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ST Andy Serkis (Supreme Leader Snoke) in Episode VII

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Kuestmaster, May 2, 2014.

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  1. ObiWanKnowsMe

    ObiWanKnowsMe Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 7, 2015
    he came off as a Sith Lord to me like Palpatine. His face seems to be corrupted by the dark-side and he just has that Sith vibe. I'm very interested to learn more about his backstory and I'm expecting a lot of questions to be answered in Episode 8. That's why I think my hype level for Episode 8 is as high as it can possibly get:p:D Wish December 2017 would come a little faster
  2. JabbatheHumanBeing

    JabbatheHumanBeing Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Jul 14, 2015
    It's actually a very cool design.
  3. redlightning

    redlightning Jedi Knight star 4

    Feb 1, 2014
    He looks as if he were burned and scarred by something like an explosion. Perhaps he is a survivor of the Death Star destruction and seeks revenge in this way.
    darklordoftech likes this.
  4. Kylo Watt

    Kylo Watt Jedi Youngling

    Mar 16, 2016
    As you know, Snoke is apparently someone who is an adept in the dark side, but I think that he used to be in the light side and survived Order 66. His apprentice may be a young jedi that could have been killed and he became fueled with hatred not for the Sith, but the clones and that is why he did not support the idea of a clone army. His scars may be the result of injuries from Order 66. He suddenly became impressed with the Sith and their rise to power. The Jedi then became fascinated with the ideals of the Sith that he decided to follow their teachings by going to Old Sith temples in secret and hiding in certain planets.
    It is also plausible for him to join the Empire and secretly stalk the Sith as a royal guard and learn from the Emperor himself. He may be a loyal royal guard and which is why he blamed Vader for the defeat of the Empire. He may have survived the Death Star and returned as Supreme Leader and the scars are from the explosion. But how... I dunno.​

    Poor Greedo and Kaichov like this.
  5. StoneRiver

    StoneRiver Force Ghost star 4

    Oct 6, 2004
    2 threads? :eek:

    Hehe - Welcome to the boards fella.

    I'm not sure what Snoke is. I used to think he is a Sith (just we don't know yet)... but now I'm starting to believe he is not. Just a practitioner of the darkside. Not a dark Jedi. Not a Sith. Not a Knight of Ren. I can totally believe TPTB will go that route.
  6. Kylo Watt

    Kylo Watt Jedi Youngling

    Mar 16, 2016
    I made a mistake first thread was on the wg\rong filter I just hope it gets taken down immediately.
  7. StoneRiver

    StoneRiver Force Ghost star 4

    Oct 6, 2004
    I saw that afterwards, so I edited my post [face_peace]
  8. panta1978

    panta1978 Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 20, 2016
    I think that what Star Wars needs is fresh ideas. Not only new heroes and villains (such as Snoke, Rey, Pau, etc... already introduced in Ep7) but also new classes of characters. In a nutshell, SW should dare deviate from the beaten path starting from Episode 8. And that's the reason why I hope Snoke is something different. A force user indeed, but of a new kind with new peculiarities.
  9. Kaichov

    Kaichov Jedi Youngling

    Mar 15, 2016
    I honestly think that he could be a wielder of both sides yet favoring the dark over the other.
    Darth Caliban likes this.
  10. Ubraniff Zalkaz

    Ubraniff Zalkaz Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 26, 2014
    I think Snoke is a former Sith.
  11. obi-arin-kenobi

    obi-arin-kenobi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 10, 2005
    I think it's possible that the image of Snoke is just an image conjured up by the real character.
  12. EHT

    EHT Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 13, 2007
    Thread merge
  13. LordDlow

    LordDlow Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 26, 2013
    I went into the movie assuming I'd Love Snoke and hate Kylo.
    The idea of Adam Diver as the NEW Vader bothered the hell out of me.
    That being said, on seeing the Film I totally flipped. Kylo, good character, well acted, you can see the combination of Anakin and Luke in one really F'ed up guy!
    Snoke- Came off as kind of Saturday Morning Cartoon Villian, with the ridiculously BIG Hologram and no clear goal in sight (be back NEXT Saturday!)
    The design kind of sucks, too Quasimodo, they should have gone more Alien, more WTF is this guy!??
    I'm not getting into the Who he is debate, but can we atleast agree the Name is fake.
    I can't take Snoke seriously, it doesn't even seem like it fits the guy!
    I do however love the fact that we'll see an actual Dark Sider Training hopefully in the Next film,
    The flip side of Yoda/Luke in ESB has a lot of potential!!
  14. Darth Geezy

    Darth Geezy Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 29, 2016
    Sorry, but every time I see that scar on his head, I can't help but think that that was a mortal wound (at some point).
    Poor Greedo likes this.
  15. andy mcqueen

    andy mcqueen Jedi Youngling

    Mar 30, 2016
    i have been reading pretty much everything since i watched the film.
    i thinkits either gunna be Lord Cronal (IMO more likely) or Darth Krayt (but he was a tusked and had different coloured eyes)
    i am pretty much certain it aint plaegious and i am 100% certain it aint palpatine

    it cannot be lord vader as he is dead, there is a clone of lord vader, but he is made by Kylo after the events in episode VII, therefore it cannot be vader or a clone of vader

    one other thing i am reluctant to entertain but may be worth looking into is if he is Darth Bane, or a re-embodied version of him, he is still alive in the Canon

    i think the evidence to support he is cronal is quite strong
    1) starkiller base "sucks up" stars like a "blackhole"

    shadowtroopers are now again Canon (shadowsapwn was another name for cronal)
    "he is a new character" - andy Serkis
    Lord cronal has not appeared in any film / game/ and only in a few comics
    he was the emporers right hand man, a strong military strategist but an even stronger "silent dark force user"
    silent as in he was always around, but nobody ever knew he was there

    i also think, if you read his demise, that it would make sense as to why luke ran away. he killed cronal twice (second time using a mechanical arm to crush his head resulting in disformation / scarring?) and it says he could bring himself back to life, no mention of those shady midichlorians in his method.

    he also is a frail weak human, similar physical traits, always appeared in hologramatic form to his others, hides in an asteroid base and was the leading force beghind Jerec and the 7 dark jedi (knights of the ren anyone?)

    He did not believe in "the rule of 2" which doesn't appear to be present in the new movie since so far only Snoke is known and kylo is by all means not a "Lord of the dark force"
  16. temtam

    temtam Jedi Knight star 2

    Feb 27, 2016
    Anyone else see Snoke's body in the Blu-ray feature?


    Now I can see how he seduced Kylo...............................with those rock hard abs.

    He also might have a slight case of scoliosis considering his torso is bent ALMOST 90 DEGREES.
  17. The Legions of Lettow

    The Legions of Lettow Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 14, 2015
    Nice abs! But Ren in SNL claims to have an 8-pack.
  18. Satipo

    Satipo Force Ghost star 7

    Mar 29, 2014
    I agree. I think the shadows and hologram effect actually get in the way of seeing how cool a design it is.
  19. darklordoftech

    darklordoftech Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    The concept art shows it best imho.
    thejeditraitor likes this.
  20. JabbatheHumanBeing

    JabbatheHumanBeing Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Jul 14, 2015
    There's a documentary about Marlon Brando that uses this wonderfully unsettling floating head effect which I wish they'd done for Snoke. Here is is:
    thejeditraitor likes this.
  21. Satipo

    Satipo Force Ghost star 7

    Mar 29, 2014
    That would have been fantastic.
  22. thejeditraitor

    thejeditraitor Chosen One star 6

    Aug 19, 2003
    The Mystery of Supreme Leader Snoke

  23. lawton

    lawton Jedi Master star 4

    May 12, 2015
    That deleted tunnel standoff scene would almost lead you to believe that Snoke was someone that Han Solo didn't consider powerful at one time possibly. He jokingly refers to him as "Smoke" and asks "What makes him Supreme". Maybe that would just be from Snoke hiding his power from people but it is another thing that may point to him having lots of dealings with the Rebellion after ROTJ disguising his true intentions.
  24. lawton

    lawton Jedi Master star 4

    May 12, 2015

    Interesting early concept of Snoke. Kind of glad they didn't use this. Another one had him a little more human looking but with reptilian looking eyes.

    I noticed watching the DVD that you get a good shot of the back of Snoke's head and his neck area and it pretty much 100% confirms he is not a decayed human. The back view of his neck almost gives off an E.T. look to it. lol
  25. nonesuch

    nonesuch Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 18, 2015
    I have just watched most of the special features on the TFA blu-ray, and while they’re mostly fluff best summarised by gifs I did notice something very intriguing that I haven’t seen anyone else pick up on.

    It basically comes in a behind-the-scenes moment that shows Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher filming their key scene together on the Resistance Base. In character, they have the following exchange:

    While the documentary overall is very carefully designed to let nothing slip, this line is rather fascinating because it is - to the best of my knowledge - unique. It is not featured in any of the many tie-in novelisations, though it was clearly in the script and filmed.

    I think there are two possibilities as to who they could be talking about: Ben Solo and Snoke. And while Ben might seem like the obvious choice, I find it more likely that the exchange is actually about Snoke.

    It is subtlety implied elsewhere that Snoke knew Leia personally (he refers to her by her first name in the junior novelisation, for example), perhaps through their political connections, and I can see a scenario where he earned her trust and used their professional relationship to target the young Ben Solo. If my suspicion is correct, Han will have been the person looking at Snoke and finding him suspicious and unsettling. Thus, he sensed that something was off about him but couldn't pinpoint what.

    That is what makes the most sense to me. What do you think about the exchange? As far as I’m concerned, it’s probably the most intriguing thing in the entire documentary (mostly because it’s largely PR and fluff, but still) because it has actual implications for the mystery of who.what Snoke is and how he wormed his way into Ben Solo's life.
    Starkeiller likes this.
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