentions to promote "healthy relationships from finish to start," that clearly isn't what the general populace loves to experience when it comes to fiction. Featuring an "unhealthy relationship" didn't stop the Twilight franchise from selling over 100 million copies worldwide, and that was a children's/YA series.

    The whole "pushing healthy relationships from start to finish" thing is a totally bogus argument in my opinion. The fact is most people just don't care. They take what they want from entertainment they choose to immerse themselves in because at the end of the day entertainment is meant to do just that. Entertain.
    panki, Speksy, Pattita_Kae and 7 others like this.
  6. vaderito

    vaderito Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 5, 2016

    Hear, hear! Advocates of mundane "healthy" (highly debatable if they really are) ships are using general public argument even though general public proved time and time again that they like their fruit forbidden just like your average Fiction Kink-friendly Tumblrina. It's perfectly natural because that's why humans invented fiction. To escape from mundane.
  7. FrolickingFizzgig

    FrolickingFizzgig Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 1, 2016
    99.99999999999999999% of people like their fantasy to be fantastical. And they want it to stay that way.
    panki, Speksy, Pattita_Kae and 5 others like this.
  8. Dark_Disciple

    Dark_Disciple Jedi Master star 3

    Aug 28, 2005
    This concept of Force bond sex sure is becoming a fun Big Bang theory :D
    panki, Darth Dementor, Speksy and 3 others like this.
  9. Mana

    Mana Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 28, 2015
    hahaha, I was just thinking about Rapunzel tying Flynn to a chair with her hair and then beating him over the head with her saucepan multiple times...its all just good fun folks...
    panki, MissG, Speksy and 7 others like this.
  10. gizka

    gizka Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 29, 2016

    Lol, well, the apprentice-with-benefits relationship explicitly didn't involve love. It was so messed up. Tahiri was in love with Caedus's dead younger brother, and Caedus had her hooked like a druggie on these Force visions of the past. You later find out Tahiri might have had a purely physical thing with Caedus, even though he supposedly went to the Dark Side for his baby mama/kid. Now that was truly a space soap opera.

    Hmm, I both agree and disagree with the general public not caring about pushing healthy relationships. Books like Twilight are directed most primarily at an adolescent audience. Isn't SW supposed to be more for families and a broader-reaching audience? My perception of American society and how a company like Disney functions is that the filmmakers will be acutely aware of how they might be criticized for turning the Kylo and Rey antagonism into anything romantic, especially after the rounds of TFA reviews and that merchandise controversy. Of course, at the end of the day, SW will sell and make money regardless so we shall see!
  11. FrolickingFizzgig

    FrolickingFizzgig Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 1, 2016
    Exactly. Human beings love entertainment because we can escape our realities, experience something new, something fantastical. That's what Star Wars has always been about. If Rey and Ren's connection does transform into a compelling love story over the course this trilogy, the same "general public" the antis keep prattling on and on about will eat it right up and beg LucasFilm for more.
    panki, Speksy, Pattita_Kae and 5 others like this.
  12. moonjump05

    moonjump05 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 14, 2013
    Don't get me wrong, if others want to head on over cool. But honestly, I tend to stay away from threads where either I have been met with hostility/have little interest in or have nothing really to contribute(especially since so many people are really really attached to Finn for out of universe reasons- I have no desire to go in and rain on their parade). And to varying degrees all three conditions have been met. It's the same reason I don't talk about Kanan/Maul/Nightsisters in the TV forum or with the Daisy Ridley thread or the Rey's parentage threads either.

    Rey and Kylo were really the highlights of TFA for me- I complained about the rest of the movie quite a bit right after it came out- and were a complete surprise since I was not expecting what I saw on screen at all. And even now my interest has only grown, plus if some of the theories we have been discussing here turn out to be true it may bump up TFA in my Star Wars movie rankings(it is sitting somewhere around ESB>ROTS>ANH/TFA/ROTJ/AOTC>TPM)
    panki, Force22, Speksy and 7 others like this.
  13. Mana

    Mana Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 28, 2015
    If they can pull that off, it would be one can deny that, surely. In fact everyone I've spoken to about it are pretty fascinated by the idea, provided its done right...the only people who keep harping on about how bad it would be are other shippers who feel the need to defend their own ships, that's the honest truth...
    panki, Speksy, Pattita_Kae and 8 others like this.
  14. FrolickingFizzgig

    FrolickingFizzgig Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 1, 2016
    Based on a lot of the scenes between Rey and Ren in The Force Awakens, I get the feeling our writers don't care one bit about that. Controversy has already been sparked. These writers have a story to tell. No amount of whining from a very small minority will change anything, and I love that.
    panki, Speksy, Pattita_Kae and 7 others like this.
  15. creepi0

    creepi0 Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 28, 2016
    i dont live in US but isnt "where's rey" toy controversy come from disney holding back the toy because it contain spoiler of the movie (she holding lightsaber and rey new uniform ). rey toys does sell fast that why it always run of stock at local store(from what i heard in reddit). i actually saw alot of complaint "where's rey" in reddit back then but alot of reply give link that rey toy still avaible in amazon ppl just lazy to search it.

    i dont know exact situation there so i could be wrong
    Pattita_Kae, Valency Jane and Mana like this.
  16. BladenSoul3003

    BladenSoul3003 Jedi Knight star 2

    Jan 30, 2016

    All these same-old-meh-arguments and lame excuses....again and again. While general audiences, moviegoers, real parents and children don't give a crap "what Kylo did", "what Kylo will do", "who is the best BF for Rey", they just want to be entertained.

    It felt like these haters wanted to force people watching "House of Cards" or A Boring Court with them instead of Sci-fi Adventure/ Space Opera. [face_rofl][face_rofl][face_rofl]
    panki, Force22, Speksy and 6 others like this.
  17. FrolickingFizzgig

    FrolickingFizzgig Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 1, 2016
    I think Buffy the Vampire Slayer provided great evidence for why the "mundane" doesn't go hand-in-hand with larger-than-life stories. Buffy had three love-interests over the course of the story, two of whom people actually remember. The third was — for all intents and purposes — her most "healthy" relationship, yet the audience didn't care one bit about him. Nobody remembers Buffy and says "Wow, Riley was an amazing character. I wish she had stayed with him." The writers tried so hard to incorporate him into the Scooby Gang, but they ultimately failed because the character just didn't have the potential of either Angel or Spike. Eventually Buffy's second love-interest overstayed his welcome and was written off the show, and people welcomed it. I know I did. They turned instead toward a fan-favourite character and created one of the most rich romantic dynamics ever established in TV. Spike and Buffy are, do this day, hailed as two of the most amazing characters in TV history. They went from enemies to reluctant friends to spiteful lovers to two people who could count on each other for anything, whose respect and adoration for each other surpassed romantic love and sexual attraction.
    panki, Speksy, ksb36 and 10 others like this.
  18. vaderito

    vaderito Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 5, 2016

    That right there is Reylo trajectory in VII-XII. It's totally doable. All they have to do is drop cousins crap and keep Ben alive and preferably in 1 piece, Tyrion Lannister scar notwithstanding.
  19. Beardwalker

    Beardwalker Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 5, 2016
    I know it's off-topic but have you seen House of Cards? It is far from mundane.
  20. Saracene

    Saracene Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 10, 2016
    The whole idea of fanfiction used to give me the creeps. I actually wrote some fanfiction for my favourite RPG series ages ago, but because the characters in those games were ciphers at most I didn't feel like I was taking and using them for my own purposes. But the thought of fanfiction about Buffy, Harry Potter etc. made me go eewww. Then a few years ago I fell in love with a pairing (Erik and Charles from X-Men First Class) and got sucked into fanfiction big time. It was a total slippery slope, at first I was like, I'm only reading fics that are film-related. Then I was reading AUs of every single kind with characters reimagined as robots, crabs and teacups :)

    The character dynamic between Rey and Ren is by far the most exciting I've seen in movies since then. It doesn't make me want to hit fanfiction yet - I think I want the nature of their relationship clarified first - but at least I can totally see how fanfiction can push people's buttons.
    panki, Speksy, Pattita_Kae and 4 others like this.
  21. FrolickingFizzgig

    FrolickingFizzgig Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 1, 2016
    Well, no, it's not the Reylo trajectory. Not really. We aren't getting "spiteful lovers" thrown in there. Absolutely no way. Star Wars is for all ages. We're getting metaphor and nothing else. I wasn't actually comparing Buffy and Spike to Rey and Ren, just making an observation about the general public's view of "healthy relationships" in larger-than-life fantasy settings like Star Wars. Romance like that isn't what draws us to fantasy.
  22. Darth Dementor

    Darth Dementor Jedi Master star 2

    Dec 19, 2015
    FO shizzle! Whether fans are for it or against it, Reylo draws attenion in. Imagine how much more people will be talking about the new movies if more concrete evidence is revealed in them...let alone happens?
    panki, Force22, Speksy and 7 others like this.
  23. rowan_greenleaf

    rowan_greenleaf Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 31, 2015
    Arcanah, your post is not directed at me but I thought I'd add my perspective. I started writing Harry Potter fanfiction at the age of 15. We were between books, and I had such a profound love of this universe Rowling created that her characters now inhabited my world. They are in my head because I took her work and internalized it, it's part of me now -- that's how much it has meant to me. More than 10 years later, I do write original stuff but I'm still writing HP fanfiction. I do it because I love the series and I love the characters, and I want more, so much more, than I could possibly get from the books themselves. My HP ships are...unusual, let's say that. I think that my borrowing Rowling's characters and taking them on new adventures is not only harmless, but also the ultimate tribute to her and to her work.

    I love Star Wars with a similar intensity, but more as core concepts/way of life than as a universe I would like to inhabit, or one that inhabits me, if that makes sense. I think that's why I haven't written SW fanfiction. As for Reylo fanfiction, I tried to get into reading it for a bit but the preponderance of problematic Kylo Ren characterizations is a deal breaker for me. I'd love to see some of the people in this thread write Reylo, since their grasp on the characters is so impressive.

    Maybe one day I myself will try my hand at writing Reylo, but I can only seem to write for one fandom at a time. There's only so much room in my head for fictional characters to inhabit, lol.
    panki, Force22, Speksy and 7 others like this.
  24. laugh-it-up-fuzzball

    laugh-it-up-fuzzball Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 22, 2016
    Kylo with the Rey-equivalent of a Buffy-bot totally has to happen.
  25. Mana

    Mana Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 28, 2015
    I used to cringe at Dumbledore/Mcgonagall fan fiction, I felt like people totally missed the point of those characters by pairing them together, think about it, a relationship between Dumbledore and Mcgonagall would never have worked out. But then I thought if this is what people like then why not? and there were some very imaginative, well written fics out there..its a guilt free pleasure for people....
    panki, Arcanah and Zeralyos like this.
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